August 2020

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What you want- Chocolate cream biscuits - 14, melted butter - 2 tbsp, thick cream - 1/4 cup, cream

cheese 8 tbsp, ground sugar - 42 grams, vanilla essence or extract - 2 tsp.

To make cream cheese- put four cups of milk in the pan and let it boil on high heat. Then on medium

flame, add one tablespoon lemon juice and stir continuously. After breaking the milk, filter the thick

portion of it with the help of cloth and drain it. Put it in the mixer and stir until smooth paste is formed.

You can also grind it by adding a pinch of salt.

To make cake baits - spread parchment paper on a tray and clip around so that it does not slide. Finely

chop five biscuits and keep aside. Grind the remaining biscuits finely with the help of a rolling pin.

Mix the sawdust and melted butter well in a bowl. Spread this mixture on the prepared tray. Keep in

the fridge to set. Beat the cream in a separate bowl till it becomes light and keep aside. Can use

handheld mixer. Mix cream cheese, sugar and vanilla essence in separate balls. Then add the whipped

cream and pieces of biscuits and mix with light hands. Spread this mixture on top of a layer of biscuits

from the fridge and make another layer. Cover it and keep it in the freezer for three hours. Once set,

cut into square shapes. Serve with whipped cream on top.




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