
This is the World’s Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on November 2021 Edition - 33.

This is the World’s Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on November 2021 Edition - 33.


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Kids Meditation as a

resource for Harmonizing

Planetary Processes....

At the moment we are

observing how the picture of

the world is changing rapidly.

Values and behavior patterns

are changing. The habitual living

space is blurring its contours and these

processes will only grow. Information

wars can bring down exchange rates,

economic ties and entire states. Each

new round of negative information

forms clamps and blocks drains

humanity emotionally and physically,

environmental and man-made

disasters force them to look for new

places of safe stay on the Planet or act

in a mode of extreme scarcity of life

resources during a global lockdown.

All this is only a material

manifestation of the higher

transformational processes and

is conditioned by the period of

humanity’s ascension into the 5th

dimension - now it is important

to preserve the purity of the soul,

emotional stability, desire and courage

to live and develop harmoniously,

to have positive socialization, to

be responsible for the quality of

the generation of thought forms as

constituent elements of the common


It is important for each of us to

master the skills of self-regulation, to

be able to relieve tension and stress

at any time, to nourish ourselves with

energy. Children grow up and grow up

next to us, they are active observers

of our development. Strange as it

may sound, but the volume of psychoemotional

load in children is several

times greater.

Absolutely all difficult life

situations that family members live

in fully concern children, but their

situation is aggravated by the fact

that they cannot change anything,

affect the course of the event. Divorce

of parents, death of loved ones, new

spouses of parents, the birth of a

second child in the family, moving,

which entails changing schools and

friends, and much more is always a

serious burden in childhood.

At the same time, excessive

care prevents a child from being

active, taking responsibility for his

actions, and revealing the energies

of the Creator in himself. A universal

resource is needed that gives the

child the opportunity to:01.) Be an

active participant in events at any

time, at any point in space. 02.) Shape

and harmonize your steps and deeds.

03.) To find an objective source of

information about yourself and the

world. 04.) not have dependence and

phobias on the value judgments of

various subcultures during the period

of their socialization.

Meditation is an access to the

meta-level (meta-Greek, above)

an opportunity to rise above the

norms and clichés of social life, an

instrument of unconditional freedom

of Co-Creativity. Meditation will give

children the opportunity to:01.) Relax

with ease. 02.) Free your mind from

stress. 03.) Will increase the ability to

concentrate. 04.) Manage emotions.

05.) strengthen the immune system.

06.) Develop emotional intelligence.

07.) Teach you to listen to your body.

08.) Manage states. 09.) Develop

imagination as the basis of creativity.

10.) In the modern period, values,

foundations are rapidly devalued,

social laws do not reflect the essence

and truth, the universal laws of


The culture of meditative

practice will form new principles

of socialization such as: 01.)

Interpersonally: it is possible to

become an active participant in the

events at any time, regardless of age

restrictions and geographic location.

The child can direct the flow of

love to any situation, bring it into a

harmonious state. 02.) Responsibility:

work on the inside to improve the

outside. 03.) Bestowal: understand

the principle - you give more, you

get more, to be a free flow of gifts

of life. 04.) Attention: the culture of

managing attention as a vector of

energy movement. 05.) Culture of

mental images: everything that we

imagine manifests itself in space,

carries positive or negative vibrations,

purifies or oppresses the living


The more we save the original

light, the easier it will be to speak and

create with our child, to preserve his

original ethics of interaction with the

surrounding space for life in a new

world. It is important to remember

that children of the 21st century

have a close connection with the

Planet, feel both its strength and its

pain. This is the basis for the global

organizational work of all of us on the

basis of simple and understandable

principles outside of religions, outside

of professions, outside of politics: 01.)

We all live on planet Earth. 02.) We all

have children. 03.) We all want to pass

on a healthy planet to our children.

Masters and educators around

the world have joined the work on the

Global Children’s Meditation - (Global

Children’s Meditation “Happy Planet”

since 2014). The idea found a warm

response in the hearts of people, the

organizers from different cities of

Russia, the CIS countries, Germany,

the Netherlands, Switzerland, Latvia,

Australia and others responded.

Children’s meditation outside

religions, outside of confession and is

aimed at taking responsibility for the

health of the planet, faith in the power

of unity, trust in collective work, love

for a united, living space.

In the following publications, we

will present in more detail the project

- Global Children’s Meditation “Happy

Planet”, we will talk about the book

of children’s meditations “Baby and

the Universe. Basics of Co-creation” -

the world’s first complex of children’s


Natalina Litvinova

The World’s Famous Scientist,

Writer, Peacemaker & Master,

Founder of Global Union 2050,

Founder of the International

Peacekeeping Assembly, President

of the International Committee

for the Digital Economy BRICS,

PhD, Candidate of Legal Sciences,

Associate Professor


36 l Mettavalokanaya l November l 2021 2021 l November l Mettavalokanaya l 37

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