Student Hand Book 2021-2022

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pharmacological aspects of antiemetics/laxatives, antidiarrheal drugs, and drugs used in peptic ulcer

disease. In addition, it also introduces the important microorganisms that infect the gastrointestinal

tract and hepatobiliary system. ICM covers the focused history and systematic physical examination

of the abdomen and oral cavity The module content is delivered through interactive lectures and active

learning sessions over a period of 3 weeks.


This module, with the help of lectures and active sessions, covers the understanding of the pathology

of all the endocrine glands, their secretion, and male and female reproductive systems. It covers the

pathophysiology of benign and malignant reproductive and pregnancy-related disorders and

pharmacology of various hormones and its analogs and antagonists in hormonal disorders/hormoneresponsive

tumors. It also introduces students to the pathophysiology of the pituitary, hypothalamic,

thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal disorders, and pharmacology of structural analogs and related drugs

associated with these disorders. It discusses the pharmacotherapy of diabetes mellitus and discusses

various insulin preparations and other antidiabetic drugs. It also covers drugs related to sex hormones

and pharmacology of contraceptives. It addresses microbiological, clinical aspects, prevention, and

treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. (HSV 2 and HPV, candidiasis, trichomoniasis, vaginosis,

chancroid, donovanosis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia trachomatis, syphilis, and LGV). During this module,

students will learn to take a focused history and examination associated with the reproductive system

in ICM IV.


This module covers pathological aspects of disorders of the renal system including nephritic and

nephrotic syndrome, nephrolithiasis, and tumors of the bladder and kidney. It also addresses the

pathophysiology and microbiological aspects of organisms associated with UTI and pyelonephritis. It

also covers microbiological aspects of infections involving bone, muscles, and skin and discusses the

pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy of disorders of musculoskeletal and integumentary disorders.

It also covers general principles of antibiotic therapy and pharmacology of antibacterials, antiviral,

antifungals, antiprotozoal, and anthelmintic. ICM will focus on focused H&P examination of disorders

related to renal, musculoskeletal, and integumentary systems. The objectives of the module will be

covered through lectures and various active learning sessions over a period of 4 weeks.

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