ISSUE # 41 The Attainment Issue featuring celebrity singer songwriter Lisa Yaro. Who's who artist to know Serg Garkus, Photogrphy editorials by Karl M. Lee and more. The last issue of the year 2020. We survived and are ready for the new year.

ISSUE # 41 The Attainment Issue featuring celebrity singer songwriter Lisa Yaro. Who's who artist to know Serg Garkus, Photogrphy editorials by Karl M. Lee and more. The last issue of the year 2020. We survived and are ready for the new year.


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WWhen was the last time you set out on a

mission to attain a long-sought after

goal, only to find you were no closer to

achieving it that when the idea itself

was first conceived? Though that was

likely a frustrating experience, it is no legitimate

excuse to avoid setting new goals and charting new

paths to turn your dreams into reality. Since we all

can use a boost getting from the base of our

figurative mountains, these tips will prove useful in

maintaining firm footing during our C.L.I.M.B. to

ensure we reach the top.

C.onfidence: The first step on your most

important journey takes place in your mind; you

must believe in your ability to achieve your goal

before you can truly start working towards it. From

an early age, we are taught to doubt ourselves, to fear

the unknown and to limit our dreams. Such defeatist

thinking functions like quicksand or a tarpit; it is a

trap that will slow you down significantly and may

even bring your trek to a premature end. Avoid it at

all costs. Instead feed your mind on a stream of

healthy, reinforcing thoughts that will guarantee

your arrival at the destination of success.

L.earning: We are born into this world with

minds that are blank slates, but during our lives each

day affords a new opportunity for cognitive

development. Just think of it! Anyone can become a

mental giant if they first have a love of knowledge.

Just as skilled athletes will experience muscular

atrophy if they refuse to continue to train, our brains

are in danger of melting into useless goop if we fail to

exercise them daily. Always remember you are what

you eat; feed yourself positivity and stay far away

from naysayers that discourage you from pursuing

knowing more today than you did yesterday.

I.nspration: Much like a car needs fuel to run,

we must have genuine inspiration to keep striving to

reach our goals. Fortunately, it is available in a

variety of forms and often appears when you least

expect it. It is vital that you identify what lights your

fire; many find that nature can be stimulating:

golden sunsets and cotton-candy sunrises, majestic

waves crashing into sandcastles as the tide comes in,

star clusters that twinkle like diamonds up above or

the fiery crimson and orange-hued dizzying flights of

fall foliage. Others discover their creativity is sparked

after meditating on life’s myriad wonders and dwell

on past experiences and conversations to generate

new aha moments.

M.otivation: Given the inevitable bumps in the

road, not to mention the unprecedented challenges

humanity is facing, staying motivated has become

more important than ever before. Imagine if a toddler

after taking his first steps, moodily plopped to the

floor and refused to ever walk any further! While our

first steps are to be treasured, it is the final steps

upon arrival that are truly celebratory. Don’t give up

and never give in; remain focused on your why.

Should you begin to feel the end seems nowhere in

sight, glance briefly behind you as a reminder of why

you chose to move forward in the first place, then

“just keep swimming!”

B.linders: Do not fall prey to the common myth

that the road to success is paved with gold. The harsh

reality is there will be obstacles and challenges galore.

Relegate these to their proper place by viewing them

for what they truly are: distractions. No matter what

tries to hold you back from attaining your goals and

reaching the vey pinnacle of life, you must

progressively train yourself to ignore negativity. Take

a lesson from winning racehorses and keep your

blinders on. Giving a moment’s attention to dream

killers – even internal monsters such as fear or

doubt – could cause lasting damage or cost you the

race. Instead choose higher ground and stay the

course until your aspirations become manifest.

There’s no denying that 2020 has been fraught with

numerous difficulties, but when the going gets tough,

the tough get going. Persistence will pay off so never

stop reaching higher and further. Rest assured the

climb is always worth it. See you at the top!

Yvonne Nobles is the founder

of Life Coaching for Kids, along

with her husband Louis with

whom she shared her first kiss

over 35 years ago.

An avid reader and awardwinning

poet, she’s convinced

that everyone has a story to be

told .

www.creativmag.com | Nov - Dec 2020 | CREATIV | 83

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