Madeira Island Magazine - November / December 2020

The new Madeira Island Magazine!!! What you need to know about Europe's Leading Island Destination. The Forte de São Bento, Visit Chão da Ribeira, David Bannerman’s visit to Madeira, Tradicional Recipes with Sugarcane, Discover the Photography Museum, A bit of history with Machico – The bay of the buried lovers, Surfing Madeira’s Waves, Winter Wonderland - Top 7 Hotspots and much more. Merry Christmas Madeira and a Happy New Year 2021!

The new Madeira Island Magazine!!! What you need to know about Europe's Leading Island Destination.

The Forte de São Bento, Visit Chão da Ribeira, David Bannerman’s visit to Madeira, Tradicional Recipes with Sugarcane, Discover the Photography Museum, A bit of history with Machico – The bay of the buried lovers, Surfing Madeira’s Waves, Winter Wonderland - Top 7 Hotspots and much more.

Merry Christmas Madeira and a Happy New Year 2021!


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miradouro do

Pico Vermelho


ste miradouro está localizado

E na “Lombada Velha” (Ponta do

Pargo). O nome deste pico está

relacionado com a cor do solo.

Para chegar até lá é preciso

caminhar por uma estrada secundária

e passar pela Capela da Nossa Senhora

da Boa Morte- Cabo. Ao chegar ao pico,

estará a 420 metros de altura com vista

para o mar, de onde poderá contemplar

pequenos campos agrícolas e, ao longe,

o farol da Ponta do Pargo e ainda o Pico

das Favas.

his viewpoint is located in

t “Lombada Velha” (Ponta do

Pargo). The name of this peak

is related to soil color.

To reach it, you have to walk on a

secondary road and pass by Capela da

Nossa Senhora da Boa Morte- Cabo.

When you reach the peak you’ll be

420m tall and you’ll notice some small

farming fields near the sea. View of

the ocean and in the distance, the

“Ponta do Pargo” lighthouse and “Pico

das Favas”.

Madeira Island Magazine | November - December 2020


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