CSR Training Manual

The training manual for SMA Healthcare's CSR's.

The training manual for SMA Healthcare's CSR's.


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Being on par in terms

of price and quality

only gets you into the

game. Service wins

the game.

~ Tony Allesandra

Smile When It’s Appropriate

You should always look for opportunities to smile with a customer. Not

only does this show that you’re happy to help, but also that you feel

optimistic about the case. Having a pessimistic or uninterested attitude

lets the customer know that your attention is elsewhere and not focused

on solving the problem.

Avoid Unnecessary Movement

Fidgeting or making unnecessary movements can be distracting and take

the client’s attention away from the case. Or worse, they could suspect

you’re uninterested in the conversation and more focused on another

task. When speaking with a client or listening to their response, stand

still and limit motion to just your hands. Hand gestures can help portray

a point and show your enthusiasm for the situation. Just make sure you

don’t overdo it, as excessive hand gestures can be distracting as well.

Keep an Open Stance

Keeping an open stance may seem like a small detail, but it does make

you appear more approachable. When you face the customer — rather

than turning away — you seem more engaged in the conversation. It’s

also easier to maintain eye contact when you’re facing the person that

you’re speaking to.

Be Conscious of Your Tone

Tone can dramatically influence how your message comes across. It’s

important to keep your tone in check, especially when a situation isn’t

going as planned. Being monotonic can make you seem uninterested

while being too enthusiastic can make you seem insincere. Find a happy

medium with a casual, professional tone that’s friendly and agreeable.

Avoid Crossing Your Arms

In some cases, crossing your arms can seem intimidating. It can look

like you’re trying to persuade the client rather than helping them find a

solution. To avoid this, try to keep your arms by your sides if you’re not

using them to illustrate a point.

Speak Loudly, Clearly and Confidently

The volume of your voice can also indicate how confident you are in your

response. Be sure to speak clearly and avoid mumbling. Pay attention to

your cadence (rhythm) as well, as talking too quickly can confuse clients

and leave them with more questions than answers.

The goal as a

company is to have

customer service that

is not just the best but


~ Sam Walton

experience. In addition, most often you are the person that everyone goes

to when they have a question; you keep the front desk in check; there

isn’t much that you, as a CSR doesn’t do!

When you take a position as a Customer Service Representative, it is

very important that you can work well under pressure while maintaining

a consistently pleasant and professional demeanor when communicating

with our clients, fellow team members, peers and the community as a

whole. Understanding your duties and how they affect the day-to-day

of the office’s dynamic will make your work decisions smarter and much

more effective.

Please always remember this: Do not minimize the impact that you and

your job performance have on clients, fellow team members and other

employees. Your job is exceptionally important.


Greeting Clients and Helping Them Find Their Way

The most important duty on your list is customer service. When a client

arrives, the following steps should occur:

• Greet them warmly

• Help them with their needs and offer them your help immediately

• Provide knowledgeable answers to any questions they may have

about our organizations operations.

In addition to in-person greetings, a customer service representative is

responsible for answering all incoming calls politely and efficiently.

You will be provided with a cheat sheet (example enclosed) that lists

important extensions and telephone numbers. Having these numbers

close by will eliminate wasted time, allowing you to go through different

calls much quicker. Always have a pen and paper nearby which will also

be helpful when taking messages.


As a Customer Service Representative, in addition to managing the

schedules for practitioners and therapists, you will be asked to take care

of other miscellaneous, but very important tasks.

These may include the following:

• Order office supplies


Customer Service Representatives are essential to any business. You are

professionals who are most often the first impression (first and last point

of contact) that anyone has of our organization, you are the “face of SMA”.

The way in which you treat and interact with our clients, family members,

the community, etc. has a definite impact on our client’s overall treatment

• File documents

• Make photocopies, scan documents and maintain working

knowledge of all office equipment

• Send and receive faxes

• Perform accounting/bookkeeping tasks

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