Student Hand Book 2021-2022

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It is recommended that the student contact the Dean of Student Affairs to discuss the available

options for addressing a concern about mistreatment. The Dean will handle each matter discretely

and make every effort to resolve the incident.

Formal Pathways:

Students who chose to make a formal report or complaint of an incident of possible mistreatment may

do so by submitting a written complaint to the Dean for Student Affairs.

Students who want to report anonymously and/or confidentially can do so but requesting anonymity

or confidentiality should be aware that this may limit the School’s ability to investigate an incident.

If a student chooses to pursue a formal complaint, student must be willing to be identified to the

person against whom the complaint is directed.

Process for Resolution of Formal Complaints

After receiving a formal complaint of mistreatment, the Dean of Student Affairs along with

recommendations of the Academic Dean may convene Positive Learning Environment (PLE)

Committee to conduct an inquiry into the allegations and make a recommendation regarding further


The PLE Committee will evaluate available materials and may interview appropriate persons, including

the complainant and the respondent. The PLE Committee will prepare a written report summarizing

its findings and recommendations and the Dean of Student Affairs and Academic Dean will rely on the

committee’s recommendations to take definite decision.

The Dean will inform the parties of the determination regarding further action within 10 days of receipt

of the PLE Committee’s report. If the PLE Committee recommends corrective action, the Dean may

attempt to resolve the complaint informally with mutual agreement of the parties involved or may refer

the matter to an appropriate grievance procedure within the University.

If there is an existing University policy that addresses the behavior of concern, the procedures dictated

by that policy will be employed.

The status of the offending party will also inform the process for further action. For example, if the

offending party is a faculty member, further action will be pursued through faculty affairs for

addressing faculty behavior. In the case of a non-academic staff, the Dean will consult with the Human

Resources Department regarding the appropriate steps for further action.

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