Nick Sousanis - Unflattening-Harvard University Press (2015)

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are put in boxes and become

"lifeless, colorless, dissociated from the context of the

universe, within bare white walls staring like eyeballs

of the dead. We are born with that God-given gift

of taking delight in the world, but such delightful

activity is fettered and imprisoned, muted by a force

called discipline which kills the sensitiveness of the

child mind which is always on the alert, restless

and eager to receive first-hand knowledge from

mother nature. We sit inert, like dead specimens

of some museum, while lessons are pelted at

us from on high, like hail stones on flowers"

(Tagore, 1966, pp. 213-214).


{, /b 0"1-t.f) Page 11: An allusion to a splash page from a Batman

· comic I read as a child. I made the sketch first and felt a trace

of recognition. I tracked down the image, which turned out

to be two different images, one on the cover and the other on the

inside splash page, in which Batman's profile also contains a scene

within; both images are from Detective Comics 457 vol. 1,

published in 1975.

Page 12: A visual reference to Illich (1972), "the

fundamental approach common to all schools-the idea

that one person's judgment should determine what and

when another person must learn" (p. 42).

Pages 16-17: I first used tops as metaphorical standins

for people in my piece for Maxine Greene's class.

It appears in the 2010 book Dear Maxine: Letters from an

Unfinished Conversation, edited by Robert Lake.


Page 22-23: Text from the Flatlander sequence is derived nearly directly

or paraphrased from Abbott's original1884 novel.

Page 25: Hermes is (among other things) the god of boundaries and


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