Pradeep Apte - The Nisargadatta Gita

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transcendence is the key to the whole ‘Sadhana’


31. Remember the knowledge ‘I am’

only and give up the rest, staying in the

‘I am’ you will realize that it is unreal.

Whatever has added-on to the basic and

fundamental knowledge ‘I am’ has destroyed its

purity. Drop aside everything added-on and only

remember the ‘I am’ in all its purity. You have to

really get after it and for that you have to reside in

it, dwell on it at all times. In the process you will

realize that the ‘I am’ is dependent and

destructible and hence unreal, for the real is

independent and indestructible.

32. Understand that the knowledge ‘I

am’ has dawned on you and all are its

manifestations, in this understanding you

realize you are not the ‘I am’.

Has this knowledge ‘I am’ come willingly to you?

Was it volitional? In retrospect it doesn’t appear to

be so. There was that moment and you knew that

‘you are’ and thenceforth the feeling ‘I am’ went

on getting strengthened. ‘I am so and so’ got

embedded into you and the rest of the activities of

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