Student Hand Book 2021-2022

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student’s background and eligibility status. The background check will determine whether there are

incidents in an applicant’s or student’s history that would pose a risk to patients or others or would

prohibit the individual from being licensed in the future.

Sexual Harassment

In accordance with its history and mission, Windsor University believes that each individual should

be treated with respect and dignity. It is obvious that any form of sexual harassment is a violation of

human dignity, and the University strongly condemns any such harassment. Whether verbal or

physical, conduct of this sort violates another person’s rights and can create an intimidating, hostile,

or offensive working or learning environment. Such conduct, when it is genuinely discerned, is

subject to prompt and effective remedial action.

Types of sexual harassment can fall into one or both of two categories:

Hostile environment.

Quid pro quo sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment occurs when a supervisor or other employee or student attempts to use his/her

position or authority to obtain sexual favors from an employee or student in expressed or implied

exchange for the granting of job or academic benefits or other favorable treatment. “Hostile

environment” sexual harassment occurs when an employee or student is subjected to an intimidating,

hostile, or offensive work or learning environment because of offensive sexually based or sexually

oriented physical, verbal, or other conduct.

Such conduct shall be subject to prompt and effective action. Any harassment or other unequal

treatment of a student, or group of students, that would not occur but for the sex of the student(s), if

sufficiently patterned or pervasive, may be prohibited sexual harassment.

Assistance for Persons with Sexual Harassment Concerns.

Individuals who believe themselves to be victims of sexual harassment and who desire University

assistance in dealing with the situation should immediately report the details to Dean of Student Affairs

on the Windsor Campus and to the Chair or Clinical Associate Deans at the clerkship level.

Investigations of Reports of Student Mistreatment/Sexual Harassment:

Within ten (10) days of receiving the report of student mistreatment, the Dean for Student

Affairs or the Academic Dean will discuss the incident(s). If the incident is reported during

the clinical clerkship, an investigation will follow with the Chair (or designee) of the

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