August 2020

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As a student of the educational field, I observe

so many things during my study. There were

many ideas, thoughts, opinions and approaches

to lead the system or try to make it better and

fruitful for the students. I agree there are many

loopholes in the system administratively,

authoritatively, politically and individually as well.

Here I just want to share one tragedy which

happened in the last few days in my village. Here

was a student who was in 10th standard, a few

days before you all knew that the CBSE school’s

exam result displayed. after a few hours of result

publishing, he gets suicide. The reason for this

was the result only because he failed in 2

subjects and his neighbour friend passed (As per

the sources). He was just 15 years old and he

did it. He went to the respective place but he left

some questions for us, for me to think and see

what's happening around me. Now all the pupils

of my village are discussing what could be the

issue. Were there any parental pressure or social pressure, economical pressure or something else?

As much as I got to know about him, he was free till the day of the result. The last 5 days he spent

joyfully and happily he got a new cell phone; he booked a bike for himself & he went to the farm just

a day before the incident to do things. That day itself he was very free and normal as the old days.

He said to his parents ``go and have rest" they went to the bedroom and he locked himself in a

separate room and then he hanged himself. His parents were totally unaware of this even though

they didn't know about the result either. His mother was shocked when she saw him hanged.

we cannot imagine their situation at that time. I was in shock when I got this news from outsiders.

So, I'm confused to think that what happened to him, forced him to take this decision. It was and it

is, very strange for me to reflect on this situation. what value of the education he was understanding

what purpose he made about the academic qualifications? These questions for him are gone already

but still, I want to know because I don't know who will be the next. I also know this is a huge topic to

make a conclusion with this note but still, I'm trying to express my way of thinking & thoughts. this is

just for us the matter of result is so less in comparison to life. Life takes a lot of value rather than a

result. We all know this but how will children get this. they didn't get the meaning of life. I hope you

all agree with this to say living life is itself an art itself an education. The most important point is to

live a life other than the rest of the things.

One of the aims of education is to make life better and beautiful for self and for society.

I hope we can do one thing at-least to talk to our younger siblings and cousins to let them free from

the academic pressure.

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