Pradeep Apte - The Nisargadatta Gita

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society. All these appendages on the ‘I am’ may be

of some value in your day to day living but if your

goal or quest is for eternity, then they are

impediments. You will have to separate them from

the ‘I am’ and just keep in mind your sense of

‘presence’ or the feeling ‘I am’.

4. Only the ‘I am’ is certain, it’s

impersonal, all knowledge stems from it,

it’s the root, hold on to it and let all else


Right from the day you came know that ‘you are’ to

this day you still know that ‘you are’. All add-ons

have come and gone. They are transient but the

fundamental ‘I am’ has remained unchanged and is

the only certainty. This ‘I am’ is impersonal, it’s

common to everybody and wordless, the moment

you came know that ‘you are’ you did not know

any words or language, which came later. Based

on this non-verbal ‘I am’ you could later on say

verbally ‘I am’ in whatever language you were

taught. From this tiny, minuscule ‘I am’ further

knowledge grew leaps and bounds to gigantic

proportions. So all knowledge stems from the ‘I

am’, it is absolutely fundamental, the base, the

origin, the root of everything. You have to hold on

to this ‘I am’ and let everything else go.

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