August 2020

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ery few people will know that there are no pores in the lips like the skin of the rest of the body have. Therefore,

they require proper nutrition and hydration. If you reduce it, it will call many kinds of problems. Great credit for

the beauty of the face goes to the

beautiful lips. The pink lips of any person add to

its beauty. This is why everyone wants

her lips to look beautiful. However, you

take full care of your face and hair,

but often forget about your lips in

the meantime when they need

special care. If you do not take

care of them, then they start

bursting black. Just as the body

needs healthy eating and proper

care for energy and young look,

similarly the lips also need adequate

care, if done with the right things,

then our lips are also beautiful,

healthy and stay pink.

The tone of the skin of our lips is also

different like the skin tone of our face. But

most people want their lips to be pink and soft

like rose petals. Such lips don't need to be found

naturally by all. But it is also not that those whose lips are not naturally pink and soft cannot make their lips like this.


Exfoliate your lips with rose water every

day. This will remove the crust of your

lips, dead cells and new fresh cells will

come out, which will make your lips look

moister and softer. For this, apply rose

water on cotton before sleeping at night

with light hands on your lips and when

the skin becomes soft, then lightly rub

it. This will remove dead cells. After this,

apply lip balm and sleep.

Beetroot juice

Beetroot not only works to increase

blood in the body but also works to give

pink colour to the skin. If you also want

to make your lips pink, then in the

morning mix 2 to 3 drops of coconut oil

in one teaspoon of beet juice. Apply the

prepared mixture on the lips with the

help of cotton and massage it lightly for

3 to 5 minutes.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil can also make lips pink and soft. Because it naturally maintains moisture in the skin. It works to lighten the

skin tone by removing the darkness of our skin. After cleansing the dead skin with rose water, you can massage the lips

with coconut oil instead of lip balm. Many women do not do lipstick removal after makeup removal while sleeping at

night. This causes great damage to the lips. Sleep after applying lip balm every night after removing lipstick.

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