Ending Disciplinary Architecture in America's Public Schools

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Research and analysis in the exploration

of this topic revealed certain themes that

are necessary to design an effective,

modern learning environment. What was

illuminated through my research has been

further distilled and compiled into 10 design

elements that I will describe in the following

pages. These elements, while individually

providing standalone solutions, should be

considered in their entirety when applied to

future sites. These elements cannot perform

to their fullest without one another; they

are all intrinsically linked and are building

blocks for modern-day school design.

Nevertheless, certain types of schools

might choose to intentionally deploy these

design elements unequally. For instance,

a naturalist based school might choose to

hone in on connection with nature while a

personalized-learning focused school might

prefer to amplify adaptability in learning


In the coming section, I explain why

each of the elements in its current form

is outdated, and how I propose it should

be updated to reflect modern society.

Each element contains accompanying

diagrams that illustrate how they could

be applied to my specific site but could

theoretically act as a primer for any site.

The diagrammatic representations are by

no means an exhaustive, comprehensive

list of possibilities, but rather serve as a

guidepost for readers to being thinking

outside the box. Accompanying each design

element is a case study that stands as an

exemplar for that particular design element

and are helpful in understanding real-life

implications of each when done well.



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