Nick Sousanis - Unflattening-Harvard University Press (2015)

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The following serves as notes to the visual and textual references.

You need not read these notes to understand, enjoy, or disagree

with Unjl.attening. But some of you may be curious to see the backstory,

the hidden influence, behind my words and drawings.


Pages 3-5: Piranesi's Carceri, Fritz Lang's Metropolis, Diego Rivera's

industrial mural in Detroit, and Anton Furst's architectural designs

for the film version of Gotham City influence the opening pages. The

sleepwalking figures themselves reference the Borg from Star Trek,

shrink-wrapped, stone, or plaster statues (Denise Fanning's Detroit

installation of plaster figures carne to mind), Munch's Scream, Kiühe

Kollwitz's anguished figures (though I never let mine be anywhere near

as expressive), Giacometti's almost alien figures, and Death from The

Seventh Seal.

The sleepwalking, marching figures first raised-or, rather, loweredtheir

heads during my time in Detroit and were the centerpiece of the

public art billboard I installed along Woodward Avenue in April of

2004. For the project, I sought to address and depict transformation

by embedding two images-two concepts-in one piece. The primary

image used space as standard, flat billboards do. On a series of equally

spaced slats, I encoded a second image, the edges of which faced

oncoming traffic such that they

nearly invisible. However,

alongside it, drivers would ""'rnP'~~q~~~~~~~~fi

fleeting transformation as the

lined up to reveal the second uuawo:+ -. 11

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