SW5e - Wretched Hives - 20201013

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inhabiting a single city to governments

controlling the majority of known planets. While many

characters will nd a faction they want to join—for

instance, a Jedi will most likely want to climb the ranks

of the Jedi Order—many characters will prefer to build

their own.

Before you dive into step 1 below, thinking about

whether or not establishing your own faction is the

correct route, and what your faction will do that is not

already done better by others. You might want to

create your own bounty hunter organization and try to

take on the greatest bounties the galaxy has to o er.

Maybe you want to start your own government and

break away from the known powers. Perhaps you want

to start your own faction of Force-wielders, separate

from the Jedi and the Sith. Or maybe you just want to

create your own chain of casino resorts, with pazaak

and companions.

Once you have a faction in mind, follow these steps

in order, making decisions that re ect the faction you

want. Your conception of your faction might evolve

with each choice you make. What's important is that

your faction helps you realize a character you're

excited to play.

Throughout this section, we use the term faction

sheet to mean whatever you use to track your faction,

whether it's a formal sheet (like the ones at the end of

these rules), some sort of digital record, or a piece of

notebook paper. The o cial SW5e sheets are a ne

place to start until you know what information you

need and how you use it during the game.

Building the Mandalorians

Each step of faction creation includes an example of

that step, with a player building the iconic faction the



Every faction deviates in what they value, how they

exercise those values, and what kind of members they

attract. Your faction's ideals help determine what kind

of members you'll attract, should you decide to recruit

outside the con nes of your party.


Each faction has its own goals. One of the most

common goals many factions share is the desire for

increased wealth and in uence. Many factions,

however, have goals unique to their own e orts. For

instance, a faction might have a goal of maintaining

peace and prosperity in their region, directing all of

their wealth and in uence towards that one goal.


Each faction also has its own beliefs. Many nefarious

factions, such as the Exchange, believe power should

be wielded by the strong, and that the weak deserve to

be enslaved, while a more monetarily motivated

faction, such as the Commerce Guild, believe that

material wealth is the greatest source of control.


Members of a faction are often drawn to it because

they share common traits with its members. For

instance, criminals who prefer to work alone, or in

small groups, might be drawn to the Black Sun, while

bounty hunters might choose to join the Bounty

Broker's Association to earn greater wealth and



Every faction has a symbol that represents it, whether

that symbol is worn publicly or only shown in secret.

Building the Mandalorians, Step 1

Mandalorian culture places heavy emphasis on

strength and worthiness. The primary goal of the

Mandalorians is to prove that their strength is greater

than that of others. Mandalorian beliefs are

characterized by the Resol'nare, or the Six Actions:

A Mandalorian must wear armor.

A Mandalorian must speak Mando'a.

A Mandalorian must defend themself and their


A Mandalorian must contribute to the overall wellbeing

of the clan.

A Mandalorian must raise their children as


A Mandalorian must heed Mandalore's call and

rally to their cause.

Mandalorians often share member traits of being

strong, hardy, resilient, and uncompromising. The

Mandalorian insignia—the Kyr'bes—features the skull of

a mythosaur. It is a badge of honor that Mandalorians

wear openly.


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