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The first part of this book shall thus deal with this subject:

Irâq/Iran in the light of the narrations

Hadhrat Abu Hureirah has narrated that Rasulullâh said:


رأس الكفر قبل المشرؽ

‘The centre of kufr is towards the East’

Hadhrat Abdullûh ibn Umar mentioned, ‘I saw Rasulullâh pointing

towards the East and saying,

‘Trials shall come from there! Trials shall come from there!’ 4

In an attempt to pinpoint the exact area intended in this narration,

scholars have provided a few possibilities, but the one that has

attracted the attention of the majority is Irâq/Iran, which includes

Kufa, Basrah, Baghdad, Khuraasan, etc. This area was the capital of the

Persian Empire, and was famous as the stronghold of the majûs

(zoroastrians). It was from this area that the majority of the early

conspiracies against Islâm were planned.

The Ahâdith and statements of the Sahâbah and Tâbi’een which

indicate that ‘East’ refers to the area of Irâq/Irân are many. From

amongst them are the following:

Hadhrat Abdullâh ibn Umar has narrated that he witnessed

Rasulullâh pointing towards Irâq, saying,

‘Listen well! Fitnah (trials and tribulations for the Ummah) shall


رواه مسلم

عن ابن عمر رأيت رسوؿ اهلل صلى اهلل عليو وسلم يشير نحو المشرؽ إف الفتنة ىهنا إف الفتنة ىهنا

‏)صحيح ابن حباف(‏



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