Student Hand Book 2021-2022

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‣ Keep a battery-operated radio tuned to a local station and follow the instructions. Remain calm, follow

evacuation directives, and move out of the structure to designated higher grounds.

‣ Turn off all utilities, do not touch any electrical equipment unless it is in a dry area, and avoid the use

of telephones.

‣ Avoid travel in automobiles or vehicles of any kind since roads may be washed away by flood waters

and rapidly rising waters could carry the vehicle away.

‣ People trapped in a structure by rapidly rising flood waters should move to the top floor or roof of the

structure and wait for help. They should not attempt to swim to safety.

‣ People should not be fooled if the "eye" of the hurricane passes over the campus. There will be a lull in

the winds lasting from five to thirty or more minutes, and at the other side of the "eye" the winds will

increase rapidly to hurricane force and will come from the opposite direction.

‣ Once a hurricane has passed, people should remain inside until informed by authorities that it is safe

to leave.

‣ People should keep their radios tuned to local stations for updates and other vital information.

‣ Stay out of disaster areas since sightseeing interferes with essential rescue and recovery work and may

be dangerous as well.

‣ Avoid loose or dangling wires and report them immediately to the authorities.

‣ Make a conscious effort to prevent fires since decreased water pressure may make fire-fighting difficult.


In the event of a pending terrorist threat, the person receiving the complaint should notify the campus

police/security or call 911 immediately. The threat level will be immediately evaluated to determine

what steps will be taken to protect faculty, staff, students, and campus property.

Students With Disabilities

Counseling, tutorial, and other support services are also available upon request for students with


The School of Medicine is committed to providing reasonable accommodation to students with

documented disabilities in accordance with school policies. It is important that students, faculty, and

staff understand their roles in the accommodation process and that any disability-related information

remains confidential. All documentation recorded as part of the student’s health record is confidential

and will not be included as part of the student’s permanent academic file.

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