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for Penn &

Tylers green


issue 198

A Most Unusual

Spring in P&TG

● Lockdown Journal ● P&TG Together ● Around The Villages

● Schools & Sports News ● Woodland & Green Spaces & More...







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Cover Photograph: Miles Green


...to the June/July 2020 edition of Village Voice...

Dear VV Readers,

We are delighted to bring you a packed edition

of VV, we hope you enjoy reading it!

In years past, in the June & July edition we

would typically be promoting the many events

and activities that take place in Penn & Tylers

Green over the summer. In 2020, and at the time

of writing, the country has been in lockdown for

many weeks, and only now can we start to

emerge, with caution, and in a very controlled

socially distanced way.

As Editor, there was the briefest of moments

when I wondered whether our clubs, societies

and community organisations would have

anything to report. Having reached out, it turns

out that whilst we may not have been able to do

the things that we usually do, it doesn’t mean

that the community groups in P&TG are

without something to say - far from it!

In this edition, we are delighted to have two

very special contributions, in addition to lots of

articles and photos from our familiar clubs,

organisations, societies and communities. Peter

Brown, journalist and blog writer (www.

pennandtylersgreen.com) has written a Covid

journal, chronicling the evolution and impact of

the lockdown in Penn & Tylers Green (pages

25-27, and 37-39). Earl Howe has written on the

rewards and challenges of managing the Penn

House Estate (pages 29/30)

With the government aiming to get the

country out of lockdown, it may be that we will

be able to resume some of the valued and

familiar activities. Let's hope the Village Show

due to take place on Saturday September 19th

will go ahead. Perhaps this is the year to enter

some of the competition classes?

The Village Care Open Gardens which

usually takes place in June, has set a revised for

Sunday 13th September.


Village Voice June/July 2020

The April / May edition of VV was delivered,

somewhat later than planned, by the Royal

Mail, because of the lockdown, but was

available online at the beginning of April.

Our amazing deliverers have like the rest of

us, been affected by the need to isolate, but most

are back to deliver this edition. If you could

spare some time to deliver VV occasionally, or

regularly - please do contact our Distribution

Manager, Ron Saunders 816237 to have a chat

Thanks to the VV production team for their

hard work at such a challenging time, to our

many contributors, and to our advertisers who

continue to support our magazine. When things

start to return to a ‘new normal’ please do look

to use our local businesses and services.

We welcome contributions to the next edition

of VV, copy deadline for the August/September

edition will be week of 6 July. In the meantime,

stay safe and well Cathy O'Leary, VV Editor


05 Around the Villages

10 Church News

13 Woodland & Green Spaces

17 Schools News

22 Sports News

32 Clubs & Societies

55 Index of Advertisers

56 Village Contacts

In This Issue...

21 Bucks Open Studios

25/37 Lockdown Journal

29 Penn House Estate

30 Cannonades From the


31 COVID: A Student's View

In The Insert

The Village Show

P&TG Together

• Open Gardens


Village Voice June/July 2020



Tylers Green Remembers 1939-1945

For a village of its size, Tylers Green remembers

its war dead rather well, particularly those that

fell in WW1, however with the cancellation of

the 75th VE Day Celebration and the associated

exhibition planned for Tylers Green Village

Hall, now is an apt time to focus on the fallen of

the 1939-45 conflict.

We, of course know their names, but their

service records are not yet available other than

to next of kin, so to produce this short tribute it

was necessary to draw on largely non-military


Although many of those named died in all the

WW2 Theatres of war, Europe, The Far East

and North Africa a surprising number, over

40%, died in accidents, this, of course does not

diminish their sacrifice in any way, Richard

Jagger, died live-fire testing in Spitfires in

Northumberland (1941) Hilary Caldwell(1944)

died in a flying accident in Spain. Tragically,

Dennis Child (1943) & Thomas Harding (1944)

were both accidentally drowned. The former on

manoeuvres in Kent and the latter in France.

Donald West (1943 was accidentally killed in

Devon, Ronald Keen (1942) in India & Bertie

Meeks (1945) in Oxford. Alfred Chennells

(1942) died locally possibly from wounds

received earlier in the war.

Leonard Bone (1942-) lost his life on HMS

Hermes when it was sunk by the Japanese on

the Indian Ocean, Lewis Galsworthy (1943)

captured following the fall of Singapore, must

have had an horrific end as a Japanese POW

working on the Burma Railway. Albert Brooks

(1944) and Maurice Perfect (1943) were both

killed as the Allies fought their way through

Italy, Guy Matthews (1943) and George Warren

(1943) both fell in the Tunisian Campaign,

while poor Arthur Radwell (1944) was shot as

he tried to escape from a German POW camp,

Donald White (1944) was one of the first to land

on D-Day he died the following day attempting

to take and hold a bridgehead, lastly Christopher

Birch (1946) died from a respiratory illness in

the long closed Berks & Bucks Sanitorium in

Peppard Common, possibly TB and probably

brought on by his Naval Service .

Those that lived in the village tended to

favour Hazlemere Road, St. Johns Road and

Hammersley Lane, others lived adjacent to the

front Common, and some came from

Beaconsfield but with a strong emotional

attachment to St. Margarets.

It is perhaps appropriate at the end to pause &

remember Clara Harding who lost both her

brother, Thomas and her husband Ronald in the

conflict, multiple family loss was not confined

to The Great War in Tylers Green. Ron Saunders

Penn Remembers 1939-1945

You will need to look a bit harder to locate the

WW2 Memorial in Penn, there is no external

sign of Remembrance to the Penn WW2 fallen,

it is in the Lady Chapel of Holy Trinity where

you will find the tablet designed by Edward

Maufe showing the 14 names, it does not

record Thomas Church nor does the nearby

Book of Remembrance. Immediately one

surname stands out, Ernest Busby (1942) the

nephew of the three Busby brothers killed in

1917 and remembered by a bronze plaque on

the opposite wall of the Church, Ernest died

when the Italian POW ship he was on was sunk

by the British submarine HMS “Sahib”, the full

story of this tragic incident can be researched on

the internet. David Nicoll (1942) was also lost a

sea when the White Star liner “HMS” Ceramic

was torpedoed in the Atlantic by the German

submarine. U-515

By far the majority of the Penn losses were in

the skies, Harry Andrews (1941) was killed in a

bombing raid over Germany, Thomas Dilworth

(1943) crashed in Algeria, Merrick Hine (1940)

and Basil Holland (1941) were both lost over

the English Channel, Ian MacLean(1943) came

4 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

down over Denmark, Gordon Richards (1943)

was killed whilst attacking a V2 site, Hugh

Webb(1944) was shot down over Coblenz and

Ronald Roberts (1943) crashed in Oxfordshire,

he, alone of those named above lies in Holy

Trinity Churchyard

Edmund Grove (1940) was a man from

another generation, he had already fought in

WW1 and during WW2 was in Norway

possibly involved at Narvik, he succumbed to

wounds or illness in Aberdeen Hospital, John

McCulloch (1942) was killed at El Alamein

and Martin Preston (1940) died defending the

Orphanage at Hazebrouk in the BEF retreat to

Dunkirk. Little is known of Thomas Church

(1942) other than he too lies in Holy Trinity and

served with the RAF.

Albert Brooks (1944) is the only man to be

remembered on both the St. Margaret’s and

Holy Trinity Memorials and his story has

already been covered.

Many lived in Penn, in houses with familiar

names still, Nightingales, Stonehouse, The Crest

and Stumpwell, others came from Beacon Hill,

Knotty Green and Beaconsfield.

So, while the Busby family continued to

suffer in the century’s global conflicts, lets

reflect on Florence Julia Webb of Hutchins Barn

Knotty Green who lost both a son and son-inlaw,

Penn, too had some very dark moments.

If you would like to learn more about these

men, go to: www.tylersgreenchurch and follow

the link to Holy Trinity Penn. Ron Saunders

Dear Village Voice,

Elsewhere in this edition of VV, I emphasise how

great it is to see so many local residents making

use of the footpaths and permissive horse paths

that criss-cross the Penn House Estate. Whilst not

departing from those comments, may I be

permitted to qualify them?

Local friends have recounted to me their

experiences of those same footpaths being abused

– by cyclists bearing down on them at speed and

often silently, without any warning. For very good

reasons, cycling on public footpaths is against the

law. Whilst the constraints of lockdown are fully


Village Voice June/July 2020

appreciated, the very clear statutory prescriptions

around footpaths have in no way been relaxed. I

need hardly add that the felony is compounded

when such cyclists, on being politely challenged,

reply with a barrage of verbal abuse.

These are not isolated experiences. Nor, I am

afraid, is the practice by some walkers of ignoring

footpath routes altogether. Yesterday my wife and I

witnessed three young lads taking a short cut by

charging straight across a field of growing wheat.

No-one who does this can possibly know what

chemicals may recently have been applied to the

crop, nor, perhaps, do they think of the farmer

whose employees depend for their living on the

crop remaining undamaged!

So please could I ask your readers to keep in

mind the motto: “Walkers for footpaths and

footpaths for walkers!”

Yours sincerely, Frederick Howe

Sports & Social Club

I trust and hope this edition finds you well in

this strangest and worrying time and that you all

are keeping safe.

Penn & Tylers Green Sports and Social Club

has long been the catalyst of our village life not

only in providing the top class amenities for all

age groups to enjoy the sports that are offered,

but to have a facility that is our Social Club to

retire to or indeed visit to chat and meet with

family and friends in the most wonderful

setting, which is open to all 7 days a week.

As the lockdown moves through its next

cycle it is difficult to predict when sports

participation will be allowed again and when

the clubhouse will be able to open its doors.

Social distancing measures will undoubtedly be

a part of any conditions stipulated by the

government, and so very careful thought would

have to be put into any opening of the club.

That said we are planning ahead for the time

when we can resume a sense of normality and

hopefully start enjoying the rest of the summer,

autumn and beyond. With no dates to give you

at this stage, we have been discussing ideas to

kick start every section of our club.

Once a date is known, we are going to hold


Village Voice June/July 2020

an opening day / evening party with music and

other surprises to be announced. In the mid to

long term the S&SC have the Halloween and

Firework display to look forward to on the 31

October and the Christmas Gin / Beer festival in

early December, which proved most popular

last year. We are also very pleased with the

turnout for our winter quiz nights, and so this

will be a fixture for the autumn, along with a

wine tasting evening. All in all the club has

many good things to look forward to and we

sincerely hope that you will all support these


Finally, it is proposed to change the happy

hour times at the club to encourage clients back.

This would be reviewed in September.

Along with the showing of BT / Sky Sports,

also with the availability to hire the club, the

Sports & Social Club will continue to serve our

fantastic community. Dave Taylor & Tim Vincent

Penn Parish Council

Our work has, of course, been overshadowed by

the lockdown and I have been grateful to Nicole

Webster, our Clerk, for keeping things running

in difficult circumstances.

With new legislation in April, to enable

virtual decision making, Zoom Committee

meetings became the new norm and Parish

Council's work has carried on unabated. Our

Planning Committee meets every three weeks to

review and comment on local planning

applications and breaches. Penn Parish is mostly

Green Belt and AONB and Penn Village largely

lies within the Conservation Area and residents

are therefore gently reminded to seek

permission from the planning authority for work

on trees. Mature trees add so much to the beauty

of our villages.

The Committee commented in detail on the

Emerging Chiltern and South Bucks Local Plan

and the release of Green Belt. We have some

concerns at being classed as an "infill" village

and have made our views known on this. Our

worries are increased by the National Planning

Inspectorate's response, to the effect that the

plan should consider Slough's unmet housing

need. This is a concern.

Penn Parish Council probably receives more

complaints about road defects and drainage

problems than any other issues and these can

now be reported online using the website www.

fixmystreet.com. Responsibility for road

maintenance lies with Bucks CC but

Councillors meet with Highways officers

regularly to keep their focus on local priorities.

Parking, especially around junctions also causes

much concern and Councillors have been

working with Highway Officers to ensure vision

splays at junctions and drives on busy roads are

protected, including adding double yellow lines,

where required. There have been two

consultations on parking measures for Penn and

Penn Street, and there will be a further

consultation on affected roads - Penn St./School

Lane, Coppice Farm Road and Elm Road.

We encourage you wherever possible to shop

locally and support our village businesses. The

queues are shorter and your support will help

them through this difficult time. We have asked

our Clerk to ensure eligible businesses and

Village Halls claim government grants, to

support those new to the process and to keep in

touch with the new Buckinghamshire Council to

make sure our community receives financial

support. In addition, we will do everything in

our power to assist with the recovery from this

dreadful episode in our lives. Roy Bentham

Buckinghamshire Council

On the 1st April the Buckinghamshire Unitary

Council became a legal entity and the previous

four District Council and County Council in

Bucks no longer exist. The occasion passed

almost unnoticed with the Covid pandemic

having hit us and all the extra and different

work the Council was undertaking to assist our

residents. By the middle of March they had a

co-ordinated crisis response, which included a

seven-day crisis response management team

and the establishment of 12 separate groups to

co-ordinate all activities.

6 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

An enormous amount of work has been

undertaken and all staff from wherever they

came have been working wonderfully together.

Most Council staff have been equipped to work

from home, even the customer service centre

staff and extra support has been given to help

them to do this. Most offices have been closed

and we have all learned how to work in a new

world of virtual meetings.

The Council have also been working with

businesses to make sure their funding is

received as soon as possible and in most cases

managed a 5 day turn around from receipt of

application to payment of grant. Staff have

worked all hours and weekends and bank

holidays to achieve this.

In addition within days of the emergency

being classed as a major incident eight support

hubs were established to help support the most

vulnerable in our communities. Many staff have

been temporarily redeployed to assist in local

hubs to help with food parcels and making sure

those isolating and shielding have everything

they need and just keeping in contact with

people on their own.

Alongside all this, the Council has also had to

make sure that business as usual continues,

which it has done, with some hiccups along the

way, with issues with staff for waste collections,

and having to close household waste recycling

centres. Thankfully, all are back to normal now

although a new kind of normal, but we can

move forward to a this new world of social

distancing and ways of working. Things will not

go back as they were before either for

employees of the Council or for Councillors, as

home working will still feature as will on-line

meetings for some time to come. Public

meetings in the offices are not planned for the

foreseeable future as with around 200

councillors because of the cancelled elections, it

will be hard to find somewhere large enough to

accommodate so many with social distancing.

However, Councillors are still there for

residents. You may in the past have had to go to

different councillors for different things, well


Village Voice June/July 2020

now we all do everything! Just keep to your

individual wards and pick a councillor and they

should be able to help you with anything

council related from planning to waste to

schools and everything in between. We are all

listed in the back pages but please bear with us ,

as some of this is new to us too and we are

learning as we go! Keep Safe! Katrina Wood.

Deputy Leader. Buckinghamshire Council. Cabinet Member

for Resources and Councillorr

Chepping Wycombe Parish Council

For Tylers Green and Loudwater (and also

Hazlemere). As reported in the last VV, all our

meetings were cancelled as they could not be

undertaken safely during the Covid pandemic

and there was no legal mechanism to allow

on-line meetings when this happened. Now the

Government has brought forward emergency

powers to allow this and online voting to take

place, so our first Full Council meeting was held

successfully in May. This hasn’t delayed any

urgent business and we are still managing to

carry out our normal office functions. The

offices are virtually closed to the public but

manned every morning and some afternoons to

allow our staff to work reduced hours in the

office and stay safe, but we have taken steps to

allow them to work successfully from home and

the clerk is always contactable by email during

our normal hours. All the usual work is being

undertaken by our grounds team including litter

collection, grass cutting and hedge cutting,

within the parameters allowed, including

travelling to site in separate vehicles and

maintaining social distancing.

We are very grateful to the volunteer litter

pickers who have been regularly collecting

rubbish around the common especially at the

weekends and bank holidays. With more people

out and about and taking daily exercise at the

moment, the bins are filling up quicker than we

can empty them, and this can be both a health

hazard and unsightly. We are therefore pleading

for people to “Take their litter home”, especially

if the bins are full, as discarded waste and


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Hazlemere Spa


We also offer Gift Vouchers –

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bottles are ruining the pleasure of the Common

for all as well as being potential hazards to

wildlife. We have put notices up to that effect

and ask people to take notice of them. We

already have large capacity bins with lids that

stop oversized bags of domestic litter being

discarded so it is more general waste being left.

Bucks Council waste collections are now back

to normal so please help to keep our lovely

common clean and tidy and take your litter

home to dispose of there.

We have also had to tape off our outdoor

exercise and play equipment following

government guidelines. Unfortunately, the tape

is regularly removed, obviously by people who

think they know better, so we are having to

continually replace it. For the safety of ALL our

community, please refrain from doing this. As

soon as we are allowed to we will remove it.

Cemeteries were initialled closed by the

Government except for funerals, but that has

been relaxed after it was realised that conflicting

advice had been given to Councils and Parishes.

All are open again. Katrina Woods Chairman CWPC

Penn Patient Group

The Simpson Centre and Penn surgeries have

seen a huge change to our way of working over

the past 6 weeks since the government advised

the country to lock down to reduce the risk of

transmission of the Covid-19 virus.

• All consultations have moved to telephone or

video in the first instance and where appropriate

patients have been asked to e mail or send by

return message photos for review. We continue

to invite a few patients in for assessment

following telephone triage if this is required.

• Any patient coming in to the surgery is seen in

a dedicated area that can be easily cleaned after

their visit and all clinical staff wear full PPE for

each consultation.

• A tent in the car park at The Simpson Centre is

being used by our nursing team for blood tests,

injections and some dressings to help reduce

infection risk, and our nurses are visiting our

most vulnerable patients to do dressings at


Village Voice June/July 2020

home where necessary. It is possible that we will

offer more appointments using these tents.

• We have dramatically increased our use of IT.

Many of our GPs and admin staff can now work

from home when needed to reduce infection

risk and allow social distancing at work.

• We are working closely with our PCN (Primary

Care Network) and in weekly meetings we are

sharing best practice and arrangements for PPE


• A ‘hot hub’ has been established for us to refer

patients with COVID 19 symptoms for a further

clinical assessment.

• Patients are encouraged to use the ‘patient

access’ app wherever possible to order repeat

prescriptions or e mail the surgery with requests,

and all prescriptions are sent electronically to a

nominated pharmacy to reduce footfall at the


• Perspex screens are installed at reception at

both sites to protect reception staff.

• Patients most vulnerable to Covid 19 infection

have been identified by NHS England and sent a

letter advising them of guidance for shielding.

The surgery have been identifying missed

patients or those incorrectly coded and

contacting those identified to offer further

advice and support.

• Our PPG (patient participation group) have

provided amazing support in communicating

the changes we are making and they and

numerous community groups have helped with

providing/ boosting our supplies of PPE: scrubs

and scrub bags, masks, visors and goggles,

providing the tent, helping with supply of the

Perspex screens and much more.

• P&TG Together and Better Connected

Beaconsfield are providing much needed

volunteer support for help with shopping,

prescription deliveries and a listening ear.

It has been a true community effort. Thank

you to you all for your support at this time.

We hope that we shall be able to begin

relaxing some of these measures a little in the

next few weeks. We have started to review some

of our patients who are due routine reviews for

their chronic disease and do as much of this as

we can within the limits of social distancing

currently in place. Dr Layng.


Village Voice June/July 2020


Holy Trinity & St Margaret's

I would normally be giving details of an

action-packed summer term of Pet Service,

Songs of Praise, Open Gardens, special services

and Lighthouse. All gone!

I try to get to the Abbey on the Island of Iona

every other year for a weeks’ retreat. It is a joy

and a place where you cannot fail to take good


Going on retreat highlights the difference

between solitude and loneliness. Solitude is to

be welcomed as the opportunity when we are

relieved of the hustle and bustle of our

distracted lives and thus able to commune with

God and with the quieter (but no less important)

inner thoughts and feelings. It is called a

‘discipline’ for good reason … it is not easy.

Loneliness is, of course, none of that and not to

be welcomed.

My prayer for you is that you will find, in the

quieter times of this lockdown, the opportunity

to explore more of those inner promptings

(often shouted down by the background noise of

the world we live in) and maybe in that to hear

the still small voice of the living God speaking

to you. His promise is that he is close to the

lonely and downhearted. He is a friend and

constant companion who knows you as you are

and accepts and loves you just as you are. Part

of the miracle of Christ coming to earth as a

man 2,000 years ago is that he understands the

human heart. He has experienced loneliness

and understands how hard it is.

So do not let yourselves become lonely. It

may not be easy, particularly for us men who

pride ourselves on self-sufficiency, but that is

not always a helpful attribute. Pick up the

phone and call someone. If you are unable to

admit (to yourself?) that you are lonely, then

ring someone you know you think may be

lonely and cheer them up. That will do fine.

Think of it as a discipline.

We are putting on our website each week a 30

minute service with a couple of hymns,

readings, prayers and a reflection. We cannot

gather in church at the moment, but we are

connected each Sunday morning as we join in

worship. The website is https://

holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk/. To see the

weekly service, go to Services and Events and

click on Weekly News. Our Weekly News sheet

has the vital link to the service which is

available from midnight Saturday. It remains on

the website for a few days until the next week’s

News Sheet is put up. Blessings, Revd Mike Bisset,

www.holytrinityand stmargartes.co.uk

Penn Free Methodist Church

As long as the lockdown is

in force, do please join us

for our online services using

Zoom, at 11am and 6.30pm

on Sundays, and at 8pm on

Wednesdays (prayer and

Bible study). Please email me at revps@icloud.

com for the link to any particular meeting, and

also keep any eye on the church website.

A recorded sermon available online which

may be of particular interest is the address given

back in May at our Commemoration and

Thanksgiving Service for VE Day. The whole

issue of the providence of God and the outcome

of war is a fascinating one, and the Bible has

much to say on this matter. Between 1939 and

1945 there were no less than twelve special

national days of prayer concerning the progress

10 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

of the war, which is a strong testimony to the

belief of former generations in the power of

prayer to change the course even of the history

of nations.

Please go to: https://realchristianity.org/2020/


Prayer to the one true Trinitarian God should

always be at the heart of the nation’s life, and

not least when it is going through a major crisis

such as a pandemic. Even a virus comes upon a

nation in God’s providence, and represents a

call to national self-examination and to seek the

face of Him who is well able to remove

afflictions from a people who humble

themselves before Him.

We read, for example, in 2 Samuel 24:25

(KJV), “And David built there an altar unto the

LORD, and offered burnt offerings and peace

offerings (symbolic of prayer through Christ).

So the LORD was intreated for the land, and the

plague was stayed from Israel”.

If anyone would like to ask any questions

about the Christian faith, such as 'Why does

God allow suffering?', please email me at the

address in the first paragraph, and I will be most

happy to endeavour to explain what the Bible

teaches. Pastor Peter Simpson, www.realchristianity.org

Tylers Green Methodist Church

Lockdown! That’s where we are at the moment,

but it doesn’t mean that our worship has ceased.

At the initiative of Marlow Methodist and URC

Churches supported by the Methodist Churches

of the High Wycombe Circuit a service is

streamed live at 10.30 am every Sunday with

recorded contributions from people from many

different churches. And it is all put together by

some very skilled technicians. To date, the

Tylers Green minister, the Rev Vida Foday, and

three of our members have taken part in some of

the services. The services are not only available

online from Marlow Methodist Church website

but can also be heard on Marlow FM. Previous

services are available through the Marlow

Methodist Church Facebook page: www.



Village Voice June/July 2020

We are also dipping toes into water with

Zoom technology which is proving a great asset

to churches of many different denominations.

Our monthly magazine continues online from

the High Wycombe Methodist Church website


tylers-green). Just click on Tylers Green and the

current and past issues come into view.

I am sure we are not alone in wondering what

the long-term effect of the Pandemic will be.

Even if the Government announces that

churches can reopen, will people feel ready and

confident to come back to services? Bearing in

mind the average age of worshippers this is a

very real possibility. Then there is the question

of safe distancing inside the building and, do we

sing? This may seem like a silly question but in

the reopened churches in Germany worshippers

are not permitted to sing because of the

increased air expelled from the lungs during

singing. A risk too far, says the German

Government, and as a choral singer I can

understand the need for caution.

But the lockdown has seen some wonderful

examples of human response – like the incident

reported on Facebook by Peter Brown of the

queue outside Little Waitrose at Hazlemere

Crossroad letting ambulance crew straight into

the shop and to be first to the till, where the staff

told them their lunch was on the house. Or the

‘extra mile’ service to the community by Dip at

Kings Ride Supermarket. To give an example,

my daughter was shopping for a friend who is

unable to leave home. Dip did not have one

item, so what did he do, he immediately got into

his van and fetched what was missing from his

wholesaler. There are many people in the area

for whom he has been a lifeline.

These examples can be multiplied over and

over. The Pandemic has unleashed an almost

forgotten understanding of what it means to be

human. We Christians would say that people

are just doing what the Gospels ask us to do.

All of us can say well done to all our heroes,

sung or unsung, and thank God for them.

Peter Stevens, Senior Church Steward


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Village Voice June/July 2020

As I write this month’s article we are in a spell

of fine weather and the bluebells are magnificent

drawing many to admire their beauty. With the

Covid 19 lockdown more people are using the

wood and it is very crowded at times.

Unfortunately, many seem to be unaware that

their actions cause upset to others. So to make

things a bit clearer I’d like people to follow a

few simple guidelines. When travelling faster

than others from behind, slow down, announce

your presence to give people time to move aside

and if travelling with others move into single

file. The same applies if approaching people

from the front except you do not have to tell

them you are coming. The wood is not a

playground or a park it is a home for wildlife so

please keep to the path and do not damage the

environment. There is an increase in bottles,

cans, and poo bags. I am forever grateful to the

individuals who pick up any litter to keep the

woods looking clean and tidy.

During the winter I noticed a damaged oak

tree off the Boundary Ride which had shed a


branch and the main stem had split. Rather than

fell the tree we closed and diverted the path that

runs nearby. Signs are in place. Please respect

this change. It is amazing how some individuals

seem to take exception to the fact they cannot

go where they have gone before. If people do

have any issues contact me directly. I have

noticed that several Ash trees are struggling this

year with sparse leaf canopy.

Assuming it is Ash Dieback we will

have to decide how to deal with this.

Trees near paths will certainly have to

be felled as they will get brittle and

likely to fall.

Currently we are unable to hold

work parties, however there is work to

be done. You may see people out and

about individually or as a small group

maintaining social distance. During

the summer we plan to reintroduce

cows into Farther Barn Field but there

is work to prepare. One is to remove

some of the scrub trees, and we plan

to use a special tool called a Tree

Popper. The other major tasks are to


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remove the Wild Parsnip whose leaves can

cause phytophotodermatitis. The chemical from

the leaves react with sunlight to cause this

condition showing up as blisters and reddening

of the skin. The other task is to remove

Ragwort. If you are willing to help us please

send an email to commonwoodvolunteer@


As I live on the edge of the wood, it allows

me to observe many different types of birds. I

am particularly pleased that I have seen a pair of

Marsh Tits on my feeder at the black sunflower

seeds. It took a while to positively identify it as

it is very similar to the Willow Tit but it was the

‘pitchou-pitchou’ call that sealed it. We have

also seen song thrush, bullfinch, chaffinch,

blackbird and many other songbirds although

the numbers have decreased as they spread out

into their breeding territories. Early one

morning I spent time listening and I was amazed

at the number of woodpeckers hammering out

their territorial messages. We try to manage the

wood so there is there is good understorey to

provide the wildlife and birds with cover. If you

do spot any unusual birds, please let me know.

I had a Facebook exchange with a member of

the Wheeler family, native to Penn and Tylers

Green. He moved away some time ago with his


Village Voice June/July 2020

traction engine and Jonathan’s story will feature

in the next edition of VV. I was intrigued to hear

that he did not know the origin of the name

Zacharias Pit which was named after his

great-great-grandfather who built St Margaret’s

Church. However he was able to give me a

unique piece of information in that they called

the Chalk Track, the Two Eyed Trail on

account of 2 trees at the far end looked like eyes

when viewing from the Rushmore end. He told

me that the track was used by the timber tractors

and had 2 long ruts either side for their wheels

and at the time the wood was private they

always feared meeting the keeper.

We are so lucky to have this woodland

facility on our doorstep. One source of funding

has dried up and we have some remedial works

needed. I will have set up a ‘Go Fund Me ‘ page

to raise some money to repair a path and replace

some posts. The initial target is £700 but the

more we get the more work we can do. If you

would like to help look out for the page or you

can email the P&TG Residents Society at

info@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk to get bank

details addresses etc. Your help is appreciated.

Enjoy the wood! Mike Morley



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Tylers Green Middle School

The term 'unprecedented times' is one that has

become a common phrase for all of us and the

past months have both posed challenge and

opportunity. As for the Middle School, I would

like to think that we have used our Compass For

Life to guide us through this period and we shall

continue to draw upon this approach to support

us on our journey.

Our staff have described the TGMS team as

being like one family and just like each of you,

they too have experienced the worries, isolation

and loneliness that family members have felt

over the past 2 months. Just like a family, staff

have been there to both support each other and

importantly our efforts as keyworkers.

Each and everyone of our children are

precious individuals, thought about by their

teachers at TGMS and we miss seeing them,

teaching them and talking to them. At the outset,

we truly believed we would be back at school

within a few weeks, but it soon became apparent

that our approach to learning required adapting.

Initially trialling with one Year group, we knew

we had a secure digital education platform to

deliver an effective programme of learning.

What we have developed, over a very short

timescale, is the use of google classroom across

the entire school, to support each of our 256


Village Voice June/July 2020

pupils with Distance Learning. For children

aged 7-11, we know that they quickly adapt to

new technology and importantly are able to

learn independently. What we had to ensure was

that the platform was safe for pupils and staff,

and gave parents and leadership confidence that

our pupils could work safely online.

What is google classroom?

Google Classroom makes teaching more

productive and meaningful by streamlining

assignments, boosting collaboration, and

fostering communication. Educators can create

classes, distribute assignments, send feedback,

and see everything in one place. Classroom also

seamlessly integrates with other Google tools

like Google Docs and Drive.

The importance of technology, provided

through google and Microsoft, has been

recognised by the Department for Education

and so the DfE have recently announced

additional funding to assist schools in moving to

a remote learning solution during the Covid-19

lockdown. Unfortunately, (or fortunately

depending on how you look at this), TGMS was

ahead of the curve, and so we do not qualify for

any grants.

Our teachers shall continue to develop the

content and ways in which we utilise this

platform to support our pupils whilst they learn

at home. What we all know is that this does not

compensate for having a qualified teacher and

whilst Distance Learning is here for some time,

plans for our 'Recovery Curriculum' are needed

to address the many missed months of learning

by our pupils.

It is an exciting time in June as we are

expecting to welcome back more children,

beginning with our Year 6 pupils. A great deal of

work has gone into ensuring that this is done

safely and we are transforming the school into

one of social distancing with an internal one

way system to facilitate this. With classrooms

having just 8 desks, TGMS does look rather

different. There will not be a sports day, end of

year production or Leavers Assembly. We

believe that the experiences offered to the pupils


Village Voice June/July 2020

returning will be important for mental wellbeing

and worthwhile in preparing them as they leave

Middle School and go onto secondary schools.

Let's hope that as the situation improves and

confidence grows, we can welcome back more

children soon.

In the meantime, the demand for places from

our key worker children is increasing as more

parents return to work. Our staff have been

coming into school and we have been working

on a strict team basis; Team Ashwell and Team

Beacon. You may recognise the names as two of

the houses at TGMS! I am sure that many

people in our community have noticed the

rainbow prepared by the keyworker group that

has been on display at the front of the school. If

you are on a walk around the village, we

welcome you to add a ribbon to the fence to

show your support of the NHS. Please

remember to socially distance and stay alert!

Vanessa Pinkney, Headteacher

Tylers Green First School

This term has been one of the most unusual in

Tylers Green First School History, but with

challenge comes opportunity and we have been

on a steep learning curve over the last couple of

months! Along with the rest of the world, our

school community has had to adapt from onsite

teaching and learning to the very different

concept of remote working and learning. It is

amazing how quickly we can adapt in a crisis

and the methods by which we are all

communicating with one another are constantly

evolving and improving. Needless to say, our

young pupils are at the forefront of this

technology and are enthusiastically blogging

and emailing their work on a daily basis!

The teachers are now vlogging and filming

lessons for the children in addition to daily

messages and activities for the children to

complete at home. The support from our

parents has been fantastic and we would not be

able to operate at this level without them.

Our keyworker children attend school every

day and have formed a new class – Rainbow

Class. When they are not completing their

home learning activities like their friends, they

have been producing amazing and brightly

coloured artwork that you may have seen on

display at the front of the school. The beautiful

VE day banner is all their own work as are the

clay poppies on the tree trunks outside. We are

constantly adding more artwork to the windows,

so watch this space.

Even though we are no longer all on site, our

learning adventures continue! This term

Reception children are finding out about

animals around the world and are able to listen

to stories read by their teachers in our Video

Resource Centre. Our blog has been full of

bears, racoons and alpacas. There has even

been a report on our blog about dogs in Canada!

Year 1 children are also learning about

animals and have even managed to have a

‘virtual’ zoo trip to Chester Zoo.

The teachers were quick off the

mark with technology and there are

lots of videos about Giraffes who

can’t dance, maths and the natural

world around us.

Year 2 have stepped into the

Tylers Green Time Machine and

18 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

Photograph: David Pitron

are researching all there is to know about Tylers

Green’s long history. This topic was the perfect

launchpad for the village VE day celebrations

and the children are currently writing their own

books! We have managed to have a remote

question and answer session with Reverend

Bisset about the history of the church.

Medieval Penn Tiles made by Year 2

Year 2 have been completing lots of practical

maths and science at home – for which the staff

are very greatful! There has been no shortage of

bread and cake in the pupils’ homes.

As we begin to plan our return to school, we

continue to provide daily teaching and learning

and really look forward to the children’s

messages online. As I said at the start of this

article, we have been overwhelmed by the

support from our parents and look forward to

welcoming our school family back at the gates

soon. Stay safe and we miss you all. Jude Talbot.


The Village Pre-school

We closed our doors to children on 20 March

2020 and are now planning a phased return.




Village Voice June/July 2020


Whilst we are all keen to get back to normal,

there is much anxiety around a return, and we

will ensure we do it in the safest way possible,

following the guidelines and advice set out by

the Government.

During the period of closure, I would like to

thank Sam, one of our mums who has set up a

Rhyme Time group on Zoom, which she hosts

twice a week for all children, parents and staff

to join in with – it has been and continues to be,

a brilliant way for everyone to stay in touch.

I have been sending out regular email updates

to keep everyone informed of our plans as well

as sending out useful activity ideas for parents

to do with their children at home.

I hope you have managed to stay safe and

sane during lockdown and that the phased return

to schools and workplaces is successful. Take

care everyone and stay safe! Nicky Lovegrove

Little Oaks Nurseries &

Wrap Around Care

My goodness, how much we miss our Little

Oaks children during this period of closure. By

the time you read this, there’s a possibility we

may be on the verge of opening again, but as we

all know, things will never be the same again …

we’ll be looking at something that is being

dubbed the ‘new normal’. How that looks will

be revealed over time.

During this period of closure, we’ve

continued to reach out to our lovely Little Oaks

families via various digital means. Frequent

communication within WhatsApp groups, by

email and using our electronic Learning Journey


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software have helped to keep in touch. But what

we are most proud of is our Little Oaks

YouTube channel that now boasts over 130

video clips! We are aiming to engage, inspire,

educate and delight with our little clips, rather

than ensure children are staring at a screen!

Do visit and see what takes your child’s

fancy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/


In the meantime, we are trying to focus on the

months ahead, and our plans for opening at

Tylers Green First School. We’re offering both

core and extended nursery hours for 3-4 year

olds, and wraparound care for Tylers Green

First School children. So if you need to go to

work, making mornings and after school hours

just too difficult to manage, you’ll be glad to

know that your children can now eat breakfast

at school, starting at 7:45 a.m. Children needing

to stay late can be collected at 4pm or at 6pm,

after which they will have had a tasty tea. Of

course some families will be very happy to stay

with their childminders, who also offer a

brilliant service.

In the meantime, Little Oaks Crèche and

Little Oaks One are joining together to run from

the Parish Rooms. Children can start at 18

months and stay until they move up to the

Tylers Green site the year before they start

school. So, we are keeping our eyes on the

horizon and wishing everyone good health in

the meantime. Stay safe and see you all soon.

Ruthie Pocock

Village Voice June/July 2020

Bucks Open Studios & More

Bucks Open Studios has for this year been


National Garden Scheme - Guidance from

Chairperson of the NGS is that

at the moment there are too many unknowns

as to when/if we start to open some of gardens

for NGS this year.

What We Made - Aside from the Garden, I still

have a lovely website - www.whatwemade.co.

uk to showcase artistic creativity. Readers are

still welcome to send me images of their

lockdown artistic creations. Two images are

attached from the website gallery. Please send

images to hello@whatwemade.co.uk

COVID CARDS - As part of whatwemade.co.uk I

started 'Covid-Cards', personalised cards for any

occasion and have fundraised in this lockdown

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Two Examples of Covid-Cards are attached. If

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Village Voice June/July 2020



P&TG Football Club

Clearly there has been no football recently, and

at the time for writing we have no idea when we

may recommence. At a time when we should be

collecting trophies and enjoying sunny 6 a side

tournaments, including our own, we are now

doing our best to ‘stay as alert’ as possible. We

miss seeing you so many of the community, the

players, coaches and supporters. However,

without any football, the club has still been

extremely busy behind the scenes improving

our infrastructure, communications, and overall

set up. We really have been using this time

wisely for all our benefit. Back in distant March

we were one of the first clubs in the area to stop

football sessions, as the welfare of our players

and coaches will always be our number one

priority. This is once again recognised in that we

have been awarded the FA Community Charter

Standard award for 2020, the highest award

achievable. There is still so much we want to do

to have even higher standards of coaching,

welfare and excellence within the club, more on

which we will announce when we can. We are

delighted to have put in place a new senior

football management structure for the new

season after numerous interviews and Zoom

meetings! Michael Herbert will be taking on the

role of first team manager, with his team of

Darryl Jelly, Jack Dumbleton and Ryan

Howells. He will be supported in our structure

by Darren Jones and Lee Sturgeon leading the

Development team , and Stephen Hale taking

charge of our new Allied County Team. It has

been a lengthy and thorough process, but we

have put in place a coaching and management

team that are not only highly qualified,

experienced and successful but one that will

take our club further on the pitch and generate

more excitement in the clubhouse. A few weeks

ago we launched our new website (ptgfc.co.uk).

We now have a website that reflects the 2020s

and one we will develop over time, but in the

meantime we can’t wait to share all the new

content when we are grass! With the new

website, we now have new club specific emails,

which hopefully will give you easy to remember

address to find when required. On top of this we

now have a Linkedin page, and a Tik Tok

account, to add to our popular Twitter, facebook

and Instagram pages. Penn truly is social!.

Finally, as a club, we have significant funds

issues through this crisis. The kits, training

equipment, goals, balls, referees, and pitches

that we have already paid for this season are

always partly future funded by our successful

tournament and beer festival, which are very

unlikely to run this year. The whole

communities past support has always been

amazing and we will really need your collective

support of events at the club when we re-open

to ensure are survival. James Keating, press@ptgfc.


P&TG Lawn Tennis Club PIC

As I write this (10th May) we have been in

lockdown with the tennis club and courts closed

due to Covid-19 for just under 7 weeks. With

the lovely sunshine we have been enjoying, it

has been frustrating for our members to walk

past the courts during our daily exercise and not

be able to play! We are all really keen to get

back to normality and we are just starting to

plan for the courts to re-open to family

groups… hopefully by the time you are reading

22 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

this we will be able to play tennis again! Thanks

so much to our membership for your

understanding and support.

We are currently creating a new website at


PennandTylersGreenTennisClub and will post

updates on the website and also to our

membership by email.

This could be the perfect time to join your

local club and get into tennis for the first time,

or back into tennis after a break. Please contact

ptgtennisclub@gmail.com if you are interested

in joining our friendly club. Kate Noble

P&TG Cricket Club

There’s a joke

doing the rounds


slip-fielders: “I

don’t think

there’s much

chance of me

contracting a

virus during a

game of cricket.

I’ve been

playing for 30

years and I’ve never caught a thing”.

Alas, the reality is somewhat different and so

whereas this June article would normally reflect

on the start made by the Cricket Club to the

new season, along with pretty much everything

else, we have been on hold since late March

with still no firm indication of when things may

start up again.


Village Voice June/July 2020

We remain confident, however, that some

cricket will be possible - after all, this is a sport

that naturally lends itself to social-distancing –

but we must remember how much more there is

to the game of cricket. The essential parts

played by the Tea interval, the camaraderie of

the dressing room and the time for reflection in

the bar afterwards are every bit as cherished as a

finely crafted 50 so as and when we do receive

the green light to resume, many of those

much-loved components that make up the game

may not be immediately possible.

Passing dog walkers and those out on their

daily exercise will have noticed how much work

has gone on at the Ground by Chris Judge and

his band of willing volunteers who have

observed the social distancing rules whilst

getting the playing surface into the best possible

condition ahead of resumption. This year, the

square has required a lot of attention following

an invasion of worms during the wet winter

(remember that?) and the lockdown has

afforded us the time required to get that sorted.

The outfield too is flatter than it has been for a

few years – again thanks to having more time

available with no cricket possible.

Junior cricket has been a casualty of the

lockdown with the entire season of league

fixtures wiped out. Under normal

circumstances, from July, families start to head

off on holiday but with that being unlikely in

2020, we will do our best to provide some

Junior cricket, including matches against local

sides, during the Summer months. Keep an eye

out on our Facebook page (‘Penn & Tylers

Green Cricket Club’) for further information.

So, if you are interested in playing cricket

yourself or on behalf of your sons or daughters,

you can get in touch with either Nick Barber at

nick.barber@sjpp.co.uk (adults) or ptgcccolts@

gmail.com (juniors).

We hope to bring you happier tales of actual

cricket in the next edition of VV but in the

meantime, we hope that all VV readers remain

safe and healthy during these unprecedented

times. Jon Wilson


Degree Apprenticeship

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Photograph: David Pitron



In January the World Health Organisation

declared China’s coronavirus epidemic an

international public health emergency after the

outbreaks occurred in other countries. In Penn

and Tylers Green it all seemed a long way off.

We were looking forward to an exciting 2020

with big plans to celebrate the 75th anniversary

of VE Day in May.

In February it was becoming increasingly

obvious we were facing something much more

serious than a winter flu outbreak. On 26

February the Simpson Centre, of which Penn

Surgery is a part, closed for a few hours for a

deep clean after a patient with coronavirus

symptoms entered the building. At Highfield

Surgery doctors asked patients with flu-like

symptoms to ring the surgery first so the duty

doctor could ring them back.

By early March all village organisations were

taking extra precautions against the spread of

the virus. In the local schools extra cleaning

regimes were introduced and children taught the


Village Voice June/July 2020

20 second Hand Washing Song. On 12 March a

meeting to form a Penn & Tylers Green History

Society was called off at two hours notice when

it became obvious most people were edgy about

sitting in a room in close proximity to others.

From that moment on, all our lives changed

dramatically and I decided to write daily

updates on the Penn and Tylers Green Blog.

Here’s a resume:

16 March to 22 March

A dramatic week. The schools closed, although

Tylers Green Middle School remained open for

a small number of children whose parents were

key workers. The parish rooms in Penn and

Tylers Green , Tylers Green Village Hall and

Hazlemere Community Centre also closed.

Local cinemas and theatres closed as well as

pubs and restaurants. The churches closed for

congregations and recorded on-line Mothering

Sunday services. The parish councils cancelled

their meetings and P&TG Football Club and

the P&TG Cricket Club suspended all training

and matches. The football club also cancelled its

football festival and beer festival due for May.

The Fun Run organisers cancelled the Penn

Seven & Fun Run due for June and the

organisers of the May VE Day extravaganza,

postponed the event.

The village

badminton club, chess

club, bridge club and

all the yoga, fitness and

sports classes canceled

their sessions until

further notice.

The first local

fatality from the

disease, a man in his

70s, occurred at

Wycombe Hospital.

Our local care homes

went into complete

lockdown. Visiting

was severely restricted

at local hospitals. In


Village Voice June/July 2020

that first week the number of confirmed cases

recorded by Bucks NHS rose from 1 to 41,

although it is now known the actual figure was

much higher.

On Thursday 19 March representatives from

the Residents’ Society, Village Care, Village

Voice, Chepping Wycombe and Penn parish

councils, St Margaret’s & Holy Trinity

churches, the Penn Patient Participation Group,

the Women’s Institute and the P&TG Scouts all

met in St Margaret’s church - all sitting a

comfortable two metres apart - to form Penn &

Tylers Green Together, aimed at providing a

network of people who could help others in

their immediate area. By the end of the week it

was up and running.

In the local shops and supermarkets there was

panic buying. They ran out of soap, disinfectant

and toilet rolls.

March 23 to March 29

The lockdown began to bite as people followed

Government advice to stay home and more

workforces stayed in isolation because they had,

or had contact with, the symptoms. All

“non-essential” shops were closed. Train and

bus services were reduced - just one service an

hour between Penn and Wycombe. Postal

deliveries became less regular. The police

reassigned neighbourhood officers to front line

duty and began stopping motorists to ensure

they were on “essential” visits. They dealt with

a four fold increase in attempted online fraud.

Inquests and courts ceased operations, the

churches were closed even for private prayer,

the rubbish tips were closed and bin collections

further restricted. Adult day centre sessions

were suspended and local playgrounds were

closed. Cliveden and other National Trust

properties closed and the Henley and Marlow

regattas were cancelled.

The number of of confirmed cases more than

tripled in Bucks Hospitals and 21 year old

Chloe Middleton, a carer from Holtspur,

became the youngest Covid-19 victim in the

country to die.

Pictures of rainbows began appearing in the

windows and on Thursday 26 March many

hundreds of people in the community came out

onto their doorsteps at 8pm to applaud NHS and

other key workers who were risking their lives

for the rest of us. Intensive care nurse Katie

Surman wrote on Facebook: “I was completely

overwhelmed by all the clapping and cheering.”

Council car parking changes were abolished,

mainly to enable key workers to use their cars

instead of using public transport.

Nearly 300 people volunteered to help P&TG

Together to provide assistance, when required,

for their neighbours. Wycombe, Amersham and

Stoke Mandeville Hospitals asked for

volunteers to to help with non-clinical tasks.

They were overwhelmed with the response.

30 March to 5 April

Local hospitals made emergency

changes to deal with an anticipated

flood of cases as experts predicted the

approaching peak of the virus. All

urgent cancer surgery was transferred

to the Chiltern Hospital as part of an

agreement between the NHS and

private hospitals. A 22 bed ward

mothballed at Amersham Hospital last

summer was reopened and nonessential

services there suspended. All

breast and bowel screening

programmes were suspended;

26 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

Photographs: David Pitron

radiology screenings transferred and routine

admissions to the National Spinal Injuries

Centre at Stoke Mandeville suspended.

Military personnel were trained to drive local

ambulances while 200 recently retired officers

rejoined Thames Valley Police. The police

closed its Wycombe and Amersham stations to

public visitors. Transport for London said

passenger numbers were 95 per cent less than

normal and Chiltern Railways and London

Underground issued a joint timetable from

Amersham. On the Thames, power-operated

locks were switched off to deter non-essential

travel. Bus services were further reduced to

seven a day between Penn and High Wycombe.

The new Buckinghamshire Council unitary

authority came into existence on 1 April - a real

baptism of fire. It held its first meetings via

video conferencing. One of its first tasks was to

send details of a Government grant scheme to

6,500 small businesses. It offered suspension of

council tax payments to those without income

because of the crisis.

The council also organised community hubs

where volunteers delivered food parcels to the

increasing numbers of people struggling with

the lockdown. It succeeded in providing

temporary accommodation for the homeless that

wanted it. There were no Big Issue sellers on

the streets - for the first time the magazine was

available in shops. Public Health England

instructed that only a handful of very close

relatives could attend funerals. Local collections

for face masks were made as reports of a

shortage of personal protection equipment


Village Voice June/July 2020

(PPE) began.

With more people shopping locally, the shops

that could open in the village really rose to the

challenge. Kings Ride Supermarket, the Village

Shop on the Green and Joe Gleeson’s butchers

all extended their hours and offered home

deliveries - gestures much appreciated. Neither

VV nor the parish magazine were hand


The Penn & Tylers Green Open Gardens

event for June was cancelled, and Hazlemere

Fete, the longest continuous community event

in the area (it was first held in 1860) cancelled

its August Bank Holiday gathering. The

“Springwatch” bird count on the common was

also abandoned. The peace that had descended

on the village, now largely devoid of traffic,

train and aircraft background noise, meant that

birdsong was more prevalent than ever.

6 April to 12 April

At Sir William Ramsay School in Rose Avenue

staff made aprons, gloves. goggles and visors

which they donated to local medical centres. At

Holmer Green School staff used their 3D printer

to produce visors and headbands for Wycombe

Hospital. The local ambulance service requested

disposable seat covers from local garages and


The Easter weekend was one of the hottest for

years. The village was busy with people

exercising but all keeping a social distance. The

police said they had to disperse some groups in

the area but didn’t go into details.

For what was thought to be the first time in its

840 year history an Easter Sunday gathering

was not held at Penn Church - an occurrence

that not even the Black Death could achieve.

The clergy at Holy Trinity, Penn and St

Margaret’s, Tylers Green recorded special

Easter services to be viewed online. Local

hospitals and emergency services were

inundated with gifts of Easter eggs.

As Prime Minister Boris Johnson was taken

into intensive care with Covid-19, the former Dr

Challoner’s School pupil, Continued on p.37



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Village Voice June/July 2020



“Often it takes a crisis to make people

focus on what and who really matters to

them; and the answer seems to be,

encouragingly, that what matters is people

– relationships, a steady background of

affection and trust, the ability to nourish

love and friendship by shared activities

and shared enjoyment.”

Like me, I am sure many will feel that these

recent words from Dr Rowan Williams, the

former Archbishop of Canterbury, capture the

positive aspect of the confined way of life we

are all leading during the current Covid


However, I am surely not alone, either, in

being immensely thankful for the open spaces

we have around us in Penn and Tylers Green,

which make that confinement so much more

bearable. Throughout my time as the custodian

of the Penn House Estate, I have been keen to

ensure that it remains not only accessible to

local residents but also somewhere that we can


genuinely call ‘special’; that is to say, a

landscape that advertises the characteristic

features of the southern Chilterns to their best

advantage. My wife and I walk the local

footpaths across the estate for at least an hour

each day, and it has been wonderful to see how

many people from our community are doing the

same thing, albeit respecting the disciplines of

social distancing.

Maintaining and enhancing a

landscape as lovely as this one is

rewarding, but it is a far-fromstraightforward

task. Almost all

landscapes in this country are

the product of human effort, and

their conservation is, by the

same token, a constant yearround

mission. On the Penn

House Estate this depends,

chiefly, on two enterprises:

arable farming and woodland

management. In a good year –

that is to say, when the weather

is reasonably favourable – we

manage satisfactorily to grow a


Village Voice June/July 2020

range of standard crops: winter and spring

wheat, oats, oilseed rape and forage beans.

Although not immediately obvious, the Estate’s

farm has just experienced the worst conditions

in half a century for the establishment of these

crops. Only the assiduousness and ingenuity of

my farm staff prevented us from suffering the

catastrophe that has befallen many farmers in

the south of England who were unable to plant

any winter crops whatever last autumn due to

the almost unprecedented amounts of rainfall

that arrived at critical points in the season.

In the woods, the story is more concerning.

The beech tree, which we associate closely with

the Chilterns, is threatened over the next fifty

years by global warming. Oak trees are falling

prey to a predatory moth as well as a destructive

disease called Acute Oak Decline. Horse

chestnuts in the south of England are being

attacked by a canker that can kill them within a

few years of first infection. And now the ash

tree, another prominent species in our

woodlands, is falling victim to a die-back

disease which will mean their virtual

disappearance from this part of England over

the next few years. When mature trees are felled

– which they have to be at some point – we

replace them with saplings. However the lethal

combination of attacks from deer and squirrels

can see new plantations wiped out in the space

of a few days. This is not only disheartening but

also costly.

Despite these challenges, it is an immense

privilege for me to be responsible for such a

beautiful corner of our county. This is a working

estate, and it is never possible to ignore

commercial considerations in the way it is run if

it is to be self-sustaining. Nevertheless, not a

square metre of it has been sold for

development since I first took charge. Indeed, I

am clear that the estate’s future as a rural

enterprise lies in its being kept together. I am

thus determined, by ensuring its viability, to

keep improving it and to maintain it as an

amenity to be enjoyed by all who use and visit

it. Earl Howe

Cannonades From the Continent

(A repeat and revision of an article which I wrote

for St Margaret's Church magazine back in 1983)

There is an intriguing contribution to the Bucks

Herald of 5th August 1916 by the second Sir Philip

Rose, which goes as follows:

"Just lately some correspondence has appeared in

the daily papers in reference to the great distance at

which the report of heavy ordnance can be heard,

and it may be of interest to recall the fact that the

cannonading of Valenciennes in 1793 was distinctly

heard by the inhabitants of the village, and a similar

thing has been noted on other occasions."

It is about 120 miles, as the crow flies, from Tylers

Green to the nearest point on the French coast

below Calais and a further 80 miles on to

Valenciennes which is on the border between

France and Belgium i.e. a total of 200 miles of which

30 miles are across the sea. This would seem to be

an almost impossibly long distance for sound to

travel but there is a similar tale relating to the heavy

guns of the First World War to which Sir Philip's

letter refers and which is still remembered today.

Valenciennes is fairly close to the main

battlegrounds of the Great War such as Loos,

Cambrai, Ypres and so on.

If true, then the explanation must be that, when the

wind is right, our high position (550 feet) on the

edge of the Chilterns gives us an unimpeded line of

sound from these lower lying battlegrounds, with

the Channel, which lies roughly at mid-point,

perhaps acting as a sounding board and bouncing

the noise of the guns up to us. We should bear in

mind that there would have been much less

background noise of machinery of all kinds in 1914

and none at all in 1793.

I concluded my 1983 story by asking, "Does anyone

actually remember hearing the guns in the First

World War or know of anyone who did? " I

subsequently noted the following responses. Mrs

Evelyn Clark of Shepherds Cottage, Hammersley

Lane was sure that her father, who used to patrol as

a Special Constable during WWI, talked about

hearing the guns from France. Mrs Hitchens of

Wheelers Flats told me that when living in

Crowhurst, Sussex in August 1918, aged 10, she

heard gunfire and the farmer's wife told her that

they often did when the wind was right.. Mr

Goddard of 61 St John's Road remembered hearing

the guns when he was living in Essex during the

war. Miles Green

30 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk


It’s May and we are still in isolation,

hoping we will be allowed to

have a less restricted life soon.

Subject to government

guidelines nearer the time, we

are still planning to hold this

year’s Village Show on Saturday

19th September and the class list is

now available on our web site: https://

pennandtylersgreenvillageshow.com. We

thought the Village Show would give people

something to look forward to and to perhaps put

the time in lockdown to good use! (for those of

you who may have some spare time!)

If you’re not familiar with our Village Show,

it’s a traditional exhibition-based show which

has been going for over 50 years and we

welcome entries from experienced exhibitors

and complete novices (and anyone in between!)

There are a range of classes including domestic

(preserves and baking), horticultural (flowers,

vegetables, fruit, etc), as well as craft, art and

photography. There is also a section with

age-appropriate classes for juniors (who are also

welcome to enter any of the other classes as

well). The show is held in the Village Hall, and

as well as being able to view all the entries,

there’s always a lovely cake stall, tea, coffee

aNd a great raffle so it’s a nice opportunity to

(hopefully) catch up with local friends!

A little detail about the classes: The fruit,

flower and vegetable classes try to cover flowers

and produce which should be ready in

September. If you don’t have a lot of garden

space, why not consider growing salad leaves,

potatoes, chillies, courgettes, carrots,

aubergines, and tomatoes in pots? There’s also a

novice class for (any) pot grown vegetable (seeds

you sowed in April must be coming through and

growing well). Or why not try one of the new

classes this year: a trug (or seed tray) of

home-grown vegetables?


With more time at home, maybe you’re taking

the opportunity to dust off your baking skills?

(assuming you can get hold of some flour!)

There’s a range of interesting things to make

including a beetroot/chocolate cake, sausage

rolls, a vegan pastry dish and a mocha

roulade. We are sure your family will enjoy

eating your experiments! And there’s also

a class for flavoured gins/spirits which

was definitely a popular class last year

(and not just with the judge!)

We have classes for knitters and stitchers.

We have a new class for an upcycled garment

or (small) piece of furniture. A perfect project for

any free time you have. Art themes (drawing,

painting and photography) are “a village view”

or “village seasons”.

In the junior’s section, under 14’s can create a

memory jar and decorate a plant pot with

mosaic; under 11’s classes include making your

favourite homemade pizza or a key ring

amongst other things, and under 8’s can make

an octopus from all those used toilet rolls (!) and

an A4 picture made from spare pasta. There are

classes for younger ones too so they’re not left

out! Do remember, younger ones can also enter

the older classes as well.

If we can’t hold the show in September, we’re

planning to use as many of the classes as we can

in the next show so any craft, art, photographs,

etc., won’t be wasted!

Printed schedules will be available nearer the

time in the usual places. Please check our

website for the full class list as well as tips on

entering. If you’re on Facebook, be sure to

follow us as we’ll be posting inspiration for the

different classes as well as using the page to

keep you updated about the show date: www.


If you have any questions in the meantime

mail us at ptgvsc@gmail.com or message the

show’s Facebook page.

And a final note: Any web wizard about with

some time to help up? We took a big step

launching our web site and need a bit of help to

enhance it and let us accept web entries. Please

contact us on ptgvsc@gmail.com if you think

you could spare a bit of time. David Deadman

Village Voice June/July 2020

Village Voice June/July 2020



In April / May issue of VV we announced

the formation of the P&TG Together

group to support residents during this

Covid19 time. Many of our volunteers

have helped in a number of ways, doing

shopping, collecting prescriptions (

although Village Care have done a sterling

job working closely with Lansdale

pharmacy), but perhaps more

importantly many residents have enjoyed

having contact with others during quiet

and often lonely times...

Miles Green, Chairman of P&TGRS appreciates

the work of PTG Together and said ‘The

simplicity and effectiveness of this P&TG

Together set up, together with the VE Day

celebratory recording, has only been made

possible by the expert use of modern technology

- the Website, Facebook , Whats App and Zoom.

Twenty years ago, even 10 years ago, it would

not have been possible. So hats off and full

marks to those who put in place such an

effective system.’

P&TG Together undertook a ONE CAN

collection at the end of April and collected a



staggering 100 bags of tinned and dried foods,

which was repeated on 14th May. Thank you to

everyone who contributed and collected the

goods. (Further monthly collections are planned

for June 11th, July 16th and August 13th).

We also encouraged residents to join in the

village wide events whilst observing social

distancing rules.

We have had some favourable feedback and a

few comments from the Area Coordinators and

Road Volunteers that capture the moments for

us all to savor;

Beth Pitron, Area Coordinator for Penn &

Common area said ‘I have so enjoyed getting to

know some new people in the village and it has

made my sense of the Penn and

Tylers Green community even

stronger. The friendships I have

made supporting a few couples in

need in the village, I know will

remain strong long after this

pandemic is a thing of the past. If

nothing else, then this strange time

has taught me that I live in the most

extraordinary place and that it’s

never too late to make new friends

from different generations!!!’

Ian Forbes Area Coordinator for

Ashwells said ‘ we have mainly



helped with shopping and reimbursement was

not an issue, we used BACS, cash or whatever

worked for the resident, and surprisingly one

road volunteer was asked to witness a will,

having not known the resident until the PTG

Together group was esstablished’. Ian was

delighted that one group of street volunteers set

up their own Whats App group and the long

established Carter Walk group organised a very

successful front lawn VE tea party

Chris Clark Area Coordinator for Coppice

Farm said ‘ it was a bonding time yesterday.

I’ve lived in Tyler’s Green for 36 years but only

3 in Kings Ride, I didn’t really know the

neighbours but yesterday was lovely those

around me all came out at the end of drives with

tables and chairs and we chatted as well as you

can at such distance. One of my neighbours told

me in the 17 years she’s lived here it’s the first

time anything like this has happened!

Just wanted to let you know it’s great

that under the current circumstances

the efforts we’ve made through

P&TG Together has been even more

worthwhile. It’s quite hard to feel a

part of Penn & Tyler’s Green when

you’re not around the main body of

the village which seems to centre

more by the Commons.’

Other areas have had similar

responses, in addition it is often

family, friends and neighbours

supporting those who are unable to



Village Voice June/July 2020

leave their homes. We have heard of

lovely stories of neighbours

providing ‘Sunday lunches’ for

neighbours who are on their own,

and to coordinating road plans to

celebrate VE day, for example in

Southcote Way and The Thicket

In Kingswood Ave many of the

residents ( and I’m sure many other

roads ) join the Thursday Clap for

the NHS and that is another way

everyone is supporting, waving and

acknowledging each other.

Thanks to everyone who has been involved

and we know its going to continue if any

resident needs support no matter how small,

please contact your Area Coordinator

Gill Markham (Area Coordinator for Kingswood Area and

Board member of P&TGRS)


Village Voice June/July 2020



In anticipation of the rescheduled Open

Gardens 2020 (which will take place on

Sunday 13th September), here are some

archive photos to enjoy...




Village Voice June/July 2020

The past few months have moved at a very slow

but steady pace. After the initial panic, we all

more or less eased into an eerily relaxed routine

– wake up, banana bread straight into oven,

attempt exercise, fall asleep and start again.

Collectively, I think we can agree that there is

only so much banana bread one can make

before the reality of the situation finally hits; we

need to get back on track...

I am set to graduate at 20 years old, in

November. Currently studying Marketing and

Communications, I am at the final sprint of my

course, in a more unusual way than I had

initially planned. Weekly lectures have been

replaced with video web calls, and whilst this

has been a relatively seamless transition, it has

been made increasingly difficult to contact

tutors I would usually be able to access by

walking down a corridor. It is important to put

this into perspective; each lecturer has their own

families and personal hurdles during the

pandemic. Remaining tenacious and proactive

in situations out of our control is my best tip for

young learners – perhaps trying a new craft or

hobby to immerse yourself in when workloads

may feel stressful.

I am sure we all have household or distant

family members that are facing some sort of

challenges, whether they be personal or business

related. Hundreds of us with key workers in our

families, continuing to work hard every day

despite the risks they may face. Whilst my mum

may not be a key worker, she has indeed faced

her own problems as an independent small

business. Falling into the government’s ‘grey

area’, her business has faced constant

uncertainty as to whether or not they will stay

afloat amidst the pandemic. However, she has

not let this get the better of her, taking it upon

herself to produce scrubs in the spare time she


has for the hard-working NHS staff. There are

now numerous hard working ladies in and

around the village who are working completely

voluntarily to produce these scrubs, often taking

time out of their usual activities to ensure these

are complete. I admire the selflessness of these

people, and am sure we can all agree that

although we may see lots of doom and gloom

on our screens every day, there are certainly

plenty of positive and hopeful stories amongst

our community. Perhaps we can take a moment

every day to think of the good that’s happening

in the world – whether the achievements are big

or small, they are nonetheless a symbol of unity

in our period of isolation. Niamh Herron

Pink Moon

Photos by Ian Petrie of

a recent


where the moon

appears a pink

hue after the

Spring equinox.

Photgrpahed April

7th, just after the

start of lockdown.


Village Voice June/July 2020



P&TG Guides & Brownies

Hello VV readers! Most importantly, I hope that

this report finds you all well. It has been an

incredibly challenging time for us all in so many

ways. I hope that in the not too distant future I

will be able to write about our units and packs

reopening and our girls enjoying being reunited

and working on activities together. Such simple

things that we all took for granted.

In the absence of unit meetings, I set up a

Facebook page called Kind Hearted Notes


Notes-112103930417196/ to try and set up links

between local care homes and children so that

they could write or draw pictures for the

residents. It doesn’t have to just be children

though! If you have the time to share a note,

picture or photo I know it will be gratefully


I wanted to wish you all very good health,

and to leave you with an extract from a poem I

wrote for my Grandad’s funeral after

contracting COVID-19.

“And while the world around us has been

turned upside down; You slipped away, without

a sound. Yet our planet sings with renew, as we

battle with this virus for survival; I hope you got

to hear it before you went, the sweet song of

nature’s revival.” Katie Barrell

P&TG Scouts & Beavers

Despite this all consuming Covid-19 crisis, we

are continuing with the day to day stuff when

and where we can. The Group had stopped

having any committee and pack meetings. That

said we have had a few virtual Zoom / Skype

sessions which work well. The Scouts with their

families all joined together for a successful fun

virtual meeting. All very different but it works

well and the Scouts & their families will

confirm it was fun. The Scout association have

put a lot of work into their web site with loads

of activities / things to do, have a look and

check it out. See the link scouts.org.uk. We can

all communicate safely using technology. Now

the bad news one of our Beaver colonies is in

danger of extinction. It has been on the

endangered list for a while now. We can’t let

this happen. We must be able to find some more

support. We know there are people out there in

Penn & Tyler’s Green and beyond who could

join our Group. Perhaps you and a friend could

volunteer as a job share. Be a Helper or leader,

experienced or just keen and willing to lend a

hand. Closure would be so cruel, the young

boys and girls in the village deserve the chance

to discover the fun and learning that is all part of

being a Beaver and going up into cubs, Scouts

and beyond. Please contact us before it’s too

late, this is more than just a cry for help.

Jumble Sales. So, our Spring Jumble Sale had

to go the way of all other meetings or groups of

people coming together. Fingers crossed our

next sale will be able to take place being much

later in the year but at this stage who knows.

Please put the date in your diary/calendar just in

case. We will confirm as soon as we are sure.

Saturday 10th October at the Village Hall, doors

open 12.30. We hope to see a big crowd there

on the day. Paul Wicks, 07879668244, ptgscouts.org.uk

Morning WI

Hello everyone and I do hope that whoever is

reading this is keeping well.

Needless to say the Morning WI has not got a

lot to report. We are keeping in contact with

members a lot of whom live alone but generally

everyone is keeping busy. It would seem the

online keep fit classes are doing great business!

We had a plea for laundry bags for the NHS

so some of these were duly made and many

more spare pillow cases were collected and sent

to a central point to be made up.

As we know, all this is a total unknown

quantity and when we shall have another

meeting we have no idea. I don't think it will

32 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

matter not having a speaker as all members will

want to do is chat!

I am sure on behalf of many of you I would

like to thank the organisers and helpers for all

the assistance that has been arranged for those

of us who have so benefitted from it throughout

the village. I myself am most grateful.You can

join in with the clapping on Thursdays and take

some credit too.Thank you to everyone

involved. Best wishes to all. Sheila Sparrow

Evening WI

We are also in the same situation as all clubs

and societies in the Village of not being able to

hold our monthly meetings. Never the less our

members have been busy adjusting to lockdown

in their homes. A number have been busy

sewing for the NHS making scrub bags - to

date 80+ have been delivered helped

enormously by one member contributing over

70. Some of these were delivered to our local

surgery here in Penn. Members have also

contributed to face visors by sending laminating

pouches and a few headband “ear savers” have

been made to assist mask wearers.

A weekly newsletter sent out via email and

hand delivered to the few who are not online,

has been keeping us all informed of how we are

all coping with this unusual situation. Long

promised books have been read, forgotten

started projects resurrected and numerous

squares knitted to make blankets for Kenya. All

the green fingered members have taken

advantage of the lovely spring to tend their

gardens and daily walks are being made in our

lovely woods and countryside.

Many of us very much appreciate being able

to keep in touch with family and friends across

the world via the internet and meeting the

challenge of getting to grips with the technology

available to us. We are now looking forward to

the time when we can get together again and

enjoy our meetings. We may be lucky and be

able to hold some of our usual summer

activities, walking together and having a garden

party in August as we did last year.


Village Voice June/July 2020

Regular monthly meetings usually take place

in the Village Hall on the second Thursday of

the month (except August) usually 7.45on for

8pm. We welcome visitors if you would like to

give us a try. We also have regular sub groups of

knitting and nattering, book club and chomp

and chattering in local restaurants. All a great

way of making new friendships. We hope that

these will restart in some form or other in the

not too distant future. Lydia Andrews

Penn & Tylers WI 'Together'

As you will see from the above two entries, WIs

have been involved in making Scrubs Bags.

Over 6000 have been made in Buckinghamshire

by WI members. We got our Jam & Jerusalem

image from the 2nd World War when WIs

throughout the country made jam to preserve

fruit both cultivated and wild. Penn & Tylers

Green WI (the forerunner to the above WIs)

made jam and canned fruit in large quantities in

what is now the Parish Rooms. Our WI

performed better than any other in the country

as was rewarded by a visit from the Queen, later

the Queen Mother. So maybe we will at last

replace the image of Jam & Jerusalem with a

new one, although such is the diversity of

members’ talents and interests there will

undoubtedly be complaints if it’s Sewers and

Singers! The modern WI attracts scientists,

company directors, zip wire enthusiasts, nurses,

book lovers, craft workers, hairdressers,

accountants. In fact, you name it, there’s almost

certainly a WI member with that skill

somewhere in England! Hilary Forbes. P&TG Together

Alde House

Alde House, the residential home in Church

Road, Penn, was set up nearly 50 years ago by

the late Geoffrey Perfect together with some

other people from the village. Its charitable

purpose was to provide a home underpinned by

Christian love and care for the older people of

Penn and their families, a principle that

continues today.

Running a care home in today’s environment



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is not easy but add to that COVID-19 and the

challenges only increase. Manager Steve Burton

said “We always want to provide a place that the

members of our community can regard as their

home, indeed we’re all one big family. We can

only achieve this through the dedicated team

here led by our Head of Care, to whom I’m

eternally grateful.”

Each day is different with the team applying

the government’s guidelines while at the same

time seeking to ensure that all the residents are

safe and comfortable in these unsettling days.

Colin Hutt, Chairman of the Trustees said “We

are so grateful not only to the in-house team but

also to the doctors and staff at Penn Surgery and

at the Pharmacy. These are difficult times, but

it’s so encouraging to see the way that people

rally around to support us, and for this we are

most grateful”. Tim Marshall

Village Care

As far as Village care clients are concerned, we

have just one requiring active support, who is

taken to and from Wycombe Hospital twice a

week for treatment. Both driver and patient

wear masks. Other clients know that we are

“open” during our normal telephone hours and

will endeavour to help in whatever way possible

although with many of our volunteer drivers

over 70, we have had to suspend the usual lift

service. Telephonists, freed from their normal

duties of answering the phone and finding

drivers to take clients to various places (medical

appointments, dentists, hairdressers, shopping

etc) are phoning round clients in order to check

that they are managing and to have a chat. Both

clients and telephonists have enjoyed getting to

know each other a bit better.

Five Village Care volunteer drivers are

supporting our Penn Pharmacy by taking the

medication to the homes of those who are self

isolating. Each weekday, the duty driver picks

up prescriptions and drives them round to the

relevant person. Arrangements for this home

delivery service are made via Penn Pharmacy

(Lansdales). Highfield Surgery clients should


Village Voice June/July 2020

ask their doctor to send their prescription to

Lansdales in Penn.

We have postponed the Village Care Open

Gardens afternoon until Sunday 13th September

from 1:30pm to 5:30pm. Meanwhile, Ruth

Powell has set up a Facebook page to which all

gardeners, not just Open Gardeners, are invited

to post pictures of their lovely gardens/flowers

for us all to enjoy. This can be found at www.

facebook.com/PandTGOpenGardens Paul Breeze

Penn Pond Waders Golf Society

Our government has announced that golf

courses can reopen subject to the 2-metre social

distancing rules. Whilst this is very welcome

news, play is restricted to a 2-ball.

We were deeply saddened to learn of the

death of Frank Holder in Spain back in March.

Frank was one of our founder members and a

hugely popular figure within our Society. Many

Penn residents will remember Frank fondly. He

always had the ability to make everyone laugh

around him. He will be greatly missed. We send

our sympathies to Lesley and his daughters.

Against such an uncertain background, it

remains hard to plan any of our 2020 events

with any degree of confidence. We shall have to

wait and see whether golf clubs will allow

societies back onto their courses over the

coming months. As things currently stand, our

next events will be at Berkhamsted GC on 5th

June 2020 and at Henley GC on Friday 10th

July. Please see our website for any changes to

our 2020 event schedule .

Our May tour to Northern Portugal has had to

be postponed until November. Whether the

current 14-day quarantine rules for flights will

still be in place by then remains to be seen.

If you are interested in joining our friendly

Society or coming along as a guest at any of our

future events, please contact our Secretary Bob

Teuton on 07973 137446. We look forward to

welcoming some new Waders at some of the

great golfing venues that we have got booked as

soon as we can resume. For details, please visit:

pennpondwadersgolfsociety.com John Horton





PHONE: 01494 813225

EMAIL: info@pennlandscapes.co.uk



Continued from p.27 Dominic Raab, brought up in

Gerrards Cross, took his place.

Local cemeteries and St Margaret’s

churchyard were closed. The fire brigade dealt

with more out-of-control bonfires as people

burned garden rubbish, and dairy farms in the

area poured away hundreds of gallons of milk

because of the drop in demand following the

closure of coffee shops, restaurants and cafes.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases

jumped by 40 per cent in Buckinghamshire over

Easter week but the number of total confirmed

cases and deaths was well below those in

neighbouring counties.

13 April to 19 April

The Penn Street gin distillery Griffiths Brothers

converted its production line to make hand

sanitiser which it distributed to local GP

surgeries. The Sir William Ramsay School and

Holmer Green Senior School produced over

200 visors with their 3D machines for

Wycombe Hospital.

The Red Lion in Penn began a “call and

collect” service from a limited menu on

Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Customers

collected from the door and paid by contactless

card. JJ’s began similar morning service with

hot drinks, sandwiches and bread. The Old

Queen’s Head, The Crown, and the Horse and

Jockey remain closed, with staff furloughed.

Bucks Council introduced instant fines as

flytipping became increasingly prevalent and

charity food bank boxes began appearing in the

village streets to help the increasing number of

people in the Wycombe area unable to feed

themselves. Hazlemere Community Centre

appealed for funds because with bills to pay and

no income it feared for its future.

The former Old Cottage Bookshop in Elm

Road put the remaining books from its stock

outside for people to take, with a donation to

NHS charities. By the end of May it raised

£950. Our local MPs failed in an attempt to

persuade the Government to stop contractors

working on the HS2 high speed rail sites while


Village Voice June/July 2020

the pandemic raged.

The glorious weather continued: in the

Gomm Valley the birdsong was said to be

louder and more varied than ever. At Puttenham

Farm the skylarks also seemed more plentiful

and noisier than previous years.

20 April to 26 April

The start of the summer term, but under very

different circumstances. At TG Middle School

teachers attended on a rota basis to teach

children of key workers, all safely distanced.

The vast majority of pupils were working from

home and the class teachers made a video for

their pupils to view via the school website.

The health authorities launched a campaign to

help people with mental health problems caused

by the lockdown. They also urged people not to

stop attending GP surgeries with noncoronavirus

symptoms after figures showed

numbers were down by 30 per cent. Local bus

drivers were instructed not to give change to

passengers who insisted paying by cash instead

of contactless.

Jack Peck, a 21 year old university student

from Elm Road, Penn ran seven marathons in

seven days to raise more than £10,000 for NHS

charities. After he and a friend in Berkshire

completed the feat he said:”It’s been a hell of a

week…but if you’d asked me every morning

whether I’d rather be a nurse in a Covid-19

hospital or running a marathon, I’d pick the

marathon hands down.”

The Bucks Free Press put a paywall on its

website because it, and other newspapers, had

suffered a dramatic collapse in advertising

revenue. Wycombe Sound community radio

station launched a £3,000 appeal to stay on the

air because of a similar advertising drop.

St Margaret’s churchyard, maintained by the

parish council, and the Cock Lane cemetery

reopened after the Government had a change of

heart about closing cemeteries. There was much

criticism that people were unable to tend the

graves of their loved ones.

At Windsor Castle it was announced that


Village Voice June/July 2020

June’s Order of the Garter ceremony would be

cancelled for the first time since it was created

by Edward III in 1348.

27 April to 3 May

Over 100 bags of non-perishable food was

collected in Penn & Tylers Green for the One

Can Food Bank, organised by Penn & Tylers

Green Together. Many people coming out for

the Thursday evening applause for key workers

also sang Happy Birthday in honour of Capt

Tom Moore, celebrating his 100th birthday, who

attracted world wide attention and raised a

staggering £33m for NHS charities, by walking

100 lengths his garden.

The village organisers of the cancelled VE

Day celebrations, who had wondered whether a

late summer event could be held instead,

decided to put off any event until next year. Sir

William Ramsay School announced it had now

made 1,600 face masks for local medical

centres. An appeal in local shops resulted in 400

masks and 1000 pairs of disposable gloves

donated for medics.

The first detailed breakdown of coronavirus

cases showed that six people in an area that

included Penn, Penn Street, Knotty Green and

Holmer Green had died from Covid-19 between

1 March and 17 April. No deaths were recorded

in Tylers Green.

Buckinghamshire education officials said

they were in discussions about whether to

postpone September’s 11-plus examination,

possibly until January. Some head teachers felt

that because of the varying degrees of support

children were receiving for home learning, the

exam in September “couldn’t be fair”.

The Berks & Bucks Football Association

cancelled all outstanding 2019-20 season

County Cup competitions and expunged

previous results. Thames Valley Cricket League

cancelled membership fees for the season to

help local cricket clubs financially. Penn &

Tylers Green Cricket Club said it plans to

“make the most of whatever time we are given.”

The Crown at Penn launched The Lock Inn

- a virtual pub offering a weekly quiz and

interactive bingo.

4 May to 10 May

Determined not to let the virus beat the

community’s plans to celebrate the 75th

anniversary of VE Day, a team directed by

Adrian Cooper produced a special Penn &

Tylers Green VE Day commemoration video

(still available to view on YouTube). Many

neighbours decorated their homes and held

social distancing get-togethers.

Penn Festival cancelled its July gig. Only the

Village Show and Open Gardens, still planned

for September, survive (so far).

Villagers still found ways to charity fundraise

within the lockdown restrictions. Chris

Sadler of Ashwells was one of a team of DJs

performing a 100 hour non-stop

lifestream session from a lockdown

studio raising nearly £8,000 for Bucks

Carers, which would have been this

year’s Penn Seven & Fun Run charity,

Marianne Whitlock ran the equivalent

of a marathon running up and down

Manor Road, where she lives.

Local rubbish tips reopened,

enforcing strict social distancing.

Figures showed air pollution had failed

by more than 40 per cent in town

centres like High Wycombe.

Sam Caesar Bearpig-Gordon, who

38 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

Photograph: David Pitron

left for a three week holiday in the Philippines

in February returned home to the village after

three months. He had been stranded on a remote

island when coronavirus restrictions hit,

cancelling all flights.

11 May to 17 May

The Government’s slight easing of restrictions

meant that local golf clubs, DIY stores and

garden centres could reopen with suitable social

distancing. Penn & Tylers Green Tennis Club

reopened its courts and enjoyed a flurry of

inquiries for new membership.

No light at the end of the tunnel in the

entertainment world however. Local theatres

cancelled all shows until the end of June,

Reading Festival was cancelled, and the

travelling fair, which had visited Beaconsfield in

mid-May every year since it was granted a

charter by Edward 1 in 1269, didn’t make it this

year. Statistics showed 30 per cent fewer

patients were visiting local GP surgeries.

Applications to borrow books online rose by 60

per cent since the libraries closed. New

guidelines meant people could exercise for

longer than an hour a day, more people ventured

out for longer walks in and around Penn and

Tylers Green. The glorious weather helped.

A second community-wide One Can

collection secured hundreds of contributions

and the now regular Thursday night clapping

extravaganza to applaud key workers attracted

more than ever.

Bucks Council reported that in the first few

days of the lockdown 1,800 residents registered

with the council to volunteer their help in local

communities. 147 council staff were

“repurposed” to help services under pressure.

18 May to 24 May

Parents received letters from local primary

schools telling them of plans for a gradual

return to school for specific year groups after the

half term. The plans involved greatly restricting

class sizes, teaching outside in school grounds

as much as possible and ensuring children did


Village Voice June/July 2020

not share equipment such as stationery.

Trustees at Tylers Green Village Hall said

they would wait until September before

deciding when and how to progress the

proposed Penn & Tylers Green Heritage Centre,

planned for the hall. All hall bookings were

cancelled at least until the end of June.

Local magistrates courts and inquest hearings

resumed but with social distancing restrictions.

The ancient Swan Upping ceremony on the

Thames was cancelled for only the second time

in its 800 year history.

Chiltern Railways increased its rail services

slightly to accommodate extra people travelling

to work and the roads became noticeably busier

compared to recent weeks, but for the majority

the lockdown was maintained. As the glorious

weather continued the village remained eerily

quiet for most of the day and for the Spring

Bank Holiday weekend.

25 May to 31 May

The Government announced an easing of

restrictions in June as the number of confirmed

Coronavirus cases began to fall. Only one new

case was confirmed in the Wycombe/Chiltern

area in the final week of May and no Covid-19

deaths. Medical authorities warned that extreme

caution and alertness was still necessary.

“Non-essential” shops announced plans to

reopen in mid-June and Arriva, the Penn to

High Wycombe bus company, announced an

increase in services, albeit with strong social

distancing measures on board.

The National Trust at Cliveden and

Hughenden Manor announced restricted visiting

via online pre-booking for the first week in June

and were sold out within hours.

Meanwhile, as it was officially announced

that the lockdown had coincided with the

sunniest Spring on record, hundreds of people

continued to enjoy the home pleasures of Penn

and Tylers Green. So many people visited the

common for picnics every day the Parish

Council had to increase litter-bin clearances and

urged people to take their litter home. Peter Brown



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… we of course rely heavily on

essential and key workers, and

are so grateful for all their work.

But that is not all that we must

do. Nothing happens by chance

in this world. Even the crises

come in God’s providence. We

are being called to seek Him and

to examine ourselves before Him.

“I sought the LORD, and he

heard me, and delivered me from

all my fears” (Psalm 34:4 KJV)

Penn Free Methodist Church




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Page Numbers for Village Voice


Accountancy & Finance

FA F A Magee Accountants

Page 44 45

Financial FM Mortgages Management IFA Page 18 59

FM KMB Pensions Accountancy

Page 28 16

KMB Philip Accounting Harper Financial Management

Page 59 28

Architects & and Designers Designers

Applewoods Surveying Page 42

Penn Carrie Design Peck Design

Page 18 51

Penn Penn Planning Planning

Page 50 50


Bathrooms and Kitchens


& Kitchens

Page 12

Autumnwood Building and Property


Building All Locks& Property

Page 14

All Amersham Locks Aerial Fix

Page 42 14

Amersham Chalker Property Aerial Fix Maintenance

Page 46 24

Chalker Don The Property Handyman Maintenance Page 51 46

Don Dulieu the Builders Handyman Page 51

Dulieu Garage Builders Door Doctor

Page 48 51

Garage Hi Garage Door Doors Doctor Page 50 48

Hi Mick Garage Smith Doors Carpets

Page 44 51

Mike McLeod Window Cleaner Cleaning

Page 53

Sharley Mike Morley Domestics Handyman

Page 46 49


Penn Design

Page 45

Steve’s Sharley Furniture Domestics Repairs Page 49 53


TJ Windows


Page 43








Joinery Services

Page 53

A Steve's & T Cleaning Furniture & Stopressed Repairs Ironing Page 53 41

Alan’s Church Clean Ovens 47

Ovenproud Penn Free Methodist Church

Page 48 51

Red Cleaning Kite Carpet & Ironing Cleaning 49

Procare A & T Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Page 30 50

Computer Alan's Clean Services Ovens

Page 47

Ingenuity Ovenproud IT Page 51 41

Phil Red Jones Kite Carpet Cleaning

Page 49 46

Education Procare Carpet & Childcare Cleaning Sevices

Page 50

Little Computer Oaks Nurseries Services


Little Ingenuity Oaks Wraparound IT

Care Page 41 24

The John House Phillips that Jack Built Page 41 34

The Phil Village Jones PC Preschool Repair

Page 42 20


Education & Childcare

Little Oaks

Page 18







Page 16


Oakfield The House Electrical that Jack Built

Page 34 53

R The O’Donoghue Village Pre-School Electrican Page 20 53

Estate Electricians Agents

Ford Alex & Burridge PartnersElectrical

Page 182

JNP Oakfield Electrical

Page 53 42

Flooring R O'Donoghugh Electrician

Page 53

Hayes Estate Flooring Agents


Mick Ford Smith and Partners Carpets Page 50 2

Mulberry JNP Flooring Page 42 54

Trio Tim Flooring Russ

Page 10 24

Funeral FlooringDirectors

Arnold Hayes Flooring Funeral Services Page 43 47

Beacon Mulberry Funeral Flooring Services Page 54 43

Trio Flooring

Page 24

Funeral Services

Beacon Funeral Services

Page 43

Arnold Funeral Service

Page 47


Village Voice June/July April/May 2020


Gardening A Ellis Tree Surgeon Services

Page 24

A Four Ellis Seasons Tree Services Garden Services

Page 28 54

Four Keith's Seasons Maintenance Gardening Page 54 43

Keith's Mike's Garden Maintenance Services

Page 43 45

Mike's Penn Landscapes

Garden Services Page 45 30

Penn Landscapes Tree Services

Page 36 48

Penn Pukka Tree Planting Services Services

Page 48 49


Tylers Green








Health & Lifestyle





Garden Maintenance




Health Ann Fry & Personal LifestyleTrainer

Page 52

Alison Bloom Haircare Beauty Room

Page 54 43

Ann Fellas Fry Barber Personal Shop Trainer Page 52 46

Fellas Fitness Barber Function Shop Page 46 36

Fitness Hazlemere Function Spa

Page 368

Hazlemere Jane Symington Spa Chiropody

Page 38 8

Jane Lorraine's Symington Professional Chiropody Skin Therapy

Page 52 30

Shakespeare Pilates Page 52

Signature Nails Page 20

The Beauty Retreat Page 40

WJ Victoria Kepetzis Green Optometrist You & Yoga

Page 42 46

You Wendy & Yoga Kepetzis Opticians

Page 47 42

Your Your Doctor Doctor

Page 34 34


Interior Design/Decorating Services

Jon Woodbridge

Design / Decorating

Page 53

Jon Mella Woodbridge Design Ltd

Page 53 50

Mella Gillie Design Decorating Services

Page 50 40

N Paul Gillie Smith Decorating Services Page 40 50

Ruffles Curtains & and Blinds Blinds

Page 52

Shakespeare Decorating Page 52 50

Pet Plumbing Services & Heating

Crossroads Chiltern Heating Vet & Gas

Page 43 16

Dogwalkies Dave Beck Plumber

Page 40

Emma's Jackson Walkies Plumbing

Page 45 54

Plumbing N J Barrett & Plumbing Heating

Page 46

Barrett Penn Heating Domestics Page 46 12

Chiltern Steve Hobson Heating Plumbing & Gas & Heating

Page 16 52

Dave TK Plumbing Beck - Plumber & Electrics

Page 40 45



Plumbing 54

Fields Domestic Appliances

Page 14







Steve Schools Hobson & Tuition


TK Avril Plumbing Stuart Tuition & Electrics Page 46 52

Retail French Tuition

Page 54

Fields Pauline Domestic Quirke Academy Appliances Page 144

Strings Ros Kendrick of PennEnglish/Literacy Tutor

Page 54 50


Aerial Alexa Fix Beck Photography

Page 24 44

Cedar Barn Hire & The Stables

Page 49

High Companion Wycombe Care Friendship Page 54 59

Organise Crossroads & Shine Vet

Page 48 24

Penn Emma's Church Walkies Hall Page 54 44

Penn Gill Morris Free Methodist Church Page 48 16

Turville Joy Whittaker Printing Crotchet Services& Sew

Page 40 45


Lewis Nelson

Tea Ware





Loraine Grainger-Dogwalkies

Page 45

Zenopa Organise - Degree and Shine Apprenticeship Page 24 48

Taxi Penn Services Church Hall

Page 54

Impact The Phone Private ManHire Page 47 54

Penn Turville Private Printing HireServices

Page 20 40

Tuition Vintage Teaware Hire

Page 53

Avril Your Stewart Eco Tuition Page 52

French Taxi Services Tuition 54

Ros Impact Kendrick Private - Tutor Hire

Page 52 46

Vehicle Penn Private Services Hire

Page 20

ASM Vehicle Auto Sales, Recycling Servicing & Repairs


Penn ASM Auto Motor Recycling Company Page 60 40

Prestwood Paul Russell's Motors Garage

Page 44 42

Penn Motor Company

Page 60

Prestwood Motors

Page 26

Email adverts@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk


Village Voice June/July 2020



Need a number or an

e-mail address?

For changes or additions to these pages;

e-mail; voice@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk.

Animal Welfare

● Cats Protection 448849

● Lost Cats 676702 / www.buckscats.org.uk

● RSPCA (South Bucks) 0300 1234 999

(24-hour) www.southbucksrspca.org.uk

● Stokenchurch Dog Rescue 482695 /


● The Bat Conservation Trust www.bats.org.

uk / www.northbucksbatgroup.org.uk

Charities/Social & Conservation

● Bridge Club Tylersgreenbridge@gmail.com,

Karen Taylor 816450 & Val Macdiarmid 812528

● Careers Springboard


● Chiltern Samaritans (24 hours) 432000


● Citizen’s Advice Bureau 0844 245 1289


● Common Wood www.commonwoodpenn.co.uk

● Curry Club Stewart Stone 07786 194642

● Independent Village Website


● NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000

● NSPCC Childline 0800 1111 Confidential

line for young people /children to seek help

● Penn & Tylers Green Residents Society

Chairman - Miles Green 815589


● Royal British Legion Colin Doyle 816484

● The Campaign to Protect Rural England

(CPRE) Bucks; www.cprebucks.org.uk

● The Chiltern Society


● Village Blog; www.pennandtylersgreen.com

● Village Care; 816909 (Mon to Fri, 10am-1pm)

● Village Show Committee

Helen Whiting 816354/hcwhiting@aol.com

● Women’s Institute (morning)

Sheila Sparrow 812163

● Women’s Institute (Evening)

Hilary Forbes 816438


● Woodrow High House 433531


● Holy Trinity & St Margaret’s Churches

Rev Mike Bisset (t) 816700 /

(e) vicar@holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk

Revd Derrick Carr (t) 442212

(e) carrd@btopenworld.com

Gail Wellings (Parish Office): (t) 813254

(e) office@holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk


● Penn Free Methodist Church

Rev Peter Simpson 816202/812829

revps@icloud.com / www.realchristianity.org

● TG Methodist Church Rev. Vida Foday

Health & Welfare

● Chiltern Prostate Cancer Support Group

Alan Rowe 814324

● Dentists www.nhsdentistlocator.co.uk

● Drug Abuse Confidential help, advice &

support 473666

● Emotions Anonymous Kevin 814702

● High Wycombe General Hospital 526161

● Stoke Mandeville Hospital 01296 315000

● Highfield Surgery (Hazlemere) 813396


● NHS (t) 111 / www.buckshealthcare.nhs.uk

● Overeaters Anonymous Juliet 07808403602

● Penn Surgery 817144 / Simpson Centre

671571 / www.thesimpsoncentre.com


● All Bucks Libraries - 0845 230 3232


56 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

● Beaconsfield lib-bea@buckscc.gov.uk

● Hazlemere lib-haz@buckscc.gov.uk

● High Wycombe lib-hw@buckscc.gov.uk

Political Groups

● Conservative Association Katrina Wood,

814848, katrinawood02@gmail.com


● Labour Party Mrs Jan Kaye, 813591


● Liberal Democrats Ian Forbes, 816438


● UK Independence Party www.ukip.co.uk


● Thames Valley (non-Emergency) 101

● Crimestoppers 0800 555 111

● Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG)

Suzanne Ludgate

● Neighbourhood Police Community Officer

PCSO Sam Jackson


● Little Oaks Nurseries Ruthie Pocock 07881

737149 or ruthiepocock@little-oaks.org

During opening hours: Little Oaks Crèche

07437689158, Little Oaks 1 816987, Little Oaks

2 815413, Little Oaks Beaconsfield 671228

● Parent & Toddler Group Zoe Woods 761559

● P&TGRS Village Preschool Nicky Lovegrove

817093 / thevillagepreschool@btinternet.com

Public Halls

● Penn Church Hall Gail Wellings 813254 or


● St Margaret’s Parish Rooms

Mrs Mary Coker 812162

● Tylers Green Methodist Church Hall

Mrs G Nelson 815631

● Tylers Green Village Hall 819990 / Tina

Brown / tylersgreenvillagehall@gmail.com


Schools in P&TG

● Tylers Green First School Head Mrs Jude

Talbot 813201 www.tylersgreenfirst.co.uk


Village Voice June/July 2020

● TG First School PTA

Marianne Whitlock 07789 435656

● Tylers Green Middle School

Head Mrs Vanessa Pinkney 812465


● TGMS Friends Association

Harriet Woolley 815474

Schools (Other local)

● Manor Farm Infants School

Head teacher Mrs Paula Coppins 814281

● Manor Farm Community Junior School

Head Andrew Sierant 814622

● Manor Farm Preschool and Nursery

Mrs Wendy Terry 816730

● Sir William Ramsay School

Head Mrs Christine McLintock

815211 www.swr.bucks.sch.uk

Sports & Youth Groups

● Cricket Club Nick Barber 07714720280


● CC Colts ptgcccolts@gmail.com

● Chiltern Music Academy www.


● Football Club Tony Hurst 815839,



● Guides & Brownies Sue Stephens 817436

● Hazlemere Youth Club Nikki Arnold 813364

● High Wycombe Croquet Club

858202 / www.hwcroquetclub.com

● Loudwater Bowls Club Alan Tombs 481855

● Penn Pond Waders Golf Society

Bob Teuton 715915

● Penn Pond Ladies Golf Society

Jane Frizoni 812986

● Pennants Badminton Club (Tylers Green

Village Hall) John Youers 711647

● Scouts Adrian & Heather Cooper 816505 &

Paul Wicks 815715, pennandtgscouts@


● Seido Karate Stuart Wilson 717400

● Sports & Social Club Neil James 07929157075

● Table Tennis 815180

● Tennis Club 812929 / www.penntennis.net


Village Voice June/July 2020

Elected Representatives

● Members of Parliament;

Cheryl Gillan (Chesham & Amersham

constituency includes Penn) 673745

Steven Baker (High Wycombe constituency

includes Tylers Green) 521777

Neighbouring MP Jo Morrissey

(Beaconsfield constituency) 673745

Buckinghamshire Council Councillors

● Tylers Green & Loudwater Ward

David Shakespeare OBE 817248 -

TylersGreen, Loudwater & part of Ryemead

Katrina Wood 07827 820531 -Tylers Green &


Lawrence Wood 07739 181043 - Tylers

Green & Loudwater

● Penn Wood & Old Amersham Ward

Isobel Darby 07798 538697 - Penn & Old


Julia Burton 726411 - Penn & Coleshill

Jonathan Waters 890210- Penn & Coleshill

● Chepping Wycombe Parish Councillors for

Tylers Green (Chepping Wycombe PC

includes councillors for Flackwell Heath &


Ian Forbes 816438 / Sharon Herron 07905

614133 / Katrina Wood 814848 / Haydn

Darch 813967

Council clerk; Wendy Thompson 814600

● Penn Parish Councillors for Penn (Penn PC

includes councillors for Penn Street, Forty

Green, Winchmore Hill & Knotty Green.);

Mike Morley 816638 / Roy Bentham 813897 /

Jane Creasy 816818 / Marian Raszpla

812636. Council Clerk: Nicole Johnson

815458. www.pennparish.org.uk

email clerk@pennparish.org.uk

P&TG Residents Society

Chairman: Miles Green (815589),


Website; www.


Village Voice is owned and

published by the P & TG

Residents’ Society

is produced 6 times a year and delivered to

all houses in Penn & Tylers Green.


Cathy O’Leary 812064

Letters can be sent by post c/o Catbells, Kingswood

Avenue, Penn, Bucks. HP10 8DR or email:



Callum Hawes


Ruthie Pocock

e-mail: adverts@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk


Mike Morley 816638


Mrs J C Collins 814561

25 New Road Penn, Bucks, HP10 8DL

email: vvsubs@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk


Ron Saunders 816237

Supported by an army of volunteers


Hilary Forbes 816438


Eddie Morton / Keith Hawes


Turville Printing Services 520322

VV (both cover and insides) is printed on FSC Certified

Paper (Forest Stewardship Council) and contains 15%

post consumer recycled fibre.All products carrying the

FSC Logo have been independently certified as coming

from forests that meet the internationally recognised

FSC Principles and Criteria of Forest Stewardship.

To get your voice heard in Village Voice write to us with

any news, views, events or articles. Please send them

to voice@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk. Please be aware

that articles and contributions may be edited to

appear in the magazine and may also appear on www.

pennandtylersgreen.org.uk unless authors and

contributors request otherwise.

58 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk




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