SW5e - Wretched Hives - 20201013

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vast worlds populated populated by myriad sites

and species. It shares elements with childhood games

of make-believe. Like those games, SW5e is driven by

imagination. It's about picturing the expansive

marketplace and seeing the di erent people's living

their lives, and seeing how they might interact with the

player's characters.

This book is designed to add another signi cant layer

to your SW5e experience. The rules are designed to

work alongside the traditional SW5e ruleset, and so an

experienced player should have no trouble jumping

right into the book. For the less experienced-or more

curious-player, this Introduction discusses the basics.

Game Master (GM): As you enter the teeming

marketplace in a disreputable sector of Nar

Shaddaa, you see merchants of all types

peddling wares, trying to entice the owing

tra c. As you move further into the crowd,

one of the vendors catches your attention as

they hail you.

Drew (playing Dash): I'm going to check out what

they have for sale.

Rickey (playing Vinto): I'm going to keep an eye

on the crowd to make sure our things aren't


Erik (playing Kodo): ...

Unlike a game of make-believe, SW5e gives structure to

the stories, a way of determining the consequences of

the adventurers' actions. Players roll dice to determine

whether or not they can haggle for a better price, or to

try to entice a merchant to accept work instead of

credits for their goods. Anything is possible, but the

dice make some outcomes more probable than others.

Game Master (GM): OK, one at a time. Rickey,

you're checking the vendor's goods?

Rickey: Yeah. Do I see anything cool?

GM: Make an Intelligence check.

Rickey: Does my Investigation skill apply?

GM: Sure!

Rickey (rolling a d20): Eight. I hate this die!

GM: You see many trinkets and baubles but

nothing catches your eye. And Drew, Dash is

watching the crowd?

Drew: Yup!

GM: Okay. Eric, what's Kodo doing?

Eric: ...

In the Star Wars DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS game, each

player creates an adventurer (also called a character)

and teams up with other adventurers (played by

friends). Working together, the group might join a

faction, earning renown to increase their standing.

They might become benevolent Jedi, malevolent Sith,

ruthless bounty hunters, or scurrying scoundrels. If no

faction catches their attention, they might instead

create their own.

One player, however, takes on the role of the Game

Master (GM), the game's lead storyteller and referee.

The GM creates adventures for the characters, who

navigate its hazards and decide which paths to explore.

The GM might describe a populous city, and the

players decide what they want their adventurers to do.

Will they spend time buying and selling wares? Or will

they look for work and entertainment in the city to

make—or spend—their coin?

Then the GM determines the results of the

adventurers' actions and narrates what they

experience. Because the GM can improvise to react to

anything the players attempt, SW5e is in nitely exible,

and each adventure can be exciting and unexpected.

The game has no real end; when one story or quest

wraps up, another one can begin, creating an ongoing

story called a campaign. Many people who play the

game keep their campaigns going for months or years,

meeting with their friends every week or so to pick up

the story where they left o . The adventurers grow in

might as the campaign continues. Each force defeated,

each adventure completed, and each relic recovered

not only adds to the continuing story, but also earns

the adventurers new capabilities. This increase in

power is re ected by an adventurer's rank in a faction,

and the tier of the faction itself.

There's no winning and losing in the Star Wars

DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS game—at least, not the way

those terms are usually understood. Together, the GM

and the players create an exciting story of bold

adventurers who confront deadly perils. Sometimes an

adventurer might come to a grisly end, dispatched by a

Sith lord. The party itself might meet its demise if it

antagonizes a powerful and malicious faction. Even so,

the other adventurers can beseech a powerful Jedi to

revive their fallen comrade, or the players might

choose (or be forced) to create new characters to carry

on. The group might fail to complete an adventure

successfully, but if everyone had a good time and

created a memorable story, they all win.


One of the premier components of Star Wars 5th

Edition, versus a traditional DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS

campaign, is the massive—almost overwhelming—

number of planets. Each planet, and each city, hosts its

own species, communities, factions, and traditions.

Each city hosts its own activities and factions. Players

can choose to engage in these activities and join these

factions if they so desire. Alternatively, players can

instead form their own faction, recruiting other


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