Student Hand Book 2021-2022

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Three months prior to the commencement, the Registrar conducts a degree audit of the academic

records of all candidates for the graduation. The week prior to commencement, students are required

to come to the Registrar’s Office for final certification.

Family Educational Rights And Privacy Act (FERPA)

WUSOM complies with requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

(FERPA) under which the following policies and procedures have been established. WUSOM accords

all rights under the law to students who are declared independent. For the purpose of this policy,

whenever a student has attained eighteen (18) years of age or is attending an institution of

postsecondary education, the permission or consent required of and the rights accorded to the parents

of the student shall thereafter only be required of and accorded to the student. Responsibility for

protection of the privacy of student educational records rests primarily with the Registrar’s Office.

Educational records are defined by FERPA to include records, files, documents, and other materials that

contain information directly related to students and are maintained by an educational agency or

institution or by a person acting for such agency or institution. There are exceptions to this definition of

educational records as published in the Guidelines For Postsecondary Institutions for Implementation

of The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended, Revised Edition 1995, a

publication of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.

Students' Access to Their Educational Records

All students have the right to review their educational records with the following exceptions as

outlined by FERPA:

Records which are developed by and are the sole possession of faculty, staff, and other personnel,

and which are not accessible to other persons.

Records created and maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other professional

or paraprofessional acting in the capacity having to do with the treatment of a student. Note that

such records may be reviewed personally by a physician or other appropriate professional of

the student’s choice.

Records created and maintained by law enforcement units solely for law enforcement purposes

and which are not made available to other persons except law enforcement officials of the same


Financial records of student’s parents or any information contained therein.

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