Student Hand Book 2021-2022

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Code Of Conduct

Windsor University students are embarking on a career in a profession which requires high standards

of ethical conduct and honesty of its members. It is expected that each student will respect the

academic environment of the medical community and make a personal commitment to abide by our

honor code exemplifying a standard of behavior which will form a firm basis for future professional

conduct. This commitment implies avoidance of any form of dishonesty or misrepresentation as well

as the demonstration of respect for the rights and wellbeing of others including students, faculty, staff,

patients as well as their families and friends, student research, and members of the community. It also

implies a responsibility to take positive action to ensure that others’ failure to comply with these

standards is not permitted.

Students are expected at all times to

A. Act with professionalism and with academic and personal integrity

B. Respect and promote the dignity of all persons

C. Respect the policies of the University community and the rights of its members both on

and off campus as well as the just laws of the civic community and the rights of its


D. Support the personal, professional, academic, and vocational development of the

members of the Windsor University Community.

Academic Honesty

In keeping with its mission, Windsor University seeks to prepare its students to be knowledgeable,

forthright, and honest. It expects and requires academic honesty from all members of the University

community. Academic honesty includes adherence to guidelines established by the University, its

colleges and schools and their faculties, its libraries, and the computer center.

Academic or academic-related misconduct includes, but is not limited to the following:

• Unauthorized collaboration or use of external information during examinations.

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