SW5e - Wretched Hives - 20201013

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Faction can vary greatly in size and renown, from a

lowly local adventurer's guild to a galaxy-spanning

criminal organization. The nature of factions drastically

di er as well, depending on the faction's intended



Factions vary in tier depending on their size. Smaller

factions will typically hover between tier 1 and tier 5,

while larger, galaxy-spanning factions might reach tier

20. Higher tiers require more active members, but

grant greater bene ts to them, as shown in the Faction

Bene ts table on page ---.


Factions have their own pro ciency bonus, which

scales with their tier. This pro ciency bonus a ects

actions that faction takes as a whole, or actions taken

by members of appropriate rank, in the ability scores

in which the faction is pro cient.


Ability scores represent what a faction choose to focus

on for its enterprises. Their are six ability scores:

Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom,

and Charisma. Ability scores are discussed at greater

length in Chapter 4: Using Ability Scores.


Every faction is unique, not just in how they function,

but also their goals, beliefs, and what kind of members

they attract.


Each faction has its own goals. One of the most

common goals many factions share is the desire for

increased wealth and in uence. Many factions,

however, have goals unique to their own e orts. For

instance, a faction might have a goal of maintaining

peace and prosperity in their region, directing all of

their wealth and in uence towards that one goal.


Each faction also has its own beliefs. Many nefarious

factions, such as the Exchange, believe power should

be wielded by the strong, and that the weak deserve to

be enslaved, while a more monetarily motivated

faction, such as the Commerce Guild, believe that

material wealth is the greatest source of control.


Members of a faction are often drawn to it because

they share common traits with its members. For

instance, criminals who prefer to work alone, or in

small groups, might be drawn to the Black Sun, while

bounty hunters might choose to join the Bounty

Broker's Association to earn greater wealth and



Most factions have use of a headquarters. For smaller

factions, it might be a simple building, or even a room.

For larger factions, however, it might be a space ship, a

space station, or even an entire moon or planet. A

faction headquarters is required to recruit members to

a faction.

A faction can have any number of headquarters,

provided it has the sta and funds to maintain them.

However, every headquarters requires at least one 4th

rank or higher member to administrate.


Beyond the required costs for actually maintaining a

headquarters, factions have costs directly associated

with their functions. These fees might cover licensing

fees, bribes, government contracts, etc. These fees

amount to roughly 1,000 cr per headquarters per



In order for a faction to grow, it must recruit members.

While lower tier factions can thrive with only a few

members, higher tier factions require constant e ort

by thousands or more members. Additionally, a

smaller faction might have trouble recruiting skilled

members, while larger factions probably don't.

Each membership rank can only support members

of a certain CR or higher, as shown in the Membership

Ranks CR and Renown table below.




Member CR

Monthly Renown


1 1/8 1

2 1/2 2

3 1 3

4 2 4

5 5 5

Additionally, certain NPCs might also require a

higher tier to join your faction. For instance, a skilled

craftsman might not have a high CR, but might still

require a faction to be a higher tier to merit joining.


Characters who act on behalf of their faction's interest

earn renown, improving their own standing within their

faction as well as their faction's overall e ectiveness. In

order for a faction to increase in tier, it must have a

speci c amount of renown, as shown in the Faction

Bene ts table on page ---. Additionally, once a faction

reaches tier 6, it must have a certain amount of

renown generated each month in order to progress to

subsequent tiers.

NPC faction members generate an amount of

renown each month determined by their rank in the

faction, as shown in the Membership Ranks CR and

Renown table above.


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