Pradeep Apte - The Nisargadatta Gita

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This whole concept of time is based on the

appearance and disappearance of the ‘I am’. The

arrival and departure of the ‘I am’ from birth to

death is called a life, while that from waking up to

falling asleep a day. Accordingly, you say ‘his life

has come to an end’ or ‘It is the end of the day’.

The ‘I am’ linked up with memory maintains a

continuity throughout your life.

216. The feeling ‘I am’ is itself an

illusion, therefore whatever is seen

through this illusion cannot be real.

The essence of the five elements and three qualities

that make up the body-mind is the knowledge ‘I

am’. The body-mind, as we know, is impermanent

and destructible; the ‘I am’ depends on it for

expression. Thus the ‘I am’, since it is destructible

and dependent cannot be the reality which is

indestructible and independent. The feeling ‘I am’

is thus unreal and an illusion; whatever we see or

know is through the ‘I am’, thus it’s all an illusion

and unreal.

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