CSR Training Manual

The training manual for SMA Healthcare's CSR's.

The training manual for SMA Healthcare's CSR's.


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In accordance with Florida Statues 394.459 and 397.501

Each facility shall post the Rights of Clients, detailing

the rights listed below. This notice shall be posted in a

place readily accessible to clients and in a format easily

seen by clients. This notice shall include a statement

that provisions of the federal Americans with Disabilities

Act apply and the name and telephone number of a person

to contact for further information. This notice shall

also include the telephone numbers of the Florida local

advocacy council and Advocacy Center for Persons

with Disabilities, Inc.

Treated with Dignity and Respect

The dignity of all clients served must be respected at all

times and upon all occasions.

Nondiscriminatory Services

u You have the right to receive services regardless

of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual preference, age,

HIV status, prior service departures against medical

advice, disability, number of relapse episodes, use

of prescribed medications, coexisting diagnosis, or

financial status. Denial of service or early discharge

may occur if you have problems beyond the programs

scope of service.

u You have the opportunity to participate in the creation

of an individualized plan for goals and services

and to receive pertinent information in sufficient time

to assist in your decision making.

u You have the right to receive the most appropriate

services available in the least restrictive setting,

based on the needs and the best interests of the

individual and consistent with optimum care of the


Quality of Services

u Services will be delivered suited to your needs,

administered skillfully, safely, humanely, with full respect

for your dignity and personal integrity, and in

accordance with all statutory and regulatory requirements.

u You have the right to ongoing assessment of your

progress and change in services to meet changes in

your condition.

u Prepare a Safety Plan/Advance Directive with a

staff member, if applicable.

u You have the right to participate in discharge


u Inpatient program is required to provide a physical

examination by a health practitioner within 24

hours for

crisis or 48 hours for detoxification from your arrival

time at the facility.

u Inpatient program is required to make reasonable

efforts to honor those choices or transfer to another

facility that will honor your choices.

u After discharged from SMA you have the right

to seek treatment from the professional or agency of

your choice.

Request Discharge by Persons on Voluntary Status

u If you request discharge, your Physician/APRN

will be notified and you will be discharged within 24

hours from an inpatient facility and within 3 working

days from a state hospital, unless you withdraw your

request or you meet the criteria for involuntary placement.

If you meet the criteria for involuntary inpatient

placement or involuntary outpatient placement, the

hospital administrator must file a petition with the

Court for your continued stay within two (2) working

days of your request for discharge.

Expressed and Informed Consent

u You have the right to receive specific information

prior to expressing consent for admission or treatment.

This informed consent includes:

1. Purpose of your admission.

2. Proposed treatment, purpose, and its anticipated


3. Possible risks and side-effects of your treatment.

4. Alternative treatment method(s).

5. Anticipated length of treatment.

6. How your treatment will be monitored.

7. Advising you that you may later revoke consent

for treatment either verbally or in writing.

Protected Health Information

u Although your clinical record is the physical

property of SMA, you have the right to:

1. Request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures.

However, please be advised that SMA is


not required by law to agree to a requested restriction.

2. Receive confidential communications of your

protected health information.

3. Request to inspect and receive a copy of protected

health information contained in your medical

record, providing that the attending physician

approves, at which time a summary of treatment

will be provided.

4. Request to amend protected health information

contained in your medical record.

5. Receive an accounting of disclosures of your

protected health information.

6. Receive a paper copy of any communications

you receive from SMA electronically.

7. Requests for the above should be made in writing

and submitted to:


SMA Healthcare

Attn: Health Information Management Dept.

150 Magnolia Ave

Daytona Beach, FL 32114

u You have the right to communicate freely and privately

unless your Physician/APRN or treatment team

determines that such communication is likely to be

harmful to yourself and/or others or a program requires

observation of communication to ensure safety of individuals,

staff, and the community.

u You have the right to receive and send sealed, unopened

correspondence, unless there is reason to believe

that its contents could be harmful to yourself and/

or others.

u You have the right to a reasonable number of visitors

during designated visitation times, if visitation is permitted

at the program.

u You have the right to reasonable use of a telephone

based on the program’s rules.

1. Mental Health Programs Only — If your communication

or visitation is restricted, you will be given a

written notice including the reason(s) for the restrictions.

The restriction to communicate or receive visitors

will be reviewed at least once every 7 days.

2. Access to your attorney (at a reasonable time), to a

phone for the purpose of reporting abuse, or contacting

the Disability Rights Florida cannot be restricted.

Free from Abuse and/or Neglect

u If you are a victim or if you see another person being

physically or mentally abused, or neglected, you have

the right to report this abuse.


You have the right to report this abuse to:

1. Florida Abuse Registry 1-800-96-ABUSE (962-


2. Human Rights Advocacy Committee (HRAC)


3. Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities

(386) 238-4910

4. Substance Abuse & Mental Health Office of the

Department of Children and Families (386) 254-3744

5. The SMA Performance Improvement Department

at (386) 236-3112

6. Any other entity or individual of your choosing.

Designation of Representative

u You will be asked to identify a person to be notified

in case of an emergency. Further, if you are at a facility

for involuntary examination and do not have a guardian

appointed by the court, you will be asked to designate

a person of your choice to receive notification of your

presence in this facility, unless you request that no notification

be made. If you do not or cannot designate a

representative, a representative will be selected for you

by the facility from a prioritized list of persons. You have

the right to be consulted about the person selected by

the facility and you can request that such a representative

be replaced.

Habeas Corpus

u At any time, and without notice, an individual involuntarily

retained by a provider, or the client’s parent,

guardian, custodian, or attorney on behalf of the client,

may petition for a writ of habeas corpus to question the

cause and legality of such retention and request that the

court issue a writ for the client’s release.

Right to Counsel

u You have the right to be represented by counsel

in any involuntary proceeding for assessment, stabiliza-

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