North Canterbury News: August 06, 2020

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Thursday,<strong>August</strong>6,<strong>2020</strong> | Issue908 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

An interesting turn of events<br />


The poleman is on amission. Don<br />

Scott,of<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, is<br />

keen to find out the age of his<br />

huge British­made Newbold<br />

Machine Tool Company lathe.<br />

Don has owned thelathefor 20<br />

years.Hehas usedittoturn<br />

horse jumprails.<br />

When he was maderedundant<br />

from his job afew years back, he<br />

modified it to enable him to<br />

manufacturelarger poles for<br />

building construction.<br />

Now it is aone­pass lathe that<br />

can remove 100mmofwood off a<br />

log up to 5.2m long.<br />

Don has always believed his<br />

lathe was 120 years old. But in<br />

recentweeks awoman who<br />

visited to pickupsome jump rails<br />

said it was mucholder than that.<br />

Don immediately asked how on<br />

Earth she knew.<br />

‘‘It’swritten on that leg,’’she<br />

replied.<br />

To Don’s astonishment,<br />

painted on one of the legswas<br />

1856, and the word‘‘Lyttleton’’.<br />

This meansitisatleast164<br />

years old, and counting.<br />

‘‘I’veowneditfor 20 yearsand<br />

never noticed that at all. Nor has<br />

anyoneelse (in my defence).So,<br />

yes, Iwas gobsmacked.’’<br />

He has visited the<br />

Christchurch libraryonaquest to<br />

discover what ship it mighthave<br />

arrived on,who imported it, and<br />

anything else aboutit.<br />

He has so far comeupemptyhanded.<br />

‘‘I really wouldlove to know<br />

what it wasbrought here to do. I<br />

was told it was to buildlog cabins,<br />

but I’ve neverseen old log cabins<br />

with turned poles or photos<br />

which would suggest thatuse.<br />

‘‘I can’t imagine how it could<br />

have been steam­powered, but I<br />

also can’t thinkofany other way<br />

it was powered.’’<br />

Don uses Douglas fir for his<br />

Turned timber ... Don Scott with<br />

construction poles turned on his<br />

lathe, which is at least 164 years<br />

old.<br />


jump rails to ensure theyare of<br />

good quality and strength.<br />

‘‘I experimented with pine,but<br />

the firmakes afar superior rail.’’<br />

His rails have since been sold<br />

all over New Zealand. He has had<br />

inquiries from as far away as<br />

Britain.<br />

Don knows exactly what kind<br />

of tree transforms intoaquality<br />

rail.<br />

His pineconstruction poles,<br />

whichare treated after turning,<br />

are also sought after,especially<br />

among builders or homeowners<br />

seeking aneat, uniformproduct.<br />

Continued Page 2<br />

Antique ... The British­made Newbold Machine Tool Company lathe.<br />

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NEWS<br />

2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

There’s<br />

neverbeen<br />

abetter<br />

time to<br />

support<br />

local<br />

The<br />

<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

<strong>News</strong> features<br />

local business<br />

and news<br />

everyweek<br />

Council boss to leave in March<br />


Waimakariri District Council chief<br />

executive Jim Palmer is leaving his role<br />

next March, after 17 years.<br />

‘‘I’m fortunate to leave the council in a<br />

strong position, with acommitted and<br />

skilled team of colleagues and council<br />

members who will continue to lead the<br />

organisation and continue building our<br />

excellent community,’’ he said.<br />

The Waimakariri is ahigh­growth<br />

district, which emerged from the<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> earthquakes as one of the<br />

most popular residential destinations in<br />

the region.<br />

Significant growth is forecast to<br />

continue.<br />

The council was recently awarded a<br />

second AA rating under the Local<br />

Government Excellence Programme —<br />

one of two councils out of 33 nationwide<br />

to achieve the honour.<br />

Last year, Standard and Poors<br />

confirmed the council would maintain<br />

its AA/A­1+ credit rating.<br />

‘‘This move is something Ihave been<br />

talking about for awhile now,’’ Mr<br />

Palmer said.<br />

‘‘It will provide afresh start for me and<br />

the council. This has been an exciting<br />

❛Jim is areal leader and well<br />

regarded throughout the<br />

country.❜<br />

—Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon<br />

and highly rewarding position, and I’m<br />

pleased to be handing over such a<br />

capable organisation with agood<br />

outlook.’’<br />

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon says<br />

Mr Palmer will be missed.<br />

‘‘Jim is areal leader and well regarded<br />

throughout the country.<br />

‘‘Through the earthquakes he<br />

demonstrated exceptional leadership<br />

which helped our district recover and,<br />

following that, supported Kaikoura in<br />

recovering from its own earthquake.<br />

‘‘He is also having asignificant input<br />

into the Covid­19 response and recovery.<br />

‘‘On top of this, he’s outstanding at the<br />

business­as­usual aspects of running a<br />

large organisation.’’<br />

The council will appoint an external<br />

recruiter by September to help select the<br />

new chief executive.<br />

Jim Palmer ... Leaving in March.<br />

news<br />

Robyn Bristow<br />

Managing Editor<br />

027 312 1581<br />

robyn.bristow<br />

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www.starnews.co.nz<br />

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Old timer ... The Newbold lathe’s insignia, at left, and the painted writing on its leg saying 1856 and ‘‘Lyttleton’’.<br />


Newbold lathe is at least 164 years old<br />

From Page 1<br />

His own immaculately<br />

tended block in <strong>North</strong><br />

Loburn is home to more<br />

than 5000 manicured trees.<br />

Friends joke that he<br />

knows them all by name.<br />

It is apostcard­perfect<br />

agri­forestry block. Don’s<br />

trees are all carefully<br />

maintained.<br />

When his pines needed<br />

thinning many years ago, the<br />

removed trees were<br />

processed into fence posts.<br />

Afew years later the the<br />

slower­growing macrocarpa<br />

were coming up for<br />

thinning. They were too<br />

small for sawmilling and<br />

Don was looking for some<br />

way to add value to trees<br />

that would normally be<br />

removed for firewood.<br />

Jump rails were suggested<br />

as an option.<br />

This set Don off on a<br />

journey that ended in him<br />

buying the old lathe from a<br />


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Mid­<strong>Canterbury</strong> sawmill<br />

that had no further use for it.<br />

The lathe was unbolted<br />

and lifted by two diggers on<br />

to atransporter for its trip<br />

across the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

plains.<br />

Don modified his covered<br />

sheep yards to house it.<br />

He also had to convert the<br />

lathe from running off threephase<br />

power to asixcylinder<br />

Fordson­Major<br />

diesel engine. It took 18<br />

months before all the<br />

Minutes from Kaiapoi, Rangiora and <strong>North</strong>wood<br />

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modifications were<br />

complete and he was able to<br />

turn his first rail.<br />

It has since been<br />

upgraded to run on a<br />

45­horsepower Chinese<br />

diesel motor, with 100%<br />

hydraulic drive.<br />

The Newbold lathe may<br />

have been modernised to<br />

keep it in fighting trim, but<br />

its ancient bones endure.<br />

Anyone with information<br />

on the lathe can contact Don<br />

through thepoleman.co.nz.<br />

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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

3<br />


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Cleared ... Alison Clay, left, of Rangiora, with her dog Jafa, and Bernadette Canavan, of Rangiora, with Nuggett at the Ashley Rakahuri<br />

Regional Park after ECan’s tree­felling operation.<br />


Dismayoverloss of river trees<br />


The felling of 500 trees in the<br />

Ashley Rakahuri Regional<br />

Park has left some visitors to<br />

the area shocked and<br />

disappointed.<br />

The trees, which had<br />

surrounded apicturesque<br />

walkway near the West Belt<br />

entrance to the park in<br />

Rangiora, were felled by<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

(ECan) last week during the<br />

completion of work to protect<br />

Rangiora and Kaiapoi from<br />

the threat of river flooding.<br />

However, park users say<br />

the affected area was a<br />

special part of the park, used<br />

by many to walk, run, cycle,<br />

exercise their dogs, and just<br />

relax. Because of this, the<br />

community should have been<br />

consulted before the decision<br />

was made to remove the<br />

trees.<br />

Alison Clay, aregular<br />

visitor to the park with her<br />

dog, Jafa, says she is<br />

saddened to see the<br />

‘‘beautiful walkway<br />

massacred’’.<br />

‘‘For what? How does it<br />

stop flooding?’’<br />

Cyclist Bernadette<br />

Canavan, who is another<br />

regular park visitor with her<br />

dog, Nugget, was also<br />

disappointed that so many<br />

trees had been felled.<br />

‘‘I felt very saddened when<br />

Isaw the trees. This was my<br />

favourite place to ride my<br />

bike and now all that beauty<br />

has been destroyed.’’<br />

ECan regional lead in river<br />

engineering Shaun<br />

McCracken says the felled<br />

trees were between the<br />

primary and secondary<br />

stopbanks. ‘‘In the event of a<br />

breach of the primary<br />

stopbank, the flood flow is<br />

channelled back into the<br />

river by the secondary bank.<br />

‘‘The problem with trees in<br />

this particular area is that<br />

they slow the water down and<br />

restrict its passage through<br />

this critical zone and back<br />

into the river downstream of<br />

the rail bridge.<br />

‘‘Modelling of flood flows<br />

through this area indicated<br />

that, with the trees in place,<br />

overflows into Rangiora were<br />

likely.<br />

‘‘This is arisk we are<br />

unwilling to accept.’’<br />

However, aMinistry for the<br />

Environment report<br />

published in 2008 concluded<br />

that ‘‘flood damage during<br />

major New Zealand floods is<br />

rarely caused by floods<br />

exceeding design protection<br />

levels on stopbanks on<br />

rivers’’.<br />

‘‘It is more often caused by<br />

unpredictable breaches of a<br />

weak point in astopbank<br />

when the river is below bankfull<br />

stage; or overflow of<br />

backed­up tributaries on to<br />

land behind stopbanks when<br />

the river is close to bank­full;<br />

or spillage across floodways<br />

...’’<br />

It states: ‘‘These risks do<br />

not change even when<br />

afforestation is factored in.’’<br />

<strong>August</strong> round of events funding opens<br />


The Waimakariri Event Fund has opened<br />

for the <strong>August</strong>round, with local event<br />

organisers encouraged to apply for up to<br />

$5000.<br />

The contestable fund is providedbythe<br />

Waimakariri District Council, managed<br />

by Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>(ENC)<br />

and administered by Visit Waimakariri.<br />

It aims to support new events,which<br />

afterthreeyears of seed fundingshould<br />

be self­sustaining.<br />

Applications open for Marchand<br />

<strong>August</strong> each year,with atotalannual<br />

funding poolof$30,000. However, funding<br />

has increased for this latest round.<br />

ENC chiefexecutive HeatherWarwick<br />

says it has beenincreasedto$50,000<br />

becauseofunallocatedfunding last year.<br />

‘‘We are seekingapplications this year<br />

for new events and also fromthe existing<br />

events that were not able to run in <strong>2020</strong><br />

due to Covid­19.<br />

‘‘We want to see these events remain<br />

and be reinvigorated for our residents<br />

and visitors.”<br />

Applicants can receive up to $5000togo<br />

toward the cost of event co­ordination or<br />

promotion. Funding is at the discretionof<br />

the funding panel. It is allocated to<br />

support events that show economic or<br />

community benefit to the district.<br />

Visit Waimakariri events and<br />

promotion administrator Lucy Harvey<br />

sayssupporting events andattracting<br />

people to the region through vibrantlocal<br />

events is more important than ever<br />

because so many were cancelledor<br />

postponed during lockdown.<br />

Businesses are also startingtograpple<br />

withfewer international visitors.<br />

For funding information, go onlineto<br />

visitwaimakariri.co.nz/events/funding/.<br />

Applications close on <strong>August</strong> 31.<br />

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NEWS<br />

4 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

School opens in ayear to remember<br />


<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>’s newestprimaryschool<br />

took amoment to celebrate on Friday,<br />

afterachallenging first six months.<br />

Te Matauru Primary School was<br />

officially opened last Friday, with<br />

Waimakariri MayorDan Gordon, local MP<br />

Matt Doocey and neighbouring school<br />

principals attending.<br />

In apre­recorded message, Education<br />

Minister Chris Hipkins said it was a<br />

special day as the first new primary school<br />

to open in the region (aside from Pegasus<br />

Bay School) in 52 years.<br />

‘‘This is areally challenging timefor<br />

youngpeople, but it’s even more<br />

challenging whenyour school opened just<br />

six weeks beforethe lockdown.’’<br />

Mr Hipkinssaid having warm,modern<br />

school buildingswas important, ‘‘but what<br />

happens inside those buildingsiseven<br />

more important’’.<br />

Principal Danny Nichollssaid he was<br />

pleased be able to markthe official<br />

opening, after the lockdown threw ‘‘a<br />

really big curveball’’sosoon after the<br />

school opened for pupils in February.<br />

‘‘The challengefor us wasthe same as<br />

for the other schools,but we didn’t have<br />

that background of knowing the families.<br />

But it broughtuscloser together, so we felt<br />

astrong trust from the community.’’<br />

Planning for the new school began in<br />

2014, with the establishment Board of<br />

Trusteesappointed in 2018.<br />

Establishment board chairman Peter<br />

Simpson saidthere weretimes when the<br />

new board ‘‘hadtobestrong,tobebrave<br />

and to have heart’’ duringthe long<br />

planning process.<br />

‘‘To the tamariki (children), it was<br />

excitingtosee you finally walk in on that<br />

first day. No matterwhat you go on to do<br />

from now, know that you madehistory.’’<br />

Mr Simpson thankedNgai Tuahuririfor<br />

the school’s name and narrative, with Te<br />

Matauru meaning ‘‘eyes to the west’’ which<br />

describes the school’s positioning towards<br />

Mt Grey. The school’s narrativeor<br />

whakatauki, Ekea Ka TaumataKiTeUru,<br />

means “look to the peaks of the alps and<br />

ascendtogreat heights”.<br />

Formal ceremony ... Te Matauru Primary School pupils at the official opening.<br />


School song ... Pupils perform awaiata.<br />

Quiteajourney ... Establishment<br />

BoardofTrusteeschairman Peter<br />

Simpson gives his address.<br />


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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

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Special day ... Lorna Creamer was visited by Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon on her<br />

103rd birthday.<br />


Mayoral visit for Lorna<br />

LornaCreamercelebrated aspecial<br />

birthday recently.<br />

She turned 103 at the Bupa Ballarat<br />

Care Home in Rangiora where she has<br />

livedfor the pastfive years.<br />

MayorDan Gordonwas aspecial guest<br />

at the celebrationput on by the home,<br />

whichincluded familyand aspecial<br />

cake.<br />

Lornagrew up in Kaiapoi and worked<br />

at the Kaiapoi Woollen Mills. She is the<br />

granddaughter of SirMichael Le<br />

Fleming and Lady Le Fleming. Sir<br />

Michael was abarontothe Queen from<br />

Rydal Hall, England.<br />

Lorna was abig knitter in her time<br />

and wouldknit for her son, Graeme<br />

Swarbrick, and three grandchildren.<br />

“Mumiswell lookedafter and she had<br />

abig smile on her special birthday. To<br />

reach 103 is agreat achievement,”<br />

Graeme says.<br />

2298456<br />

New stadium ayear away<br />

Stadium Waimakariri remains on track<br />

to open next year.<br />

With just ayear to go, Waimakariri<br />

Mayor Dan Gordon and councillors<br />

toured the site last week alongside staff<br />

from the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Sport and<br />

Recreation Trust, which will manage<br />

the facility.<br />

‘‘It’s great to be able to have this<br />

sneak peek,’’ Mr Gordon said. ‘‘I think<br />

our residents are going to be very<br />

pleased. Our contractors are doing a<br />

great job, progress is on track, and it’s<br />

going to be aterrific asset for our<br />

community.’’<br />

Local sporting clubs have been<br />

eagerly awaiting the new multi­use<br />

facility as the district’s population and<br />

participation numbers swell.<br />

Basketball is one of the district’s<br />

high­participation sports and is<br />

challenged by alack of space.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Basketball<br />

Association chairman Gordon Wong<br />

says the stadium will bring welcome<br />

relief. ‘‘Having the stadium will add<br />

untold benefit to the community, lessen<br />

financial strains for participants and<br />

volunteers, and enable organisations<br />

like ours to have apermanent hub.’’<br />

Trust community engagement<br />

manager Caroline Whittaker is keen to<br />

see some big tournaments in the<br />

bookings schedule.<br />

‘‘We want to see wide use of this<br />

fantastic facility by its residents in all<br />

forms, from fitness centre members, to<br />

interest groups and sporting clubs.<br />

‘‘We’ll be working alongside<br />

organisations to create key events in<br />

the calendar, which will add areal<br />

drawcard to our region.’’<br />

The stadium will provide social<br />

benefits by having awide range of<br />

activities at the venue, she says.<br />

‘‘The combination of on­site staff<br />

from the sports clubs to the fitness gym,<br />

health and wellbeing clinics, our centre<br />

management, and of course the people<br />

from our communities will create a<br />

great buzz within the stadium.’’<br />

Despite asmall delay because of the<br />

Covid­19 lockdown, the stadium is on<br />

track to open in late July 2021.<br />


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6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Challenges lie ahead<br />

Upcoming changes have the potential to<br />

alter the integrity and purpose of local<br />

government.<br />

Historically, the Hurunui District<br />

Council has punched well above its<br />

weight in respect to service delivery.<br />

We pride ourselves on the values that<br />

encompass the wellbeing of local<br />

government.<br />

However, in <strong>August</strong>, the government<br />

will bring in more exemptions for work<br />

that does not require abuilding consent.<br />

This work includes sleepouts that do not<br />

have any sanitary fixtures or kitchen,<br />

ground­floor verandas up to 30 square<br />

metres, carports up to 40 square metres,<br />

and hay barns up to 110 square metres<br />

provided they are not above ahigh wind<br />

zone.<br />

This provides people with the option<br />

not to apply for aconsent, but it does<br />

mean more stringent requirements that<br />

require engineers or licensed building<br />

practitioners.<br />

My advice is to speak with our friendly<br />

building team to assess your individual<br />

situation to ensure you achieve the best<br />

outcome. The bottom line is the code<br />

must be met regardless of aconsent or<br />

not.<br />

<strong>August</strong> is also atime when our council<br />

is required to decide on whether to<br />

progress and accept agovernment<br />

“stimulus package” associated with the<br />

proposed Three Waters reform.<br />

Following Havelock <strong>North</strong>’s water<br />

contamination, as well as over the last<br />

three years, the government has been<br />

considering solutions facing the<br />

regulation and delivery of the three<br />

waters services —that is, drinking<br />

water, waste and storm water.<br />

This has seen the development of new<br />

legislation and the creation of the new<br />

water services regulator, Taumata<br />

Arowai.<br />

Your elected members are keeping<br />

well abreast of the process, with the<br />

decision pending to “opt­in” and sign a<br />

non­binding memorandum of<br />

understanding to receive the first of the<br />

stimulus packages. However, on going to<br />

print, Iamunaware of the financial<br />

grant allocation that we will receive,<br />

which will be allocated to pipe upgrades<br />

and improvement to services.<br />

Early in 2021, we will be working<br />

through aspecial consultation process<br />

to engage with you and consider your<br />

opinion to commit to the second tranche<br />

of this proposal, by <strong>August</strong> 2021.<br />

Should we continue, we will be<br />

expected to hand over the water delivery<br />

component to aCrown entity.<br />

This is asignificant decision, one that<br />

we will work with you on to achieve, as<br />

the repercussion of this will be the loss<br />

of influence over acritical asset.<br />

During the week Ihad the opportunity<br />

to meet with all of our staff who deliver<br />

water services, with achance for aquick<br />

thank­you. They are always there for<br />

you, so akind word of thanks was<br />

appreciated.<br />

Govt sinks $400,000<br />

into Hurunui tourism<br />

Thecoffersof Hurunui Tourism have<br />

been given a$400,000boost from the<br />

Government’s Strategic Tourism<br />

Assets ProtectionProgramme<br />

(STAPP).<br />

HurunuiTourismsalesand<br />

marketing managerShaneAdcock<br />

says thefundingprovides the<br />

organisation with the strength it<br />

needstohelpbring reliefand<br />

supporttotheregion’s business<br />

operators.<br />

Many hadbeen finding the going<br />

tough since the Covid­19lockdown,<br />

andfollowinginternationaltravel<br />

restrictions.<br />

‘‘Tourism has always been ahuge<br />

contributor to the Hurunui<br />

economy,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘Now that we have lost that<br />

international market,weare<br />

workinghardtostrengthen our<br />

offeringtothe domestic market.’’<br />

As asmall regional tourism<br />

operator, Hurunui Tourism was<br />

eligible to receive up to $400,000.<br />

Mr Adcocksaysakey part of the<br />

work aheadwillinvolveenhancing<br />

both thedomesticmarketing<br />

campaignand product development<br />

opportunities, as well asproviding<br />

supportfor businesses through<br />

industry workshops.<br />

‘‘We’vegot aworld­renowned wine<br />

region, unrivalled mountainvistas,<br />

HanmerSpringsalpine village,<br />

incredible beachesand that genuine<br />

Kiwihospitality that we knowand<br />

love.<br />

❛The Hurunui is akey<br />

destination in the South<br />

Island, so this funding does<br />

put us in abetter position to<br />

support all the passionate<br />

operators who make our<br />

region special. ❜<br />

—Shane Adcock<br />

‘‘TheHurunuiisakey destination<br />

in theSouth Island,sothisfunding<br />

does put usinabetter position to<br />

support all the passionate operators<br />

whomakeourregionspecial.<br />

‘‘It’s nowaboutcollaborating to<br />

future­proof it.’’<br />

HurunuiDistrict Council chief<br />

executive Hamish Dobbie says<br />

tourismbrings more than $160<br />

millionintothe regioneveryyear.<br />

‘‘As acouncil, we are grateful for<br />

the government support, which will<br />

benefitbusinessesand ratepayersall<br />

overtheHurunui.<br />

‘‘We areonlyasstrong as our<br />

businesses operators and this<br />

support will help ensure we can get<br />

through these unprecedented times<br />

and, ifanything, come out theother<br />

side even strongerand better than<br />

before.’’<br />


Medicinal cannabis is already allowed under existing law<br />

Dear Editor,<br />

For some who may vote for the<br />

legalisation of cannabis for the<br />

reason of medication, this is already<br />

legalised.<br />

On reading the pamphlet sent by the<br />

Electoral Commission, Inotice this fact<br />

is written in white print on ayellow<br />

back ground, which could be quite hard<br />

to read for some.<br />

Here is what is written: ‘‘What's not<br />

included? The proposed bill does not<br />

cover medicinal cannabis, hemp,<br />

driving while impaired, or workplace<br />

health and safety issues. These are<br />


This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Good<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Aug 6 Aug 7 Aug 8 Aug 9 Aug 10 Aug 11 Aug 12<br />

Rise 7:35am<br />

Set 5:35pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

2:09am<br />

2:31pm<br />

Set 9:09am<br />

Rise 8:02pm<br />

Good<br />

Rise 7:33am<br />

Set 5:36pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

2:53am<br />

3:14pm<br />

Set 9:33am<br />

Rise 9:04pm<br />

covered by existing laws.’’<br />

Yours,<br />

Jessie Lewis<br />

Disappointed<br />

Dear Editor,<br />

Ireceived arecent edition of the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> with some<br />

anticipation. Iexpected to find an<br />

editorial providing abalanced view of<br />

the cannabis debate after the entire<br />

front page of the July 16 edition, and<br />

part of the second page, was devoted to<br />

Good<br />

Rise 7:32am<br />

Set 5:37pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

3:35am<br />

3:55pm<br />

Set 9:56am<br />

Rise 10:04pm<br />

Good<br />

Rise 7:31am<br />

Set 5:38pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

Rise 7:29am<br />

Set 5:39pm<br />

Rise 7:28am<br />

Set 5:40pm<br />

Rise 7:27am<br />

Set 5:41pm<br />

Light NEbecoming Moderate NW turning<br />

Moderate SW Light Wbecoming<br />

Moderate NW<br />

Fresh Sturning<br />

moderate N<br />

SW<br />

easing<br />

moderate N<br />

strengthening<br />

SW<br />

Light NW<br />

S1.2 mdecreasing<br />

E0.9 m E1.2 m S1.7 m<br />

to 0.7 m SE 0.9 m S1.3 m SE 1.4 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

4:15am<br />

4:36pm<br />

Set 10:17am<br />

Rise 11:04pm<br />

Fair<br />

the promotion of legalising the drug.<br />

The unsubstantiated claims of huge<br />

job opportunities and incredible tax<br />

benefits without any mention of the<br />

potential physical, mental, social and<br />

economic harm to New Zealand society<br />

was extremely disappointing.<br />

Inote that no mention was made of<br />

the link between cannabis use and<br />

progression to Pand other hard drugs.<br />

The government and many social and<br />

medical agencies have spent many<br />

years and countless millions trying to<br />

reduce the huge harm caused by<br />

excessive alcohol use and cigarette<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

4:56am<br />

5:17pm<br />

Set 10:39am<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

5:37am<br />

5:59pm<br />

Rise 12:04am<br />

Set 11:02am<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

6:20am<br />

6:43pm<br />

Rise 1:05am<br />

Set 11:28am<br />

smoking. The risks stated are<br />

numerous; impaired driving causing<br />

many injuries and deaths, serious<br />

health issues including heart disease<br />

and lung cancer, family violence and<br />

criminal activities to fund dependence.<br />

Asubstantial part of our hard­earned<br />

tax goes towards tidying up the mess,<br />

with ahuge burden on our hospitals<br />

and police and emergency services.<br />

And now, here we are in <strong>2020</strong>,<br />

actually considering legalising another<br />

recreational drug. We must be mad!<br />

Yours,<br />

Joe van Rooyen<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 6:27am 2.2 12:19am 0.5 7:14am 2.2 1:03am 0.6 8:00am 2.2 1:47am 0.6 8:45am 2.2 2:31am 0.6 9:30am 2.1 3:16am 0.7 10:15am 2.1 4:02am 0.7 11:01am 2.1 4:49am 0.7<br />

Mouth<br />

6:48pm 2.3 12:36pm 0.6 7:33pm 2.3 1:19pm 0.6 8:18pm 2.2 2:03pm 0.7 9:03pm 2.2 2:47pm 0.7 9:48pm 2.1 3:34pm 0.8 10:35pm 2.1 4:23pm 0.8 11:23pm 2.0 5:15pm 0.8<br />

Amberley 6:27am 2.2 12:19am 0.5 7:14am 2.2 1:03am 0.6 8:00am 2.2 1:47am 0.6 8:45am 2.2 2:31am 0.6 9:30am 2.1 3:16am 0.7 10:15am 2.1 4:02am 0.7 11:01am 2.1 4:49am 0.7<br />

Beach<br />

6:48pm 2.3 12:36pm 0.6 7:33pm 2.3 1:19pm 0.6 8:18pm 2.2 2:03pm 0.7 9:03pm 2.2 2:47pm 0.7 9:48pm 2.1 3:34pm 0.8 10:35pm 2.1 4:23pm 0.8 11:23pm 2.0 5:15pm 0.8<br />

6:36am 2.2 12:28am 0.5 7:23am 2.2 1:12am 0.6 8:09am 2.2 1:56am 0.6 8:54am 2.2 2:40am 0.6 9:39am 2.1 3:25am 0.7 10:24am 2.1 4:11am 0.7 11:10am 2.1 4:58am 0.7<br />

Motunau 6:57pm 2.3 12:45pm 0.6 7:42pm 2.3 1:28pm 0.6 8:27pm 2.2 2:12pm 0.7 9:12pm 2.2 2:56pm 0.7 9:57pm 2.1 3:43pm 0.8 10:44pm 2.1 4:32pm 0.8 11:32pm 2.0 5:24pm 0.8<br />

6:38am 2.2 12:30am 0.5 7:25am 2.2 1:14am 0.6 8:11am 2.2 1:58am 0.6 8:56am 2.2 2:42am 0.6 9:41am 2.1 3:27am 0.7 10:26am 2.1 4:13am 0.7 11:12am 2.1 5:00am 0.7<br />

Gore Bay 6:59pm 2.3 12:47pm 0.6 7:44pm 2.3 1:30pm 0.6 8:29pm 2.2 2:14pm 0.7 9:14pm 2.2 2:58pm 0.7 9:59pm 2.1 3:45pm 0.8 10:46pm 2.1 4:34pm 0.8 11:34pm 2.0 5:26pm 0.8<br />

6:35am 1.7 12:30am 0.4 7:22am 1.7 1:16am 0.5 8:08am 1.7 2:01am 0.5 8:54am 1.6 2:46am 0.5 9:40am 1.6 3:31am 0.5 10:27am 1.6 4:16am 0.5 11:14am 1.6 5:01am 0.6<br />

Kaikoura 6:58pm 1.8 12:41pm 0.4 7:44pm 1.8 1:27pm 0.5 8:29pm 1.7 2:14pm 0.5 9:15pm 1.7 3:00pm 0.6 10:02pm 1.6 3:48pm 0.6 10:50pm 1.6 4:37pm 0.6 11:38pm 1.6 5:27pm 0.6<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />


NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Festival promises an inspirational weekend<br />

7<br />


Seventeen gardens, stalls, music,<br />

country hospitality and two selfdrive<br />

tours are on offer in the<br />

Hurunui District later this year.<br />

The Hurunui GardenFestival<br />

is celebrating its thirdyear,<br />

taking in gardens from Amberley<br />

to Gore Bay,and Hawarden to<br />

Hanmer Springs.<br />

The festival grewout of the<br />

impact of the November 2016<br />

earthquake. The concept was to<br />

opengardens and invitevisitors,<br />

particularly fromoutside the<br />

district, to spendaweekend<br />

enjoyinggardensand attractions<br />

in the Hurunui District, while<br />

benefiting businesses and<br />

residents.<br />

Thisyear’s festival runs from<br />

October 29 to November 1.<br />

Visitorscan enjoythe Hidden<br />

Gems tourfrom theLowry Hills<br />

to the sea,and anew Waipara<br />

Eye­catching ... Concretions in<br />

the Waipara Gorge.<br />

Gorge tour, Mysteries of the<br />

Waipara Gorge,complete with<br />

iron sculptures, concretiansand<br />

moabones. Visitorswill also get<br />

to learnaboutthe geologically<br />

rich landscape.<br />

There arefeatures in gardens<br />

to educate, entertain and inspire<br />

thevisitors enjoying the festival.<br />

Organising committee<br />

chairman Gary Mitchell sayshe<br />

hopes people will stay the night<br />

andvisitthe district’s wineries,<br />

cafes, and its many other<br />

attractions.<br />

TheHurunui Garden Festival<br />

is now an incorporated not­forprofitsociety,<br />

committedto<br />

investing backinits community,<br />

he says. As aresult,a$2000<br />

scholarship has been initiated<br />

foragraduating student froma<br />

Hurunuisecondary school to<br />

help towards study in<br />

horticultureattheirchoice of<br />

university or institute of<br />

technology.<br />

‘‘The committee is united in<br />

followingits ethos of being<br />

inspirational and supportiveto<br />

theresidentsofHurunui,’’Gary<br />

says.<br />

Thescholarshipapplies in the<br />

years the societymakes a<br />

reasonable profit.<br />

During the 2019 festival, an<br />

estimated1600 peoplemade 4841<br />

visits to festival gardens,<br />

accordingtoasurvey, with<br />

visitors on average going to three<br />

to four gardens over the<br />

weekend.<br />

Local residentsmade up 22<br />

percent of visitors, with afurther<br />

30%fromChristchurch and 31%<br />

from the rest of <strong>Canterbury</strong>. The<br />

Hidden beauty ... Avisit to<br />

Karetu will be part of the self­drive<br />

Waipara Gorge tour. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED<br />

remaining 17% included visitors<br />

from the <strong>North</strong>Island and<br />

overseas.<br />

It wasfound that 37% of the<br />

visitors (about 592 people)stayed<br />

overnight in the Hurunui district.<br />

The society’swebsite has been<br />

updated, and the garden guide<br />

will be available soon.<br />

Ticketsales to the gardens and<br />

the tours are available on the<br />

website. Early bird specialswill<br />

open mid­<strong>August</strong>.<br />

Hawarden gem ... Saddlewood is one of the gardens available to visit<br />

during the festival.<br />

✓<br />

✓<br />

WINTER<br />

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Sale excludes Manchester and Accessories.

New parents ... Lucie and Theo Sneek, of Cust, with their newborn son Douglas. The wooden stork Theo built to mark the arrival of Douglas<br />

is at left.<br />


Stork announces arrival of newborn<br />


ACustcoupleused atradition<br />

popular in The Netherlandsto<br />

announce thearrival of their<br />

firstborn.<br />

Lucie and Theo Sneek’s<br />

newborn sonDouglas, who<br />

arrived two weeksearly, was<br />

borninthe RangioraHealth<br />

Hub’s birthingunit on Friday,<br />

July24, at 7.44am.<br />

To celebrate theoccasion,<br />

Theo, whowas born in The<br />

Netherlands,installedalargerthan­life<br />

hand­made wooden<br />

stork,carrying asmall teddy<br />

bearwrapped in ablanket, on<br />

the pavementoutsidetheir<br />

homeonCustRd.<br />

Theo, adairyfarmer,who is<br />

the <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Federated<br />

Farmers’ sharemilkers’ section<br />

chairman,sworetheir friendsto<br />

secrecy aboutthe installation, so<br />

it wouldbeasurprise for Lucie<br />

when shereturned home with<br />

Douglas.<br />

However, he inadvertentlylet<br />

Lucieinonthe secret himself<br />

whileshowing her some other<br />

photographs taken on hisphone.<br />

Nevertheless,the stork was still<br />

a‘‘lovelysurprise’’, saysLucie,<br />

whowas borninWales.<br />

Sheisnow on maternityleave<br />

fromher jobasalarge­animal<br />

veterinarian withthe Rangiora<br />

Vet Centre.<br />

In TheNetherlands, the stork<br />

is recognisedasaluckycharm,<br />

symbolic of childbirth.Itis a<br />

long­held tradition there for<br />

peopletoinstalltoy storks,<br />

carryingsomethingresembling a<br />

newborn in swaddling, outside<br />

their homestoannounce the<br />

arrival of anew baby.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Festival<br />

planned<br />

9<br />

Kaikoura is set to celebrate<br />

winter. The inaugural Kaikoura<br />

Winter Fest is comingon<strong>August</strong><br />

21 to 23, and locals and visitors<br />

are encouraged to wrap up in<br />

their best retrowinter gear.<br />

Confirmedevents so far<br />

include storytime in the<br />

Kaikoura library and the Great<br />

Kaikoura Road Trip.<br />

Taranaki entertainers Erika&<br />

CoCo Flash will bring their<br />

children’s Rainbow Storytime to<br />

the Kaikouralibrary on Friday,<br />

<strong>August</strong> 21, from 11am to 12pm.<br />

Rainbow Storytime is aimed at<br />

toddlerstointermediate age. It<br />

encourages childrentoread<br />

books about acceptance,<br />

diversity, inclusion and being<br />

kind, as well as playing some fun<br />

games.<br />

The Great KaikouraRoad<br />

Trip will leave from Bernie’s<br />

Diner in Beach Rd, Kaikoura, on<br />

Sunday,<strong>August</strong> 23, with<br />

registration from 10am to 12pm.<br />

It will involve driving to<br />

different activities within the<br />

Kaikouradistrict, with prizesup<br />

for grabs.<br />

Participants will need a<br />

cellphone, are encouragedto<br />

dress up themselves and their<br />

car, and stop at some of the<br />

locations forlunch.<br />

The event will finish at<br />

DonegalHouse for the prizegiving<br />

from 4pm. Contact Toni<br />

on (027) 438 2678 for more<br />

information on the road trip.<br />

More details on the Winter Fest<br />

will be available soon.<br />

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NEWS<br />

10 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Love of art<br />

...<br />

Rangiora’s<br />

Annie Guise is<br />

keen to share<br />

her love of art<br />

with other<br />

people.<br />


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T&Cs providedbyFour Square South Island -available at www.foursquare.co.nz<br />

Pascall Confectionery<br />

150-180g<br />

$ 1<br />

99 ea<br />

Puhoi Valley<br />

Yoghurt 450g<br />

$ 4 99 ea<br />

Art classes on offer<br />

ARangioraartist is offering art tutoring to<br />

beginnersthanks to Creative NZ arts<br />

funding.<br />

AnnieGuise is offeringtutoring in oil<br />

painting and pastels for beginners or<br />

people wanting to get back into painting,as<br />

well as art classestocommunity groups.<br />

Thereisasmall chargetohelp cover<br />

costs, butall materials are supplied thanks<br />

to agenerous grant, she says. ‘‘It was<br />

before Covid whenIgot the funding, but<br />

Covidhas encouraged people to get back<br />

into painting and give new things ago.<br />

‘‘It’s agreat opportunity for peopletoget<br />

started because it can cost acouple of<br />

hundred dollars to get the materials, but I<br />

can supply the materials for themthanks<br />

to the grant.<br />

‘‘It’s ideal for people to take aterm or<br />

two andtry it out and see if it’s for them.<br />

I’m prettyflexible aboutthat.’’<br />

Annie says she can offer one­on­one<br />

tutoring for individuals or couplesinher<br />

studio, or can go out into the community to<br />

offer classes forlarger groups, with lessons<br />

available for teenagers(from 15 years) and<br />

adults. ‘‘I’vehad students who weren’t<br />

doing so wellatschool, but came and did<br />

some lessons withmeand did some<br />

amazing things.’’<br />

Annie has been back in Rangiora for two<br />

years,after spending 20 years in Cromwell,<br />

where she taught fortnightly classes for the<br />

Central Otago Art Society and produced<br />

several oil paintings of Central Otago.<br />

She is amember of the Rangiora Arts<br />

Society and is offeringatutorialonoils for<br />

the society in September.<br />

To contactAnnie, phone (021) 473 203 or<br />

email essential8@gmail.com.<br />

The Peoples Wine<br />

750ml<br />

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12 99 ea<br />

Mac’s Ale<br />

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SpecialsavailableSouthIsland only from Monday27th July until Sunday 9th<br />

<strong>August</strong><strong>2020</strong> or while stocks last. Wine and beer available at stores withanoff<br />

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Rangiora Toyota<br />

Percival St, Rangiora<br />

(03) 313-8186<br />

www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

Proudly supportingsport<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Rangiora farewells the Watts<br />

Members of the Wattfamily<br />

played their lastgames for the<br />

Rangiora Hockey Clublast<br />

weekend beforethey relocate<br />

to Ireland after afive­month<br />

delay because of the Covid­19<br />

pandemic.<br />

DaughtersAnika and<br />

Tanith haveboth been playing<br />

in the Platinum girlsBteam<br />

this season,aftercoming up<br />

throughKiwi Sticks and Kwik<br />

sticks grades since joining the<br />

club in 2016.<br />

DadNeil, who was<br />

originally from Scotland but<br />

haslived in New Zealand for<br />

22 years, caught the hockey<br />

bugwatching his kids,soput<br />

away the football boots and<br />

started playingMasters<br />

hockey in the summer of 2018<br />

before joining the Rangiora<br />

AllsortsMidweek Mensteam<br />

thefollowing winter.<br />

TheWattsare excited about<br />

their move and are looking<br />

forwardtothe opportunities<br />

to keep playing hockeyin<br />

their new home.<br />

On the turf, the Rangiora<br />

CBKDivision1men claimed<br />

another important win for the<br />

season, making sure HSOB/<br />

Burnside stay behind themon<br />

thetable.There were wins<br />

also for the Division 2women,<br />

Rangiora Hurunui Mid Week<br />

women and Platinum Aboys<br />

andgirls.<br />

Heavymist on Monday<br />

night made for difficult play<br />

in the Mid WeekMen’s<br />

competitions, where the<br />

Rangiora Allsortsgot agoal<br />

ahead in the thirdquarter,<br />

only to lose focus to let in two<br />

easy goals to Southern.<br />

In the Mini Sticks grade, the<br />

Rangiora Rabbits ran<br />

rampant against St Andrews,<br />

sharing the goals around the<br />

team in theirbig win.<br />

The Rogues KiwiSticks<br />

boys team also scored abig<br />

win over Medbury School,<br />

with JoshuaGodinet slotting<br />

six goals.<br />

Results<br />

Division 1: Men –Rangiora CBK 4<br />

(John Single 1, Dominic Cleary 1,<br />

Logan Benson 1, Fletcher Sutherland­<br />

Todd 1) beat HSOB/Burnside 3. MVP:<br />

Logan Benson.<br />

Women –Rangiora CBK 0lost to<br />

HSOB/Burnside 2. MVP: Rebecca<br />

Jelfs.<br />

Division 2: Women –Rangiora 3<br />

(Kalyn Thomas 2, Lucy Asher1)beat<br />

Carlton Redcliffs 1. MVP: Krystalena<br />

Roberts.<br />

Division 3: Men –Rangiora 0lost to<br />

University Apache 2.<br />

Mid Week Open: Men –Rangiora<br />

Allsorts 1(Tim Hawke 1) lost to<br />

Southern United 2.<br />

Women –Rangiora Hurunui 4(Anna<br />

Armstrong 2, Lucy Murray 2) beat<br />

Hornby Cats 2. MVP: Mima Savage.<br />

Platinum Men: Rangiora A7(Brodie<br />

Simpson 2, Ryan Bassett 2, Bradley<br />

Turner 1, Patrick Green 1, Giles Witt 1)<br />

beat HSOB/Burnside 0. MVP: Ricco<br />

Pepper­Edwards.<br />

Rangiora B1(James Clark 1) lost to<br />

Avon 5.<br />

Platinum Women:Rangiora A4<br />

(Kaylee McDonald 3, Tilly Dodd 1) beat<br />

Waikirikiri 1.<br />

Rangiora B0drew withHSOB/<br />

Burnside Red 0. MVP: Amelia Green.<br />

Kwik Sticks Girls: Rangiora Rascals<br />

In the clear... CindyStiven drivesaround aCarlton Redcliffs<br />

defender during the Division 2Women’s game at the MainPower<br />

Hockey Turf in Rangiora.<br />

3(Sophie Bell 1, Perri Stevenson 1,<br />

Rosie Mones­Cazon 1) beat Carlton<br />

Redcliffs 0. MVP: Millie McCartney.<br />

Rangiora Rubys 2(MadelineHubber<br />

1, Samara van Wyk 1) drewwith<br />

Malvern Kwik Sticks 2. MVP: Cate<br />

Ambury. Rangiora Rhinos 1(Poppy<br />

Archer 1) drew withCarlton Redcliffs<br />

1. MVP: Maia McKeever.<br />

Kwik Sticks Boys: Rangiora<br />

Renegades 2(Harrison Forbes 1, Ollie<br />

Taylor 1) lost toHSOB/Burnside 4.<br />

MVP:Tenzin Woods. Rangiora<br />

Rampage 1(Matt Corey 1) drew with<br />

Hornby Vipers1.MVP:Ollie Taylor.<br />

Kiwi Sticks Girls: RangioraRaiders<br />

0lost to Hinemoa­Kaiapoi Hinau 2.<br />

MVP:Lily George; Rangiora Rainbows<br />

6(Ruby Taylor 4, Brooklin Glass1,<br />

Leilani Pokoina 1) defeated HSOB/<br />

Burnside Monkeys 0. MVP: Leilani<br />

Pokoina. Rangiora RoadRunners 5<br />

beat HSOB/Burnside Pixies 2.<br />

Kiwi Sticks Boys: Rangiora Rogues<br />

10 (Joshua Godinet 6, Joel Pulley 2, Eru<br />

Te Awa 1, Jamie Ryan1)beat Medbury<br />

School Blue 2. MVP:Gregory McKay.<br />

Rangiora Rangers 3beat Carlton<br />

RedcliffsSharks 0.<br />

Mini Sticks Girls: Rangiora Rabbits<br />

16 (Catherine McKellow 4, Adele<br />

Ferguson 3, Quincey Hawes 3, Emma<br />

McKellow 2, Ruby Huchison 2, Erika<br />

Zwick 1, Zarah Healey 1) beat St<br />

Andrews PrepSchool 1. MVP: Zarah<br />

Healey. Rangiora Rockets 0lost to<br />

Carlton RedcliffsSeahorses 3. MVP:<br />

ArletteNewman.<br />

Mini Sticks Boys: Rangiora<br />

Roadsters 1(Harrison Pullar 1) lost to<br />

Avon/St Michaels Dragons 4. MVP:<br />

Aidan Ferguson.<br />


Amberley Golf<br />

Ladies: Sharon Marsh, 36 points.<br />

Seniormen: GwynWilliams, 38 pts 1; Ron<br />

McPhail, Jed Robertson, Rowan Turnbull,<br />

equal 2, 33 pts.<br />

Juniormen: Bruce Mills 35 pts, 1; Karl<br />

Rattray, 34 pts 2; Dennis George, PaulWylie,<br />

33 pts, equal 3.<br />

Mid­week men: Jim Stringleman 36 pts, 1; Bill<br />

Balderstone 35 pts,2.<br />

Rangiora Bridge Club<br />

OxfordPairs:N/S: Colleen Adam/Jeanette<br />

Chatterton 1, Dawn Simpson/Veronica Hall 2,<br />

Joan Lloyd/Joyce Gray3.E/W: Rona<br />

Maslowski/Tom Rose 1, David Rainey/Liz<br />

Duke 2, Pam McAllister/Warwick Wyatt3.<br />

Individual: N/S: MoodyShokry/Babs­Merel<br />

de Visser1,MargaretPickering/Jeanette<br />

Chatterton 2, Dave Tocker/SueMcIlroy3.<br />

E/W: RichardLuisetti/LindaHanham1,<br />

Jenny Shore/LizDuke 2, Maggie Johnston/<br />

GaynorHurford 3.<br />

MondayEvening N/S AnneBagrie/Rene<br />

Pabst 1. Gavin Dunnett/NoelLangdon2.Fons<br />

Saunders/EllisSaunders and Annette<br />

Caldwell/Gail Dunlop 3=;<br />

E/W: Willam Van Der Mespel/Om Van Der<br />

Mespel1.Liz Calder/LindsaySigglekow2.<br />

Marilyn Eliet/Alison Howie3.<br />

Wednesday 29/7/20WinterPairs: N/S: Dave<br />

Tocker/LizDuke 1, Judy Bruerton/Jenny<br />

Shore 2, VictorPaul/Sue McIlroy 3.<br />

E/W: David McRae/Tony Biddington1,Jenny<br />

Hassall/Jill Amer 2, BrianStewart/Jeanette<br />

Joyce 3.<br />

Amberley Smallbore rifles<br />

July 27: KQuigley 99.4, KBrown 99.3,<br />

MQuigley 98.4, DQuigley95.0, TDevine 94.3,<br />

CRhodes93.2, OMitchell 92.0, RHarper 91.3,<br />

MParker 88.0, IFrazer 86.0, BParker 81.0.<br />

<strong>August</strong>3:DQuigley 99.7, CRhodes 97.3,<br />

KQuigley 97.3, MParker 95.4, OMitchell 94.2,<br />

IFrazer93.4, MQuigley 92.2, RHarper 92.2,<br />

WParker89.1, BParker85.2.<br />

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NEWS<br />

14 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Seat honours memory of Des<br />


Amemorial seat for the late Des<br />

Moore has been installed at the<br />

Rangiora grounds of the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Riding for the<br />

Disabled Association (RDA).<br />

Des, who died last December,<br />

was an energetic, inspirational<br />

visionary who dreamt of<br />

establishing the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> branch of the RDA.<br />

He worked tirelessly to achieve<br />

that goal and became the<br />

association’s founding president<br />

and alife member along the way.<br />

The memorial seat for Des was<br />

unveiled by his widow, Rita, and<br />

their sons and daughters during<br />

afunction held at the<br />

association’s grounds last<br />

Sunday afternoon.<br />

‘‘Des’s life was about service to<br />

others and service above self,’’<br />

Rita said.<br />

‘‘His dream was to have an<br />

RDA in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> and,<br />

with the help of all you people,<br />

and many hours of hard work, his<br />

dream became real and true.<br />

‘‘This is evident in the facilities<br />

that we can see here today.’’<br />

He died having fulfilled his<br />

dream, leaving the association in<br />

capable hands, so that the riding<br />

programme could continue to<br />

help people with disabilities<br />

experience the enjoyment and<br />

benefits derived from horse<br />

riding.<br />

Zanny Scholes, who is a<br />

founding member of the local<br />

Memorialseat ... Rita<br />

Moore, whosehusband,<br />

Des, died last December,<br />

with theirdaughters,<br />

Christine Johnson, far left<br />

and Brenda Alexander,<br />

second from left, andsons<br />

Graeme Moore, right, and<br />

WayneMoore, at rear, at<br />

the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Riding for The Disabled<br />

Association’s Rangiora<br />

grounds last Sunday.<br />


committee, said her journey<br />

began with the organisation after<br />

Des put an advertisement in a<br />

local newspaper asking for likeminded<br />

people interested in<br />

establishing alocal RDA. People<br />

were invited to attend ameeting<br />

he had organised.<br />

‘‘The rest is history.’’<br />

Des was determined, she said,<br />

and this is the reason the<br />

association exists today, with its<br />

own beautiful grounds and its<br />

own facilities.<br />

‘‘He was an extraordinary,<br />

selfless giver of himself,<br />

dedicated to enriching the life of<br />

those living with difficulties, and<br />

Rita supported him every step of<br />

the way, becoming our top­notch<br />

secretary.’’<br />

Code NameHelene,byAriel Lawhon<br />

In 1936, Nancy Wake livedinParis. She<br />

bluffed her way into ajob as aforeign<br />

correspondent and witnessedthe terror<br />

of Hitler’s riseinEurope. She fell in<br />

love with French industrialistand<br />

playboy HenriFiocca in Marseilles,<br />

and no sooner had she agreed to<br />

become Mrs Fiocca than the Germans<br />

invaded France. She took on acode<br />

name —the first of many —and<br />

smuggled peopleacross across borders. The Nazis dubbed<br />

her The White Mouse, and put a5millionfranc bountyonher<br />

head.Nancy wentontobecome one of the most powerfuland<br />

ruthless leaders within the French Resistance.<br />

Fast Asleep, by Michael Mosley<br />

Dr Michael Mosley explains what<br />

happenswhen we sleep,what triggers<br />

common sleep problems and why<br />

standard advice rarely works. Prone to<br />

insomnia, he has taken part in many<br />

sleep experiments and tested every<br />

remedy going. The result is aradical,<br />

four­week programme, based on the<br />

latest science, designed to help reestablish<br />

ahealthy sleep pattern. Fast<br />

Asleep provides the tools to sleep better,<br />

reducestressand feel happier.<br />

Immunity: The ScienceofStaying Well, by Jenna Macciochi<br />

Expert immunologist Dr Jenna Macciochiunravels the new<br />

science around immunity and decodes<br />

exactly what it takes to be well in the<br />

modern era. Offering simple, clear and<br />

educated advice, and debunking<br />

popular mythsalong theway, Immunity<br />

explores the secrets of people who<br />

neverseem to get ill, why autoimmune<br />

disease is more prevalentthan ever and<br />

how germsare actually good for us.<br />

These titlesare available in both<br />

Waimakaririand Hurunuilibraries.<br />

Find out more aboutadditions to the<br />

library by going to the catalogue at<br />

waimakariri.kotui.org.nz or hurunui.kotui.org.nz, or contact<br />

your locallibrary.<br />

Is it timeto<br />

makethe<br />

move?<br />

Our modern Ballarat<br />

RetirementVillageinRangiora<br />

offer youcompanyand<br />

security while living in an<br />

active,like-mindedcommunity.<br />

Open home|Sunday9<strong>August</strong>,11am-1pm<br />

All our villas have:<br />

•Modern kitchen •Openplanlounge &diningroom •Air conditioning/heatpump<br />

•Fisher&Paykel appliances–singledishwasher,cooktop,ovenand rangehood<br />

•Access to community lounge,library,gardens and outdoor areas<br />

•24-hour emergencyalarm andon-sitecarehome<br />

One<br />

bedroom<br />

villa for<br />

$310,000<br />

Call Andrea on (03) 9748341 | 21Ballarat Road, Rangiora | www.bupa.co.nz/ballarat

HDC in <strong>August</strong><br />

Thelatest localnews, views and announcements from thecouncil<br />

Upcoming<br />

Events<br />

Let's Keep <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Working<br />

Workshops with the Ministry of<br />

Social Development<br />

Hawarden:<br />

Tuesday 11 <strong>August</strong> 1pm<br />

Hawarden Fire Station<br />

7High St<br />

Cheviot:<br />

Thursday 13 <strong>August</strong> 1pm<br />

Cheviot Fire Station<br />

6McQueen Rd<br />

Email to Register:<br />

community@hurunui.govt.nz<br />

Our libraries<br />

Stepping UP classes:<br />

Free community-based digital literacy<br />

programme.<br />

For anyone wanting basic computer<br />

knowledge who wishes to develop digital<br />

skills relevant to their work and life. Topics<br />

include<br />

Introduction to Smartphones, Introduction to<br />

Ancestry.com, Digital Banking, and<br />

Photobooks –Snapfish.<br />

Consists of 38 ‘Digital Steps’ each taking<br />

approximately two hours to complete.<br />

Anyone can register and may join as many<br />

classes as they like, subject only to space<br />

availability.<br />

Bookings essential:<br />

Susie 03 314 8980 or<br />

on-line https://steppingup.nz/<br />

Building consents<br />

Consented building work valued at<br />

$32 million so far in <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

January –29consents, $3.1 million build value, 4dwellings.<br />

February –36consents, $5.0 million build value, 7dwellings.<br />

March –44consents, $4.6 million build value, 5dwellings.<br />

April –27consents, $2.7 million build value, 2dwellings.<br />

May –51 consents, $4.0 million build value, 8dwellings.<br />

June –47consents, $6.0 million build value, 7dwellings.<br />

July - 58consents, $7.1 million build value, 6dwellings.<br />

Recycling<br />

Rough mulch is being sold at Amberley and Hanmer<br />

transfer stations, and will be sold at Waiau and Culverden<br />

soon. Great for weed suppression. And a reminder that<br />

bokashi kits are also for sale, which help divert waste from<br />

the landfill.<br />

To encourage recycling of agricultural waste, Agrecovery<br />

recycling drop off points are at the Cheviot, Culverden and<br />

Waiau transfer stations and at Amberley PGG Wrightson.<br />

Through these, triple rinsed and empty polyethylene<br />

(HDPE) plastic agri-chemical containers are accepted for<br />

recycling.<br />

West Ward by-elections<br />

You should have received your voting documents by now –<br />

if you haven’t received them give Naomi acall or pop into<br />

the Council (Amberley Office) to do a Special Vote.<br />

Documents need to be in the post by this Friday to ensure<br />

they are received by noon on Friday the 14th If you miss<br />

the postal deadline these can be dropped back to the<br />

Amberley Council Office or any of our West Ward libraries -<br />

Hanmer Springs, Amuri or Hawarden. This weekend<br />

Naomi, our council electoral officer, will be at the Hanmer<br />

Springs Library from 10am –2pm (both Saturday 8and<br />

Sunday 9 <strong>August</strong>)) for anyone that needs to make a<br />

Special Vote (particularly Non- resident ratepayers).<br />

Fly linefor Hanmer Springs<br />

A fly line will be an exciting new feature at Conical Hill,<br />

currently in the early stages of planning. It is due to open by<br />

October 2021. HDC will receive $2.1 million from the<br />

Government’s infrastructure funding scheme, ($2m) and<br />

the Provincial Growth Fund, (approximately $100,000.)<br />

The ride will take nine minutes, and create plenty of jobs for<br />

the area with its construction and operation requirements.<br />

Keep supporting ourlocal<br />

foodbanks<br />

It has been really interesting working with the foodbanks<br />

and seeing first hand the great work they dointhe Hurunui.<br />

As acommunity we expect there to be foodbanks and their<br />

cupboards to be full. The reality is that they are sometimes<br />

struggling too because the demand has nearly doubled. We<br />

are constantly looking for community and organisational<br />

support to ensure the service continues. If you can assist in<br />

any way, please contact Roger Hornblow 033148166<br />




<strong>2020</strong>, WITH PLENTY<br />



Aword from your<br />

CEO, Hamish Dobbie.<br />

As we head into the tail end of winter it's great to see the<br />

days slowly lengthening. Always agood chance to tap into<br />

new energy and think about what you want to achieve for<br />

the rest ofthe year. Here at HDC we're doing just the same,<br />

and we are looking forward to delivering the <strong>2020</strong>-21<br />

Annual Plan and developing the Long Term Plan, 2021-31.<br />

Also, in <strong>August</strong> wewill bemaking adecision onGovernment<br />

stimulus funding for water and waste water systems.<br />

Fun<br />

fact!<br />

Amberley Domain was once home to amajor observatory measuring magnetic variations and storms<br />

caused by the sun. In 1902, amagnetic observatory was established in Christchurch, and relocated to<br />

Amberley Domain in 1935 due tosome thought that Christchurch tramlines could affect the readings. At<br />

this time, it was one of only 12inthe world. SOURCE: Kete Hurunui<br />

Anyquestionspleasecontactus- Phone: 03 314 8816 Web: hurunui.govt.nz

NEWS<br />

16 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />



Postcards<br />

Stamp Collections<br />

Old Maps<br />

Globes<br />

Cricket &Rugby Programmes<br />

Early NZ Hunting &Fishing Books<br />

Exploration stories<br />

Early Rugby&Cricket Books<br />

EARLYcomics<br />




JEWELLERY(even broken)<br />


Greenstone or paua<br />

RINGS<br />




OLD CHAINS Silver or Gold<br />

Perfume Bottles(old)<br />

Pocket Knives<br />

Fountain Pens<br />

Old Pipes<br />

Sterling Silver<br />

Vesta Cases<br />

Compacts<br />

Souvenir ware<br />

Clocks<br />

Radios<br />

Cameras<br />

Telephones<br />

Butter churns<br />

EARLYshotgun &rifleammunition<br />

reloading gear<br />

telescopes<br />

binoculars<br />

barometers<br />


Reels<br />

Gaffs<br />

Nets<br />

Flies<br />

Lures<br />



PLEASE PHONE03615 5290 OR 021 1018469 TXT<br />

OR E/MAILthom.taylor@xtra.co.nz<br />

WILL BE IN AREA 15th to 20th <strong>August</strong>APPROX<br />

AUGUST<br />

SAT 1st...<br />

AUGUST<br />

SAT 8th...<br />

AUGUST<br />

SAT 15th...<br />

AUGUST<br />

SAT 22nd...<br />

AUGUST<br />

SAT 29th...<br />

IceAxes<br />

Spice<br />

Wooden Skis<br />

Biscuitetc<br />

Golf Clubs<br />

GOLD<br />

Cricket Bats<br />


rugbyBalls<br />


SmallWooden Cabinets<br />

Dental or Coins<br />

Medical Instruments<br />



CROCKS<br />

Canteens Cutlery<br />

WhiskyJugs<br />



Lights<br />

Oil Bottles<br />

Speedos<br />

ADVERTISINGSIGNS especially<br />

Horns<br />


Gig Lamps<br />

TOYS<br />

Vintage Vehicle<br />

FUN HO<br />


Matchbox<br />


Dinky<br />

Planes<br />

Meccano<br />

Saws<br />

HornbyTrains<br />

Chisels<br />

Teddy bears<br />

Spanners<br />

Cast Pots<br />

Old Padlocks &keys<br />

Kettles<br />


Irons<br />

Violins<br />

MAORI<br />

Trumpets<br />

Statues<br />

Accordians<br />

Carvings<br />

Music BoxesEtc<br />

Artifacts<br />

Hatboxes &Trunks<br />

Books<br />


CHINA &Glassware<br />

predecimal especiallyearly CROWNS & Belleek<br />


Moorcroft<br />


Doulton<br />



Sylvac<br />

uniforms<br />

Maling<br />

LODGE Medals<br />

RoyalWintonLaLique<br />

FIRE BRIGADE medals<br />

ClariceCliff<br />

TradingorCommunion Tokens<br />

Beswick Animals Fish or Birds<br />

Bayonets<br />


Hunting Knives &Early Axes<br />

CrownLynn<br />


Temuka<br />

Tea<br />

Milton etc<br />

Honey<br />

Any Stuffed Animal Heads<br />

Cigarette<br />

NZ Railway &Shippingcrockery.<br />

Tobacco<br />

Anypre 1950 advertising items.<br />



JUST US<br />

DV8<br />


2299299<br />

Learning new skills ... SeniorChef cooking course facilitator and tutorJan O’Callaghan, far<br />

right, with members of her class in the Rangiora Borough School kitchen last Saturday morning.<br />

Quake event in September<br />

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon is<br />

backing an event in Kaiapoi to mark the<br />

10th anniversary of the 2010earthquake.<br />

Afterplans to host aSeptember 4<br />

commemorationwere shelved because of<br />

Covid­19 budget constraints, the council<br />

decided to back plansbyAll Together<br />

Kaiapoi (ATK) for astreet party.<br />

Mr Gordon willjoin DeputyMayor<br />

Neville Atkinson and Cr Kirstyn Barnett<br />

on asteering committee with ATK to<br />

organisethe event.<br />

It will be held on Raven Quay and<br />

Williams St, Kaiapoi, from 5pm to 8pm on<br />

Friday, September4.<br />

‘‘We decided that working with the<br />

community was the best opportunity to<br />

mark the occasion and I’m pleased to be<br />

working with All Together Kaiapoi, which<br />

grew out of the quake experience,’’ he<br />

says.‘‘It’s going to be adistrict­wide event<br />

held in Kaiapoi.’’<br />

The Kaiapoi­Tuahiwi Community<br />

Boardisalso backingthe event, with<br />


Cooking on the menu<br />


<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>’s seniorshave achance<br />

to learn new culinary skills via acooking<br />

course offered by Pegasus Health.<br />

Senior Chef is an eight­week course for<br />

people aged 60 and over who want to<br />

improve cooking skills andgain<br />

confidence or motivation to cookfor one or<br />

two people.<br />

The classes are held once aweek and<br />

run for three hours, usuallyfrom 10amto<br />

1pm, with 10­12 people in eachclass.<br />

The free course includes all ingredients,<br />

advice on nutrition, how to eat well as an<br />

olderperson, menuplanning, budgeting,<br />

shopping tips and avisittoasupermarket.<br />

Participants learntoprepare and cook a<br />

meal in pairs and share the meal they have<br />

cookedwith the groupduring each class.<br />

Everyone receives afree cookbook with<br />

all the recipesmade during the course and<br />

adviceonnutrition and healthyliving.<br />

The course facilitator and tutor, Jan<br />

O’Callaghan,ahomeeconomics teacher<br />

with 30 years’ experience,says whilethe<br />

courseisabouthelping participants<br />

develop their cooking skills, it also enables<br />

peopletoconnect withothers in theirarea.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> courses are held<br />

in Rangiora and Kaiapoi. Bookingsare<br />

essential. They can be madebycalling<br />

0800 333 405, askingyour GP for areferral,<br />

or emailingsenior.chef@pegasus.org.nz.<br />

board members voting unanimously to<br />

grant $1000toATK to helpcovercosts.<br />

Board chairwoman Chris Greengrass<br />

says the grant will assist in the<br />

remembrance of adefining moment in<br />

Waimakariri history.<br />

“While in someways the anniversary<br />

will be quite poignantfor many of us, it’s<br />

also an opportunity to celebrate our<br />

community’sremarkable resilience and<br />

share the story of ourongoing<br />

regeneration.”<br />

The districtsuffered significant<br />

damage as aresult of theSeptember 2010<br />

earthquake, particularly in the Kaiapoi,<br />

Pines Beach and Kairaki areas.<br />

Since then, the district has undertaken<br />

significant regeneration in affected<br />

areas, including infrastructure repairs<br />

across the district,the $9.5million<br />

KaiapoiMarine Precinct, the rebuild of<br />

Williams St, the constructionofthe<br />

Ruataniwha Kaiapoi CivicCentre, new<br />

sports fields,aBMXtrack and adog park.<br />

There’s neverbeen<br />

abetter time to<br />

support local.<br />

Help our local economy recover in these difficult<br />

times and supportour local advertisers by shopping<br />

local.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong> features local<br />

businesses and news everyweek.<br />

(subject to change)<br />


If you’re abusiness owner and want to<br />

find out how we can help you<br />

-send us an email on info@ncnews.co.nz

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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6,<strong>2020</strong><br />

19<br />

Upgraded Garrymere water scheme opened<br />

The upgradedGarrymere<br />

drinkingwater scheme<br />

withanew ultraviolet<br />

treatmentfacilitywas<br />

officiallyopened by<br />

WaimakaririMayorDan<br />

Gordon last week.<br />

“It was alongroadtoget<br />

hereand residents were<br />

asked to consider alot of<br />

technicalinformation as<br />

we worked together to<br />

reach ahigh qualitywater<br />

treatmentsolution,’’ Mr<br />

Gordon said.<br />

Withthe work complete,<br />

the Poyntz Rd scheme is<br />

now the onlyone left to<br />

upgrade, with council staff<br />

workingwith residents to<br />

finishthe upgrade in 2021.<br />

CivilDefence<br />

Three Waimakariri Civil<br />

Defencevolunteers<br />

received 10­yearservice<br />

awards recently.<br />

KirstynBarnettand<br />

father­daughter<br />

combination Mikeand<br />

NikitaBryce receivedthe<br />

awards from regional<br />

emergencymanagement<br />

adviserPeter Cameron at<br />

aceremony hosted at the<br />

WaimakaririDistrict<br />

Council’sCivilDefence<br />

Cadet camp at Glentui<br />

MeadowsCamp, near<br />

Oxford.<br />

‘‘Manypeopledon’t<br />

realise thatCivilDefence<br />

consists almost completely<br />

of volunteers,’’<br />

WaimakaririCivilDefence<br />


emergency management<br />

adviserBrennanWiremu<br />

says.<br />

‘‘These threehave<br />

committed an enormous<br />

amount of timetowards<br />

helping communities in<br />

need, even when they<br />

themselves have been<br />

affected by thesame<br />

emergency.’’<br />

Bridge repairs<br />

The SkewbridgeRd<br />

bridgewill undergo<br />

repairs fromMonday,<br />

<strong>August</strong> 17.<br />

Duringarecent<br />

maintenance assessment,<br />

engineersidentified that<br />

repairs wereurgently<br />

neededtoabeam under<br />

the bridge, which is near<br />

Silverstream, Kaiapoi.<br />

While thebridgewill<br />

remainopen,itwillbe<br />

one­lane only with<br />

temporarytraffic lightsin<br />

place. Workisexpectedto<br />

takefour weeks.<br />

As part of last year’s<br />

annualplan process, the<br />

council consulted on<br />

designing abridge<br />

replacement, which is<br />

subjecttoNew Zealand<br />

TransportAgencyfunding.<br />

Park upgrade<br />

Ideas aresought as the<br />

WaimakaririDistrict<br />

Council considers an<br />

upgrade for CurrieParkin<br />

Kaiapoi.<br />

The park includes a<br />

small playground,large<br />

grass area,park benches<br />

and nativegardens.<br />

“This consultation<br />

focuses on theplayground,<br />

but we also wanttohear<br />

fromthe community about<br />

other opportunities to<br />

improvethe wholepark,”<br />

Greenspace manager<br />

Grant MacLeodsays.<br />

Feedback canbe<br />

provided on the council’s<br />

website.<br />

Vandalism<br />

VisitorstoRangiora’s<br />

VictoriaParklast week<br />

found the toiletshad been<br />

vandalised.<br />

Council communityand<br />

recreation manager Chris<br />

Brown saysitisbelieved<br />

the damage wasdoneon<br />

Wednesday,July 30,with<br />

fixtures and fittings<br />

removed or smashed, and<br />

vinyl rippedfrom the<br />

walls.<br />

‘‘It’samindless actof<br />

vandalism that could cost<br />

thousandsofdollars to<br />

repair.”<br />

Kaiapoi walk<br />

AKaiapoi 360­degree<br />

walking trail hasbeen<br />

Service ... Kirstyn Barnett,front, left, withMike and Nikita Bryce, received their 10 year service<br />

awards at the Waimakariri District Council’s Civil Defence CadetCamp. Rear,from left, are council<br />

emergency management adviser Brennan Wiremu, regionalemergencymanagement adviser<br />

PeterCameron,and council emergency management officer ChrisField.<br />


proposed. Kaiapoi<br />

residentsGraham and<br />

Marilyn Johnstoneput<br />

forwardaproposalfor a<br />

21kmtrail that will<br />

circumnavigate the<br />

town.<br />

The concept is basedon<br />

the popularChristchurch<br />

360­degree walkingtrail.<br />

The matterwas put to<br />

lastmonth’sKaiapoi­<br />

Tuahiwi Community<br />

Board meeting.<br />

The boardsuggested a<br />

proposal be presentedto<br />

the council’swalking and<br />

cyclingsteeringgroup.<br />

Opening ... WaimakaririMayorDan Gordon,centre,cuts the<br />

ribbon to openthe Garrymeredrinking water supplyupgrade,<br />

flankedbyCrPaul Williams,left,and GarrymereWater<br />

Advisory Group deputychairmanSteve Gregory.<br />

NORTH<br />


We need your help.<br />


CANS<br />

FORA<br />

CAUSEE<br />

Real families. Real people. Real need.<br />

Bayleys <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> have partnered with<br />

Community Wellbeing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Trust for Bayleys’<br />

‘Cans for aCause’ food drive this <strong>August</strong> tohelp local<br />

families put food on their table.<br />

Right now, many <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> families are struggling<br />

with the impact ofCOVID-19. They need our support<br />

now more than ever. Please drop in any cans and nonperishable<br />

food items toour office.<br />

Together we can truly make adifference.<br />

DONATE<br />

TODAY<br />

Youcan drop off your cans to:<br />

Bayleys Hanmer Springs<br />

10 Conical Hill Road<br />

Bayleys Rangiora<br />

251 High Street

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Clostridial disease is complex, protecting stock doesn’t need to be<br />

Farms across NZ lose stock to clostridial disease.<br />

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Clostridium perfringens Type C 2 * <br />

Clostridium perfringens Type D <br />

*C.perfringens Type Cispresent inNZbut is yet to be confirmed asthe cause of sudden death as it is overseas.<br />

Coglavax8 8in1 vaccine, protection against more clostridial diseases<br />

For best results adhere toavaccinationa protocol and use the best product for the job.<br />


Ceva Animal Health (NZ) Limited. P: 09 972 2853 E: info.nz@ceva.com<br />

Coglavax8 ACVM No. 7528<br />

1. JS Munday,H Bentall,D Aberdein,M Navarro,FA Uzal &S Brown, Death of aneonatal lamb due to Clostridium perfringens type BinNew Zealand, New Zealand Veterinary Journal <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

2. West, Dave M., Bruere, A. Neil and Ridley, Anne L. The Sheep, Health, Disease and Production. Auckland: Massey University Press, 4thed., 2018. Print.

Seek help early, budgeters advise<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> families are<br />

being encouraged to seek help<br />

early beforethey get into<br />

financial trouble.<br />

BudgetingServices <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> (BSNC)service<br />

manager SharonGrant is keen<br />

to changeamindsetwhich<br />

seesbudgetingadvice as the<br />

‘‘agency at the bottomofthe<br />

cliff’’, as the realities of Covid­<br />

19 begintobite for local<br />

families.<br />

‘‘Covid hashit alot of people<br />

who thought theywouldnever<br />

be in thissituation andthey<br />

may be tooproud to seek<br />

help,’’Sharonsays.<br />

‘‘But if youfell into ahole<br />

you would accept help from<br />

the policeorhelicopter and<br />

the ambulance and thenyou<br />

would bakeacake and say<br />

thank­you,sothis is no<br />

different.’’<br />

Financialmentor Renee<br />

Burns saysoften onepartner<br />

willbemoreopen to seeking<br />

advice,‘‘with the other<br />

partner coming on board once<br />

they’re aware that other<br />

optionsmay be available’’.<br />

‘‘Wecan offer tips like<br />

checking withyour internet or<br />

mobileproviders or your<br />

power companyand making<br />

sureyou are on the bestplan<br />

or looking at payment<br />

options.’’<br />

Sharon saysfinancial<br />

mentors offerpracticaltips,as<br />

wellasbeing abletoadvocate<br />

withWorkand Income,<br />

negotiate with utility<br />

providers, banks and<br />

creditors, andhavecontacts<br />

forlow interestloans when<br />

needed.<br />

‘‘We trytodrawfrompeople<br />

what skills and strengths they<br />

have gotalready,because<br />

peoplecan become so browbeaten<br />

thatthey forget that<br />

they are jolly goodbudgeters.’’<br />

Amajor concernisthe cost<br />

of housing, with houseprices<br />

andrentsincreasingly outof<br />

proportion with incomes, even<br />

before Covid­19.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>DistrictHealth<br />

Board health promoter for<br />

housing, LeanneBayler, says<br />

thecost of housingcan<br />

seriously affectpeople’s<br />

health,particularlypost<br />

Covid­19.<br />

‘‘When money becomes too<br />

tighttomention,rents,rates,<br />

mortgagesand the ability to<br />

heat theirhomeinwinterand<br />

cool it in summer is impacted.<br />

‘‘This can impact people’s<br />

health andwellbeing,’’ she<br />

says.<br />

‘‘Iknow thateveryone’s<br />

storyisdifferent and<br />

sometimespeople are hitwith<br />

curveballs or lifestyle<br />

changes, likelossof<br />

employment, reduced income,<br />

retirement or bills which hit<br />

from outofthe blue.’’<br />

BSNC is offering financial<br />

skillstraining to helppeople<br />

to unpack theirfinancial<br />

issues and work on their<br />

financial dreams.<br />

‘‘We offerone­on­one<br />

sessionsorpeople cancomein<br />

with theirpartner and we may<br />

Providing support ... Budgeting Services <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> financial<br />

mentor Renee Burns, left, is ready to help local residents negotiate<br />

financial challenges.<br />


keepthemonour books for<br />

overayear.<br />

‘‘Theyoften comeback for a<br />

financialwarrant of fitness<br />

and it allowsthem to keep<br />

control,’’ Renee says.<br />

To getincontact with<br />

Budgeting Services <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>,goonline to bsnc.<br />

org.nzorphone (03) 313 3505.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6,<strong>2020</strong><br />

21<br />

Candidates<br />

selected<br />

Social Credit has selected<br />

Waipara farmerJohn McCaskey<br />

to stand in the Kaikoura<br />

electorate.<br />

LawrenceMcIsaac, a<br />

professional firefighterfor 30<br />

yearsand aself­employed<br />

businessmanwho is now semiretired<br />

in Woodend, willstand<br />

for the party in the Waimakariri<br />

electorate.<br />

Mr McCaskey is apast<br />

chairman of the local Young<br />

Farmers Club and Federated<br />

Farmers. He was its provincial<br />

agriculturerepresentative.<br />

He instigated the Glenmark<br />

Irrigation Scheme in the early<br />

1970sand was instrumental in<br />

getting the Waipara Valley wine<br />

industry startedin1981.<br />

He is acampaigner for<br />

commuterrail on the existing<br />

Christchurch network.<br />

Mr McCaskey says overthe<br />

past fourdecadeshehas<br />

witnessed acountry in decay. A<br />

new direction is needed, he<br />

says,tosupport the unemployed,<br />

rebuild business, lift incomes,<br />

address inadequate housing,<br />

develop suitableindustriesand<br />

moveprimaryproducers<br />

towards regenerativefarming.<br />

Mr McIsaac says SocialCredit<br />

has the only really viable<br />

alternative for amore<br />

sustainable future,from<br />

superior monetary policy, to less<br />

tax and better health options.<br />

‘‘If we always do what we have<br />

always done, we willalwaysget<br />

whatwehave alwaysgot.’’<br />




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NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

23<br />

Recognised ...<br />

Lorraine Brydon,<br />

right, with Kidsfirst<br />

King Street head<br />

teacher Jocelyn<br />

Cameron, receiving<br />

her <strong>2020</strong> Kidsfirst<br />

Community<br />

Champion Award.<br />





BODY<br />

Award for Lorraine<br />

ARangiorawoman who has actively<br />

supported her localkindergarten for36<br />

yearshas been recognised with aspecial<br />

awardfrom Kidsfirst.<br />

Lorraine Brydonwas one of two<br />

community members presentedwith<br />

Kidsfirst Community Champion Awardsas<br />

part of the organisation’sBetter Because<br />

Values Awards for her contributions to<br />

Kidsfirst King Street kindergarten.<br />

Lorraine received her awardatthe<br />

recent Kidsfirst annual generalmeeting.<br />

‘‘Lorraine has worked tirelessly to<br />

support the kindergarten since her son<br />

attendedalmostfour decades ago and she<br />

joined the kindergarten’s committee,’’<br />

Kidsfirst business development manager<br />

Jenny Pitamasays. ‘‘Shehas beeninvolved<br />

with King Street Kindergarten in avariety<br />

of waysover the years, including being a<br />

support workerand coming in almost<br />

every Fridaytohelp out.’’<br />

Ms Pitama saysgenerous­spirited<br />

individualslikeLorraine help makeareal<br />

differenceinkindergartens, and in turn, to<br />

the lives of children.<br />

‘‘We can talk about the importance of<br />

being engagedand giving back, and our<br />

teaching teams can modelthese important<br />

concepts, but peoplelike Lorraine really<br />

help bring them to lifeinavery tangible<br />

way.’’<br />



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24 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

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Pandemic effects ... Logging operations have had avolatile year.<br />


Effects of Covid-19 felt<br />

The New Zealand forestry sector has<br />

experienced avolatile run this year after<br />

several yearsofrelative stability, says<br />

ForestryManagementGroup director<br />

CraigMcMiken.<br />

He says the forestry industry was<br />

affected by Covid­19 earlier thanother<br />

industries. It began with China’s decision<br />

to extend its annualNew Year holiday by<br />

aweek in January, significantly reducing<br />

demand and price for logs andlumber<br />

destined for the country,MrMcMiken says.<br />

When New Zealand moved to Covid­19<br />

alertlevel3,harvesting and silviculture<br />

operations stopped for five weeks.<br />

‘‘Duringthis lockdown, Chinese<br />

customersbecame concerned about<br />

having enoughsupply,which resulted in<br />

the largestincrease in price we have seen<br />

sincethe 1993 price spike.’’<br />

Whilethe lift was nicetohave, in<br />

hindsight it was an overreaction, Mr<br />

McMiken says. ‘‘Supply from New Zealand<br />

and Europehas come back strong, and the<br />

pricelift was short­lived. Generally<br />

domesticprocessors currentlyhave strong<br />

orders but thereisuncertainty looking<br />

aheadatwhetherreduced demand will<br />

eventuate later in the year.’’<br />

His company is busy planting,and hopes<br />

to plant 4000 hectares thisyear.<br />

‘‘This is acombination of replanting<br />

cutover and also new planting.’’<br />

The EmissionsTrading SchemeReform<br />

Bill passedinJune. The fixed priceoption<br />

will be increased from $25 to $35 per New<br />

Zealand unit (NZU).<br />

Auctioning is scheduled to begin in<br />

March2021,with a$20 floor price.<br />

Mr McMikensays theserevisions<br />

provide more long­termconfidenceinthe<br />

priceofNZUs,whichislikelytosee<br />

continued stronginterest in new planting<br />

for sometime.<br />


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Wilding trees airlifted out<br />

Wilding Douglas fir logs are being given a<br />

whirlwind trip out of Arthurs Pass.<br />

The trees are above Bruce Stream, in<br />

the Bealey area, on public land<br />

administered by the Department of<br />

Conservation.<br />

They are being cut down and flown out<br />

by aRangiora­based helicopter firm.<br />

The Ministry for Primary Industries has<br />

contracted Southern Heli Lift, owned by<br />

Darren and Lynda Davison, for the work.<br />

Forest Management (FML), which is<br />

part of the Forest Management Group<br />

(FMG), carried out the harvesting<br />

consultation, management marketing and<br />

cartage of the logs.<br />

The trees were planted by the NZ<br />

Forest Service in the mid­1960s for<br />

erosion control. However, they have gone<br />

on to cause wilding tree spread.<br />

In its winter newsletter, FMG says there<br />

is no road access into where the Douglas<br />

firs were causing problems, and because<br />

of the environmentally sensitive nature of<br />

the area, road construction was not an<br />

option.<br />

The operation consists of manual tree<br />

felling, trimming and cutting logs to<br />

specific length to optimise the maximum<br />

lift weight. The logs are then lifted, flown<br />

down and dropped on to the riverbed,<br />

avoiding power lines as logs are not<br />

allowed to be lifted over them.<br />

Logs are then carried down the dry<br />

stream bed, crossing the stream over a<br />

driftdeck (temporary bridge) and<br />

dropped over aflood bank.<br />

Here they are cut to millable length and<br />

loaded on trucks for delivery to<br />

customers.<br />

The newsletter says the positive<br />

outcome is that more than 90% of the logs<br />

are sold to, and processed by, <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Sawmills, not to mention the revenue to<br />

offset the cost of eradicating wilding<br />

exotic trees in the high country.<br />

Logged on ... ARangiora­based helicopter bringsdown one of the wilding<br />

Douglas firscleared from the BruceStream area in Arthurs Pass. PHOTO: SUPPLIED<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6,<strong>2020</strong><br />

25<br />

New forests must<br />

meet local rules<br />

Planting trees can have<br />

positive benefitsifthey are<br />

in the right environment.<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

(ECan) advises<br />

landowners to contact<br />

theirlocal councilorthe<br />

regional council before<br />

planting,tomake sure the<br />

land and plants are<br />

suitable for plantingand to<br />

ensurecompliance with<br />

district and regional plans.<br />

All new forestry planting<br />

plans need to meet<br />

legislativerequirements of<br />

the Resource Management<br />

Act 1991 (RMA), as well as<br />

complying with regional<br />

and district rules, ECan<br />

says.<br />

This includesplanting<br />

under the Ministryfor<br />

Primary Industries’ (MPI)<br />

One Billion Trees<br />

programme.<br />

‘‘A successful One<br />

Billion Trees funding<br />

application does not<br />

automatically mean the<br />

planting under regional<br />

and district rules can<br />

commence straightaway,’’<br />

ECan says. ‘‘The local and<br />

regional council will be in<br />

touch to inform them of the<br />

application outcome and<br />

any other relevant<br />

guidance.’’<br />

Approvalisneeded<br />

before planting forestry<br />

trees on land where there<br />

is no existing plantation<br />

forestry,harvesting has not<br />

occurred within the last<br />

five years, and does not<br />

include vegetation<br />

clearance from the land<br />

before planting.<br />

‘‘It is essential to ensure<br />

any planting carried out in<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> meets<br />

legislative requirements so<br />

the negative impact on the<br />

environment from planting<br />

is minimaltonone.’’<br />

Negative effects can<br />

include soil slip erosion,<br />

and landscapeand<br />

amenity effects such as<br />

shading or modification of<br />

natural features. There is<br />

also the potential for<br />

wilding conifers to spread<br />

into vulnerableareas,<br />

which can have adverse<br />

effects on the landscape.<br />

‘‘When establishing a<br />

new plantation forest,<br />

consideration of its<br />

location and design is<br />

needed to avoid long­term<br />

environmental, safety and<br />

operational issues,such as<br />

the ability to safely harvest<br />

the crop with limited<br />

effects on neighbouring<br />

properties,’’ ECansays.<br />

Any breach of local and<br />

regional afforestation<br />

rules can result in<br />

enforcement action.<br />

To learn more,contact<br />

ECan’s Sarah Helleur, at<br />

Sarah.Helleur@<br />

ecan.govt.nz.<br />



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The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6,<strong>2020</strong><br />

27<br />

Built to your budget!<br />

Regional win<br />

... Lacey<br />

Agate is the<br />

Corteva <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Young<br />

Viticulturist of<br />

the Year.<br />


-All types of fencing including:<br />

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lifestyle blocks, offers you the complete land package.<br />

Lacey'swine skills to be<br />

tested on national stage<br />


Lacey Agate, from Waipara winery<br />

Bellbird Spring, has won the Corteva<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Young Viticulturist of<br />

the Year title.<br />

After atough day in the vineyards at<br />

Greystone in Waipara, Lacey took the<br />

honours from three other contestants.<br />

Will Bowman, from Black Estate, was<br />

runner­up, followed by Brigitte Allan<br />

from Pyramid Valley, and Lucas Percy<br />

from Pegasus Bay.<br />

The young viticulturists were tested<br />

on all aspects of vineyard management,<br />

including trellising, pruning,<br />

machinery, pests and diseases, and<br />

budgeting. There was also an interview.<br />

Fruitfed Supplies provided a<br />

lunchtime barbecue, followed by the<br />

quiz round and the BioStart Hortisports,<br />

which was won by Will.<br />

Lacey took out the Ecotrellis trellising<br />

prize.<br />

The awards dinner was held at the<br />

new cellar door at Greystone.<br />

The contestants’ last challenge of the<br />

day was to give athree­minute speech to<br />

the audience, covering topics such as<br />

regenerative agriculture and tractorless<br />

vineyards.<br />

Lacey will go on to represent <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> in the national final in<br />

Martinborough in October.<br />

It is being held in conjunction with the<br />

15­year celebrations of the Young<br />

Viticulturist competition.<br />

The practical day is on October 7.<br />

The national finalists will give their<br />

speeches at the conference the<br />

following day, with the winner<br />

announced at the celebration dinner.<br />

The national winner will not only<br />

become the Corteva New Zealand Young<br />

Viticulturist of the Year <strong>2020</strong>, but will<br />

win an prize package which includes the<br />

use of aHyundai Kona for ayear, an<br />

Ecotrellis Travel Grant, aCorteva<br />

educational trip to Australia, Bahco<br />

golden secateurs, aleadership week and<br />

cash.<br />

There are also cash prizes from<br />

AGMARDT for the top three national<br />

finalists’ research projects.<br />

Irrigation body to move<br />


Irrigation New Zealand is settomove its<br />

headquarters from LincolntoWellington.<br />

The lobby groupplans to appointanew<br />

chiefexecutive in Wellington,asCovid­19<br />

forces arethink of its operations.<br />

Existing chief executive Elizabeth Soal<br />

will remaininthe roleuntilafter the<br />

election, beforebecoming regional policy<br />

and planning manager to work with<br />

members andlocal authorities to offer<br />

advocacy in the regions.<br />

“As anation we are embarkingonthe<br />

recoveryphase of Covid­19 and the<br />

dependability of irrigated production<br />

systems willbecentral to this,’’<br />

chairwoman KeriJohnston says.<br />

“Yet, the general misunderstanding of<br />

the benefitsand positive impacts of<br />

irrigationpersist.’’<br />

Irrigationhas avaluable role to playin<br />

ensuring NewZealand has an<br />

environmentally and economically<br />

sustainable future,MsJohnston says.<br />

“Irrigationisacritical component of a<br />

vibrantand environmentally sustainable<br />

agriculturaland horticultural economy,<br />

andwewill workhard towardsensuring<br />

that irrigation remains an integral part of<br />

ahealthyand thriving Aotearoa New<br />

Zealand.’’<br />

Students to fill summer roles<br />

Lincoln University studentsare set to<br />

plug the gaps in the rural contracting<br />

labour pool this summer.<br />

With the rural sector strugglingtofill<br />

vacancies because of alack of migrant<br />

workers, the university is relaxing its<br />

rules around compulsory practical work<br />

requirements to include contracting.<br />

Agribusiness lecturer Dan Smith says<br />

large numbers of British and Irish<br />

workers traveltoNew Zealandeach<br />

summer, but their expected absence<br />

over Covid­19 could leave big gaps.<br />

“Given the current global pandemic it<br />

is unlikely these workers will have the<br />

freedomto come here, which will place<br />

alot of pressure on these businesses,<br />

and this was puttingpressure on<br />

contractors to fill their needs.”<br />

Contractorwork could include hay<br />

balingand silage­making, as well as<br />

spraying, muck spreading, shearing,<br />

ploughing and other tractorwork.<br />

“Allowing the students to count rural<br />

contractingwork towards their practical<br />

work requirement, we hope, will<br />

alleviate some of the pressure on these<br />

contractors.’’<br />

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28 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />


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Focus on regenerative farming<br />


Kaikoura’s first regenerative farming<br />

event has been aroaringsuccess. More<br />

than 90 farmers,vintners and industry<br />

professionals across the South Island<br />

attended the event in Kaikouralast month.<br />

It was sponsored by the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Rural Support Trust, the<br />

Organic Dairyand Pastoral Groupand the<br />

Kaikoura PlainsRecovery Project.<br />

Event organiser Sky Horton, who has<br />

created the Agregenz online platform, was<br />

astonishedbyhow much interest there<br />

was in regenerative farming.<br />

‘‘It quickly turned into an event with<br />

more than 90 farmers interested,’’she<br />

says.<br />

“My ‘ah­ha’ momentwas while standing<br />

in apaddockthat was being sprayed with<br />

insecticide, having to run out of the<br />

paddock so the chemicalsdidn’tharm us.<br />

‘‘It just felt so wrong thatwewere<br />

growing foodinanecosystem thatwewere<br />

poisoning.’’<br />

Sky started to investigateoptions for<br />

farming without chemicals, which led her<br />

to regenerative farming.<br />

Light &Heavy Transport Repairs &<br />

Onsite Repairs and Maintenance<br />

2287801<br />

Regeneration ... <strong>Canterbury</strong> farmfacilitator and coach John King, left,Kaikoura district<br />

councillor and farmerTony Blunt,event organiser Sky Horton, South Otago farmerHamish<br />

Bielski and Hawarden farmerJames Costello enjoythe Kaikoura scenery. PHOTO:ENVIRONMENT CANTERBURY<br />

‘‘Now Iwanttoencourage other farmers<br />

thatthereisaway to farm that produces a<br />

healthierresult with nature in mind.<br />

“Connectingwith others who feltthe<br />

sameway has been crucial and the<br />

excellentturn­outand diverse range of<br />

backgrounds of<br />

participants shows how<br />

relevant regenerative<br />

farming is right now.”<br />

Speakers from Otago,<br />

Hawarden and Kaikoura<br />

delivered presentations<br />

focusingonpersonal<br />

journeysinto regenerative<br />

farming, on­farmpractices<br />

and farmingtobuild soil<br />

biology and carbon.<br />

The Kaikoura Plains<br />

Recovery Project covered<br />

the cost for localdairy farmers to attend.<br />

Project manager Jodie Hoggard says<br />

regenerative farming methodssit well<br />

withthe project’sfocus on adapting<br />

farming methodstofit the changing<br />

landscapeand sharing.<br />

“We believethe regenerative farming<br />

principles help farmers think about<br />

❛The event helped<br />

demystify the<br />

methods and<br />

confirmed there is<br />

no one recipe to fit<br />

all farms.❜<br />

positioning their business for futuregains,<br />

innovation, betterwater use and<br />

efficiency, environmentalbenefits and<br />

most importantly, resilience.<br />

“The eventhelped demystify the<br />

methods and confirmed there is no one<br />

recipe to fit all farms.”<br />

Participantssaid the<br />

event provided an<br />

opportunity to talk to<br />

other regeneratively<br />

minded farmers and<br />

enjoyed hearing from<br />

speakers whofocused on<br />

the principles,rather than<br />

the ‘‘how­tos’’.<br />

One participant noted:<br />

“My take­home pointsare<br />

to systematise and<br />

simplify to be profitable.”<br />

Kaikoura district councillor and farmer<br />

Tony Blunt saysheispleased thatnew and<br />

innovative ideas are weavingtheir way<br />

into farming practices.<br />

“Regenerative farmingisabit of ahot<br />

topicatthe moment, so Ihope thatthe<br />

eventprovided everyone withcontext and<br />

experience to help them understand.”<br />

—Jodie Hoggard<br />

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MainPower<br />

Live Lines<br />

Issue 187<strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />



In the last edition of Live Lines, MainPower advised<br />

that we would be carrying out work in the Hanmer,<br />

Culverden and Mouse Point area in <strong>August</strong>. The work<br />

is part ofour ongoing network maintenance work,<br />

aimed at ensuring asafe, reliable supply of electricity<br />

to the region into the future.<br />

This is asignificant project, requiring anumber of<br />

power outages on 11,12and 13 <strong>August</strong>.<br />

After receiving feedback from our customers around<br />

the challenges of accommodating these outages,<br />

particularly for businesses and dairy farms, we have<br />

been exploring alternative arrangements.<br />

We would like to thank all ofthe customers who<br />

provided feedback and worked with us to find a<br />

solution.<br />

Given the criticality and significance of the work,<br />

MainPower will be going ahead with the work, with<br />

asignificant amount invested in generation to keep<br />

power on for more customers throughout the work<br />

period.<br />

For the most up-to-date information about<br />

MainPower’s planned work schedule, visit our<br />

website mainpower.co.nz/outages.<br />

24 hour faults line<br />

0800 30 90 80<br />

mainpower.co.nz<br />

YouthSports<br />

Scholarships available<br />

Nominations are now openfor the<strong>2020</strong> MainPowerYouth<br />

Sports Scholarships. Offered in partnership with the<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Sportand RecreationTrust, the scholarships<br />

supportyoung athletes excellingintheir chosensports.<br />

Around 100young stars have received scholarships since<br />

2004,withmanygoing on to representNew Zealand at the<br />

OlympicGames, CommonwealthGames and avariety of<br />

WorldChampionship events.<br />

The awards are opentoathletes aged 12-20,with a<br />

connection to <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Forfulldetails and to makeanomination,<br />

visit sportstrust.org.nz/sports-awards.<br />

Annual Report available<br />

The MainPower Annual Reportisnow available to download<br />

at mainpower.co.nz/disclosures.<br />

If you would like to request ahard copy to be mailed to you<br />

(free of charge), please get in touch by calling 0800 30 90 80<br />

or emailing info@mainpower.co.nz.<br />

Annual Meeting<br />

The Annual Meeting of MainPower New Zealand Limited is<br />

being held this month.<br />

Date: Thursday 20 <strong>August</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Time: Commencingat5:30 p.m.<br />

Location: MainPower HeadOffice<br />

Address: 172Fernside Road, Rangiora<br />

An invitation is extended to all <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> residents.<br />

Pleasesee ourwebsite for anyupdates, mainpower.co.nz.<br />

MainPower 24 HourFaults Line<br />

0800 30 90 80

apply now<br />


<strong>2020</strong><br />

Celebrating <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>’sBest Young Athletes<br />

Applicationsare soughtfor the<strong>2020</strong> MainPower Youth Sports Scholarships.<br />

Eachscholarship is worth$2000 to go towardsdeveloping asporting talent.<br />

Applications close18th September. Enterat...<br />

www.sportstrust.org.nz<br />

Phone: 03 975 5560 or Email: roliver@sportstrust.org.nz<br />

SPORT<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

31<br />

Glenmark-Cheviot in sublime form<br />

RUGBY<br />

By LINDSAY KERR and<br />


Following a90­7 drubbing of<br />

Woodend last Saturday,<br />

Glenmark­Cheviot hurdled<br />

over Kaiapoi to finish in the<br />

top spotinthe <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

seniorrugbycompetition.<br />

Glenmark led 45­7 at halftime<br />

and carried the momentum<br />

intothe second half.<br />

Woodend earnedrespect for<br />

its effort andscored atry in the<br />

opening exchanges, but the<br />

classofacompleteGlenmark<br />

unit in attackmode was too<br />

much for the plucky home side.<br />

The visitors posted 14 tries,<br />

with JacobVincent scoring<br />

three, and Ben Murray and<br />

Cogs Harnett scoring two.<br />

Alex Robsontook over<br />

kicking duties from Brook<br />

Retallick,converting10tries.<br />

Points galore<br />

Saracens grabbed third spot<br />

afterapulsating 12­trymatch<br />

against closest rivalOxford,<br />

winning 53­40.<br />

Played in front of abumper<br />

crowdatOxford, Saracens<br />

started the scoring in the 5th<br />

minute when left winger Ollie<br />

Bithray beatoff two defenders<br />

to score the first of his three<br />

tries. Onlymomentslater<br />

RickyAllin kickedapenalty<br />

and Saracens led 12­0.<br />

Oxford finally got its hands<br />

on the ball and by the<br />

20­minute mark had scored<br />

two tries; the first,tocentre<br />

Luke Navuwaii who used his<br />

strength and pace to march<br />

through the defence on the<br />

rightflank. In the 12 minutes<br />

before half­time,Saracens<br />

stormed back,scoring four<br />

more triesthroughthe backs<br />

for a33­12 lead.<br />

Oxford scored aconverted<br />

try in the opening minutes of<br />

the second half before Bithray<br />

collected his secondtry and<br />

superboot Allinadded a<br />

penalty to takeSaracens to a<br />

seeminglymatch­winning<br />

advantage of 46­19.<br />

However, Oxford was not<br />

finished and in 10 minutes the<br />

side scored three converted<br />

triestotrail by only six points<br />

with five minutes remaining.<br />

Moving forward ... Matt Freeman on the roll for Saracens in its match against Oxford.<br />

But Saracens had the final say<br />

whenfront rower Pete Manahe<br />

crashedover to score.<br />

Scoreboard: Saracens53<br />

(Ollie Bithray 3, Jesse Bowring,<br />

Nikora Jarvis, PeteManahe<br />

tries. Ricky Allin try, 6<br />

conversions and 2penalties),<br />

Oxford 40 (Luke Navuwaii 2,<br />

Stu Feary,Mosese Fosita,<br />

LiamStevenson, Moko<br />

Prescott tries;AngusMitchell 5<br />

conversions).<br />

Lastweek,itwas reported<br />

thatSaracens injured player<br />

MarkSmith scored two<br />

pushovertries in the side’s<br />

gameagainstGlenmark. This<br />

was not correct. The scorer was<br />

Willie Kerr.<br />

Kaiapoi wins<br />

Kaiapoi did enough to<br />

thwart atypical grittyHurunui<br />

side, winning 25­18. In doing so<br />

it finished on top of the leader<br />

board with Glenmark­Cheviot,<br />

but dropped to second in the<br />

standingswith the combined<br />

sideemergingwith abetter<br />

points differential.<br />

Hurunui had asolidfirst half<br />

and went to the break with an<br />

11­10 advantage. The two<br />

teams then scored atry apiece<br />

and,with five minutestoplay,<br />

werelocked at 18­all.<br />

Rob Samsonfinally broke<br />

the deadlock, scoring for<br />

Kaiapoi before Hurunui<br />

stormed backinthe final<br />

moments but came up short.<br />

Scoreboard: Kaiapoi 25<br />

(JacobHurring 2, Dante Love,<br />

Rob Samson tries; Lance<br />

Tayloraconversion and<br />

penalty), Hurunui 18 (Sam<br />

Boyne,SandfordHeard tries.<br />

Matt Hickey aconversion and 2<br />

penalties.)<br />

Honours for Ashley<br />

In amatch fittingfor afinal,<br />

Ohoka and Ashleybattled it out<br />

at Mandeville. WhileOhoka<br />

had alate opportunity,Ashley<br />

claimed linehonours.<br />

Ashleyprovided the early<br />

impetus and moved the ball<br />

wide early. Followinga<br />

penalty, the side was rewarded<br />

with an earlytry in the corner<br />

to theimpressive Ben Dunbar.<br />

However,Ohokawasn’t to be<br />

outdone and the sidewas soon<br />

on the board with aconverted<br />

try to MaxLines.<br />

Ashley wasn’t to be undone,<br />

either, and soon the pattern<br />

emerged with both sides<br />

seeking ascendancy.<br />

Luke and Josh Duckmanton<br />

for Ashley carriedstrongly, but<br />

it was Ohoka thatstruckagain<br />

with atry to Sam England.<br />

Again, Ashleyresponded with<br />

awell­workedtry to catch<br />

Ohokaout wide with atry to<br />

Anthony Tavendale.<br />

Patrick McCallum, for<br />

Ohoka, directed play from<br />

pivotand, with apenaltyinhis<br />

pocket, Ohoka led17­12 at halftime.The<br />

secondhalf was no<br />

different, with stoicdefence<br />

from Ashley’s NaariaWilson­<br />


Bairds and Andrew<br />

Olorenshaw, as well as Ohoka’s<br />

industrious Tom Taylor.<br />

It was Ohokathat faltered<br />

first, withaplayer senttothe<br />

sin bin. Ashleypounced, and a<br />

further try to Dunbar gave the<br />

northerners the upper hand.<br />

WhilstOhokacameback<br />

withaMcCallum penalty, it<br />

was Ashley that struckagain<br />

withatry to Scott Barber.<br />

WithOhoka back to 15<br />

players, Blain O’Loughlin<br />

continued to test the Ashley<br />

defence and it was awell<br />

worked try to Jack Wedlake<br />

thatput the homecrowd on the<br />

edgeoftheir seats, with Ohoka<br />

takingthe lead 27­26 with 7<br />

minutes left. However, likea<br />

goodnorwester, Ashleydidn’t<br />

let up and were soon awarded<br />

apenalty, which Korbyn Gray<br />

put over for a29­27lead.<br />

Despite alate Ohoka penalty<br />

attempt, that is how the score<br />

would stay.<br />

Ben Dunbar was aworthy<br />

recipient of Ashley’s Player of<br />

the Day award, with the Ohoka<br />

equivalent goingtoBlain<br />

O’Loughlin.<br />

Final round robinpoints:<br />

Glenmark­Cheviot 30, Kaiapoi<br />

30, Saracens22, Oxford 21,<br />

Ashley 19, Hurunui 12, Ohoka<br />

10, Woodend 0. Provisional<br />

semi­finals and playoffsfor<br />

<strong>August</strong> 8: Div 1: SF1:<br />

Glenmark­ Cheviot vOxford.<br />

SF2:KaiapoivSaracens. Div 1<br />

Plate: SF3: AshleyvWoodend.<br />

SF4:HurunuivOhoka.<br />



8 th <strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Luisetti Seeds LtdDiv 1<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>TrophySemiFinals<br />

2.45pm Glenmark- Cheviot vOxford, Cheviot 1. 2.45pm Kaiapoiv<br />

Saracens, KaiapoiOval.<br />

Luisetti Seeds Ltd Div 1<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Div 1PlateSemiFinals<br />

2.45pmAshley vWoodend,Lob Lwr 1. 2.45pm Hurunui vOhoka,<br />

Cul 1.<br />

MikeGreerHomes <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Ltd Division 2Trophy Semi<br />

Finals<br />

1.00pm Kaiapoi v Glenmark- Cheviot, Kaiapoi Oval. 2.30pm<br />

Kaikoura vSaracens, Kaik 1.<br />

MikeGreerHomes<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> LtdDivision2RSemiFinals<br />

1.00pm Hurunui vOxford, Cul 1. 2.00pm Ashley vAmberley,Lob 5.<br />

PlayOff 9th -10th<br />

1.00pm Ohoka vWoodend,Mand1.<br />

Metro WomensChampionship<br />

11.00pmKaiapoivKai 2. www.sporty.co.nz/drawsresultsstandings<br />

Combined Colts Competition -<strong>North</strong> Section<br />

Belfast vGlenmark-Cheviot. 1.00pm Ashley vChristchurch, Lob<br />

Lwr1.<br />

UoC Championship<br />

2.45pm Rangiora HS 1st XV vStThomasCC1st XV,RHS 1.<br />

ChchMetro U18 -www.sporty.co.nz/drawsresultsstandings<br />

Ellesmere/<strong>North</strong>Cant/MidCantCombinedU18<br />

1.00pm Oxford vWaihora,OxfordOval.<br />

Ellesmere/<strong>North</strong> Cant/MidCantCombinedU16<br />

RollestonvSaracens.<br />

Metro U16Girls -Suburbs-PrebbletonvKaiapoi.<br />

www.sporty.co.nz/drawsresultsstandings<br />

MikeGreerHomes <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Ltd Teenage Development<br />

Grades<br />

Mike Greer Homes <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Ltd <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> U15<br />

Competition<br />

11.00am Kaiapoi vOxford, Kai 2.<br />

8/08/<strong>2020</strong> 11.00am RangioraHSvHurunui RHS.<br />

MetroU14 - www.sporty.co.nz/drawsresultsstandings<br />

MikeGreer Homes <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Ltd Section 1-Under 13<br />

11..45am Oxford vAshley, Oxford Oval. 11..45am Saracens v<br />

Glenmark-Cheviot, Sbk 2. 1.15pm Kaikoura vHurunui, Kaik 1.<br />

Pegasus Bay BYE.<br />

MikeGreer Homes <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Ltd Section 2-U12<br />

10.00am Ohoka vAmberley, Mand 2.10.00am Oxford vAshley<br />

Blue, Oxford Oval. 10.00am Ashley Green vKaiapoi, Lob Lwr 1.<br />

12.00 noon Kaikoura vHurunui, Kaik 1.10.00am Woodend v<br />

Saracens,Wood 2.<br />

MikeGreer Homes <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Ltd U11<br />

10.00am Oxford Black vAshley Blue, Ox 4a. 10.00am Ashley<br />

Green vHurunui, Lob 4a. 10.00am Saracens Blue vGlenmark-<br />

Cheviot, Sbk Jnr 7. 10.00am Kaiapoi vSaracens Red, Kai 1a.<br />

10.00am Woodend vOhoka, Wood 3a. Oxford RedBYE.<br />

MikeGreer Homes <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Ltd U10<br />

12.10pm Ohoka Black vAmberley, Mand Jnr 4. 12.10pm Oxford<br />

vAshley Blue, Oxford Jnr 5.12.10pm Saracens Blue vGlenmark-<br />

Cheviot,Sbk Jnr 6.11.00am Kaikoura vHurunui,Kaik 1a. 12.10pm<br />

Kaiapoi vSaracens Red, Kai Jnr 3. 12.10pm Woodend vOhoka<br />

Red, Wood Jnr 4. Ashley Green BYE.<br />

Mike GreerHomes <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Ltd U9<br />

10.00am Ohoka Black vAmberley,MandJnr 4. 10.00am Oxfordv<br />

Ashley, Oxford Jnr5.10.00amSaracensBluevGlenmark-Cheviot,<br />

SbkJnr 6. 10.00am KaikouravHurunui,Kaik1b. 10.00amKaiapoi<br />

GoldvSaracensRed, Kai Jnr 3. 10.00am Woodend vOhoka Red,<br />

Wood Jnr 4. Kaiapoi Blue BYE.<br />

MikeGreer Homes <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Ltd U8<br />

11.05am Ohoka Black vAmberley, Mand Jnr 4.11.05am Oxford<br />

Red vAshley Blue, Oxford Jnr 5. 11.05am Saracens Blue v<br />

Glenmark-Cheviot, Sbk Jnr 6.10.00am Kaikoura vHurunui, Kaik<br />

1a. 11.05am Kaiapoi vSaracens Red, Kai Jnr 3. 11.05amWoodend<br />

vOhokaRed, Wood Jnr 4. 11.05am Oxford Black vAshley Green,<br />

Oxford4b.<br />

Mike GreerHomes <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Ltd U7<br />

10.50am Ohoka Black vAmberley, Mand Jnr 6. 10.50am Ohoka<br />

Green vAshley Blue, Mand Jnr 7.10.50am Saracens Blue v<br />

Glenmark-Cheviot, Sbk 4a. 10.50am Hurunui Black vHurunui<br />

Blue, Cul Jnr5.10.50amKaiapoivSaracens Red, Kai 1b.10.50am<br />

Woodend vOhoka Red, Wood 3b. AshleyGreenBYE.<br />

MikeGreer Homes <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Ltd U6<br />

10.00am Ohoka Black vAmberley, Mand Jnr 6. 10.00am Oxford<br />

Red vAshley Blue, Oxford 4a. 10.00am Oxford Black vAshley<br />

Green, Oxford 4b. 10.00am Saracens Blue vGlenmark-Cheviot<br />

Black,Sbk 4a. 10.00am KaiapoivSaracens Red, Kai 1b. 10.00am<br />

Woodend Black vOhoka Red, Wood 3b. 10.00am Hurunui Blue v<br />

Hurunui Black, Cul Jnr 5. 10.00am Ohoka Green vAshley White,<br />

Mand Jnr 7. 10.00am Woodend Green vAshley Gold, Wood 3b.<br />

TBA Glenmark-Cheviot Gold vGlenmark-CheviotBlue, TBA.<br />

For all draw information visit:<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rugby<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong><br />


Enviable Family Lifestyle<br />

178 School Road, West Eyreton<br />

Deadline Sale<br />

Viewing -Sunday 11.30am –12.15pm<br />

or by appointment<br />

Fresh country air and mountain views surround this stunning modern home which is being offered to the market for the first time.<br />

Perfectly positioned to capture the sun, set on just over 4hectares, the property has aflexible design for country living with alot to offer.<br />

Thoughtful planning and contemporary design blend together seamlessly in this expansive 330m 2 easy-care residence, with four<br />

bedrooms providing accommodation and three spacious living areas offering plenty of indoor/outdoor versatility.The kitchen, complete<br />

with quality appliances and walk-in pantry,isareal highlight, while the two superbly appointedbathrooms reflect the care and attention<br />

to detail that went into the construction of this beautiful home. Intelligent heating options (including amulti-fuel burner,two heat pumps,<br />

heat transfer system, and double glazing) guarantee year-round comfort, while the crisp, neutral décor will accommodate any style of<br />

furnishing. Aseparate laundry enhances functionality; ample storage is an added bonus, and seamless indoor/outdoor flow with alarge<br />

patio promotes easy access outside.<br />

The property is sited on 4.01ha divided into eight paddocks all with laneway access, and has mainline irrigation, making this property<br />

suitable for avariety of stock. With aseven-bay open shed, including one lock-up bay with power, you will have plenty of room to store<br />

your equipment and toys.<br />

West Eyreton School is nearby, sothe children can walk, but the property is far enough away from Tram Road so your peace and<br />

privacy is retained but still has easy access to the main route to the city. Use the short commute from the city to unwind and leave the<br />

stresses of work behind you. Call me for further enquiries.<br />

Deadline Sale: Wednesday 12 th <strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong> at 2.00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

4 2 3 1 2<br />

Agent:<br />

Karen Ward<br />

021 221 7027 |03313 6158<br />

karen.ward@harcourts.co.nz<br />

View online @harcourtsfourseasons.co.nz<br />

ID# RG9136<br />

Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd<br />

Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

Four SeasonsRealty<br />


Four Seasons Realty<br />

Zealanders<br />

New by<br />

Voted<br />

Voted •<br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

★<br />

★<br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

• •<br />

Real Estate Sales<br />

The KaneShield<br />

Dust off your swim suits,<br />

it’sthat time again ...<br />

Whereold, young, fast andslow compete in a<br />

friendly swimmingcompetition.<br />

Teams of four swimmerscompete in a100 metrerelay race (25 metres each swimmer)<br />

based on handicapped times. Teams areeliminated one by one until we haveour<br />

winnersfor the grand finale.<br />

Spotprizes and sausagesizzle available on the night.<br />

Monday 24 th <strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong> at The Kaiapoi Aquatic Centre<br />

6.30pm start (doors open from 5.30pm)<br />

Gold coin entryper person<br />

Additional entryformsare avaiable from the Kaiapoi Aquatic Centre<br />

or Facebook AllTogetherKaiapoi.<br />

Please phoneLinda on 027781 3048 formoreinformation.<br />

Proudly sponsored by:<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />

harcourtsfourseasons.co.nz<br />

Your home forlocal property.

31 Footbridge Terrace, Kaiapoi<br />

48/3 Ashworths Road, Amberley<br />

Enquiries Over $499,000<br />

Simply Irresistible Lifestyle<br />

Words just cannot describe how lovely<br />

this cottage is. The owner has thought<br />

of absolutely everything to provide<br />

new owners anincredible lifestyle.<br />

Enquiries Over $619,000<br />

Brand New &Perfect For You<br />

Superbly designed and tastefully finished, this stunning brand-new townhouse<br />

displays all the style and sophistication one would expect to find in aproperty of<br />

this calibre. The stylish ambiance greets you as you enter the light filled hallway and<br />

are drawn tothe luminous living area with engaging views across green space to<br />

the idyllic Silverstream and historic Swing Bridge.<br />

Viewing: Sunday 1:00 -1:30pm<br />

tallpoppy.co.nz/homes-for-sale Ref: TPNC8646<br />

2 1 2 2 185 377<br />

Nancy Holmes AREINZ<br />

Business Partner &Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 282 8028<br />

P 03 327 5896<br />

E nancy.holmes@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

19 Gerard Place, Rangiora<br />

$216,500<br />

Wonderful Westpark<br />

Our owners plans have changed and<br />

now offer up this fine section for<br />

someone else to create their dream<br />

home amongst other top quality<br />

homes in quiet Gerard Place. Nestled<br />

at the top of the cul-de-sac, this north<br />

oriented generous section isasuperb<br />

option for your new home. Developer<br />

approved plans available.<br />

Rachael Lay<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 442 2277<br />

E rachael.lay@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

607<br />

Viewing: by appointment<br />

Ref: TPNC7611<br />

tallpoppy.co.nz/homes-for-sale<br />

3/31 Percival Street, Rangiora<br />

Enquiries Over $319,000<br />

High Profile Location Superb Opportunity ...<br />

If you are looking for atwo bedroom,<br />

low maintenance property that has<br />

had all the hard work done, look no<br />

further.<br />

Michelle Facer<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 307 4530<br />

E michelle.facer@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

Richard Green<br />

Business Partner<br />

M 0275 364 260<br />

E richard.green@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

39 Bank Street, Amberley<br />

Enquiries Over $498,000<br />

AHidden Gem in Amberley<br />

<strong>North</strong> facing for all day sun this three<br />

bedroom, two bathroom home is<br />

waiting for you to enhance its<br />

generous features.<br />

Richard Green<br />

Business Partner<br />

M 0275 364 260<br />

E richard.green@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

Michelle Facer<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 307 4530<br />

E michelle.facer@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

2 1 1 3 65 3589<br />

Viewing: Sunday 12:00 -1:00pm<br />

Ref: TPNC8590<br />

tallpoppy.co.nz/homes-for-sale<br />

3 1 2 2 230 579<br />

Viewing: Sunday 2:00 -2:30pm<br />

Ref: TPNC8592<br />

tallpoppy.co.nz/homes-for-sale<br />

68 Charles Street, Rangiora<br />

Enquirires Over $379,000<br />

Calling First Home Buyers<br />

Situated in the heart of Rangiora near<br />

schools and shops, sits this low<br />

maintenance brick home with great<br />

bones. Ready for you to add you<br />

personal touch<br />

Richard Green<br />

Business Partner<br />

M 0275 364 260<br />

E richard.green@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

Michelle Facer<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 307 4530<br />

E michelle.facer@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

3 1 1 1 110 593<br />

Viewing: Sunday 2:00 -2:30pm<br />

Ref: TPNC8658<br />

tallpoppy.co.nz/homes-for-sale<br />

12 Harakeke Way, Rangiora<br />

Enquiries Over $549,000<br />

Superb Family Living, Conveniently Located ...<br />

This beautifully appointed, double<br />

glazed, sunny home is ready for anew<br />

family.Move in relax and enjoy.<br />

Richard Green<br />

Business Partner<br />

M 0275 364 260<br />

E richard.green@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

Michelle Facer<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 307 4530<br />

E michelle.facer@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

2 1 1 1 70<br />

Viewing: Sunday 12:00 -12:30pm<br />

Ref: TPNC8626<br />

tallpoppy.co.nz/homes-for-sale<br />

Richard Green<br />

Business Partner<br />

M 0275 364 260<br />

E richard.green@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

Michelle Facer<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

M 027 307 4530<br />

E michelle.facer@tallpoppy.co.nz<br />

4 2 2 2 209 600<br />

Viewing: Sunday 1:00 -1:30pm<br />

Ref: TPNC8492<br />

tallpoppy.co.nz/homes-for-sale<br />




<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Oxford 104 Sales Road<br />

Oxford 84 Main Street<br />

Open Home<br />

Open Home<br />

Viewstocherish, potentialto realise<br />

Opportunity abounds in this tidy robustly constructed 1970s home,<br />

superbly positioned to maximise rural living with theconvenience of<br />

urban proximity and currently lying vacant, awaiting new owners. This<br />

entry level 1. 6halifestyle property has gorgeous views thatnever<br />

grow old! Inside, the original decor leaves plenty of scope for the new<br />

owners to update, the home is double glazed, offers awet back wood<br />

burner,walk in pantry, rumpus room and internal garaging. Outside<br />

offers an extra height garage and storage room, 4paddocks and a<br />

stunning view.<br />

Rangiora 27A Newnham Street<br />

3 1 1 3<br />

Deadline Sale closes Tuesday 11th<br />

<strong>August</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> at 5.00pm, (unless sold<br />

prior)<br />

View Sun 9Aug 1.30 -2.00pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU77021<br />

Di Moreira<br />

M 027 848 8020<br />

Open Home<br />

Theromance of yesteryear<br />

It's hard not to fall in love with this beautifully presented 1920s<br />

character home superbly positioned on an expansive 2023 m2 section<br />

close to ahost of Oxford's convenient andpopular amenities.Inside,<br />

this appealing home plays host to three double bedrooms (built in<br />

robes), aseparatemodern kitchen and spacious, interconnecting living<br />

areas. Leadlight windows and immaculately maintained period<br />

features including Kauri wall panelling and fretwork, an ornate<br />

fireplace, wooden floors and high ceilings all enrichthe timeless<br />

appeal; awood burner andheat pump help to maintain comfort.<br />

Oxford 587 Domain Road<br />

3 1 2 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Tuesday 25th<br />

<strong>August</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> at 5.00pm, (unless sold<br />

prior)<br />

View Sun 9Aug 11.45 -12.15pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU77142<br />

Di Moreira<br />

M 027 848 8020<br />

What anopportunity!<br />

They don't come along like this every day. Three bedrooms, one<br />

bathroom, separate laundry,separate single garage, off street parking,<br />

open plan kitchen, dining loungearea, which gets the sun all day long.<br />

Spacious deck and aback yard to either keep simple or create<br />

something special. Perfect first home, perfect investmentopportunity<br />

or perfect for those downsizing. Located close to shops andtransport.<br />

Vendors seeking offers over $310,00<br />

3 1 1 1<br />

Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 26th<br />

<strong>August</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> at 4.00pm, (unless sold<br />

prior)<br />

View Sun 9Aug 1.00 -2.00pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU77135<br />

Bev Wright<br />

M 027 434 2486<br />

Timeless Classic<br />

Set in abeautiful mature setting, this wellmaintainedvilla has all the<br />

character of years gone by. Well shelteredbyhuge trees, including a<br />

100 yearold giantsequoia, with rhododendrons, azaleas andfruit<br />

trees,this approximately 200m2family homefeatures, fourgenerous<br />

bedrooms,separate office, open plan kitchen living area,separate<br />

lounge, large deck,heated by open fire andawoodburner. The<br />

detached doublegarage has an additional storage room.Situatedon<br />

the quiet DomainRoad,only 3km from the vibrant town of Oxford.<br />

The 4.009 ha title has been issued.<br />

4 2<br />

For Sale By Negotiation<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RR73376<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027240 1718<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

Alternate Route Advised During<br />

Skew Bridge Repairs<br />

Residents who cross Skew Bridge, near<br />

Silverstream ontheir commute between the<br />

Waimakariri District and Christchurch, are<br />

advised to use an alternative route from<br />

Monday 17 <strong>August</strong>.<br />

Engineers doing amaintenance assessment<br />

recently identified there are some repairs required<br />

to abeam under the bridge. Signage will be up<br />

along the route in the next week giving regular<br />

drivers of the road advanced warning.<br />

While the bridge will remain open to traffic it will<br />

be one-lane only with temporary two-way traffic<br />

lights in place. This will cause delays –sousing the<br />

alternative route is advised ifyou can.<br />

The temporary traffic lights will be in place until<br />

the work is completed, which will take around<br />

four weeks.<br />

Work is mainly needed underneath the bridge,<br />

and requires concrete to cure which takes time.<br />

Motorists might not see much happening while<br />

driving over the bridge, but we assure residents<br />

that we are working to get the repairs completed<br />

as quickly as possible.<br />

Vandals Wreck Victoria Park Toilets<br />

Victoria Park visitors were incredibly disappointed<br />

this week to discover the toilets have been<br />

significantly vandalised.<br />

This is the second incident ofthe and vandalism<br />

to Waimakariri District Parks in the last two weeks<br />

–afavourite playground item was last week stolen<br />

from Gladstone Park in Woodend/Pegasus.<br />

It is believed that the Victoria Park damage<br />

happened onWednesday 30 July with fixtures and<br />

fittings removed orsmashed up and bespoke vinyl<br />

ripped from the walls.<br />

There’s been an<br />

importantchange…<br />

Chris Brown, Manager, Community and Recreation<br />

says, “These facilities in avery popular park were<br />

recently refurbished to an excellent standard and<br />

are highly used by the public. It’s amindless act<br />

of vandalism that could cost thousands of dollars<br />

to repair.”<br />

The Council takes incidents like this very seriously<br />

and will be following up with the authorities.<br />

We ask that members of the public are vigilant<br />

when using our parks and facilities and if they see<br />

any suspicious behaviour or witness any incidents<br />

they report these to Council through our Snap<br />

Send Solve app or call us on 0800 965 468.<br />

Justice of the Peace Services<br />

Just aquick reminder that this public service is<br />

available for free at our libraries in Rangiora,<br />

Kaiapoi and Oxford. They will be available in<br />

Rangiora every Tuesday between 10am and 1pm,<br />

in Kaiapoi from 11am to 1pm and at Oxford library<br />

on Thursdays between 11am and 1pm.<br />

Keep an eye onour library website for updated<br />

service details libraries.waimakariri.govt.nz/home<br />

Sign up for our latest E-<strong>News</strong><br />

The easiest way to stay up to date on what<br />

is happening inthe District is by signing up<br />

to the Council’s e-news.<br />

When you sign up you can choose what<br />

type of news you are interested in so only<br />

relevant news pops into your inbox.<br />

To join visit waimakariri.govt.nz and scroll<br />

down until you see the sign up button.<br />

The Waimakariri<br />

Event Fund<br />

Got agreat idea for anevent?<br />

Want to make your event bigger<br />

and better than last time?<br />

Your eventneeds to benefit theWaimakariri<br />

District andthe funding can be usedforevent<br />

promotion or coordination costs.<br />

Applications open 1<strong>August</strong><strong>2020</strong>and close<br />

31 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Checkout thecriteriaand apply online at<br />

visitwaimakariri.co.nz/events/funding/<br />

Formoreinformation contact Lucy Harvey on<br />

(03)327 5735orevents@visitwaimakariri.co.nz<br />

This is Waimakariri District Council<br />

funding administered by ENC.<br />



Assistance is available for groups and<br />

individuals who are keen to provide<br />

arts and cultural activities in the<br />

Waimakariri District from the Creative<br />

Communities New Zealand Scheme.<br />

The next Creative Communities round will close<br />

Monday 21 September <strong>2020</strong>, for events or<br />

activities that take place between 1November<br />

<strong>2020</strong> and 1November 2021.<br />

The Application Form and Guide for Applicants is<br />

available from Council Service Centres and Libraries<br />

or from the Council website atwaimakariri.govt.nz<br />

Your yellow bin now only accepts rigid plastic<br />

containers and bottles marked with a1,2or5.<br />

All other plastic needs to go in the rubbish along with<br />

tops and lids.<br />

Check the bottom of the container for atriangle with a<br />

number init. If there isno number,orifyou’re in doubt –<br />

throwitout.<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/rethinkrubbish<br />

If youhaveany questionsplease contact<br />

the administrator, KarenLivingstone<br />

Phone03311 8901or0800965 468<br />

Email karen.livingstone@wmk.govt.nz

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

37<br />

Bin audits starting soon<br />


Give usyour<br />

feedback<br />




We want you toshare your ideas for<br />

Currie Park, Kaiapoi which is due for<br />

an upgrade.<br />

The park includesasmallplayground,large<br />

grass area,parkbenches andnativegardens.<br />

Your ideas willbeused to create aconceptplan<br />

forthe parkdevelopment.<br />

Let us know what you think before<br />

5pm onThursday 20 <strong>August</strong>.<br />

Find out more at waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk<br />

Staff have seen it all in the<br />

Waimakariri District Council’s<br />

yellow recycling bins.<br />

Everything from dog droppings<br />

to batteries, light bulbs, old<br />

clothing, small electrical items,<br />

plant pots, egg cartons, lids and<br />

soft plastics end up in the yellow<br />

bin, creating extra work for staff<br />

at the Southbrook Resource<br />

Recovery Park.<br />

Staff will be conducting yellow<br />

bin audits soon over concerns<br />

that residents have got into bad<br />

habits since the lockdown.<br />

Waste Management operations<br />

manager Russell Gillies says<br />

most people follow good habits.<br />

‘‘What frustrates us the most is<br />

the people who just don’t care or<br />

take the effort. Ninety­eight<br />

percent of people are really<br />

good; it’s the 2% that just don’t<br />

care and don’t think about what<br />

happens to their rubbish.’’<br />

The council’s solid waste<br />

officer, Monese Ball, encourages<br />

people who want to do the right<br />

thing, but are unsure, to bring<br />

their items to the resource<br />

recovery park.<br />

‘‘The staff in orange vests are<br />

only too happy to help, or read<br />

Council livestreaming to continue<br />


The Hurunui District Council<br />

willcontinuetolivestream its<br />

councilmeetings.<br />

It is also lookingtostart<br />

livestreaming its standing<br />

committee meetings on a<br />

permanent basis.<br />

At itsmeetinglastweek, the<br />

councilapproved spending<br />

$25,000 fromexisting budgetsto<br />

upgradethe video­conferencing<br />

equipment inits chambers.<br />

Thecouncil beganlivestreaming<br />

itsmeetings becauseof<br />

Covid­19 restrictions.<br />

Talking rubbish ... Waste Management operations supervisor Russell Gillies,<br />

left,council solid waste officer MoneseBall and Eco Educate rethinkeducator<br />

Lesley Ottey discuss rubbish at the Southbrook ResourceRecovery Park.<br />

the signs. And it’s on the website.<br />

‘‘Most people are pretty good.<br />

You only have to explain it to<br />

them once. But sometimes you’ve<br />

just got to watch people and tell<br />

them,’’ she says of supervising<br />

visitors to Southbrook.<br />

Only grade 1, 2and 5plastics,<br />

which are rigid, are now<br />

recyclable. Small pill bottles or<br />

small yoghurt tubs are not.<br />

‘‘Anything which you can crush<br />

in your hand is not rigid plastic.’’<br />

Plant pots and egg cartons are<br />

It has continued to do so and<br />

receivedpositivecomments<br />

about makingits meetingsmore<br />

accessibleinthe largedistrict.<br />

However, quality has been an<br />

issue for some tuningin. At<br />

present, the equipment includes<br />

afew microphones, two of which<br />

sit on chairs in themiddle of the<br />

council table,and acamera.<br />

Councillorsbacked the<br />

initiative,but didnot want to see<br />

unbudgetedmoneyspent on<br />

upgrading equipment.<br />

Cr FionaHarris saidthe Covid­<br />

19 budgethad beendone,and it<br />

was notappropriate to spend<br />

not recyclable, but can be reused,<br />

so staff are happy to take them.<br />

All glass bottles and jars can go<br />

in the yellow bin, but if it can be<br />

used by someone else, such as<br />

jam jars, it can be left at the park.<br />

It has bins for the likes of<br />

batteries, light bulbs, clothing,<br />

small electrical items, plant pots,<br />

toys, books, bedding, household<br />

items and recyclable plastics.<br />

Whiteware, gas bottles, oil containers<br />

and hazardous waste can<br />

also be taken to the park.<br />

cashthatwas notbudgeted.<br />

Cr NickyAnderson said<br />

livestreaming added another<br />

level of connection withthe<br />

council’scommunity, while<br />

Mayor Marie Blacksaidit<br />

providedanopportunityto<br />

improveengagement.<br />

‘‘Technologyisimprovingthe<br />

opportunity forour communityto<br />

log in andlisten.Itisa<br />

progressive stepand canbe<br />

achieved within our existing<br />

budget,’’ shesaid.<br />

Cr Pauline White saiditwas a<br />

progressivestep which would<br />

providetransparency.<br />

Concerns voiced over cycleway<br />

Job-seeker help<br />

Looking for help on writing or updating<br />

aCV, or applying for jobs online?<br />

Book infor one of our Job-seeker<br />

workshops. We can help you with<br />

setting up an email, CVoptions and<br />

popular on-line job sites.<br />

Rangiora Library<br />

Thursday 6th <strong>August</strong><br />

Kaiapoi Library<br />

Friday 7th <strong>August</strong><br />


Residents in Kaiapoi’s PerakiSt<br />

wantthe WaimakaririDistrict<br />

Council to reconsiderthe path of<br />

aproposed cycleway.<br />

Localresidentsmet with<br />

councilstaff and Kaiapoi­<br />

Tuahiwi Community Board<br />

members at the KaiapoiCooperatingParish<br />

on Monday<br />

eveningtodiscuss their<br />

concerns.<br />

Meeting organiserBruce<br />

Hogarth presentedapetition<br />

signed by 80 residentsofPeraki<br />

St asking thecounciltoconsider<br />

an alternative street.‘‘Peraki St<br />

is avery narrowstreet and you<br />

want to put cyclistsonthere. I<br />

can’t seehow it’s going to work.’’<br />

Thecouncil is proposingto<br />

createa‘‘neighbourhood<br />

greenway’’, or onelane, between<br />

Ohoka Rd and 47 Peraki St and a<br />

shared path forthe remainder of<br />

the route to Raven Quay.<br />

Mr Hogarth says manyofthe<br />

residents areelderlyand<br />

regularlyreverse outoftheir<br />

driveways,creatingahazard for<br />

cyclists.<br />

PerakiStisbusy, he said. ‘‘I<br />

cameawayfeeling40per cent<br />

encouraged thatthey are going<br />

to change it.’’<br />

DeputyMayorNeville<br />

Atkinson acknowledges the<br />

consultationcould have been<br />

better,saying themeeting would<br />

havehappened earlier without<br />

Covid­19.<br />

Staff havetaken on board the<br />

feedback andthe proposal will<br />

be referred back to theKaiapoi­<br />

Tuahiwi CommunityBoard,<br />

beforemaking a<br />

recommendation to thecouncil.<br />

‘‘Willitbring further consultation<br />

or adifferentroute? I<br />

don’t know,’’CrAtkinson said.<br />

‘‘There’s limitationsnomatter<br />

where yougo. Isuspect no<br />

matterwhich street youchoose,<br />

you willbehavingthe same<br />

conversation.’’<br />

The challengeistofindthe<br />

safest cycle route into central<br />

Kaiapoi, Cr Atkinson said.<br />

‘‘There were lotsofquestions<br />

aroundthe useand we canonly<br />

tellpeople what’s happened in<br />

Christchurch —and thatshows<br />

there has been a60% increase in<br />

use sincethe cycleways were<br />

built.’’<br />

All workshops run from 10-12 am.<br />

Bookings on03311 8901 or on steppingup.nz<br />

Police warning after thefts in the district<br />

Lock it up or lose it, Hurunui sub­area police<br />

supervisorSergeant Rob Irvine says.<br />

His warning comes after recent theftsinthe<br />

district. Power tools were targeted in the Masons<br />

Flat area,shearing gear was takeninWaipara Flat<br />

Road,the HawardenFour Square was burgled at<br />

5am on Monday,and awork truck was brokeninto<br />

and power toolstaken at Leithfield Beach.<br />

Sergeant Irvinesaystwo offenders,with their<br />

faces covered,were seen on camerasafter the Four<br />

Squareburglary. Peoplecan report suspicious<br />

activity online,dial 105,orring theirlocal station.


38 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Deaths<br />

JOHNSON, James John (Jim): On<br />

<strong>August</strong> 1, <strong>2020</strong>, at Burlington Village,<br />

aged 95 years, with his family by his side.<br />

Dearly loved husband of the late Shirley,<br />

treasured dad of Karen (deceased),<br />

Wayne and Chris, Wendy, Nita and<br />

Mike, Linda and Hamish, much loved<br />

grandad and great-grandad of all his<br />

grandchildren and great-grandchildren,<br />

and dearly loved brother of Hazel. In lieu<br />

of flowers, donations to St John would<br />

be appreciated and may be made at the<br />

service. AFuneral Service for Jim will be<br />

held in our Westpark Chapel, 467 Wairakei<br />

Road, Burnside, on Saturday, <strong>August</strong> 8, at<br />

10.00am.<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Health Coach<br />

Multiple positions, Christchurch, Ashburton and <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Permanent, full or part-time<br />

Te Tumu Waiora -tereo for ‘to head towards wellness’ -isanew<br />

model of primary mental health and addictions careand support<br />

which aims to provide all New Zealanders experiencing mental<br />

distress or addictions challenges with access to convenient,<br />

high quality, integrated and person-centred care and support.<br />

The model is being rolled out nationally over the next four years.<br />

The model puts mental health and wellbeing at the heart of<br />

general practice with focused roles, Health Improvement<br />

Practitioners and Health Coaches, working as part of the general<br />

practice team.<br />

The Health Coach role aims to connect directly with patients<br />

to assist them to make any necessary changes to improve<br />

their health and wellbeing and work towards an achievable<br />

healthcare plan. The role involves being an integral part of the<br />

general practice team, working directly with individuals and their<br />

families to help improve their mental health and wellbeing.<br />

Although the role is based in general practice thereare five Non-<br />

Governmental Organisations (NGOs) that will be the employers<br />

of these roles including He Waka Tapu, Purapura Whetu,<br />

Pathways, Odyssey House and Emerge Aotearoa.<br />

Roles are required to work in a number of settings across<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> including urban and rural, specifically <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> and Ashburton.<br />

Successful applicants will receive comprehensive training and<br />

ongoing mentoring.<br />

We’re looking for someone who has:<br />

2301822<br />

Gardening<br />

$3 a bottle(600mls)<br />

or 4 bottles for $10<br />

One bottle makes<br />

6 ltrs of nutrient enriched<br />

fertiliser for your garden.<br />

Ph Josh<br />

021 288 4848 or<br />

310 8489 (after school)<br />

• Positive team player<br />

• The ability to work in afast-paced role<br />

• Excellent communication skills<br />

• A self-starter, capable of managing your own workload<br />

• A positive can-do attitude<br />

For more information on this position or to apply visit:<br />

https://pegasushealth.careercentre.net.nz/Job/Health-Coach/<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>-Christchurch/2747<br />

Closing date for application is Sunday, 9<strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

2301670<br />


Time to plan for Spring.<br />

Lawns, gardening, section<br />

tidys, hedges trimmed,<br />

roses pruned. Call or text<br />

Megan 021 337 489.<br />

GARDEN hedges cut to<br />

perfection. Tree & arbor<br />

work. Also spraying. Free<br />

quotes. Ph 03 312 <strong>06</strong>68 or<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Rangiora High<br />

School<br />

Administrative<br />

Assistant, Guidance<br />

We are seeking to<br />

appoint an<br />

Administrative<br />

Assistant, Guidance<br />

to work part-time<br />

(15 hours per term<br />

time week), fixed<br />

termthrough to 11<br />

November <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Applications close at<br />

4pm on Monday<br />

10 <strong>August</strong> <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Foraninformation<br />

package and<br />

application form,<br />

please visit the<br />

Vacancies page at:<br />

www.rangiorahigh.<br />

school.nz<br />

2300710<br />


wanted. Mig and electric<br />

for s/h farm machinery<br />

business in Sefton. Saturdays<br />

or if retired during the<br />

week to suit. Phone 027<br />

223 8111.<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />

CASH / CASH for any<br />

unwanted vehicles, ph 347<br />

9354 or 027 476 2404.<br />

CARS WANTED under<br />

$5000. Tim Koller Motor<br />

Company, 380 Ferry Road.<br />

Phone 03 390 1717.<br />

Grazing<br />

GRAZING WANTED Grazing<br />

required for 3geldings,<br />

Woodend area or with 15<br />

minutes. Horses fed and<br />

checked twice aday. References<br />

available. 027 310 4802<br />

Garage Sales<br />

KAIAPOI 78 Whitefield<br />

Street, Saturday 8th<br />

<strong>August</strong>, open 9am not<br />

before, house items &<br />

more.<br />

Livestock<br />


Butchery &<br />

meat processing<br />

313 0022<br />

MEAT2U.NZ<br />

2276971<br />


The Southbrook Community Sports Club Inc.<br />

AGM<br />

7.30pm Monday 17 <strong>August</strong>, at the Clubrooms<br />

Members of the following affiliated Clubs are<br />

welcome to attend<br />

Saracens Rugby Club<br />

Southbrook Cricket Club<br />

Southbrook Touch<br />

Southbrook Netball Club<br />

Special Olympics NC<br />

Enquiries contact the secretary<br />

sportsclub@saracensrugby.co.nz.<br />

2301370<br />

Pets<br />


for smaller dogs. We look<br />

after your dog in our home.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today<br />

03 314 6110.<br />

Public Notices<br />

Educational<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary to<br />

NCEA level 3. Math, Literacy<br />

and Science (NCEA).<br />

Each student on an individually<br />

- tailoured programme.<br />

Kip McGrath<br />

Rangiora has been serving<br />

the local community for 30<br />

years. Give us a call or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online 03 313 3638 https:/<br />

/www.kipmcgrath.co.nz/rangiora.<br />

Firewood<br />

FIREWOOD bone dry<br />

Macrocarpa firewood $120<br />

per square metre. Delivered<br />

as far <strong>North</strong> as Amberley.<br />

Ph George 021 0845 3787.<br />

WarMemorial Hall<br />

1AlbertStreet, Rangiora 7400<br />

PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440<br />

www.bsnc.org.nz<br />

Covid-19 and Level 1–Keeping everyone safe<br />

Dear Clients and prospective clients,<br />

•WeARE open and ready to provide you with<br />

budgeting supportand advice.<br />

•WeARE able to meet with you face-to-face. Strictly<br />

by appointment only.<br />

•Wewillbeabletosee walk-in clients. Please phone<br />

first<br />

•Home visits are by arrangement only.<br />

•Wewill trytocontinue advocating on your behalf<br />

with WINZ, banks, creditors etc.<br />

•Weregularly workwith other supportagencies and<br />

food banks; to provide you with additional<br />

assistance.<br />

Phone: 03 313 3505<br />

(please leave amessage and we’ll get back to you)<br />

Email: servicemanager@bsnc.org.nz<br />

Monday to Thursday 09:00 am to 4:00 pm<br />

• However, Ifyou cannot wait to talk with us, then<br />

please call the MoneyTalks helpline on 0800 345 123<br />

“The Key of Knowledge ..“(Luke 11:52)<br />

2300807<br />

“GOOD NEWS”<br />

What the Bible says about Jerusalem:<br />

“For I will gather all the nations against<br />

Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be<br />

taken.....”.<br />

Zechariah 14:2 RV.<br />

2301270<br />

Public Notices<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

Lost Cafes Ltd (88 Victoria<br />

St, Rangiora) has made<br />

application to the District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Rangiora for the renewal of<br />

an On Licence in respect of<br />

the premises situated at 88<br />

Victoria St, Rangiora known<br />

as Winnie Bagoes.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to<br />

be conducted) under the<br />

licence is Restaurant &Bar.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be)<br />

sold under the licence are<br />

Sunday -Thursday 11am -<br />

11pm, Friday and Saturday<br />

11am -1am the following<br />

day.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of<br />

the licence may, not later<br />

than 15 working days after<br />

the date of the publication<br />

of this notice, file anotice<br />

in writing of the objection<br />

with the Secretary of<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Private Bag 1005, Rangiora.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than amatter specified in<br />

section 131 of the Sale<br />

and Supply of Alcohol Act<br />

2012. This is the second<br />

publication of this notice.<br />

This notice was first<br />

published on 30 July <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

2299040v2<br />

RotaryClubofRangiora<br />

BOOKS<br />

WANTED<br />

Rangiora Rotary<br />

annual book sale<br />

needs donated books<br />

/Magazines/Puzzles<br />

Please contact Bruce<br />

Walker 0274724439<br />

forcollection.<br />

2282233<br />

Public Notices<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

Woodend Rugby Football<br />

Club has made application<br />

to the District Licensing<br />

Committee at Rangiora<br />

for the renewal of aClub<br />

Licence in respect of the<br />

premises situated at 202<br />

Gladstone Road, Woodend<br />

known as Woodend Rugby<br />

Club.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to<br />

be conducted) under the<br />

licence is Sports Club.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be)<br />

sold under the licence are<br />

Monday -Thursday 5.00pm<br />

-11.00pm, Friday, Saturday<br />

&Public Holidays 11.00am<br />

-1.00am, Sunday 11.00am<br />

-11.00pm.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of<br />

the licence may, not later<br />

than 15 working days after<br />

the date of the publication<br />

of this notice, file anotice<br />

in writing of the objection<br />

with the Secretary of<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Private Bag 1005, Rangiora.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than amatter specified in<br />

section 131 of the Sale and<br />

Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />

This is the first publication of<br />

this notice.<br />

230<strong>06</strong>96v1<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

MATERIALS to deck out<br />

a mancave from Memorabilia,<br />

retro things of any<br />

kind including furniture or<br />

just cool things of interest.<br />

Ph or txt 021 861 732.<br />

To Let<br />

AMBERLEY flat for rent.<br />

2 bedroom, sun all day,<br />

heat pump, auto garage<br />

door. No animals, no smoking.<br />

Over 50 years only.<br />

Easy walk to shops. Ring<br />

027 957 8030.<br />

58,000 people live within our<br />

circulation area. Just one ad in the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> will be read<br />

by 46,000 of them every week!<br />

Phone<br />

03 314 8335<br />

Source 2018 Nielsen Readership research all people 10+ NCN Circulation area

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />

AFFORDABLE concrete<br />

cutting with quality and<br />

removal work. Free quotes.<br />

No job too small. Ph 027<br />

442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052<br />

or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed,stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />

BRICK &blocklaying. All<br />

types of work undertaken,<br />

repairs. Phone Hamish<br />

0272 386 003 or 313 5678.<br />

CARPENTER / Painter<br />

specialising in alterations &<br />

renovations, repairs &<br />

maintenance, 35 plus years,<br />

experienced licenced<br />

builder. Telephone Trevor<br />

313 5013 or 027 431 1864.<br />

PAINTER, qualified, local<br />

professional. Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Specialist.<br />

All plastic &fibreglass<br />

repairs. Telephone James<br />

021 180 5103.<br />

ROOFER All roof repairs,<br />

roof painting, water blasting,<br />

moss treatment,<br />

repointing, gutter cleans &<br />

snow straps. And more.<br />

Free quotes. Phone Nathan<br />

027 516 6609.<br />

Butchery<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

Thursday,<strong>August</strong> 2, 2018 | Issue 808 | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

Trade&Services<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restorations,<br />

mouldy silicone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />

BUILDER available,<br />

licensed, maintenance,<br />

alterations. Please phone<br />

027 294 1423.<br />

BUILDERS father &son<br />

team. Amac Builders are<br />

available to help you with<br />

your building needs. High<br />

standards, low overheads.<br />

No job too small. Check us<br />

out on fb. Amac Builders<br />

Ltd. Ph 027 318 4400.<br />


licensed. Available now for<br />

all your repairs, maintenance<br />

and alterations. For a<br />

free quote, please call Keith<br />

021 127 7202.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant.<br />

Exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

25 + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 312 4709<br />



www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

Visit now to view the paper online &more!<br />

1680439<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>August</strong> 6,<strong>2020</strong><br />

Trade&Services<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

Semi retired painter. Small<br />

jobs. Ph Peter 03 312 7945<br />

or 027 693 8360.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 30<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 31A Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />

RANGIORA Rubbish<br />

Removal and RRR skips.<br />

Wheelie bins any frequency<br />

and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />

9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />

bins for any use, rubbish,<br />

greenwaste, building sites<br />

or just cleanups. Give us a<br />

phone call 313 6957 or for<br />

skips 021 313 255.<br />


Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Contact Geoff at<br />

Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />

03 310 8541 or email<br />

geoff@maxval.co.nz.<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email<br />

heather.norstar@gmail.com.<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

Chiropractic Services<br />

Dr Carissa McGregor Chiropractor<br />

Injury, accidents and maintenance<br />

ACC Registered and Accredited<br />

Monday-Thursday | 03 313 0350<br />

Libi McKinnon Physiotherapy<br />

privatephysio@xtra.co.nz<br />

03 0278 686 2574<br />

ACC Registered Provider | Tuesday&Friday<br />

Select Health<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

2225862<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Trade&Services<br />

Log Fires<br />

Pellet Fires<br />

Heat Pumps<br />

Sales<br />

Service<br />

Installations<br />

Free Quotes<br />

03 343 1651<br />

472 Blenheim Rd<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />




Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />

horse, all types of animals.<br />

Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />

shelters, runs.<br />

30+ years contract fencing.<br />

Steve is available to help with<br />

your design &planning.<br />

Ph office03312 4747<br />

2091848<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. Trailer, generator<br />

&mobile handpiece<br />

available. Experienced,<br />

reliable and honest. Ph 03<br />

312 1214 or 021 267 4025.<br />

51 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />

2103107<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

2273277<br />

2208126<br />

2089195v2-4/4-S<br />

Trade &Services<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />


2Men &agood<br />

sized truck.<br />

From $157 per hour<br />

(incl gst).Kaiapoibased.<br />

Call Gerard<br />

027 668 3636<br />

2225244<br />


Forall your painting &<br />

plastering requirements<br />

Local with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />

222<strong>06</strong>15<br />


Paving<br />

Patio &Pathways<br />

-New or Existing<br />

Free Quotes<br />

–Competitive Pricing<br />

Blair Gibson<br />

027 699 5815 03 313 7933<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 128 9867<br />

Computer Repairs<br />

For all your computer repairs, parts, servicing, sales &more..<br />

Come and see us for friendly &supportive service<br />

2253902<br />

Accountant<br />

39<br />

Debra Jowsey &Karla Kilner<br />

Ph 03314 9480<br />

We help with all Taxreturns for the<br />

salary &wage earner,self employed, rental,<br />

business, farm,GST,pay dayfiling, rental returns<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />



F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

ASKO, Ariston, LG,Classique,<br />

Haier, Samsung and more....<br />

2287949<br />

“For best resultsbesuretouseauthorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />

YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 313 2840<br />

Builder<br />

1913020<br />

Electrician<br />






M: 0275 543 958 E: aaron@ahel.co.nz<br />

Landscaping<br />


Landscaping -Fencing<br />

& Earthworks<br />


03 313 9375 •027 369 3974<br />

www.stewartcontracting.co.nz<br />

contact@stewartcontracting.co.nz<br />

<strong>2020</strong>478<br />

2136148<br />

Scaffolding<br />

•Edge protection<br />

•Working platform<br />

Phone<br />

0274 366 901<br />

Plans for pricing<br />

jas.rangiorascaffolding@xtra.co.nz<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> wide<br />

1783878<br />

2269236<br />

Engineering<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

Scrap Metal<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie0274818 027<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

1902273<br />

CAP 65<br />

CAP 40<br />

CAP 20<br />

Shingle<br />


Quarry Prices<br />


from $40 per cube<br />

from $23 per cube<br />

from $25 per cube<br />

from $30 per cube<br />

all +gst<br />

Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />

house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />


Ph: KEN 027 201 3302<br />

Email: stress@xtra.co.nz<br />


Arthur BurkeLtd<br />

Trusted in <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> since1935<br />

2019 Holden Trailblazer LTZ<br />

2.8 Diesel, 4x4,<br />

Automatic, 7<br />

Seater,Leather,<br />

Heated Front<br />

Seats, Towbar,<br />

25,0000km<br />

2018 HoldenColorado LTZ<br />

2.8 Diesel, 4x4,<br />

Automatic,<br />

35,000km,<br />

Towbar,<br />

Balance of<br />

Manufactures<br />

FREE<br />

Servicing &<br />

Warranty<br />

2017 HoldenColorado LTZ<br />

4x4 ,Automatic,<br />

Towbar,Tuff<br />

deck, Tonneau<br />

cover,<br />

Reversing<br />

Camera,<br />

Climate<br />

control<br />

was$47,995 NOW $43,995<br />

was$41,995 NOW $40,995<br />

$36,995<br />

2018 Holden EquinoxLTZ-V<br />

was$34,995<br />

NOW<br />

2.0 Petrol<br />

Turbo,AWD,<br />

66,000km, Tow<br />

bar,Balance of<br />

Manufactures<br />

FREE Servicing<br />

&Warranty<br />

$33,995<br />

2018 Mazda CX-5 GSX<br />

2.5 Petrol, AWD,<br />

55,000km,<br />

Reversing<br />

Camera,<br />

Cruise Control,<br />

Balance of<br />

Manufactures<br />

Warranty<br />

<strong>2020</strong> HoldenTraxLTZ<br />

1.4 Turbo,<br />

Automatic,<br />

9,000km,Leather,<br />

Front heated seats,<br />

Reverse Camera,<br />

Sunroof, Balance<br />

of Manufactures<br />

FREE Servicing &<br />

Warranty<br />

2011 Mazda BT-50 CabPlus<br />

168,000km,<br />

4x4, Manual,<br />

Bull bar,<br />

Flat deck<br />

$32,995<br />

$26,995<br />

$22,995<br />

2018 Toyota Corolla GX<br />

34,000km,<br />

2.0 Petrol,<br />

Reversing<br />

Camera,<br />

Navigation,<br />

Balance of<br />

Manufactures<br />

Warranty<br />

$21,995<br />

2017 Mazda3GLX<br />

2012 Holden CaptivaLX<br />

2018 Toyota Yaris GX<br />

2017 Holden AstraR<br />

Sedan, 2.0ltr<br />

Petrol, Automatic,<br />

57,000km, Reverse<br />

camera&Parking<br />

sensors, Balance<br />

of Mazda Care &<br />

Warranty<br />

88,000km,<br />

2.2 Diesel,<br />

AWD, 7Seater,<br />

Leather,<br />

Navigation<br />

33,000km,<br />

1.3 Petrol,<br />

Reversing<br />

Camera,<br />

Balance of<br />

Manufactures<br />

Warranty<br />

Hatch, 1.4<br />

Petrol Turbo,<br />

77,000km, Tow<br />

bar,Reversing<br />

Camera,<br />

Reversing<br />

Sensors<br />

$19,995<br />

$15,995<br />

$15,995<br />

Sales: Tim 03 3140135 Craig 027220 2341 |Service: Michael 03 3140131<br />

$14,995<br />


$1,000 * KINGQUAD LT-A400F<br />

$11,300+GST<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

2298856<br />

Sales: John 03 3140132 |Service:Anton 03 3140134<br />

MarkhamStreet,Amberley |Karaka Road, Waikari<br />

www.arthurburke.co.nz<br />


Established 1935

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