učni načrt predmeta / subject specification - Filozofska fakulteta ...

učni načrt predmeta / subject specification - Filozofska fakulteta ...

učni načrt predmeta / subject specification - Filozofska fakulteta ...


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Vsebina:<br />

Filozofija jezika ima številna področja, a ta<br />

seminar se bo osredotočal na referenco in<br />

pomen iz naturalističnega gledišča. Splošno<br />

prepričanje je, da držijo relacije reference med<br />

jezikom in mislimi ali jezikom in svetom.<br />

Najbolj očiten primer je relacija poimenovanja,<br />

kot je relacija med ‘Sokratom’ in slavnim<br />

filozofom Sokratom. Druge vrste besed imajo<br />

drugačno referenčno relacijo s svetom;<br />

običajno jo imenujemo ‘denotacija’ ali<br />

‘aplikacija’. Filozofi se običajno zanimajo za<br />

referenco, ker verjamejo, da je srž pomena.<br />

Ključno vprašanje o referenci je: V luči česa<br />

ima izraz, pojem svojo referenco? Da bi<br />

odgovorili na vprašanje moramo oblikovati<br />

teorijo, ki razloži relacijo med pojmom in<br />

njegovim referentom. Zadnja leta se je<br />

zanimanje za ustrezno teorijo reference<br />

stopnjevalo.<br />

Če pogledamo širše, bomo obravnavali tudi<br />

vprašanje pomena. Spraševali se bomo, kaj so<br />

naloge semantike? Zakaj sploh imajo pomen in<br />

smisel? Kako jih doseči? Seminar bo<br />

obravnaval našteta ‘metodološka’ vprašanja in<br />

poskušal v duhu naturalizma nanje odgovarjati.<br />

FF UM, Študijski program 3. stopnje Filozofija<br />

Content (Syllabus outline):<br />

Philosophy of language is a big field and this<br />

course will be restricted and concentrated most on<br />

reference and meaning from a naturalisti point of<br />

view. It is usual to think that referential relations<br />

hold between language and thoughts on the one<br />

hand, and the world on the other. The most<br />

striking example of such a relation is the<br />

namingrelation, the sort that holds between<br />

‘Socrates’ and the famous philosopher Socrates.<br />

Other sorts of words are best seen as having other<br />

sorts of referential relations to the world for which<br />

various terms are used; for example, ‘denotation’<br />

and ‘application’. Usually, philosophers are<br />

interested in reference because they take it to be<br />

the core of meaning.<br />

The central question about reference is: In virtue<br />

of what does a term have its reference?<br />

Answering this requires a theory that explains the<br />

term’s relation to its referent. There has been a<br />

great surge of interest in theories of reference in<br />

recent years.<br />

More broadly general questions about<br />

meaning will be considered, too. So we ask what<br />

are the semantic tasks? Why are they<br />

worthwhile? How should we accomplish them?<br />

The course will examine these “methodological”<br />

questions and consider naturalistic answers.

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