Pradeep Apte - The Nisargadatta Gita

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abeyance, do you know anything? This indwelling

principle ‘I am’ does not belong to any particular

individual but is common to all and has no

attributes at all.

102. Identify yourself with the highest

principle in you which is the knowledge

‘I am’. This will elevate you to the status

of ‘Brihaspati’ – the guru of gods.

Become completely one with the indwelling

knowledge ‘I am’, it is the highest possible

principle in you. First you must be able to see very

clearly that there something called the knowledge

‘I am’ in you - that is, you have not only to spot it,

but understand it in its totality. Then comes

‘Sadhana’ (practice), where you begin abiding in

the ‘I am’, and this, in its acute phase, results in

your becoming one with the ‘I am’, then only the ‘I

am’ remains and nothing else. The Guru says that

this will elevate you to the highest possible status,

which he calls ‘Brihaspati’, meaning the greatest

Guru, the Guru of Gods.

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