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and even fight against each other, but dare any man from out

of the royal family attempt to slap a prince or merely look at

him with contempt! The Sahâba, due to the fervor each one

had for establishing the truth, would many a time issue a harsh

word against his fellow Sahâbi brother, but never would he

dare lie or deceive.

The hearts of the Sahâba, as mentioned in Quraan, have already

passed the tests of Imaan. The purity of their hearts had received

certificates from the highest of quarters, i.e. from Almighty Allâh

himself. Only that mind which has not as yet understood the strength

of Almighty Allâh’s declaration of purity could ever conceive such

hearts to still be stained with filthy, hypocritical traits of deceit, lies,


Hadhrat Amr ibn al Aas occupied a most prominent position amongst

the Sahâbah. After his accepting Islâm, Rasulullâh included him

amongst his selected confidants, with whom he would consult

regarding all matters of importance. During the eras of Hadhrat Abu

Bakr, Hadhrat Umar, and Hadhrat Uthmaan, he played a

leading role as a leader in the conquests of prominent areas like Egypt,

Al-Aqsa, etc.

Could any sane mind ever imagine a Sahâbi of this calibre concluding

his chapter in the glorious history of Islâmic heroes with an act of

deception, and that too, not just deceiving a few individuals or friends

but rather the entire Ummah, the illustrious Sahâba around him, and

all those who until that time had viewed him as a true leader and hero

of Islâm?!

Could any sane mind ever imagine a Sahâbi of this calibre concluding

his chapter in the glorious history of Islâmic hero causing untold harm

to the cause of Islâm, that Islâm for which he had on so many occasions


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