NG5 Arnold Dec/Jan 2022

Local business directory and community magazine

Local business directory and community magazine


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As a kid I was desperate for a pet. I used to send<br />

my parents (and Santa) begging letters (this was<br />

before mobile phones remember). Eventually they<br />

caved in.<br />

My first pet was a mouse. My brother and I had<br />

one each. I remember one day my brother picked<br />

his up by the tail and accused it of eating all the<br />

chocolates. Dangling there, it was twice the normal<br />

size and all lumpy. Next day there were about 12<br />

babies. Little did we know these would be the first<br />

of many. Bear in mind this was the seventies, when<br />

pet shops still sold puppies and ours also had a onearmed<br />

monkey and a huge snake. We put the babies<br />

in egg boxes and took them to the pet shop and the<br />

man paid us for them. Result! This enterprise was<br />

cut short when our parents found out and the mice<br />

were split up. It wasn’t until years later that I found<br />

out that the pet shop owner was feeding them to the<br />

snake, not selling them as pets!<br />

Guinea pigs came next. Daisy and Buttercup. I<br />

loved those pigs, but not enough, it appeared, to<br />

want to clean the cage out every week. No surprise<br />

that when they died, we entered the pet wilderness<br />

years. There was the odd stick insect and a couple<br />

of goldfish but nothing until I left home.<br />

That’s when the cats started to arrive (and depart).<br />

Starting with Flo and Ted. When Flo was run over,<br />

she had to wear a cast on her front leg. Strictly<br />

no climbing, no jumping and no running. She was<br />

confined to the back room to prevent her doing any<br />

more damage. After checking on her, a hysterical<br />

child came running towards me holding Flo’s ‘leg’.<br />

Luckily for the cat, it was just the cast that had<br />

fallen off!<br />

Shakey the Wondercat came next. He fetched, like<br />

a dog. Hours of fun lobbing tin foil balls for him to<br />

bring back to us. Sadly, he was also run over (there<br />

is a pattern emerging here) before his first birthday.<br />

The<br />

Menagerie<br />

Tale<br />

I was sobbing to Gary about how his light shone<br />

brightly even though he hadn’t lasted long. “He was<br />

hardly Jimmy Hendrix” came the reply. Bit harsh.<br />

Even with all the heartache (and vets bills), who<br />

wouldn’t want to wake up to make a cuppa and slide<br />

along the kitchen floor on cat puke?<br />

How dull would life be without solving the mystery<br />

of a thousand feathers all over the carpet but no<br />

body?<br />

Who doesn’t enjoy identifying mysterious puddles<br />

and damp patches around the house? Could it be<br />

dog dribble, cat wee, Gary???<br />

We now have an elderly cat who has lost her<br />

marbles, as well as her teeth. If she’s not asleep,<br />

then she is parading all over the kitchen surfaces<br />

leaving a trail of slobber and fur as she pesters us<br />

continuously for food.<br />

Six years ago, we reached the pinnacle of our pet<br />

timeline when a visit to the Mayflower Rescue<br />

Centre on new year’s eve resulted in us adopting<br />

Harry. Now I get it!<br />

I used to wonder what all the fuss was about when<br />

dog owners would gush that a home’s not a home<br />

without a dog. It’s true! It’s not a home – it’s a tip!!!<br />

Mud and fur everywhere. And I mean, everywhere.<br />

You know things have gone too far when, after a<br />

really bad episode of coughing, we were convinced<br />

Gary was about to huff up a fur ball!<br />

Still, not content with one faithful friend, two years<br />

later we went back and got Herbie. And that’s when<br />

the fun really started…But we wouldn’t have it any<br />

other way.<br />

H.C.A.A.H.N.Y<br />

© A W

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