171 point loss prevention checklist that every single practice immediately needs to implement
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<strong>171</strong> POINT LOSS<br />
That Every Single Practice<br />
Immediately Needs To<br />
<strong>171</strong> Point Loss Prevention Checklist That Every Single Practice<br />
Immediately Needs To Implement<br />
1. Is there a weekly scorecard?<br />
2. Do you know your Cus<strong>to</strong>mer Lifetime Value and PVA?<br />
3. Are you familiar with the terms LTV, CPL, CPC, VOR?<br />
4. Is there a clear understanding of where leads are coming from and are they<br />
clearly visible for all <strong>to</strong> see daily?<br />
5. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> do more lead generation?<br />
6. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> create more content?<br />
7. Are there prices on your website? (take them off asap)<br />
8. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> approach more patients for testimonials?<br />
9. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> get more google reviews?<br />
10. Are you a published author?<br />
11. Is <strong>that</strong> leveraged <strong>to</strong> gain authority?<br />
12. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> become a published author simply by repurposing<br />
stuff you already have?<br />
13. Is there legitimate opportunity, and does it make sense <strong>to</strong> spend more <strong>to</strong> gain<br />
more leads?<br />
14. Are screenings events / outbound outreach events regularly happening?<br />
15. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> simply do more?<br />
16. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> hire a team <strong>that</strong> do it “for you”?<br />
17. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> ask current cus<strong>to</strong>mers <strong>to</strong> do it in their business?<br />
18. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> approach local businesses you currently haven’t been<br />
<strong>to</strong>?<br />
19. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> book more of these through a third party/agency?<br />
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Talks<br />
In house<br />
20. Is there currently regular (weekly) in house talks <strong>that</strong> are well attended?<br />
21. Do 90% of your cus<strong>to</strong>mers currently attend an orientation class?<br />
22. Do all attendees get asked <strong>to</strong> bring a guest or family members?<br />
23. Is there an offer made at the event for guests or family members?<br />
24. Is there an attempt <strong>to</strong> gather leads <strong>to</strong> send vouchers <strong>to</strong> at the event?<br />
Corporate outreach/events<br />
25. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> ask more cus<strong>to</strong>mers <strong>to</strong> come <strong>to</strong> there business?<br />
26. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> get more information on his<strong>to</strong>ry form <strong>to</strong> identify if a<br />
client has a potential business or works in a business <strong>that</strong> qualifies?<br />
27. Is there a definite strategy <strong>to</strong> generate or reach out <strong>to</strong> businesses you can go <strong>to</strong>?<br />
28. Is there regular “demonstration” happening about the fact <strong>that</strong> you do these<br />
events?<br />
29. Have you done a “fish bowl” campaign?<br />
30. Is the an opportunity <strong>to</strong> allocate a specific person in the business <strong>to</strong> generate<br />
corporate leads and nurture them?<br />
31. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> outsource this or hire specifically for this?<br />
32. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> allocate more resources/ funding <strong>to</strong> this?<br />
Facebook workshops<br />
33. Do you currently actively engage in this type of marketing?<br />
34. Could you do more?<br />
35. Could you spend more <strong>to</strong> get more people in room?<br />
36. Could you spend more <strong>to</strong> do them more often?<br />
37. Have you invested in or learnt the skillset of holding an event and templates for<br />
talks? (pls enquire about attending talks bootcamp ASAP)<br />
38. Is there any follow up for attendees <strong>that</strong> never <strong>to</strong>ok up your offer?<br />
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Email/print mail/texts<br />
Mail<br />
39. Do you currently actively send emails (at least weekly)?<br />
40. Should you send more emails?<br />
41. Do you offer your list specials during special seasons (valentines , Halloween,<br />
Christmas)?<br />
42. Do you regularly have emails with good email structure? (bullet <strong>point</strong>s , ps’s ,<br />
but<strong>to</strong>ns etc)<br />
43. Do you track open rates and measure best performing emails?<br />
44. Do you use videos ever in emails? (eg useloom.com)<br />
45. Do you ever send personalised video messages <strong>to</strong> patients/clients?<br />
46. Do you track link clicks within emails? (link <strong>to</strong> video, bot<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> offer, link <strong>to</strong><br />
website etc)<br />
47. Do you do any “behavioural” segmentation based on actions such as send a text<br />
or calls those <strong>that</strong> click on the video or offer within emails?<br />
48. If yes, could you do it more often?<br />
49. Have you done a “forwarded email”?<br />
50. Do you use text messages <strong>to</strong> makes clients/patients aware of offers?<br />
51. Do you use text messages <strong>to</strong> reactivate clients/patients?<br />
52. Do you post a regular print newsletter <strong>to</strong> patients?<br />
53. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> send more print newsletters <strong>to</strong> active high spend<br />
patients?<br />
54. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> send more print newsletters <strong>to</strong> active high spend<br />
inactive patients?<br />
55. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> distribute newsletter <strong>to</strong> local businesses with<br />
appropriate voucher in newsletter?<br />
56. Are you repurposing newsletter articles in blog posts and social media posts?<br />
57. Are you sending multiple direct mail pieces <strong>to</strong> inactive patients <strong>to</strong> reactivate<br />
them?<br />
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58. Are you sending thank you cards for referrals?<br />
59. Are you sending print welcome packs <strong>to</strong> all new patients?<br />
60. Are you sending print reactivation letters <strong>to</strong> patients?<br />
61. Is there opportunities <strong>to</strong> send high value inactive clients a “shock and awe”<br />
reactivation pack or gift or box of goodies?<br />
62. Is there opportunities <strong>to</strong> better “Message market match” birthday cards based<br />
on spend? active vs inactive)<br />
63. Are there opportunities <strong>to</strong> send Bounce back or referral letters via post?<br />
64. Is there a segment of your clients <strong>that</strong> would warrant sending more mail <strong>to</strong><br />
them?<br />
Print Advertising<br />
Online<br />
65. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> contribute for free as a expert in local newspaper?<br />
66. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> contribute as a expert in another local print<br />
publication?<br />
67. Are there opportunities <strong>to</strong> “work the media” better (eg repurpose newspaper<br />
article etc in direct mail/ tear sheets etc)<br />
68. Has there been thought and testing with regard <strong>to</strong> newspaper advertising?<br />
69. Have you ever measured lifetime value of cus<strong>to</strong>mers coming from newspaper<br />
advertising you have done in the past?<br />
70. Do you rank <strong>to</strong>p three in google search?<br />
71. Do you have an active pay per click campaign?<br />
72. Do you regularly run lead generation adverts on facebook for reports, quizzes<br />
etc?<br />
73. Do you have a facebook pixel installed on your website?<br />
74. Do you have a facebook pixel installed on all landing pages/eventbrite?<br />
75. Do you use facebook (paid advertising) <strong>to</strong> post videos regularly? (video views<br />
objective)<br />
76. Do you actively retarget video views with another offer?<br />
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77. Do you currently PPE video’s (page post engagement)?<br />
78. Do you have facebook retargeting happening for people <strong>that</strong> land on your<br />
website? (testimonials, offers etc)<br />
79. Do you do “offer ads” via facebook (new patients examination or equivalent)?<br />
80. Do you advertise your blog on facebook?<br />
81. Do you run cus<strong>to</strong>m audience advertising on facebook?<br />
82. Have you used facebook <strong>to</strong> advertise “workshops”?<br />
83. Have you used facebook <strong>to</strong> advertise a in house screening?<br />
Event based marketing<br />
Content<br />
84. Are you running seasonal campaigns? (Christmas, Halloween etc)<br />
85. Are your seasonal campaigns well planned with multiple communications? (10+)<br />
86. Are your seasonal campaigns well planned with multiple media in one<br />
campaign? (emails, texts, print and phone)<br />
87. Are your seasonal campaigns actively pushed by the whole team <strong>to</strong> generate<br />
referrals?<br />
88. Are there goals for the team <strong>to</strong> hit during campaigns?<br />
89. Are there incentives for client’s <strong>to</strong> “refer”? (where allowed legislatively)<br />
90. Do you have a youtube channel?<br />
91. Could you start a weekly “health show”?<br />
92.Do you have a blog?<br />
Growth ( External)<br />
93.Are there ignored Distribution Channels <strong>that</strong> could be used <strong>to</strong> offer vouchers etc?<br />
(even if they may at first seem “inappropriate” or “unusual”)<br />
94.Is there an unexploited Re-Purposing opportunity of something your currently already<br />
doing in <strong>practice</strong>/business outside the business?<br />
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95. Is there outside-business money available INSIDE something being done/<strong>that</strong> must<br />
be done anyway? (e.g. Advertising in your newsletter, service or supplements you<br />
already recommending)<br />
96. Are there any SYNERGY OPPORTUNITIES with other local businesses?<br />
97. Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> use OPC (Other People/businesses Cus<strong>to</strong>mers) <strong>to</strong> gain<br />
new patients or clients? Example, same way your amazon parcel may have offers<br />
from other companies?<br />
98.Is there an opportunity for another business <strong>to</strong> benefit from your cus<strong>to</strong>mer list and<br />
can <strong>that</strong> be monetised?<br />
99.What SUBSIDIES or SPONSORSHIP opportunities are possible (e.g. advertising or<br />
sponsorship in newsletter)?<br />
100.Could you engage in outsource a new patient acquisition channel (e.g. facebook<br />
adverts?)<br />
101.Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> offer products or services <strong>to</strong> a different geographical area?<br />
(scale through multiple)<br />
102. HORIZONTAL = FOLLOW THIER MONEY (What else are THEY buying?)<br />
103. When are you buying at retail <strong>that</strong> you could be buying at wholesale or even getting<br />
free?<br />
104. Should the <strong>practice</strong>/business be looking at “build it” opportunities?<br />
105.Should the <strong>practice</strong>/business be looking at “buy it” or “own it” opportunities?<br />
106.Should the <strong>practice</strong>/business be looking at “lease it” or “rent it” opportunities?<br />
Write some notes on where you think you could leverage growth with externally:<br />
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Growth ( Internal)<br />
107.For what product/service of the business is there an (obvious) high value cus<strong>to</strong>mer<br />
(not being deliberately targeted)? E.g. orthotics, memberships?<br />
108.Is there an asset/assets being poorly used or poorly leveraged?<br />
109.(e.g.: <strong>to</strong>p salesperson doing things other than selling. Articles being repurposed,<br />
significant media exposure being repurposed; claim <strong>to</strong> fame client/case his<strong>to</strong>ry not<br />
used for peer-target marketing. Significant s<strong>to</strong>ry not being <strong>to</strong>ld.)<br />
110.Is there a (possible) Demonstration (s) not being used? - or not being done<br />
theatrically and dramatically? (e.g. celebrity testimonial, invite celebrity <strong>to</strong> patient<br />
appreciation event)<br />
111.Is there a failure <strong>to</strong> List Segment & Message Match?<br />
112.Is differential cus<strong>to</strong>mer value tracked? Used?<br />
113.Is there a source of cus<strong>to</strong>mer acquisition you used <strong>to</strong> do successfully but have<br />
s<strong>to</strong>pped, can you do it again?<br />
114.What is the scheme <strong>to</strong> allow for highest possible cus<strong>to</strong>mer acquisition costs?<br />
115.Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> ask a business you have worked with before <strong>to</strong> do<br />
business again?<br />
116.Is there someone in this room <strong>that</strong> could open another new client acquisition channel<br />
for you?<br />
117.Is there a business <strong>that</strong> has previously asked you <strong>to</strong> do something with them but you<br />
never followed up on it, could you reach out a revisit opportunity?<br />
118.Is there a “bounce back campaign” or “tell a friend campaign” for high value clients?<br />
119.Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> duplicate a campaign <strong>that</strong> is already working well in<br />
another list segment (preferably high spending)?<br />
120.Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> double, triple or quadruple outbound calls?<br />
121.Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> simply multiply and scale (double or triple) something <strong>that</strong><br />
is already working well?<br />
122.Is there a marketing source or campaign <strong>that</strong> used <strong>to</strong> work <strong>that</strong> you could simply<br />
start doing again?<br />
123.Is a client acquisition method <strong>that</strong> you are currently successfully using (e.g. talks)<br />
<strong>that</strong> you could easily spend double or triple based on your current CPL (cost per lead)<br />
and current LTV (lifetime value)?<br />
124.Is there a team member <strong>that</strong>’s skill set could be better used <strong>to</strong> grow the business?<br />
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125.Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> use OPR inside the business (current clients contacts and<br />
connections) <strong>to</strong> gain cus<strong>to</strong>mers? (Example, fish bowl campaign getting in<strong>to</strong> events<br />
and businesses?)<br />
Write some notes on where you think you could leverage growth with internally:<br />
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Pyramid Opportunities!<br />
126.Is there opportunity for tiered pricing (bronze, silver, gold)?<br />
127.Do you have an opportunity <strong>to</strong> offer an “elite” level?<br />
To Who?<br />
What would it look like?<br />
128.Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> create a pyramid of ascension (e.g. Bronze, silver, gold)?<br />
To Who?<br />
What?<br />
129.Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> create and offer another pyramid of ascension <strong>to</strong> current<br />
patients/clients? Can there be horizontal movement from one pyramid <strong>to</strong> a 2nd, same<br />
cus<strong>to</strong>mer held in both? (e.g. membership <strong>to</strong> something else i.e. massage, dental<br />
hygiene)<br />
To Who?<br />
What?<br />
130.Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> offer people no longer “active” a different pyramid of<br />
ascension? E.g. membership<br />
To Who?<br />
What?<br />
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Straight Line Opportunities<br />
What is the natural next …<br />
131.Is there a segment of cus<strong>to</strong>mers or leads <strong>that</strong> would be an obvious choice <strong>to</strong> be<br />
actively contacted <strong>to</strong> offer them a product or service (or care plan) <strong>that</strong> they have<br />
previously purchased?<br />
Who?<br />
What?<br />
Leads<br />
132.Is there a segment of cus<strong>to</strong>mers leads <strong>that</strong> would be an obvious choice <strong>to</strong> be<br />
actively contacted <strong>to</strong> offer them a new product or service (related or unrelated)?<br />
Who?<br />
What?<br />
133.Does your product or service create a new “need” or “problem” <strong>that</strong> you can offer a<br />
solution <strong>to</strong> (or referral for fee)?<br />
Who?<br />
What?<br />
Loss Prevention Strategies<br />
134.Is the <strong>practice</strong>/business actively aware of the leads coming in <strong>every</strong>day?<br />
135.Is this measured and reported on?<br />
136.Is there an au<strong>to</strong>mated lead email/direct mail nurture sequence (email + direct mail)?<br />
(correct message market match)<br />
137.Are all leads being called WITHIN 24 HOURS!<br />
138.Is there a lead <strong>to</strong> ap<strong>point</strong>ment procedure and measurement of the results weekly?<br />
(eg 27 leads called , 7 booked , 20 entered in<strong>to</strong> follow sequence)<br />
139.Are there DNA (Did Not Attend) Sequence’s or procedures? (more than one<br />
attempt?)<br />
140.Is a referral opportunity offered before ap<strong>point</strong>ment or at initial ap<strong>point</strong>ment?<br />
141.Are leads <strong>that</strong> are not able <strong>to</strong> be contacted, put in<strong>to</strong> a nurture follow up sequence?<br />
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142.Is there an attempt <strong>to</strong> contact leads, no shows etc, multiple times?<br />
Cus<strong>to</strong>mers<br />
143.Are there NFA (No Future Ap<strong>point</strong>ment) Sequence’s or procedures? (multi-step/multi<br />
media)<br />
144.Is there a “Sales ap<strong>point</strong>ment, no buy” procedure or sequence? (rof- no adj,<br />
workshop-no offer taken) or attempt <strong>to</strong> contact them?<br />
145.Is there a repeatable au<strong>to</strong>mated attempt <strong>to</strong> cross sell? (eg chiro <strong>to</strong> massage, one<br />
service in<strong>to</strong> another?)<br />
146.Are there “disaffection alarm bells” in place <strong>to</strong> “save sale”? (patient phones <strong>to</strong> cancel<br />
or refund, is there a procedure <strong>to</strong> save sale?).<br />
147.Are their attempts <strong>to</strong> decrease buyers remorse via “stick letters”, “thank you notes”,<br />
“video messages” or calls post sale?<br />
148.Is there a repeatable au<strong>to</strong>mated attempt <strong>to</strong> cross sell? (eg chiro <strong>to</strong> massage, one<br />
service in<strong>to</strong> another?).<br />
149.Is their currently there outbound calls happening daily? (DNA calls, reactivation calls<br />
etc).Are results for this being measured and reported on?<br />
150.Are their attempts <strong>to</strong> send thank you notes or gift cards sent post referral?<br />
151.Is there a “bounce back campaign” or “tell a friend campaign” for high value clients?<br />
152.Are their attempts <strong>to</strong> nurture high value clients with through the post?<br />
153.Is there a repeatable au<strong>to</strong>mated attempt <strong>to</strong> cross sell? (eg chiro <strong>to</strong> massage, one<br />
service in<strong>to</strong> another?)<br />
Operationally<br />
154.Is there Actual theft and embezzlement controls?<br />
155.Is there regular secret shoppers and reports?<br />
156.Is there an attempt <strong>to</strong> regularly moni<strong>to</strong>r and review telephone calls and scripts?<br />
157.Are there any Predictive Indica<strong>to</strong>rs (leading stats) in place or are the just Trailing<br />
Reports? (ie future visit stats or future new patient stat)<br />
158.Is there currently active procedures and/or investment given <strong>to</strong> mitigating <strong>loss</strong> of<br />
data risks (backing up data etc)<br />
159.Is there currently active procedures and/or investment in<strong>to</strong> Cyber-security?<br />
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160.Is there opportunity <strong>to</strong> decrease credit card fees, phone system, internet?<br />
What can be done <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p or reduce <strong>loss</strong> of leads, costumers, productivity, money and<br />
operational inefficiencies in the following areas? Please write a paragraph or list <strong>point</strong>s.<br />
LEADS?<br />
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WITH CUSTOMERS? (New patients or existing cus<strong>to</strong>mers)<br />
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Selling<br />
161.Who is doing the selling…<strong>to</strong> WHO? (is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> better match… “WHO”<br />
does selling <strong>to</strong> “WHO”?)<br />
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162.Where is, the selling taking place? Is there an opportunity <strong>to</strong> improve selling<br />
surrounding? (room layout, cleanliness, opportunities for demonstration and social<br />
proof, increasing authority?)<br />
163.CHOREOGRAPHY: what occurs in what order? Is there opportunity <strong>to</strong> improve,<br />
design or re-design?<br />
164.CHOREOGRAPHY: script/action for <strong>every</strong>body. Are there scripts being followed, and<br />
moni<strong>to</strong>red?<br />
165.WHEN does, the selling occur? (organised or random)<br />
166.Is there thought given <strong>to</strong> TIME INVESTED BY PROSPECT…prior <strong>to</strong> sale?<br />
167.Are there sufficient demonstration/testimonials prior <strong>to</strong> sale?<br />
168.Is there follow up/phone calls <strong>to</strong> people <strong>that</strong> were offered plans and said “I need <strong>to</strong><br />
think about it”, but have no future ap<strong>point</strong>ments booked?<br />
169.Does anybody phone clients/patients who have previously bought high ticket items or<br />
care plans and offer them <strong>that</strong> again…?<br />
170.FIRE & HIRE: Are wrong people doing “selling”? ☻ NEVER One ☻ - 3 strikes and<br />
you’re out<br />
<strong>171</strong>.HIRING: Is any sales experience required <strong>to</strong> work at “front desk” etc.<br />
ACTION STEPS: What can be done <strong>to</strong> improve conversions:<br />
LEADING UP TO SALE? (what goes on leading up <strong>to</strong> selling <strong>to</strong> prep prospects?)<br />
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IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING selling? (e.g. within 1 hour prior <strong>to</strong> sale)<br />
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AFTER SELLING? (post 24 hours)<br />
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The Information provided by Rieder Wellness Ltd is for general informational and<br />
educational purposes only and should be used as a model or guideline <strong>to</strong> base your work on<br />
and tweak where necessary.<br />
You should not rely solely upon the material or information as a basis for making any<br />
business, legal or any other decisions, and should ensure <strong>that</strong> any information you use sits<br />
in line with your own /governmental current legislative guidelines and procedures.<br />
Rieder Wellness Ltd accepts no responsibility and any reliance you place on such material is<br />
therefore strictly at your own risk. All rights reserved, no part of this publication may be<br />
reproduced, distributed, sold or transmitted in any form or by any means, including<br />
pho<strong>to</strong>copying.<br />
© 2018-2021 Rieder Wellness Ltd 13