Pradeep Apte - The Nisargadatta Gita

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176. Stabilize in the ‘Bindu’ (Point) ‘I

am’ and transcend it. ‘Bindu’ means

without duality (Bin=without, Du=two).

It is the ‘I am’ again and it has been given a new

name for a better understanding: the ‘Bindu’

(point), which when split into two words ‘Bin’ and

‘Du’ means without duality. How is this so? As the

focus of your meditation on the ‘I am’ (or when the

knowledge ‘I am’) meditates on itself for a

prolonged period, a stage comes when it is only the

‘I am’ everywhere. When this happens, there is

nothing else but the ‘I am’, it is a non-dual state.

This ‘Bindu’ (point) is located nowhere yet is

everywhere, it is there indwelling in you, find it and

get stabilized in it.

177. It is the ‘I am’ that investigates the ‘I

am’. Realizing its falsehood it disappears

and merges into Eternity.

In this very moment as you are reading through

these lines, or as you ponder over them, who is it

that is doing so? It is the knowledge ‘I am’

investigating the ‘I am’. All this that you are doing

has the ‘I am’ in the background. The ‘I am’ is the

driving force behind this entire undertaking; it

desperately wants to know what it is. As the

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