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La Vache Qui Rit

The Laughing Cow Written by Ala’a Al Qaisi

Feedback comments for Ala’a from Stephanie Wotzke – 13/7/2020

Hello Ala’a,

Thank you for sending me your Family Drama feature film script. It was a pleasure to

read and I’m looking forward to seeing its further development.

You have beautifully conveyed Hadeel’s story of overcoming her self-consciousness

about her vitiligo a young woman’s experience of coming to terms with events of her

past that concealed the truth about her medical condition. The three act structure is

well chosen. Hadeel’s torment – her embarrassment about her skin discoloration is

resolved at the end, when transformation from low self-esteem to her selfacceptance

occurs. Her journey fulfils the goal of a successful Three Act structure

and character arc.

It is clear from the onset that Hadeel has a strong bond with grandmother, Um Al

Abed, which is maintained till the end of the story probably due to the

protagonist’s good nature and maybe the respect generally of her grandmother’

household. Act 1 successfully establishes this relationship and also sets up the

challenges Hadeel has with vitiligo.

I feel though, that Act 3 is an opportunity for you to better show audiences that

Hadeel’s initial positive relationship with grandmother deteriorates. This change is

important given that Hadeel realizes that the elderly woman she has trusted for

years has hidden secret.

In Act 3 Hadeel’s own mother would also feel betrayed by the elderly woman..

After all, she is the wedge that came between Hadeel and herself. I expect there

would be resentment, from them both of them and you need to show this

because their lives were so negatively affected by the old woman. I think these

point needs to be emphasized.

Throught the story but particularly in Act 3, could also more effectively focus on

the three dimensionality of characters. For example, how will Hadeel and her

mother resolve their differences? What hostilities do they both hold towards the

old woman? How does the family conflict affect Hadeel’s pregnant sister in law

and her husband? A glimmer Act 3 re-established relationships with enhance the

story and additionally show the growth in the secondary characters’ arcs.

The tone and pace of the story are attributes consistent with the ups and downs

of family tensions. Keep in mind though that increased conflict especially

between the women will shake the foundations of security Hadeel experiences in

Act 1 and 2. Her gold goal for personal and family acceptance needs to become

increasingly difficult. Possible changes will give you the opportunity to use

Hadeel’s sister in law as an adversary. Her role has no real significance.

Times in the story where this could be implemented include when Hadeel announces

her engagement or during conversations between Marwa and Hadeel regarding

pregnancy and the role Hadeel might play in the Marwa’s baby’s life


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