Slipstream December 2020
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6 | Maverick Club Racing: Returns to Eagles Canyon Raceway
9 | Mavs & Mochas Recap: National Breast Cancer Foundation
12 | Maverick Photography Contest: Round 1
13 | The Modeling Gig
14 | 6th Annual Halloween Porsche Gimmick Rally
17 | Autocross Series: Event 9, Lone Star Park
19 | Maverick Marktpreis: Top 10 Appreciating Porsches
20 | Coffee, Cars & Conversation: Chris Fernandes
25 | A Draining Experience: Tech Session at Porsche Grapevine
26 | Covid Relief Tour Recap
29 | Autobahn Porsche
22 | Mavs & Mochas
22 | Motoring Mavs at Mayo
More screens than a Best Buy, faster too.
photo by Michael Durovick
2 | Board Botschaft (Executive Board Member Column)
2 | Maverick of the Month
4 | List of Officers and Board Chairs
4 | Zone 5 Presidents
11 | New Mavericks
31 | Maverick Trivia
34 | Advertiser Index
34 | Anniversaries
36 | Oversteer (Editor’s Column)
See more details and check for event updates via the QR code
here or our online calendar at
Mavs & Mochas: Nordstrom Northpark Center.............................(Sat) 5
Mavs Toy Drive: Plano Police Department....................................(Sat) 5
People’s Choice Car Show: Porsche Grapevine.............................(Sat) 5
Founder’s Day Family Affair: Porsche Grapevine..........................(Sat) 5
Motoring Mavs at Mayo............................................................ (Sat) 19
Garages and Gearheads Having Coffee........................................(Sat) 2
Mav Virtual Board Meeting....................................................... (Wed) 6
Mavs & Mochas: Texas Harley Davidson.......................................(Sat) 9
Motoring Mavs at Mayo............................................................ (Sat) 16
Maverick Happy Hour TBD...................................................... (Thur) 21
On the Cover
Wendy and James let their Taycan Turbo S out
to play with photographer Michael Durovick.
Photograph by Michael Durovick
Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region, Porsche Club of America, 6044 Wessex S
N Richland Hills, TX 76180-1628. Subscription price is $24.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Fort Worth, TX.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Hiram Saunders, Slipstream, 6044 Wessex S N Richland Hills, TX 76180-1628.
Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be
printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/
artist and Slipstream are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas.
Board Botschaft: Third Coast 2020
by Chris Flaugh, Region Treasurer
What the heck is Third Coast? That’s exactly what I
wondered when I first heard about this annual gathering
of Porsche 928 owners. There are 928 gatherings on the
East Coast and West Coast, so why not have another one
somewhere in between? And, since this event is hosted
by north Texas-based 928 parts supplier 928sRus, it
made sense for it to be in Texas. This year was the 20th
anniversary of Third Coast.
As in previous years, the November 6-8, 2020 event was
held in Marble Falls, Texas. About 200 miles from the DFW
area, attendees also came from as far away as South Dakota
and Indiana. While not everyone drove their 928 to the
event, there were over 20 928s in attendance, representing
a wide range of years, colors and conditions……quite a
sight to see all these sharks in the hotel parking lot. Social
distancing protocols and masks were the rule for the
weekend, along with smaller group sizes when dining at
local restaurants.
On Saturday, attendees had a couple of road trip options
to exercise their 928s, including COTA to watch some
vintage racing,
and/or some
local wineries
and distilleries.
Followed by
the traditional
Saturday night
gathering in
the parking lot
amongst the
adult beverages
and cigars
may have been
enjoyed outdoors, in a socially distant manner, of course.
I made the 500 mile round trip in my 1980 928, with no
Paul Moseley
mishaps, other than a failed muffler which dropped to the
ground after I parked the car in the garage at home. Did I
mention that this car still has its built-in BEL radar detector
that the original owner had installed in 1983? It still lights up,
but I’m not sure how effective it is….a newer Escort Passport
was also plugged in for backup. Thanks to 928sRus for
hosting this event. If you own a 928, you probably already
know 928sRus and Roger Tyson. If you don’t, you should.
Additional sponsors of this event included current Slipstream
advertiser OCD’tailers. It was a great weekend for 928
driving, responsibly connecting with old friends, and meeting
some new ones. Until next year……stay safe out there!
Paul has been with PCA a little over eight years, and brings a talent to our club from his flashy
career as a professional photographer. Over the years Paul has captured some really great moments
thought the lens of his camera. Paul’s experience with taking photos at live action sporting events such
as NASCAR has made it a great asset to have him attend our HPDE Track Days with camera in hand.
Paul understands the beauty of a Porsche, and seeing him snap photos as the cars pass with each
lap makes them all look like checkered flag champions. We have all seen someone at just about every
one of our events with a camera or smartphone snapping pictures of all of our wonderful cars and the
people. Paul is no different; in fact he enjoys sharing his knowledge and technique when it comes to
getting the perfect shot.
Each month here in Slipstream, the photos used come from us, the club members. Many of the great
photos are spotted on our social media sites. Recently we decided, as a club, how great it would be if we
could share all of these great photos in one place, rather than having them scattered around the internet. Paul has stepped into a new
role with the club as our Photography Chair. You may have seen some of his great photo contest ideas he has posted on our social
sites, and he is working hard behind the scenes to come up with a digital way for us all to share our photos. Having them in one
place makes it a snap when we need a photo for an event poster or to go along with an article. Paul is helping us get the exposure
we need by keeping our club Fueled By Volunteers. Please join me in congratulating Paul as our Maverick of the Month.
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2 December
2020 Maverick Region Board - Officers and Chairs
William Kruder
Vice President
Carey Spreen
Interim Secretary
Olga Taylor
Chris Flaugh
Autocross Chair
Mark Schnoerr
Charity Chair
Jimmy Gallegos
Club Race Co-Chair
David Hodges
Club Race Co-Chair
David McBee
Coffee Meets Co-Chair
Derrick Tate
Coffee Meets Co-Chair
Matt Wilson
Concours Chair
Scott Kellogg
DE Co-Chair
Keith Olcha
DE Co-Chair
Renee Hayden
DE Chief Driving Coach
Craig Janssen
DE Medical Chair
Dr. Jeffery Komenda
Merchandise Chair
Peter Wen
Region Historian
Carey Spreen
Marketing, Social
Media Chair
Kendall Awtry
Marketing, Web Chair
Membership Chairs
Beckie & Tom Gomer
Monthly Social Chair
Claudia & Jeff Reynolds
PCA Tours Co-Chair
Sam Bryant
PCA Tours Co-Chair
Ted Martin
PCA Junior Ambassador
Brady Stogner
Photography Chair
Paul Moseley
Rally Chairs
Ginger & Tom Heuerman
Registrar, Club Race
Wendy Shoffit
Safety Co-Chair
Nikolaus Klemmer
Slipstream Advertising
Mike Mahoney
Slipstream Content Editor
Carey Spreen
Slipstream Editor
Kurt Scaggs
Slipstream Event Ad Design
Slipstream Mailing
Andy Mears
Special Events Chair
Debi Kruder
Tech Sessions Co-Chair
Michael Baynton
Tech Sessions Co-Chair
Mike O’Hare
Tub Club President
George Maffey
Trivia Chair
Jerry DeFeo
Volunteers Chair
Landon Stogner
COVID Communications Chair
Wendy Shoffit
Link to
Ken Chandler,
2020 PCA Zone 5 Presidents and Zone Representative
Tuffy von Briesen
Phil Daigrepont
Brian Swope;
Chris Hines
Bryan Kerrick
Doug Carroll
Dennis Halmai
William Kruder
John Showalter
Robert Handy
not listed
Leonard Zechiedrich
Chuck Bush
(703) 577-0562
4 December
Maverick Club Racing: Returns to Eagles Canyon Raceway
by David Hodges and David McBee (Region Club Race Co-Chairs)
photos provided by John Sandusky
Eagles Canyon Raceway was the site for our 2020
Maverick Region PCA Club Race. The weekend of October
17-18 had over 100 PCA club racers and HPDE drivers
attacking the 15 turns of the fabulously refurbished ECR
2.7-mile racetrack.
There were a few races within the race, as we hosted
the 944 Texas Shoot Out Championship, the Spec Boxster
(SPB) Eagles Canyon Cup, and 944 Eagles Canyon Cup.
The first Eagles Canyon Cup Trophy winner in SPB was
Livio Galanti.
Many thanks to our sponsors:
Porsche Plano
Aubrey HealthMart Pharmacy
Life Time Roofing of America
Fifth Gear Automotive
McBee & Co, CPAs
Heptig Law Group
RAC Performance
Corsa Works
LSA Burger
Buda Juice
We could not have hosted the
race without their support.
with Mitchell finishing second, José third, and Pat fourth.
That is Club Racing at its best! Well done guys!
Mitchell won both the 944 Texas Shootout
Championship and the 944 Eagles Canyon Cup trophy.
We would also like to thank all the volunteers: working on
grid, in the pace cars, helping with hospitality, registration,
and at tech. A big thank you also goes to Wendy Shoffit
for running registration for the 20th year. WOW! Thank
you, times 20. Cliff Blackshear did not attend the event due
to the COVID-19 concern, but this would have been his
20th year working our Club
Race. Again, thank you
times 20, and hope we see
you at ECR next year. We
could not host these events
without the hard work of
our volunteers.
COVID-19 delayed
much of the 2020 PCA Club
Race schedule and caused
us to reduce the fun social
gatherings of a traditional
Club Race weekend.
Hopefully, we will make up
for this by hosting an epic
Saturday evening party at
ECR in 2021!
Please save the days of
October 16-17, 2021, for
next year’s Maverick Region
PCA Club Race at ECR.
Words just cannot
describe a Club Race
weekend, which to me
is about the beauty of
the cars, attacking each
corner on track during
a race, and hanging out
with great friends in the
paddock. We will let the
pictures tell the stories.
If you have any
suggestions about how to
improve the 2021 Club
Race, please shoot us an
email at
Top of the page: Superfast John Gladwill, giving a cow a ride. Winners from the top left: David McBee and David
Hodges present Livio Galanti with the First Annual Eagles Canyon Cup Trophy in SPB. Left bottom: Daniel and
John Shofner, father and son SPB podium winners! Right: Jason Hall, GTC6 podium and overall winner in Sprints
1, 2, and the Super Sprint along with David and David.
David McBee risking his best hat as our splitter
One great story about the camaraderie of Porsche
Club racing shines through in the 944 class during
Sprint 2. Pat Heptig had a few mechanical issues in
Sprint 1, but the 944 gang sourced parts and Steve
Coomes wrenched on the car until the last minute
before the start of Sprint 2. Since Pat DNF’d Sprint
1, he was starting last in class. José Ayala and
Mitchell Butaud both also chose to go to the back
of the class to race against Pat. Jeff Wiggins took the
win, but the backmarkers worked through the field,
6 December
Mavs & Mochas Recap: National Breast Cancer Foundation
by Joann Talty
photos provided by Arjay Cando and Michael Durovick
More than 50 women entering their journey with
breast cancer will receive hope and encouragement in a
gift box thanks to so many Mavericks coming together
with the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF).
Charity Chair Jimmy Gallegos, Phyllis Gallegos, and
Julia Cleath worked with NBCF founder Janelle Hail
and her son Kevin Hail, COO, to put on the wellattended
Mavs & Mochas on October 11 in Frisco.
The event featured Eric Flattery with a truck
from Honeylu’s Coffee, Cinnaholic cinnamon rolls
from Melissa Black, live music by Eleise Trenda, and
giveaways from the NBCF and their staff. Attendance
topped 110 people, including ten of our masked Lady
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Top: (left to right) Janelle and son Kevin Hail receiving a check from
Maverick PCA presented by Jimmy and Phyllis Gallegos and Julia Cleath
Middle: D3 had his ride stall ... something tells me he and dad (Derrick
Tate, Coffee Meets Chair) know a quick fix! Lady volunteers pose for a pic.
Mavs who donned blue latex gloves to fill boxes with
tumblers, cozy socks, relaxing tea, lip balm, tissues,
eye makeup, and journals. Before closing each box,
our volunteers slipped hand-written note cards with
encouraging messages inside.
The Maverick Region donated a total of $4,635 to
the NBCF – $3,000 from T-shirt sales, member cash
donations of $1,135, and $500 from the club.
8 December
Welcome Our New Mavericks!
by Becky and Tom Gomer, Region Membership Chairs
New Members October 2020
Scott Baird Flower Mound 2019 718 Boxster GTS
Bryan Black (Kelly) Mansfield 2020 Panamera 4
Stephen Butterworth Euless 2018 Macan S
Andres Calvo Plano 2019 911 Carrera T
Kevin Dicken Dallas 2020 Taycan 4S
Asier Espel Dallas 2013 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet
Christopher Foskey Keller 2012 Cayenne
William Hayes Dallas 2016 911 GT3 RS
Todd Hilts Prosper 2019 911 Carrera T
Courtney Kirsch Rockwall 2016 Cayman
(Hoai Khanh Nguyen)
Jackie Knittle The Colony 2018 Macan
Tom Krieger Dallas 2018 Macan
Evan Mar (Bryan) Murphy 2020 Macan S
Michael McHorse Dallas 2016 Boxster Spyder
Lynn Murray Southlake 2018 Panamera 4
Ron Naiser Granbury 2006 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet
Kenneth Reimer Dallas 2016 Cayman GT4
Alan Reza Euless 1999 911 Carrera
Ryan Scheid Stephenville 2002 Boxster S
Owen Stewart Plano 1999 911 Carrera Cabriolet
Peter Stricker Dallas 1987 911 Carrera
Jamauh Winston Fort Worth 2006 911 Carrera S Cabriolet
Transfers In
Andres Calvo Plano 2019 911 Carrera T
Transfer From: Llano Estacado (LLE)
Kevin & Nancy Eshbaugh Prosper 2008 Cayman S
Transfer From: Oregon (OR)
Please give a Maverick Welcome to these new members when you meet them
If you have any changes that
you would like to make to the
MRPCA membership guide, contact Tom or
Becky at
Member Moment: Jon Drake
I was destined to own a Porsche when my first car
purchased in high school was a 1973 VW Beetle –
essentially a 1969 Porsche 912 with a different body
and smaller engine with a two-barrel carburetor.
In my early years, I owned numerous sports cars,
preferring DE events to really push the limits. It
seemed I was always comparing my times and
performance to Porsches on track. When my cars
would run hot, or their brakes would fade, the
Porsches kept on going and going.
I finally had enough, sold my Corvette C6 Z06, and
bought the Guards Red 2004 GT3. It took about 10
seconds in the driver’s seat to realize I had finally
reached heaven, and I have never looked back. The
GT3, essentially stock, does everything I tried to do
in all my other cars through countless modifications.
It is so reliable that I can run it hard at the track and
then drive home afterward. I love the fact that it is
THE last Porsche model with zero electronic driver
assists, save for anti-lock brakes. I love to actually
drive the car, be better than other drivers with my
heel-toe shifting, and feel on the edge of control
through my seat, controlling everything through
steering, throttle, and brake.
I was perfectly happy with just one Porsche until I
found myself following a wide-body 993 Carrera
4S on a road trip to Eureka Springs. Even my wife
commented on how aggressive and good that
wide-body looked. By the end of the trip I was so
obsessed with the look that I was determined to find
a perfect representation of that particular model.
After a year of looking at 964 Carrera 4s and 993
wide-bodies, I finally found THE ONE. It is a 1998
Carrera S, all of which are wide-bodies. It is THE VERY
LAST run of the air-cooled era. I was particularly
excited as I viewed it as having book-end models:
the last air-cooled 993 and the first water-cooled
996 GT3.
The similarities are many. Neither one has electronic
driver assists, save for anti-lock brakes. Both have
yellow calipers, color-coordinat ed seat belts, white
gauges, GT3 sport seats with external-color-painted
seat backs, and GT3 steering wheels. My 993 has the
Turbo II Aero Package, and I converted the bumpers
to Euro-spec by removing those ugly bumperettes.
The GT3 has a nice aggressive rear wing.
The 993 drives totally differently from the GT3. The
handling and feel is more cart-like than the GT3.
It obviously is much slower, but the driver feels
more engaged. The GT3 was a beast of a machine
in its day. I am constantly blown away by how much
had changed from the 993 models to the 996, and
especially the GT3. I can’t begin to describe the thrill
in feel and sound of the Mezger engine revving up
to 7500 rpm before shifting!!! The only things they
have in common are that the engine is in the rear,
and both models have managed to maintain almost
perfect 360-degree visibility in the cockpit. Yet,
while I am driving either one, I am thinking “This
one is my favorite!”
If I buy another, it might be a Type 356 for my
wife, who absolutely loves the Karmann Ghia body
style. Personally, I would tend to lean today to
the new Targa, as that body style has always been
my favorite. Who knows? One thing though: I
simply cannot envision ever getting rid of my two
Maverick Membership Statistics as of November 1
Primary Members: 2179 Affiliate Members: 1059 Total Membership: 3238
10 December
Photography Contest: Round 1
by Paul Moseley, Region Photography Chair
photos provided by Michael Preston
The October 17th Mavs at Mayo Performance gathering “shifted gears” (See how I did that? Clever.), and hosted our
first, and certainly not last, Photography Contest. Our gracious hosts offered a very generous prize to the winner, a Porsche
oil and filter change (a $250.00 value!).
The photographers were to enter a three-photo “portfolio”, a photo inside, a photo outside and a photo of people. The
judges, Chris and Brian Amond (with Mayo Performance), club President Bill Kruder, past Slipstream editor Jim Hirsch and
current editor Kurt Scaggs chose Michael Preston’s entry as the winner.
Mavs judge’s comments.
“I had picked Michael Preston as the clear winner almost right away. The best “people” shot, creative shop angle and nice
solo shot outside. He’s got a keen eye!” - Jim Hirsch
“Every one of the submissions had great pictures but, to me, three (Preston, Durovick and Linenschmidt) did the best job
of capturing the atmosphere of the event and the spirit of the contest.” - Brian Amond
Keep a eye on the Mav Region website and social media postings for more photo contests!
The Modeling Gig
by Mike O’Hare, Region Tech Sessions Co-Chair
I never considered myself anywhere
close to a GQ Model. However, when
I received the call from “my buddy”
asking me if I wanted to partake in a
men’s clothing line catalog photo shoot I
was beyond shocked! Then “my buddy”
explained further: “No Mike, not you! –
your GT3! An agency wants to use your
Porsche as a prop for the models.” My
GT3 . . . a modeling gig – a paid modeling
gig - my car making money for me . . . I
thought, how cool is that. Where do I sign?
Well it was all set; my car was going to
be in the backdrop for J. Hilburn’s men’s
fall fashion catalogue. After signing a
contract and one epic detailing I was on my way to downtown Dallas for the shoot. Upon arrival I was greeted by the
production manager, wardrobe staff, client director, and prop associates who kindly instructed me where to place the car
for the shoot. All the “Hollywood” amenities were available for my use, including an air-conditioned motorhome, hot and
cold beverages, snacks, and first-hand looks at some serious threads. I was amazed at the amount of time and work that
goes into a shoot like this. After six hours of filming, my GT3 was done for the day and ready to return to its boring life of
metropolitan street drives. A special thanks to “my buddy,”played by Michael Baynton.
12 December
6th Annual Halloween Porsche Gimmick Rally
by Mark Danielson
photos provided by Tom Heuerman
It’s rare when a Halloween event
actually falls on All Hallows Eve, but
since anything seems possible in 2020,
this really should have come as no
surprise. Earlier, the full moon raced
Unlike other rallies, Ginger and
Tom Heuerman designed this event to
be one-hundred percent electronic. In
theory, their many hours of preparing
the route and questions this way meant
up to their phone’s voice commands
for instructions. Unfortunately, the
Heuermans didn’t count on devilish
gargoyles sabotaging some phones,
ours being amongst them. Before even
and shortly after getting back on track, we pulled over to
double-check our position. While stopped, a fellow rally
Porsche pulled alongside to check on us. After explaining
our dilemma and that my wife and I had just swapped
phones, they nobly offered to lead the way and we quickly
pulled back on the road right in front of a Sheriff’s patrol
car. Almost immediately after, my wife’s phone gave a voice
command to turn right so we did. Although this move
ditched the cop, it also meant we lost our rally guide. (Second
sigh.) Quickly realizing this voice command erroneously
directed us off the route, we decided to go with Plan C and
switched our phones back, knowing that I would have to
constantly scroll the phone to keep it from going blank.
On a positive note, the cop that had been following us had
pulled someone else over and was now out of the game.
Feeling confident we were back on the correct route, we
began searching for the windmills, cemeteries, street signs,
and other things our ghoulish hosts had selected for us.
Though it seemed odd no other Porsches were sighted, we
still felt confident because we were definitely seeing objects
listed in the rally. Of course, confronting a half-dozen
weekend bicyclists riding line-abreast should be expected
on a two-lane road, but they soon moved into a single file so
we could pass. Soon after, a motorcycle policeman coming
from the opposite direction began waving us to the side to
make way for an oversized load convoy. After complying, he
for Smart
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The Rally had quite the motley crew, from Ginger’s flying squirrel to Adam Tibbits and Patrick Bukowitz as lunch complete with condiments the
event was not dull. Carey Spreen channeled his inner Patrick McGoohan as Number Six from the 60’s show “The Prisoner”. Mark and Lyne Danielson
threatened to take the event over and pillage and plunder, but were eventually talked out of it with a first place treasure.
to drop before the sun rose, and the
brilliant red clouds deemed the sun
the winner, warming the chilly air
with its presence. By 9 am, polished
Porsches began streaming into the
White Settlement Community Center’s
parking lot with costumed drivers and
navigators inside.
14 December
the answers could be instantly tallied,
and they were confident everyone’s
phones would navigate them to the
Red River Station BBQ in Saint Jo
near the Oklahoma border.
The first car headed out shortly
after ten, its driver confident in making
the first left turn. After that, it was all
leaving the parking lot, my phone
showed the third turn on the route
to be our first. And while the route
was in blue, it didn’t have any “zone”
information, making it impossible to
answer any zone-related questions.
(Heavy sigh.) Less than two miles
into the route, we overshot a turn,
gave a friendly wave, though his gaze seemed unsure about
seeing a pirate and his wench inside. Once the convoy had
passed, our Porsche returned to the blacktop and rapidly
closed in on its destination.
By the time we arrived at the Saint Jo Square, all but
a few Porsches were in. With the remaining cars showing
up within minutes of our arrival, it was good to learn we
weren’t the only ones who had problems with the electronic
route. But since the point of any rally is to have fun and
drive a different part of the country, no one seemed upset.
I must say that when it comes to cooking, the Red River
Station BBQ knows what they’re doing. Their brisket was
some of the best I’ve had, and my wife equally enjoyed her
turkey. The restaurant’s outdoor setting provided plenty of
room for everyone to spread out and let the uninvited flies
enjoy the leftovers.
Of course, in every competitive event there must be
winners, and for the first time there was a sudden death
runoff for Third Place. Some talked while others eagerly
watched Carey Spreen and Charles Povana duke it out
with a quiz on the evolution of Halloween. As it were,
Carey narrowly edged out Charles to take the coveted
award. In Second Place were Raul and Lisa Pena, while
the proud Champions of the 6th Annual Halloween
Porsche Gimmick Rally went to none other than Human
Taco Patrick Bukowitz and his Hot Dog navigator, Adam
Tibbits -- the very people who offered to lead us across the
finish line. Well done, guys!
But what Halloween rally can go without costume
awards? Receiving the Second Place award crowned
Balloon Clown Carey Spreen and his navigator Sue Crimm
double winners. As for First Place, well, shiver me timbers,
that award went to none other than Pirate Mark and his
lass, Lyne Danielson. That’s right, we may not have won
the rally, but we still came home with gold treasure. ☺
Whether it be rallies, Sunday drives, laps around a
track, or a solo drive, there is never a bad time to
unleash a Porsche.
Autocross Series: Event 9, Lone Star Park
by Mark Schnoerr, Region Autocross Chair
photos by Robert Kirby of Lightspeed Images
Total registered entries: 99 (21 Porsches)
Total number of official timed runs: 594
President Andy Cost designed a fitting second to last
2020 season Course for Autocross Event 9. He set up
three passes over the large hill at the Lone Star Park
site with off-camber turns, large sweeper, a fast slalom,
decreasing radius turns and flat out straights.
Three Porsche SUV’s, including rookie James St. Peter
fought it out in Class P0. Igor carried the torch this time
in his Cayenne GTS over the two Macans. Class P1 was
an air cooled 914 2.0 and 911 Carrera class with two
drivers in each of the cars. See the results nearby. Carey
Spreen in his Boxster S won class P2 over the 996’s of Doug
P0 - 'PCA Zero'
Left: Carey Spreen - Boxster S Above: Mark Schnoerr - 914 2.0
Edney. Class P3 was back to 6 entries with Reid Cloud,
Owen Coulman, and
Car Color Total Diff. Steve Farnam, Cayman
S, 996 GT3, and Cayman
GT4, taking 1st to 3rd.
Car Color Total Diff. Steve Krysil brought
a beautiful grey 2020
992-S to the win in P4
and three entries in P5,
Car Color
Car Color
Ronald Wong taking first
over Scott Wolthuis and
Charlie Fick this time.
Scott Wolthuis promised
to bring some new tires
to the next event.
Final 2020 Event
Car Color
Car Color
10 was November 8th,
the Guns and Hoses
Charity event. It was
great fun, that story
and those results will be
here next month.
1T P0 958 Igor Tulandin Silver Cayenne GTS Silver 63.836 -
2 P0 232 Gagik Farmanyan Mahogany Macan S Mahogany 65.069 1.233
3 P0 95 James St Peter Grey Macan Turbo Grey 69.775 4.706
P1 - 'PCA 1'
1T P1 954 Mark Schnoerr Lime Green 914 2.0 Lime green 60.62 -
2T P1 3 Joe Wilkinson Blue Carrera Blue 62.119 1.499
3 P1 914 Sigrid Schnoerr Blue 914 2.0 Green 62.615 0.496
4 P1 13 Scott Wilkinson Porsche 911 Carrera Blue 66.267 3.652
P2 - 'PCA 2'
1T P2 906 Carey Spreen GT Silver Boxster S GT Silver 62.636 -
2 P2 7 Douglas Edney Black 996 Black 63.599 0.963
3 P2 8 Hubert Wong White 911 White 65.592 1.993
4 P2 429 Holli Coulman Carrera White Turbo Cabriolet Carrara White 66.655 1.063
P3 - 'PCA 3'
1T P3 43 Reid Cloud White Cayman S White 59.54 -
2T P3 428 Owen Coulman Guards Red 911 GT3 Guards Red 61.211 1.671
3T P3 71 Steve Farnham Racing Yellow Cayman GT4 Racing Yellow 63.66 2.449
4 P3 68 Toby Kwong Silver 911 Silver 68.325 4.665
5 P3 10 Sam Hung White 911 WHITE 68.452 0.127
6 P3 17 Sherry Farnham Racing Yellow Cayman GT4 Racing Yellow 70.009 1.557
P4 - 'PCA 4'
1T P4 11 Steve Krysil Silver 911S Silver 62.402 -
P5 - 'PCA 5'
1T P5 888 Ronald Wong Silver 911 Silver 62.612 -
2 P5 56 Scott Wolthuis Blue 911S Blue 64.585 1.973
3 P5 7 Charlie Fick Carrera White GT3 Carrera White Metallic 67.282 2.697
16 December 17
Maverick Marktpreis is proudly sponsored by:
Maverick Marktpreis: Top 10 Appreciating Porsches
by Peter Wen, Region Merchandise Chair
Our Slipstream advertiser, Hagerty, recently hosted a
seminar for the Maverick Region members. They shared
Hagerty’s unique insights on the Porsche collector car
market. According to Hagerty, the following are the Top
10 appreciating Porsche models over the past five years.
Interestingly, while the air-cooled 911s are adequately
represented, the top of the chart belongs to the frontengine,
inline-four 968! In fact, five out of the top six
spots are Porsches with either 4- or 8-cylinder engines.
Take note, Flat-Six fans!
It is great to see these transaxle and mid-engine
Porsches getting noticed by the collector car market. It’s
even better that many of these are still affordable.
Thank you to Brad Phillips and Nolan Eberl-Coe from
Hagerty for sharing such valuable and educational
insights with us. Happy Holidays!
Type Year Increase Excellence Price Guide*
968 1992-1995 74% 1992-1995 $11k-$20k
964 1990-1994 72% 1990-1994 $30k-$60k
928 1978-1995 67% 1978-1982 $8k-$13k
914 1970-1976 64% 1975-1976 $12k-$18k
944 1982-1991 54% 1989 $6.5k-$10.5k
Type Year Increase Excellence Price Guide*
924 1977-1988 54% 1977-1982 $3.5k-$6k
911 2.7L 1974-1977 51% 1974-1975 $15k-$40k
911 SC 1978-1983 43% 1978-1983 $22k-$50k
356 Pre-A 1948-1955 29% 1952-1955 $85k-$250k
911 Carrera 3.2 1984-1989 24% 1984-1989 $25k-$60k
* Coupe and base model where applicable
1990 911 Coupe
Sold for $69,964 + $3,498 buyer fee
54k miles
3.6L flat six
5-speed manual
1979 928 Coupe
Sold for $15,000 + $750 buyer fee
67k miles
Silver / Black
4.5L V8
5-speed manual
1984 944 Coupe
Sold for $15,500 + $775 buyer fee
44k miles – True Mileage Unknown
Guards Red / Black
2.5L inline four
5-speed manual
1974 914 Targa
Sold for $18,000 + $900 buyer fee
20k miles - True Mileage Unknown
1.8L flat four
5-speed manual
1979 924 Coupe
Sold for $7,200 + $360 buyer fee
29k miles
Guards Red/Brown
2.0L inline four
5-speed manual
1992 968 Coupe
Sold for $23,500 + $1,175 buyer fee
86k miles
3.0L inline four
6-speed manual
1974 911 Coupe
Sold for $42,000 + $2,100 buyer fee
87k miles, True Mileage Unknown
Kiln Red / Black & Grey
2.7L flat six
5-speed manual
1982 911 SC Coupe
Sold for $37,911 + $1,896 buyer fee
150k miles
Black / Black
3.0L flat six
5-speed manual
At Hagerty, our love for cars and their owners drives our
business forward, allowing us to offer you better
classic car insurance coverage for less.
18 December
This month marks the 50th
interview I have done with random
members. Like most interviews, it’s
all about making connections just
by showing up. Many of you know
about this FloMo (Flower Mound)
group that meets every Friday at
about 8:30 am at Novel Coffee. So
over the last two to three years I have
gotten over there occasionally to visit
with 12-15 gathered. Well, as always,
I introduce myself, and I start talking
to this guy that does nothing but
smile and laugh; he just could not be
friendlier. As
months pass
I notice that
each time
I’m there he
is driving
cool, from
his 930 to a
‘67 VW bus.
And as luck
would have
it, I would
see more
of him at
several club
activities always with that big
smile . . . thinking we all would
smile wide too if we had a 930.
So here is the next in my series of
“conversations” I would like to share
with you:
Chris Fernandes, Enthusiast since 1978
1983 930,1996 993 C4 and 1976 911
Bill Kruder: So you have been a
member since 2018 but you have
been an enthusiast for 42 years. How
did this get started?
Chris Fernandes: Well when I was 16
my uncle was a service member with
team DATSUN (Nissan), the Rally
team in Kenya, and Porsche just
happened to have their facility next
door. When I had a chance to visit
20 December
Coffee, Cars & Conversation
by Bill Kruder, Region President
photos provided by Chris Fernandes
him and their shop, he would take
me next door. Porsche was using the
Martini livery and I would see these
very cool cars. The one that caught
my attention was my favorite driver,
a Swede, Bjorn Waldegard, who
drove the Porsche Carrera RSR.
BK: This was in Kenya?
CF: I know right (laughing)? That’s
where I grew up; I was born in
Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. My
parents are Portuguese. My dad was
born in Zanzibar and my mom in
Chris and Kris sporting the jackets that ‘sparked’ it all!
Tanzania. What many may not know
is that Kenya was actually colonized
by Portugal before the British took it
over, so there is large population of
Portuguese there.
BK: So when did you come
to the states?
CF: That was in 1983. I
had graduated high school
and had a scholarship to
the University of Central
Oklahoma in Edmund.
BK: What did you study?
CF: I received my
undergraduate in
Computer Science and
then went on to get my
Masters in the same.
BK: So how did you end up here then?
CF: A job (laughing). There wasn’t
much there for me, so DFW was
the place to go. So in 1991 I started
working for Pier 1 Imports in Fort
Worth, writing code for them.
BK: And today what do you do?
CF: About seven years ago I became a
contractor for a New York insurance
company where I manage and
develop code for the “cloud” piece
of their business.
BK: So how
did you and
Kris meet?
CF: We met
in a club in
1990 after
a Super
Bowl party.
A friend
us. Frankly
it was kind
of funny
when we
met I had this leather bomber
jacket on just like she did. So
when she walks up to me, she notices
my jacket and the first thing she does
is grab my jacket and say, “Where did
you get that jacket?” She then tells
me she works for Dillard’s, where
Chris tells me his father was asking him not to lean on the car, a ‘62
beetle. He was apparently quite particular about it.
they had some bomber jackets stolen,
and wanted to know how I got it. She
thought I stole it (laughing)! So my
initial feeling was “this girl is kind of
pushy - not so sure about this.” She,
on the other hand, knew
right then I was the one.
So we dated a couple
months, and then one
day she broke it off,
telling me that when I
decide I’m ready, to let
her know. Well that was
1990, and we married
in 1991. I figured it out
I guess (smiling). We
have been married 29
years now.
BK: Now that’s a story!
CF: We have two. Katy,
our daughter, is 25 and
she helped me restore
our ‘73 Karmann Ghia.
Not long ago, she moved back
home, as she got a job promotion.
Katy apparently must like us, as she
bought a house but decided to rent it
out and stay with us (laughing). Then
we have our son CJ, who is 18 now.
He saved up all his money and just
bought himself a 2020 WRX.
Katy, Kris, CJ and Chris Fernandes with the Flo Mo famous Hippy Bus
BK: Ok, let’s talk cars. What was
your first?
CF: The first car I drove was my
mom’s VW Beetle,
which she taught
me how to drive
when I was 12
(laughing). But my
first to own was
a truck actually.
It was a Datsun
1200 pickup that
outfitted as an offroad
rally truck.
In Kenya, rally
stuff is a huge
BK: So first Porsche?
CF: That was in
2008. It was a
silver 2004 996
C4S. I told a
friend to buy it,
and when he was
tired of it I would
buy it. We had
that car for about
four years, until in
2012 we bought
the 930.
BK: So I’ve heard there is a story
behind buying the 930?
CF: Oh yes (laughing)! We had a
neighbor who had this ‘74 rotting
outside and I stopped by one day,
admittedly maybe
looking a little ragged
(smiling), but I knock
on the door and this
guy answers and he’s
kind of mean, basically
telling me to get lost. So
some time goes by, and
I drive over again, this
time in my 996. This
time he actually invites
me in for coffee. I think
the ponytail I had
scared him the first time
(laughing). Anyway he
tells me he has another
in the garage. We go
back and there’s the 930 covered
in dust and boxes. Well that was
the car I dreamed of as kid - I had the
poster and all - and I wanted that one.
It took me nearly five years of bugging
the guy for him to finally sell it to me.
BK: Not many know - ok the FloMo
guys do - but you have this thing for
VW buses?
CF: Well, who doesn’t (smiling), but
yes I guess you could say that. We have
three right now. We have the Hippie
bus, it’s a 67, that I do drive around.
I just put a rack on it and bought a
surfboard while in Florida. Let’s just
say the other two are projects.
BK: Ok one last thing: rumor
has it you have this alter ego
involving music?
CF: Ha! Well I guess you could say
that, but yes, as a hobby you might
say I’m a DJ. It started out when I
was 15 and I just stayed with it. It’s
paid for a lot of car parts (laughing).
You might have recently met Chris
too, just showing up at the Founders
Day Family Affair where he was
spinning some great tunes for us
Mavericks! Thank you Chris for
Driving Friendships!
Want to stay up-to-date on all the latest PCA and Porsche news?
Subscribe to the club’s weekly email newsletter, e-Brake News, which includes news articles,
exclusive stories, and video from all over the internet.
e-Brake News has a bit of everything, from tech to road tests to motorsports — and you don’t have to be a
PCA member to subscribe! Every Tuesday evening, e-Brake will have the latest on PCA National events and
club programs and entertaining, informative content.
22 December
A Draining Experience: Tech Session at Porsche Grapevine
by Michael Baynton, Region Tech Session Co-Chair
photos provided by Author
Rest assured, I’m referring to 2020 in general, not
our most recent tech session! However, we did get to
the bottom of things and discussed various draining
issues that can befall our Porsches.
It was a gorgeous morning to make the drive to
Porsche Grapevine, a beautiful and
expansive facility conveniently located
near DFW Airport. Our generous hosts
provided coffee, kolaches, and other
breakfast goodies as our attendees
assembled in the perfectly clean
workshop. Covid-related precautions
(waivers, temperature checks, masks,
hand sanitizer, limited attendance)
in place, we gathered safely to learn
about the various water drains that are
engineered into our Porsche vehicles.
Lest you think this is a convertible-only
issue, our main demo vehicle was a
Cayenne. Lifting the hood and removing several plastic
panels revealed the areas where leaves, debris, and dirt
can gather to slowly block the built-in drain passages.
Frequent cleaning using a vacuum or other means to
keep these areas free of detritus is highly recommended.
Lastly, we were able to observe how leaves and dirt
can clog the condenser and radiators on a Boxster.
Front bumper and wheel well coverings conveniently
removed, it was plain to see how easy those openings
on the nose of our sports cars can accumulate incoming
debris. Left unchecked, this clogging can lead to
overheating—especially in our hot Texas summers.
As is usually the case, inexpensive preventative
maintenance can forestall a more expensive repair
further down that (dirty) road.
Our next “patient” was a Porsche 911 Cabriolet,
and our knowledgeable technician repeated the same
process of reviewing drain passages under the frunk
and around the folding roof. Having a roof that goes
up and down at the owner’s whim naturally invites even
more opportunities for leaves to gather in inconvenient
locations. Failure to inspect and clean all drain passages
can lead to leaks and even flooding on the inside of
your vehicle if rain or car wash water doesn’t have a
clear run-off path.
A huge thank you to Porsche Grapevine, Liz Shafton,
Denette Allen, and the team of technicians who ably led
the demonstrations! We greatly appreciate their
hospitality and willingness to provide our members
with a great dealership experience. And for those
members who were unable to attend in person, we
covered the event with a Facebook Live session. As we
look toward 2021 and an uncertain Covid environment,
we will continue to look for innovative ways to present
tech topics to you, our members.
24 December
Covid Relief Tour Recap
by Robert Turner
Covid be damned. Well at least
for a few short hours on a sunny
and hot north Texas summer
afternoon. Fifty-five cars trekked
Now it was time to hit the road and press the
loud pedal to the floor, unleashing thousands
of Porsche horsepower on the unsuspecting
backroads of West Texas.
out to Weatherford to queue up
for the Covid Relief Tour 2020.
Tour masters Ted Martin and Sam
Bryant laid in a course on some
excellent back roads that swept
through Dennis, Lipan, Bluff Dale,
and Paluxy, ending up on the square
in downtown Granbury. There were
many first-timers on the tour; there
were even first-timer PCA members
attending their very first event – ever.
We met Maggie and Javier,
attending their first-ever event in
their first Porsche, a 987 Cayman.
Javier told me it was always his
dream to have a Porsche, and now
that they do, they want to drive
it in events like the Covid Tour,
giving it the “beans,” feeling that
rush of acceleration. They recently
joined the PCA and were thrilled
to be a part of this event, telling
me how excited they were to hear
about all the programs and events
that the Maverick Region tees up
on a regular basis. We spoke to
Mav President Bill Kruder and his
wife Debi. They admitted they had
never been this far west, all the
way out past Weatherford, “As we
passed through to the west side of
Ft Worth I turned to Debi and said
‘Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in
Kansas anymore.’”
Our group was greeted by Mike
Scott from the Granbury Chamber
of Commerce. He told us how
excited the Chamber was to have the
Porsche folks descend on their lovely
town. And as an added bonus, the
parking around the courthouse was
designated “Porsche Parking Only.”
Oh yes, the usual challenge in finding
a parking spot in
downtown Granbury
was suddenly and
completely mitigated.
Now it was time to
hit the road and press
the loud pedal to
the floor, unleashing
thousands of Porsche horsepower
on the unsuspecting backroads of
West Texas.
Ft. Worth really is the gateway
to the west, and by the time you get
to Weatherford, you can begin to
see mesas off in the distance, and
trees start to thin out, replaced by
mesquite and more than a few cacti
growing just behind the ever-present
barbed wire fencing
lining the sinuous
stretch of blacktop.
Indeed, we were
outside the DFW
bubble and just
starting to see the
transition to the
western plains. It
is beautiful country
and the road less
driven rewards
your patience
with some wicked
cambered corners
that allow a welldriven
Porsche to
take a set and rocket out of a tight
corner. Just ask the car behind mine,
as I decided “brakes be damned!”
and entered each corner to see just
how fast I could take it. LMNHED
approved of the pace.
Granbury itself is a gem;
interspaced along Lake Granbury,
the lake is never more than just a
few hundred yards away. The square
looks to have survived Covid better
than other small towns we have
photo provided by Louie Devega
visited, with most of the shops and
restaurants remaining open, albeit
with policies in place to combat the
spread of the virus. As promised,
the square had parking set up for
our Porsches and we were greeted
by other members of the Granbury
Chamber of Commerce. We all
milled about a bit, along with curious
onlookers, taking in the collection
of Porsches, then suddenly everyone
disappeared, heading off in search
of lunch or shopping. Granbury
had to be happy that we decided to
make it our final destination of the
Covid Relief Tour 2020.
These tours really provide an
outlet. It allows us to be Covid-close
to other PCA members, our Porsche
family, but allows just enough pedal
pushing fun to reward time spent in
pursuit of discovery, open roads,
and friendship. It’s like Chris Flaugh
said: “It’s been so long since we’ve
had one of these tours - I love these
drives. They are some of my favorite
events that the Mav Region puts
on.” Indeed. And you should too.
Sign up for the next tour and the
next rally and the next Concours!
It’s great when we can gather (social
distancing practiced) and share our
passion with other Porsche owners.
See ya on the next tour!
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26 December
Autobahn Porsche
by John Hamilton
photo provided by author
Life happens on track day
Everything else is just practice
Local contact: Nolan Eberl-Coe | 682-219-5206 |
*Discount applies to U.S. policies only; not available in CA, MA, and TN. Policies underwritten by Essentia Insurance Company. Membership by Hagerty Drivers Club (HDC), a non-insurance subsidiary
of The Hagerty Group, LLC. Only the HDC Program Guide contains a complete description of benefits. Purchase of insurance not required for membership in HDC. All third party makes, models, and
vehicle names are property of their respective owners. Their use is meant to reflect the authenticity of the vehicle and do not imply sponsorship nor endorsement of Hagerty nor any of these products
or services. Hagerty is a registered trademark of the Hagerty Group LLC, ©2020 The Hagerty Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Fort Worth’s own Autobahn Porsche
is proud to be the local family-owned
Porsche dealership since 1989. Located
near the intersection of University
Avenue and White Settlement Road
(just north of Interstate 30), Autobahn
serves customers throughout the
Metroplex and throughout the country.
The Autobahn Motorcar Group also
includes BMW, Jaguar, Land Rover,
Volvo and Volkswagen.
Autobahn Porsche is headed up by
General Manager Zoran Gutic, who
was born in Germany. His experience
began in 2002 when he was initially
hired as a Porsche sales professional.
Following a stint at Audi, Zoran
returned to Porsche in January of
2018. Autobahn’s Porsche Sales
team also includes Sales Manager
Bob Hall (31 years of representing
Porsche), past Maverick Region
president John Hamilton, Porsche
owner Mike Mahan and Porsche
Sales Professional Alec Maley.
The service team consists of six
certified service technicians led by
shop foreman Jeff Knoebel (30 years
at Autobahn Porsche). The service
manager is Zach Walker who has
had extensive service management
experience with both Porsche and
BMW. Zach and his service writers,
Andy Owsley, Justin Weaver and Zach
Delgado are the front line who meet
and greet our service customers.
The parts department specializes in
getting hard-to-find parts for Porsches
old and new. One of their best customers
has been the local 928 club, 928sRus
and the 356 Tub Club, which keep those
wonderful historic Porsches running.
Led by Anthony Santiago and Porsche
Parts Specialists James Martin and Kyle
Miltenberger, the parts department is
constantly on the phone or in-person
helping to find parts for our Porsches.
Autobahn Porsche has been a longtime
supporter of our Maverick
Region. They were the original
corporate sponsor of the New
Member/All Member party and
continue to support the club in many
ways. Autobahn Porsche is proud to
be a partner with the Maverick
Region, Porsche Club of America.
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28 December
You can test your
knowledge (or Google
search ability) of all things
Porsche by participating
in the monthly trivia
contest posted online at
Answers are due by the
last day of each month.
The winner of the trivia
contest receives a $25 gift certificate from our sponsor, Zims Autotechnik.
In the case of ties, a random drawing determines the winner.
Here are the questions for the October 2020 Trivia, dealing with
miscellaneous Porsche history. The winner this month was Tom
Martin, the only person to get all 5 of 5 correct.
1. Here in the US we dial 911 to call the police, but in other
countries, those three digits have a different meaning,
especially to the police. Which country liked 911s so much
for traffic and pursuit that they ordered 20 specially-equipped
911s for police duty?
a. Austria b. France
c. Germany d. Belgium
Maverick Trivia: Are you a Porschephile?
Jerry DeFeo
sponsored by Zims Autotechnik
Answers: 1)d, 2)c, 3)a, 4)c, 5)d
2. According to sources, Porsche has sold over ________ cars
to police departments around the world.
a. 500 b. 750 c. 1000 d. 1500
3. What was one of the most popular reasons for PDs
to want the 911s?
a. Targa roofs to allow standing and directing traffic b.
Higher HP for high speed pursuit on the Autobahn c.
Overall look and impression d. Small, fast, amd agile for
city-center chases
4. In 1950 the first two 1.1-liter Porsches were delivered to Max
Hoffman in NYC to sell in the US. The original contract called
for 15 cars per year, and by 1954 the sales of Porsches by
Hoffman had risen to ______ cars per week, representing 30%
of all Porsche production.
a. 7 b. 9 c. 11 d. 13
5. Max Hoffman, who had known Ferry Porsche from years
before, was reintroduced by Journalist ____________ who told
Hoffman, after showing him pictures of the small rounded 356,
“I am sure this car will make a name for itself!”
a. Kurt Pohl b. Georg Kacher c. Paul Frère d. Max Troesch
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We indulge the needs of the connoisseur who values unsurpassed expertise
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30 December
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32 December
Maverick November Anniversaries
30 Years
Don Istook (Laurie)
25 Years
Robert Evans (Joan)
20 Years
Bill McGannon (Sharon)
James Usher (Lee)
15 Years
Bernie DiFiore (Anne)
Andrew Pestell
10 Years
Nilo Castillo (Dana Rolen)
Robert Graeter (Debra)
Benito Hidalgo (Alex)
James McCloud (Tex)
John McSwain
Josh Nassef (Marianne)
Melissa Schlenker (Rick)
George Walker (Amy Curtis)
5 Years
Stephen Baniecki
Kim Branson (Patti)
Scott Clinton
Anthony de Bruyn
Ken Downs (Cindy)
Christopher Duong
Peter Frankl
Jeff Greenwood
Khalil Jivani
Matt Leffers
Ray Marsh (DeAnna)
Joe Masri
Alexander Schmidt
Eileen Stineman
Mike Syler
Tim Webb (Sandy)
Jung (Peter) Wen
River Oaks
Cheyenne, WY
Fort Worth
Fort Worth
Fort Worth
Flower Mound
Advertiser Index
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Apex Automotive........................................ 31
The Ashe..................................................... 36
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Autoscope................................................... 27
Bennett Motor Werks.................................. 30
BillyGo Plumbing and Air............................ 32
Concorso Detailing...................................... 35
deBoulle Diamond & Jewelry........................ 8
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Fifth Gear Motorsports.................................. 8
Financial Enlightenment............................. 29
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Hagerty Drivers Club............................. 19, 28
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Invisibra...................................................... 32
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Mayo Performance...................................... 24
Mullenix Motorsport................................... 28
New Concepts............................................. 36
The Nest...................................................... 21
OCD’tailers.................................................. 24
Onsite Tires................................................. 30
The Phoenix Insurance................................ 13
Park Place Porsche Dallas......................... I.F.C.
ProTecht...................................................... 27
RAC Performance.......................................... 3
Stuart’s Paint and Body............................... 18
Tactical Fleet................................................ 16
Texas Motor Works...................................... 33
Tim Schutze Real Estate............................... 12
Timberlake Financial Group........................ 15
Ussery Printing........................................... 33
Zims Autotechnik........................................ 35
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34 December
Oversteer: Letter from the Editor
by Kurt Scaggs, Managing Editor
The future is coming, whether we like it or not.
For the second time this year I’ve put an electric car
on the cover. But it’s not just an electric car, it’s an
electric Porsche. And from what I hear it bends time.
As I write this, Porsche has released an amazing
display of past concepts that have never before been
seen by the class of “the public” that I am categorized.
I kind of love some of them. In some we can see the
present future through the eyes of the designers in
Stuttgart from as far back as 2005. And in others,
hopefully, we glimpse the future.
Described as “mild to wild” these are what design
geeks like me dream of. An electric minivan, the
Renndienst, I’m embarrassed to say is one of my
favorites. It might be that while honing my emergency
cornering skills in the family Grand Caravan (sorry
Mom) I imagined it was a prototype Porsche under
the skin. Don’t act like I’m the only one that indulged
in that fantasy. Driving a Porsche minivan would be
the exact opposite of what I do each time I turn the
key now. Instead of pulling the younger me forward to
drive my current joy, I would be pushing my current
self back in time to correct the storyline.
If minivans aren’t your thing, you might like the
Vision Spyder, because it’s perfect. Inspired by the
1954 500-1500RS Spyder, it gets it all right in my
opinion. I certainly hope we see some of these design
cues in the years to come.
The great news is that you too can own one of
these yourself. Sort of. The release is a teaser for a
new book “Porsche Unseen” which is only published
in German at the moment, so I’ll have to read it like
my son “reads” his Spanish books. Pictures only.
I’m getting used to the idea of owning an electric
car. Hopefully a very fast one. I don’t think it’s going
to take me back to that parking lot from my youth, at
least I hope it won’t. But I imagine that it will escort
me kicking and screaming into the future. Hopefully
with a smile in my eyes to match the one on my face.
It is the season of reflection and renewal. While
2020 hasn’t been what I was hoping for, good things
have indeed happened despite our best efforts.
Hopefully we can focus on them as we move
forward. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah,
Kwanzaa, Boxing Day or Omisoka. I’ll see you out
there: Enjoy the Drive.
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36 December
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