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However, from the above it should never be understood that Irâq

produced nothing but filth. Rather, to confront the evil that

continuously arose from Irâq, Almighty Allâh brought forth from that

very land such giants of Islâm that in every era broke the backbone of

these fitnas. On accout of these luminaries the land of Irâq was

regarded as one of the major centres of Islâmic knowledge during the

era of the Sahâba, Tâbi’een and for many years thereafter.

What made Irâq and its

inhabitants, i.e. the majûs (fire-worshippers)

the centre of so much of evil?

The inhabitants of Irâq, before being conquered by the Muslims, were

mainly ‘majûs’ (fire worshippers). In the Ahâdith one finds clear

mention that just as the majûs (fire-worshippers) were responsible for

much of the attacks made upon religion in the previous Ummahs. So

too shall it be in this Ummah.

Rasulullâh warned most emphatically,


لكل أمة مجوس

‘For every Ummah there have been Majûs, i.e. worshippers of the fire.’

1) Due to another hadith, which has been narrated on a similar

pattern, i.e. ‘Verily for every Ummah there is a test!’ 22 ,

حدثنا علي بن عبد العزيز ثنا حجاج بن المنهاؿ ثنا معتمر بن سليماف حدثني علي أبو الحسن رجل من أىل واسط ثنا جعفر بن

الحارث عن يزيد بن ميسرة عن عطاء الخراساني عن مكحوؿ عن أبي ىريرة قاؿ قاؿ رسوؿ اهلل صلى اهلل عليو و سلم (

مجوس ومجوس ىذه األمة القدرية ال تعودوىم إذا مرضوا وال تصلوا عليهم إذا ماتوا

لكل أمة

) قاؿ المحقق حمدي بن عبد المجيد

والحديث رواه ابن أبي عاصم في السنة واآلجري في الشريعة والدوالبي

والحديث صحيح لشواىده



إف لكل أمة فتنة ‏)رواه أحمد(‏


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