Pradeep Apte - The Nisargadatta Gita

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209. When you dwell in destiny as ‘I am’,

you realize that it is not your death, but

the disappearance of ‘I amness’.

The Guru is revealing a secret that is of such

tremendous importance that only an advanced

seeker, who has spent a considerable amount of

time pondering over his teachings, can grasp its

true value. He is saying: your destiny is not death

but the disappearance of ‘I am’! This realization

can only come to someone who has transcended

the ‘I am’ and realized his true identity as the

Absolute or the ‘Parabrahman’. The ‘I am’ that

had appeared on him (which we mistakenly believe

as birth) has now disappeared (which we

mistakenly believe as death), that’s all. He has

nothing to do with it as he never was the ‘I am’. He

comes to the conclusion that he is unborn, he was

unborn and shall remain unborn!

210. You are beyond desire, which itself

depends on the ‘I am’. Do not suppress

desires, just don’t identify with them and

they will disappear.

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