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December 2021<br />
“Remember<br />
this December,<br />
that love weighs<br />
more than gold!”<br />
– Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon
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Enjoy ice skating on a rink<br />
sponsored by Southwest Airlines,<br />
walk-through holiday light shows<br />
and events all season long.<br />
Nov. 26 - Jan. 2<br />
Burroughs & Chapin Pavilion Place<br />
812 N. Ocean Blvd., Myrtle Beach, SC 29577<br />
says<br />
“It’s A Wrap”<br />
December 2021<br />
Contents<br />
Volume 20, Issue 12<br />
About the Cover Artist:<br />
The Budapest-based artist, Dorina Nemeskéri, has not stopped drawing<br />
from the moment she could hold a pencil in her hand. It was never a<br />
question that she would pursue her passion to become a full-time artist.<br />
Her creations are inspired by an olden-time, vintage vibe. She wants her<br />
art to offer people a chance to escape their reality and feel cozy. Dorina<br />
explained, “I turned to fantasy to escape my environment of a city largely<br />
consisting only of what is usually often referred to as ‘commie blocks.’<br />
Painting gave me an outlet to briefly move away from that grey reality!”<br />
To set this atmosphere, she usually goes for oil-based and acrylic<br />
material. You may also notice that her characters have a unique taste<br />
in fashion. That is because her other love is vintage fashion/fashion<br />
design. As an introvert, art is definitely the best way for Dorina to truly<br />
express herself.<br />
ETSY: www.etsy.com/shop/AtelierDorina?ref=seller-platform-mcnav<br />
CASETIFY: (phone case shop) www.casetify.com/atelierdorina/collection<br />
SPOONFLOWER: (fabric/wallpaper design shop)<br />
www.spoonflower.com/profiles/atelierdorina<br />
WEBSITE: www.atelierdorina.com<br />
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/atelierdorina/<br />
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/atelierdorina<br />
4 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021<br />
8<br />
12<br />
14<br />
16<br />
22<br />
26<br />
34<br />
40<br />
42<br />
44<br />
What We Want for Christmas<br />
by Erika Hoffman<br />
Christmas in Our Hearts - But We Need Lights Around It<br />
by Mary McClure<br />
Karen Riordan: Making Magic in Myrtle Beach<br />
by Sarah Elaine Hawkinson<br />
The Season of Love, Joy, and Wisdom<br />
by Rose Ann Sinay<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong> Wish List<br />
Perfectly Imperfect<br />
by Margaret Lea<br />
Songs of the Season<br />
by Ellen Fannon<br />
Evan’s Elf<br />
by Melissa Face<br />
December 2021 Events<br />
Our Chinese Food Christmas<br />
by Linda Baten Johnson
from the Editor<br />
Growing up, my parents and<br />
I mostly spent Christmas day<br />
traveling to spend time with<br />
my mom’s side of the family,<br />
which is pretty big. Instead of<br />
bringing gifts for every single<br />
family member, we collectively<br />
participate in a gift exchange.<br />
The Santa’s Hat Gift Exchange<br />
has a few various names, but<br />
the rules pretty much remain<br />
the same.<br />
Everyone included brings one<br />
wrapped gift of similar value<br />
that is usually either really<br />
great or really funny and the<br />
gift is placed under the tree<br />
anonymously. All participants<br />
pick a number from a Santa hat and take turns choosing a gift in their<br />
designated order. It’s important to note that you are not allowed to pick<br />
up or touch a gift unless it is the one you are opening. In other words,<br />
you cannot test how heavy the present is during your decision making.<br />
The fun really begins when a player decides to “steal” an already opened<br />
gift from someone else instead of opening a new one. Each opened<br />
present is allowed two steals and the third person gets to go home with<br />
it. From experience, it seems that the best numbers to have are either<br />
the first or the last because those candidates have more gift options.<br />
Regardless of the outcome, everyone involved goes home with a gift<br />
and gets a good giggle out of the game.<br />
However, my family coined an iconic gift about a decade ago that<br />
(due to its lack of cuteness) reappears every year, the pink pig planter.<br />
Family members have gotten a little more strategic with it now and do<br />
not wrap the pig itself because it’s too easy to spot. We would think, the<br />
bigger the gift, the more likely you are going home with the infamous<br />
pig. So now, most gifters take a picture of it and place it with another<br />
item that is actually a really good gift, to make up for the pig, of course.<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong> wishes you all a wonderful holiday season surrounded by what’s<br />
most important - loved ones and treasured memories.<br />
Cheers,<br />
Publisher<br />
Delores Blount<br />
Sales & Marketing Director<br />
Susan Bryant<br />
Editor<br />
Sarah Elaine Hawkinson<br />
Account Executives<br />
Erica Schneider<br />
Gay Stackhouse<br />
Art Director<br />
Patrick Sullivan<br />
Contributing Photographer<br />
Chasing the Light Photography<br />
Web Developer<br />
Scott Konradt<br />
Accounting<br />
Gail Knowles<br />
Executive Publishers<br />
Jim Creel<br />
Bill Hennecy<br />
Suzette Rogers<br />
PO Box 1389, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576<br />
fax 843-626-6452 • phone 843-626-8911<br />
www.sasee.com • info@sasee.com<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong> is published monthly and distributed free along the Grand<br />
Strand. Submissions of articles and art are welcome. Visit our website<br />
for details on submission.<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong> is a Strand Media Group, Inc. publication.<br />
Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any material, in<br />
part or in whole, prepared by Strand Media Group, Inc. and appearing<br />
within this publication is strictly prohibited. Title “<strong>Sasee</strong>” is<br />
registered with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.<br />
6 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021
What We Want for Christmas<br />
by Erika Hoffman<br />
I attended a Christmas luncheon yesterday. A choir of older<br />
women sang traditional holiday carols flawlessly. Yet, the<br />
highlight for me was not the mesmerizing music and their<br />
jovial red vests and joyful smiles but instead the performance<br />
of a little old lady who is the troupe’s comedienne.<br />
She stepped forward in front of her compatriots and with<br />
a little twinkle in her eyes began her story. Neither Jimmy<br />
Kimmel nor Jimmy Fallon can deliver a joke with better<br />
timing, tone, affect, and enunciation than she did, and<br />
she performed it live too in the midst of 100 folks. That’s<br />
no laughing matter because most of us amateur jokesters<br />
wouldn’t have had the nerve!<br />
She segued into her joke from a song the group had warbled<br />
about making a list to let Santa know what your heart desires<br />
for Christmas. She said she knew a woman who hinted about<br />
her wishes days on end before the holiday. This woman told<br />
her husband repeatedly what she expected to see in her<br />
driveway on Christmas morning. Like most husbands, her<br />
spouse didn’t appear to listen. She became more explicit in<br />
telling him what she wanted. The gift wasn’t to be delivered<br />
under the tree but in front of the garage. “I want something<br />
that goes from zero to 150 in three seconds” this woman had<br />
trilled to her non-responsive hubby.<br />
“Zero to 150” she repeated each day leading up to December<br />
25. “No need to wrap it.”<br />
That Christmas morning- we were told- this woman rushed<br />
out to her driveway and looked to her right and then to her<br />
left, turning in a complete circle. As our raconteur told this<br />
part of the tale, she exaggerated the head turns, and then<br />
our performer looked straight ahead at us with a bewildered<br />
gaze. Our jokester twirled around. Imitating the woman in<br />
her story, she searched for her zero to 150 surprise! And then<br />
she looked down at her feet.<br />
She said, “There set a digital scale.”<br />
We all howled.<br />
Mature women like jokes that resonate. Women of a<br />
certain age understand the scenario of a nagging wife, an<br />
unresponsive partner, her desire for something extravagant<br />
and sporty and his answer to her wish - something frugal<br />
and practical. A literal answer. A comical twist. And the<br />
glaring truth of the joke which most of us accept - we gain<br />
weight as we age.<br />
We related to her joke.<br />
So many women in their fifties and sixties complain<br />
about husbands’ habits as though they’ve just discovered<br />
these things about their partners, despite four decades of<br />
marriage. I always elicit a stare from my pals when I declare:<br />
“It’s too bad my husband was so dang good looking when he<br />
was a young man.” Ears perk up. Brows raise. Smiles form.<br />
“If he hadn’t been so handsome, I’d have noticed how odd<br />
he was.” Then everyone guffaws.<br />
People laugh because we’re all alike. We marry when we’re<br />
young and pretty and then as the years go on and our faces<br />
sag along with our bellies, we start noticing traits of our<br />
partners we didn’t see in the heady days of youth. Suddenly,<br />
it seems the smitten groom you married is morphing into<br />
your grumpy father-in-law or you are accused of turning<br />
into your husband’s critical mother-in-law. We start noticing<br />
DNA we hadn’t considered when blinded by attractive looks<br />
and springtime. C’est la vie. With age, we notice chinks in<br />
our armor, but we also laugh about those chinks and do not<br />
take the world or each other too seriously. We appreciate<br />
truths we’ve discovered along the way.<br />
So, with many Christmases behind us, we enjoy listening to<br />
songs more than opening presents. We appreciate a good<br />
joke more than a good cup of wassail. And the camaraderie of<br />
friends and acquaintances over a pleasant meal in a pleasant<br />
setting entertained by pleasant folks who “get us” is a merry<br />
way to celebrate the season, to celebrate life.<br />
Erika Hoffman<br />
resides in Chapel Hill, North<br />
Carolina with her one and only<br />
husband for many, many years.<br />
Her kids are grown and gone.<br />
But they left their pets behind. So<br />
now her doggies are her kids and<br />
writing is “her thing.”<br />
8 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021
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Christmas in Our Hearts -<br />
But We Need Lights Around It<br />
by Mary McClure<br />
It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas,” I say<br />
hopefully each December when the temperature drops<br />
down in the 30s. I say, “feels like Christmas,” not “looks<br />
like Christmas,” because we Okies know that a white<br />
Christmas is as rare as a partridge in our pear tree. It<br />
does happen, once in a while, but I am not one of those<br />
looking at the sky and dreaming of a White Christmas<br />
because snow can really foul up travel plans for everyone<br />
but Santa Claus. What I’m hoping for, starting with the<br />
first weekend in December, is the perfect day to put<br />
up the outside Christmas decorations. A perfect day I<br />
define as somewhere between 33 and 99 degrees, not<br />
raining, although a little mist would be OK, and wind<br />
gusts no more than 25 miles per hour. I would make a<br />
list each year. Read it to my husband: “Go to the storage<br />
place, get 15 boxes of decorations. Cut enough cedar<br />
boughs for the lamp post and front door. Decorate lamp<br />
pole. Decorate front door. Put lights in tree.”<br />
“What was that last thing?” he always asked suspiciously.<br />
“Put lights in tree,” I’d say cheerily. “We’ll just work it in<br />
on a pretty day.” He would look noncommittal. He knew<br />
I was using the editorial “we” and it was he who would<br />
have to lug the ladders around the front and climb up<br />
and down them to string lights in the elm tree.<br />
occurred to me that they could take over this essential<br />
part of the Christmas festivities. As it turned out, they<br />
didn’t find it very festive either. I insisted for several<br />
years until, finally, one son, high atop a ladder, said<br />
bitterly, “Mom, you just ruin Thanksgiving making us<br />
put these lights up in the tree.”<br />
That got my attention. What kind of a Ma Scrooge, what<br />
kind of a Grinchette had I turned into? So, I hired it<br />
done by people who put ads in the paper saying if there<br />
was anything they loved to do, it was climb up in brittle<br />
old trees and wind strings of little light bulbs around<br />
even more brittle branches. Or, more precisely, “We do<br />
what others won’t.”<br />
That elm tree is more than 50 years old now, which is not<br />
that old for a tree, but high winds and bad ice storms,<br />
have taken their toll. This year, there aren’t enough<br />
reachable branches to wrap lights around. I finally had<br />
to concede that what we’re reminded of every year - that<br />
the true spirit of Christmas lies not in decorations, in<br />
gifts, in celebrations, but in our hearts – that’s what is<br />
important. I just wish I could find a way to string some<br />
lights around it.<br />
“I’ll help,” I’d add quickly. “I’ll go get stuff and hand it<br />
up to you.”<br />
Eventually, I’d encourage him - well, OK, nag him<br />
into climbing up into the elm tree to string lights. The<br />
Christmas spirit curve took a nosedive around our<br />
house during this stage. It was a task he hated, as he<br />
continually reminded me in left-over Marine Corps<br />
terminology. But I always got a great rush of Christmas<br />
joy when I’d drive up to the house and see our elm tree<br />
aglow with twinkling-colored lights. Since our three<br />
sons were always here for Thanksgiving, it finally<br />
Mary McClure,<br />
editor of the Fort Sill Cannoneer for 18<br />
years when it was rated among the Army’s<br />
top three newspapers, was also the first<br />
woman inducted into the Army’s Public<br />
Affairs Hall of Fame. She has received the<br />
Lawton Citizen of the Humanities Award and<br />
the Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters<br />
Outstanding Achievement award for Special<br />
Programming among metro radio stations.<br />
12 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021
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The PruittHealth Organization complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.<br />
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14 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021<br />
With a passionate background in tourism marketing and sales, Karen<br />
Riordan made her way to the Grand Strand in 2018 to become the new<br />
President and CEO of the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce<br />
(MBACC) and the Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB). “What I appreciate<br />
the most is the incredible team I work with every day, and the fantastic<br />
business community we have here!” Karen continued, “I enjoy the<br />
legislative advocacy aspect of my role and I absolutely love getting the<br />
opportunity to serve all of the amazing small businesses.”<br />
Our local, small businesses deserve to be supported all year, but especially during the holiday season. Karen prefers to shop<br />
at local stores and goes crazy for creative arts and crafts. She explained, “Art, candles, and the many other handmade type<br />
gifts are my favorite to buy. They are all made with love and feel extra special and personal to give as gifts to my loved ones<br />
because they are all such unique presents.” She likes to wrap as soon as she selects a gift and enjoys making them personalized<br />
with gift bags and pretty tissue paper, tags, etc.<br />
Karen and her husband get excited every year to decorate their Christmas tree with their collection of special ornaments<br />
that they have received from their parents, friends, and family members through the years. One year, their kitten climbed<br />
the tree and knocked it down, causing quite a few ornaments to fall. Luckily, not too many were broken, because pulling<br />
each ornament out and placing it on the tree is like a lovely walk down memory lane for them as a couple.<br />
Christmas is Karen’s favorite<br />
time of year and she cherishes<br />
her quality time spent with her<br />
family who all travel to Myrtle<br />
Beach to be together. They<br />
celebrate with lots of great food,<br />
especially cookies, pies, cocoa,<br />
and many other chocolate<br />
desserts. Karen’s family always<br />
attends Christmas Mass on<br />
Christmas Eve and they have<br />
a tradition of opening one gift<br />
that night as well. Growing up<br />
in the north surrounded by<br />
snow this time of year, Karen’s<br />
family also had the tradition of<br />
going ice skating. “This year, we<br />
will just have to go ice skating at<br />
the Winter Wonderland festival<br />
right here in the heart of Myrtle<br />
Beach,” she exclaimed with<br />
enthusiasm.<br />
Karen Riordan:<br />
Making Magic<br />
in Myrtle Beach<br />
by Sarah Elaine Hawkinson
Winter Wonderland at the Beach is an exciting new festival that features a magical, walk-through light experience plus a<br />
real ice-skating rink...just like Rockefeller center. This is the first time in many years that a real, outdoor ice surface has been<br />
brought to the Myrtle Beach area and it will be located at Burroughs & Chapin Pavilion Place. The light show will take you on<br />
a walking path through the park where you will be able to tour Toyland, Peppermint Valley, and several other interactive and<br />
picture-perfect light displays. This family-friendly holiday attraction was created by the MBACC and the CVB along with the<br />
City of Myrtle Beach and produced by the City of Myrtle Beach Parks, Recreation, and Sports Tourism Department. During<br />
the whole month of December, every day (except Christmas Day) until January 2nd, the downtown and boardwalk areas will<br />
be transformed into a sparkling holiday dreamland. Filled with twinkling lights and family fun, the Winter Wonderland at<br />
the Beach festivities are a must this holiday season.<br />
Visit the website and the Facebook page to keep up with the latest magical events:<br />
www.WinterWonderlandatTheBeach.com • www.facebook.com/events/404655734369960<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021 :: 15
The Season of Love, Joy, and Wisdom<br />
by Rose Ann Sinay<br />
It was the year of the Cabbage Patch Kids, and I was making<br />
my bi-weekly visit to the Zayre’s toy department to peruse<br />
the aisles, hoping for a surprise shipment of the hottest doll<br />
of the year. The toy was all my three-year-old daughter could<br />
talk about. Some of her little friends carried their babies with<br />
them everywhere they went, and Kailey wanted one of her<br />
own to love.<br />
Although I wanted more than anything to make it happen,<br />
these special “kids” were nowhere to be found. There were<br />
sightings of the doll and frantic buying, only for the toy to<br />
disappear, again, leaving some moms triumphant and many<br />
others dismayed that their child may not have the most<br />
important toy on their list. Although I was doing my due<br />
diligence to find the doll, I couldn’t relate to the craziness<br />
reported on the news about parents stepping over one<br />
another to snatch this plaything. What was the world coming<br />
to?<br />
Suddenly, the stock room doors flew open. A large cart<br />
appeared piled high with boxes–Cabbage Patch Kids.<br />
Women scrambled like crabs holding two or three boxes in<br />
their pincers and under their arms. A high-pitched buzz and<br />
a horde of bodies descended upon the toy section. My anxiety<br />
spiked as I tried to find some space. As the boxes were being<br />
attacked, I watched a carton being pushed across a shelf and<br />
wedged between the lower shelf and the wall. I lunged for the<br />
package, landing hard on the tiled floor. No pain, no gain, I<br />
muttered to myself moving forward. I huddled the object like<br />
a large football and retreated from the growing mob. I didn’t<br />
care which Cabbage Patch Kid I had–blue-eyed, green-eyed,<br />
red hair, blonde hair, no hair. It didn’t matter; I had scored!<br />
My knees were wobbly as I made my way to the register, and<br />
I thought I might have bruised a rib. The previous week, I<br />
had snagged a He-Man figure (Masters of the Universe) and<br />
a few of his freakishly muscled cohorts for my son, but there<br />
had been no frenzy, just a calm, successful shopping trip.<br />
The toys were already wrapped and hidden in a plastic bin<br />
in my closet. Although I was pleased and relieved to have<br />
them, there hadn’t been that desperation that I had just<br />
experienced.<br />
Battered and bruised, I thought an ice cream sundae and<br />
a cup of coffee would be the perfect way to celebrate my<br />
coup and lick my wounds. I made my purchase and headed<br />
directly to Friendly’s next door. With my package in tow, I<br />
found a booth, ordered my treat, and proceeded to take the<br />
box from the bag. The doll had red hair in two thick pigtails<br />
and freckles across her nose. She was perfect.<br />
I couldn’t wait to see the looks on my kid’s faces on Christmas<br />
morning. I took a long draw on my coffee followed by a<br />
spoonful of fudge. Life was good.<br />
“Mommy,” a young voice screeched, “a Cabbage Patch doll!”<br />
“Excuse me,” her mother said, “Where did you find the doll?<br />
Were there any left?” She looked as desperate as I had felt<br />
before my death-defying lunge.<br />
“Next door,” I said. “The boxes were disappearing as quickly<br />
as the stock boys put them out, but, if you’re quick, you might<br />
get one.”<br />
Before I knew it, the woman and her child were out the door<br />
rushing across the parking lot.<br />
The chocolate in my mouth was suddenly too thick and<br />
sickeningly sweet. Had I really charged like a linebacker to get<br />
this red-headed piece of plastic and cloth? Embarrassment<br />
set in. I had gotten caught up in a material mania and my<br />
priorities had been scrambled. This was not the reason for<br />
the season.<br />
I went home, wrapped the package, and put it in the bin<br />
along with He-Man. There was no longer any pleasure in the<br />
fact that I had gotten the doll.<br />
***<br />
Christmas morning, my son and daughter were up early. We<br />
heard them scramble down the stairs and squeal with glee at<br />
the sight of the presents lined up under the tree. My husband<br />
and I grabbed a glass of eggnog and snuggled on the couch,<br />
watching our children open each gift. Their delight was<br />
contagious, and we laughed at their excitement.<br />
16 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021
My son opened his assortment of<br />
Masters of the Universe figures and<br />
jumped up and down. His wish had<br />
been granted.<br />
My daughter opened the box containing<br />
her doll and she began to cry and laugh<br />
at the same time. “Santa brought me<br />
a Cabbage Patch baby,” she managed<br />
to say hugging her ginger-haired doll<br />
to her chest. An hour later, she laid<br />
the doll in a cradle, also delivered by<br />
Santa. From time to time, she picked<br />
the baby up, burped her, and ran her<br />
small hand over the doll’s pigtails. She<br />
was enchanted.<br />
I was still embarrassed by my actions in<br />
aisle nine of the department store but<br />
watching my daughter’s happiness let<br />
me forgive myself a little.<br />
I fished the “adoption” certificate with<br />
the doll’s name out of the box. I laughed<br />
out loud. Her name was Joy; of course,<br />
it was.<br />
Shades &<br />
Draperies<br />
S I N C E 1 9 8 0<br />
Your Complete Source for<br />
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Shades & Draperies is<br />
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This allows us to offer you a<br />
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our window treatment expert.<br />
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Window Covering Needs!<br />
Call 843-651-8177<br />
www.ShadesAndDraperies.com<br />
4905 Hwy. 17 Bypass South<br />
Murrells Inlet<br />
Let Us Wrap You in Peace and Love<br />
My self-recrimination slipped away. I<br />
had learned my lesson well. This bit of<br />
wisdom was my gift in this wonderful<br />
season of love…and joy.<br />
Rose Ann Sinay<br />
Assisted Living & Memory Care<br />
is a freelance writer newly relocated<br />
Assisted Living Memory Care<br />
to Connecticut. She continues to write<br />
about moments worth remembering,<br />
graciously provided by family and<br />
friends.<br />
Assisted Living & Memory Care<br />
Call to Schedule<br />
your tour Today<br />
843-353-1525<br />
www.stgabrielmurrellsinlet.com<br />
699 Prince Creek Parkway, Murrells Inlet, SC, 29576<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021 :: 17
It’s the time of your life...<br />
why not enjoy all its privileges?<br />
Introducing Inspire Coastal Grand,<br />
an extraordinary senior apartment community<br />
in Myrtle Beach designed for you.<br />
Happy Holidays!<br />
LampLighter<br />
Lamp Repairs + Restorations + Creations<br />
Most experienced Lamp &<br />
Chandelier Repair Specialist<br />
on the South Strand<br />
We build beautiful custom lamps<br />
to your specs.<br />
Let’s see what we can design together!<br />
Mention this ad for<br />
$500<br />
move in incentive<br />
Repairs<br />
We can repair almost all lamps and<br />
chandeliers. Sometimes even while<br />
you wait! If you are a Do-It-Yourselfer,<br />
we’ll sell you what you need to get the<br />
job done.<br />
Restorations<br />
We can make your old lighting fixtures<br />
look new again! We are experts at<br />
chandelier restoration, along with<br />
lamp repair and the ability to restore<br />
other light/electrical fixtures.<br />
(This gem chandelier has approx 1000 crystals)<br />
You Deserve This<br />
Inspire Coastal Grand is a<br />
55+ Active Adult Community,<br />
thoughtfully designed to support a<br />
healthy, active and social lifestyle.<br />
833.675.1934<br />
1749 Sea Pines Blvd<br />
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577<br />
www.inspirecoastalgrand.com<br />
Professionally Managed by<br />
18 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021<br />
Creations<br />
You’ll be surprised at what we can<br />
make a lamp out of - all you have to<br />
do is ask! We can make lamps from<br />
vases, urns, bottles and more. How<br />
exciting would it be to have a lamp in<br />
your home that YOU created?<br />
14363 Ocean Highway<br />
In the Litchfield Exchange<br />
Behind Applewood Pancake House<br />
Two miles south of Brookgreen Gardens<br />
Paul Sciurba<br />
(843) 314-8087 / (843) 907-4301<br />
800 Front Street, Georgetown, SC 29440<br />
Mon-Fri 10:00-5:00 • Sat 10:00-4:00<br />
843-546-6858 • www.doodlebugschild.com<br />
Give Your Mom, Sister, Best Friend or Yourself<br />
the Gift that Lasts a Year!<br />
Name<br />
Special Offer 12 Issues for $30<br />
Email<br />
Phone Number<br />
Address<br />
City State Zip<br />
Send check or money order to<br />
Strand Media Group, Inc.<br />
PO Box 1389, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576<br />
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860 Inlet Square Drive, Murrells Inlet<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021 :: 19
Vintage Wares | Women’s Apparel<br />
Wonderful Goods | Boutique Clothing Labels<br />
Experience the Wonder of the<br />
South Carolina Coast<br />
Mon thru Sat 10-5, Sun 12-4 (unless it’s a Holiday)<br />
720 Sunset Blvd N, Sunset Beach, NC 28468<br />
bleuboutique.blogspot.com (910) 579-5628<br />
@BleuInCarolina<br />
#bleuatsunset<br />
20 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021<br />
Your one-stop<br />
shop for holiday<br />
gift ideas.<br />
No supply chain<br />
issues!<br />
C O M M U N I T Y H O S P I C E<br />
F O U N D A T I O N<br />
Services of Remembrance<br />
Services of Remembrance<br />
A time to reflect, celebrate, and light a candle<br />
A time to reflect, celebrate, and light a candle<br />
honoring loved ones who are no longer with us.<br />
honoring loved ones who are no longer with us.<br />
Across From The Fresh Market in Pawleys Island<br />
843-314-3316 RescuedTreasuresSC.org<br />
Tuesday - Saturday 10:00am - 4:00pm<br />
Make your Holiday Reservations Now!<br />
Join us in the Gazebo<br />
Full menu, drinks, and live music!<br />
Enjoy live bands in The Gazebo Thur - Sat!<br />
Early Bird Specials & Happy Hour 4-5:30pm<br />
Gift Cards make<br />
Great Stocking Stuffers<br />
Indoor &<br />
Outdoor Dining<br />
Available<br />
843-357-9175<br />
Open Wed - Sat at 4pm (Closed Christmas Week)<br />
4911 U.S. 17 Business, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576<br />
www.hotfishclub.com<br />
Sunday, December 5 th at 2:00 pm<br />
Sunday, December 5th, 2:00 pm<br />
Prince George Church<br />
300 Prince Broad Street George Georgetown, ChurchSC<br />
300 Broad Street, Georgetown, SC<br />
Wednesday, December 15 th at 1:00 pm<br />
Shepherd of the Sea Lutheran Church<br />
Wednesday, 2631 Hwy 17 December Business Garden 15th, City, 1:00 SC pm<br />
Shepherd of the Sea Lutheran Church<br />
Blue 36 Years Christmas of Caring Service<br />
2631 Because Hwy 17 Every Business, Moment Garden Counts City, SC<br />
Your community’s only locally based not-for-profit<br />
hospice provider serving Georgetown, Horry,<br />
and Williamsburg Counties since 1985.<br />
36 Years of Caring<br />
Georgetown<br />
Myrtle Beach<br />
Because Every Moment Counts<br />
2591 N. Fraser Street 29440 1600 Farrow Pky #B6 29577<br />
843-546-3410 843-839-3410<br />
Your community’s Tidelandshospice.org only locally based<br />
not-for-profit hospice provider, serving<br />
Georgetown, Horry, and Williamsburg Counties<br />
since 1985.<br />
Georgetown<br />
2591 N. Fraser Street 29440<br />
843-546-3410<br />
Blue Christmas Service<br />
www.tidelandshospice.org<br />
Myrtle Beach<br />
1600 Farrow Pky #B6 29577<br />
843-839-3410<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021 :: 21
Wish List<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong> is incredibly thankful for all of you, our devoted readers, and we hope all of you understand just<br />
how important our advertisers are to our magazine. Our advertisers are all local and offer unique gifts<br />
for you and your loved ones so please join us in supporting them this holiday season. <strong>Sasee</strong> encourages<br />
you all to give thanks as well as give gifts from our Wish List.<br />
This limited-edition Gingko Leaves sculpture was<br />
created by Tony Hochstetler. The Ginkgo’s distinctive fanshaped<br />
leaf has carried symbolism along with its singular<br />
beauty. The Ginkgo has been a symbol of longevity and<br />
endurance because the tree can live for a thousand years.<br />
Cheryl Newby Gallery<br />
11096 Ocean Hwy, Suite 4<br />
Pawleys Island<br />
843-979-0149<br />
This Palmetto necklace is sure to be the best gift<br />
under the tree. This beautiful piece of jewelry was<br />
designed by Dawn at Grady’s Jewelers.<br />
Grady’s Jewelers<br />
317 Laurel St<br />
Conway<br />
843-248-2624<br />
Unique and decorative, these whimsical planters and<br />
watering pitcher are sure to liven up any household or<br />
porch setting as they are cute and functional.<br />
Design on a Dime<br />
1918A US 17 Busines<br />
Surfside Beach<br />
These one-of-a-kind Glacier Earrings from the Brackish<br />
Collection are a statement like no other and are lovingly<br />
handcrafted from start to finish in Charleston, SC.<br />
Crafted with teal goose, gold & green peacock, and<br />
orange & yellow pheasant feathers, each feather is<br />
hand-selected giving each pair a unique coloring.<br />
Good Deed Goods<br />
3579 US-17 BUS<br />
Murrells Inlet<br />
843-651-7979<br />
Featuring accents created by artisans from<br />
regions throughout Mexico, Consuela Bags pair<br />
playful patterns with joyful colors & interesting<br />
textures. Showcasing hand-embroidered textiles,<br />
papier mâché bag charms, and braided or woven<br />
bag straps, they are stylish as well as durable and<br />
comfortable to carry.<br />
Bleu<br />
720 Sunset Blvd N.,<br />
Sunset Beach, NC<br />
910-579-5628<br />
Looking for just the right gift that can complement a<br />
home or workspace? This Chanel inspired pillow is a<br />
must for any woman on your gift list.<br />
Rose Arbor Fabrics<br />
Myrtle Beach • 6916 N. Kings Hwy. • 843-449-7673<br />
Pawleys Island • 11382 Ocean Hwy. • 843-979-9970
These statement piece Sea Life Pendants and Charms come in<br />
Sterling Silver or Gold Enamel. Call or shop in store to see all of<br />
the available sea life options.<br />
Darden Jewelers<br />
12078-C Bypass 17<br />
Murrells Inlet<br />
843-651-5067<br />
This is a luxury melamine cake pedestal or chip & dip platter all in one from<br />
Beatriz Ball. This item can be used two different ways and is the perfect gift for<br />
someone who has everything.<br />
Sara & Beth Gifts & Home<br />
1003 Prince St., Georgetown • 843-833-8768<br />
The Urban Villa Complete Doll House Playset from Small Foot<br />
Wooden Toys comes fully furnished and includes 12 pieces<br />
of custom-made play furniture. This large, stable, wooden<br />
doll house has an open front side that makes playing easier.<br />
The bright outer facade and modern color scheme fit<br />
neutrally with tasteful living room/nursery interior designs.<br />
Doodlebugs<br />
800 Front Street<br />
Georgetown<br />
Large 13” Plush Warmies are fully microwavable to provide hours<br />
of soothing warmth and comfort. Warmies are scented with real<br />
dried French lavender and perfectly weighted for a positive sensory<br />
experience. Choose from sloths, turtles, sharks, flamingos, red pandas,<br />
and more. Warmies make an ideal gift for all ages.<br />
Gay Dolphin Gift Cove<br />
916 N. Ocean Blvd., Myrtle Beach<br />
843-448-6550<br />
For him or her, these reclaimed wood<br />
bar accessories compliment any home<br />
bar while entertaining guests during the<br />
holidays and all year long.<br />
Coastal Luxe Interiors<br />
6613 N Kings Hwy<br />
Myrtle Beach<br />
843-946-6644<br />
Artfully designed and handset by Julie Vos, these Milano<br />
Bangles in candy-colored hues are gilded in 24kt gold and<br />
make for the Ultimate “Stacking” Stuffer!<br />
Surf Unlimited Mercantile<br />
17 Causeway Drive<br />
Ocean Isle Beach, NC<br />
Perfectly Imperfect<br />
by Margaret Lea<br />
Standing back to admire and enjoy the lovely decorations<br />
I’d put up in our home for Christmas 2020, I noticed that<br />
the table runner on the long table in our family room was<br />
extremely uneven. One side dangled nearly to the floor, while<br />
the other side barely hung over the table.<br />
On top of this wayward table runner was an elaborate display<br />
consisting of pinecones, cute ornaments, a small glass<br />
Christmas tree, and a dancing Santa who boogied to “Jingle<br />
Bell Rock” when his start button was pushed. (My three girls<br />
pushed this often.) Two long strings of shiny beads, placed<br />
precariously around the outer edges of the table runner,<br />
completed the festivities.<br />
It had been a lot of creative fun placing everything just<br />
so on the table, but I did not want to remove it all, adjust<br />
the runner and do it again. So, the funkily-placed runner<br />
just lay there mocking me, “Hey, Little Miss Perfectionist,<br />
congratulations on the FANTASTIC job you did of placing me<br />
on my table! A little too jolly with the wine while decorating?”<br />
As I’d had no wine at all while decorating, I knew this was a<br />
ludicrous taunt. However, the intent behind the query still<br />
stung. How could I have allowed this quite rude table runner<br />
to be placed so negligently in my very own home? Mr. Table<br />
Runner was quite correct in his keen assessment of me as a<br />
perfectionist - well, as long as you don’t count how tidy and<br />
clean the house is… or isn’t.<br />
With three teenagers, I long ago waved the white flag for<br />
that battle. Technically, I waved the grey flag; I can’t keep<br />
anything snowy white anymore. So, while my kids have<br />
steadily chipped away at my perfectionism for years,<br />
COVID-19 dealt it the final blow. Our family vacation in<br />
2020 was to the delightful island nation of Hobby Lobby,<br />
with special add-on shore excursions to Walmart and Dollar<br />
Tree. To be fair, we did spend a good bit of time at the lake...<br />
the tiny, man-made one in our subdivision, which we walked<br />
around frequently for exercise and to keep some sanity.<br />
My husband lost his job due to the pandemic, thus freeing<br />
him up for a couple of months of luxury home-spa relaxing.<br />
Well, I guess it could have been relaxing if not for the<br />
constant networking, job searching, and extremely expensive<br />
COBRA health insurance payments. (Thankfully, he did find<br />
a new job that he enjoys even more than his previous one.)<br />
Our kitchen nook was turned into a ceramics workshop<br />
thanks to virtual school. Our daughter’s teacher informed<br />
her that working with ceramics is not advised in small closed<br />
spaces like bedrooms, due to the possibility of breathing<br />
invisible toxic particles of silica dust. Apparently, it’s much<br />
better to share that noxious dust with the entire family.<br />
Two of our three girls succumbed to Netflix and Hulu’s<br />
siren songs, with a corresponding drop in GPA. One girl<br />
blamed us, the parents, and claimed that her grades would<br />
dramatically improve when we let her return to in-person<br />
school. (She did return to campus for the last three months<br />
of the school year. Alas, the wondrous improvement in her<br />
grades never materialized.)<br />
Like everyone in the pandemic, we were forced to spend an<br />
inordinate amount of time at home with only immediate<br />
family, to stop going most places we love, and to basically<br />
just survive in a weird limbo, learning to negotiate cramped<br />
quarters and trampled-on emotions. It made me realize that<br />
perfection is grossly overrated.<br />
I even learned to appreciate the freakishly weird aspects of<br />
my fellow family members, as they did with me. Peaceful<br />
coexistence, progress, kindness, and good health have<br />
replaced my former goal of perfection. I know now without<br />
a shadow of a doubt that nothing will ever be perfect, and<br />
that’s OK. If things are running even moderately smoothly,<br />
that’s a major win.<br />
So, take that my dear Mr. Table Runner! I’m not listening to<br />
any more of your jeers. You were just fine the way you were<br />
in 2020. Perhaps I’ll even place you in exactly the same goofy,<br />
lopsided position again this Christmas. Then again…Nah!<br />
Margaret Lea<br />
is a wife, piano teacher, writer, and<br />
mother of three beautiful teenage<br />
girls. She has been published in<br />
“Chicken Soup for the Soul.”<br />
26 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021
Fabulous<br />
Gifts<br />
in Historic<br />
Georgetown<br />
Gifts • Home Decor • Fashion<br />
Designer Jewelry • Bridal Registry<br />
Pat Puckett Fine Art<br />
1003 Prince Street, Georgetown, SC 29440 • 843-833-8768 • www.saraandbethgifts.com • Mon - Sat 10am - 5pm<br />
Cheryl Newby<br />
Is proud to introduce<br />
Award Winning<br />
Watercolorist,<br />
Brittney Tough<br />
843.979.0149<br />
11096 Ocean Highway<br />
in The Shops at Oak Lea<br />
Pawleys Island, SC 29585<br />
CherylNewbyGallery.com<br />
By Brittney Tough | Watercolor on Paper | 36” x 36”<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021 :: 27
Presents with Personality<br />
by Sarah Elaine Hawkinson<br />
For some gift-givers, the actual wrapping of the present is one of the most important and fun elements when<br />
giving a gift. Whether the aesthetic matches you or the one receiving the gift, try wrapping your presents<br />
with some personality. Here are a few gift-wrapping styles that are trending this holiday season:<br />
The Modern Minimalist<br />
The Traditional Lady
The Eco-Friendly Conservator<br />
The Crafty Queen<br />
The Glam Goddess
Stay Local, Eat Local,<br />
Support Local...<br />
How big is Your heart?<br />
Get Your Holiday Goodies Here!!<br />
The Sweetest Little Place in Pawleys Island<br />
843-237-3100<br />
10517 Ocean Highway<br />
Pawleys Island, SC 29585<br />
30 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021<br />
Hours of Operation:<br />
Monday-Saturday 6am-3pm<br />
Sunday 6am-1pm<br />
www.pawleysislandbakery.com<br />
email: max@pawleysislandbakery.com<br />
843-293-1137<br />
4452 Socastee Blvd • Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
Saltwater Storks & More<br />
offers the finest lawn sign rentals<br />
on the Grand Strand!<br />
Our storks are 6 ft. tall and a<br />
wonderful way to surprise a loved one<br />
when a new baby arrives and to<br />
celebrate life’s finest moments.<br />
Contact us today!<br />
saltwaterstorksandmore.com<br />
843-446-1039<br />
Samuel B Cuff<br />
From the Royal Bali Collection<br />
Sterling Silver and 18k Gold<br />
with Multi-Colored Gemstones<br />
843-248-2624<br />
317 Laurel Street<br />
Conway, SC 29526<br />
(Closed Sundays)<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021 :: 31
Give the gift of Adventure, Family Time<br />
& Memories this Holiday Season!<br />
Kitchens & Baths<br />
Great for all leveled anglers<br />
Fully outfitted<br />
Inshore • Offshore • Gulf Stream<br />
1/2 Day • 3/4 Day • Full Day Charters<br />
Reservations can be made at<br />
www.laidbackchartersoib.com or<br />
by calling (910) 733-2608<br />
Owned by Allison Harrington and Daniel Walters<br />
Captained by Danny Cox<br />
(910) 733-2608<br />
contactlaidbackcharters@gmail.com<br />
32 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021<br />
8435 Ocean Highway,<br />
Pawleys Island, South Carolina 29585<br />
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm • Saturday: 9am - 1pm<br />
www.prodigykb.com • (843) 314-0444
Speech Solutions Inc.<br />
Meeting the Speech and Language<br />
Needs of Our Community Since 2003<br />
We assess, diagnosis and treat our patients to<br />
help improve their speech, language, cognitive,<br />
communication, voice, swallowing, fluency<br />
and other speech disorders We also have the<br />
equipment and certified Speech-Langugage<br />
Pathologists to provide Vital Stem Therapy.<br />
10:00 - 5:00<br />
Nationally Accredited<br />
and State Licensed<br />
Speech Solutions, Inc.<br />
is owned by<br />
Allison Harrington<br />
M.Ed., CCC-SLP<br />
“The mission of Speech Solutions, Inc. is to provide speech<br />
and language needs with integrity and accountability in<br />
the communities we serve, to give back through community<br />
service and to inspire moments of optimism and happiness<br />
while creating value and making a difference.”<br />
910-754-3484<br />
127 Village Drive, Suite B<br />
Shallotte, NC 28459<br />
www.speechsolutionsinc.com<br />
11096 OCEAN HIGHWAY<br />
PAWLEYS ISLAND, SC 29585<br />
(843) 237-8080<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021 :: 33
Songs of the Season<br />
by Ellen Fannon<br />
I love all kinds of Christmas music–carols, secular<br />
songs, children’s songs–provided it is not played before<br />
Thanksgiving. That being said, there are a number of songs<br />
associated with Christmas time that really don’t seem to<br />
have anything to do with Christmas.<br />
Take the old standard, “Jingle Bells.” There is no mention<br />
of Christmas in the lyrics. According to Wikipedia, it<br />
was written by James Lord Pierpont, J.P. Morgan’s uncle,<br />
in 1850, and was inspired by one-horse open sleigh<br />
races between Medford Square and Malden Square in<br />
Medford, Massachusetts. It was originally intended for the<br />
Thanksgiving season and was often sung as a drinking song<br />
at parties. Personally, I’ve never been in a one-horse open<br />
sleigh, so I don’t know if it is fun or not, yet I sing with gusto<br />
as if I know it is.<br />
There are several other “winter-themed” songs heard only<br />
during the Christmas season, such as “Winter Wonderland,”<br />
“Frosty the Snowman,” “Baby It’s Cold Outside,” “Sleigh<br />
Ride,” and “Let it Snow.” Living in the south and having<br />
lived for two years on the equator, it is hard to appreciate<br />
the requisite for snow in order to have a real Christmas, but<br />
it must be true as all the Christmas movies feature snow.<br />
I sometimes wonder how other people who live where<br />
Christmas falls during hot weather feel about this stereotype.<br />
As for me, I am quite happy not having a white Christmas,<br />
which is one of the reasons I escaped Ohio. In fact, the song,<br />
“I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” conjures up visions in<br />
my mind of shoveling snow, having my car stuck in the snow,<br />
and breaking my neck on ice. More like a nightmare than a<br />
dream. Snow is only beautiful when one is inside a warm<br />
house with a roaring fire, sipping a mug of hot chocolate<br />
with marshmallows, and gazing out the window at the<br />
pristine newly fallen snow before it turns into black slush.<br />
One of the traditional Christmas songs which never fails<br />
to amuse me is “Little Drummer Boy.” Now don’t get me<br />
wrong, I like the tune and the lyrics are sweet. But I have<br />
to consider it from the perspective of Mary, the mother of<br />
Jesus. The poor woman had to travel approximately seventy<br />
miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the joyful purpose<br />
of paying taxes (talk about rubbing salt in the wound), in<br />
the condition of being “great with child.” This couldn’t have<br />
been easy. The Bible doesn’t tell us whether she walked or<br />
perhaps rode a donkey or had other modes of transportation.<br />
Nevertheless, any journey in her late stage of pregnancy<br />
would have been uncomfortable. Then when she arrives in<br />
Bethlehem, there is no place to stay, so she ends up having<br />
to give birth in a stable (which was probably a cave rather<br />
than what we think of as a wooden structure). Although the<br />
Bible doesn’t explicitly say, it is assumed there either were<br />
animals present, or the area had been used for animals, as<br />
baby Jesus was laid in a manger, which is a feeding trough<br />
for animals. So, in addition to the ordeal of having just given<br />
birth, the lack of cleanliness and the barnyard odors most<br />
likely added to her discomfort.<br />
Then what happens? A snot-nosed little brat shows up and<br />
bangs on a drum! He probably woke the baby after she’d just<br />
gotten him to sleep! Somehow, I find it difficult to envision<br />
any woman who had just gone through what Mary did<br />
nodding her head when the drummer boy asked if he could<br />
play his drum for baby Jesus, rather than asking Joseph to<br />
please get rid of the kid and especially his drum. Who wants<br />
to hear a drum solo when one is stressed, exhausted, and (oh<br />
yes) just given birth in a stable? But as the little drummer<br />
boy is not scriptural, I suppose I shouldn’t attach too much<br />
significance to the scenario.<br />
Enjoy all the wonderful music of the season, don’t worry<br />
about analyzing it too deeply, and “Have Yourself a Merry<br />
Little Christmas.”<br />
Ellen Fannon<br />
is an award winning author,<br />
a practicing veterinarian,<br />
former missionary, and church pianist/<br />
organist. She originated and wrote the<br />
Pet Peeves column for the Northwest<br />
Florida Daily News. She and her<br />
husband have also been foster parents<br />
to more than 40 children, and the<br />
adoptive parents of two sons. Her<br />
first novel, Other People’s Children,<br />
the humorous account of the life of a foster parent, was released<br />
November 2017 and is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and<br />
the trunk of her car. She lives in Valparaiso, Florida, with her husband,<br />
son, and assorted pets.<br />
34 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021
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(843) 650-9757 • GrandStrandLawyers.com • 1271 Glenns Bay Road, Surfside Beach, SC 29575<br />
*Sarah A. Johnson: Retired<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021 :: 35
Delores<br />
Patrick<br />
Susan<br />
The <strong>Sasee</strong> Staff wishes all our readers, writers,<br />
advertisers and artists a Very Merry and<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong> Christmas!<br />
Gay<br />
Erica<br />
Holiday<br />
Magic!<br />
Design Services available!<br />
Fabric, Furniture, Accessories & More<br />
AND<br />
AT THE<br />
Photo by Paula Supina<br />
Myrtle Beach • 6916 N. Kings Hwy. • 843-449-7673<br />
Pawleys Island (Across From Fresh Market) • 843-979-9970<br />
It’s never too late to get something<br />
FRAMED before Christmas!<br />
1003 Front Street • Georgetown, SC<br />
kaminskimuseum.org<br />
843-546-7706<br />
Lead Sponsor<br />
Emma Marie’s<br />
Antique Shoppe<br />
C & C Auction Company, Inc.<br />
Kuma by John Bickle<br />
Frame Factory<br />
& Gallery<br />
Voted Best of the Beach since 1998<br />
843-449-6282 • 6912 North Kings Hwy. • Myrtle Beach<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021 :: 37
Licensed & Insured<br />
Commercial • Residential<br />
Merry<br />
Christmas!<br />
Cleaning & Linen Rentals<br />
May this season bring love and happiness to all!<br />
Love The DJO Team<br />
702 Country Club Drive<br />
Conway, SC 29526<br />
843-488-2526 | drjenortho.com<br />
843-299-0247<br />
671 Jamestown Dr., Unit R2<br />
Garden City, SC 29576<br />
thecleanupclub@gmail.com<br />
38 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021
Design on<br />
a Dime<br />
Consignment<br />
& Gift Shop<br />
Beachy Coastal Home Décor, Gifts & More!<br />
40 Local Crafters/Artisans<br />
(843) 232-1026<br />
1918A US-17 Business<br />
Surfside Beach, SC 29575<br />
Mon - Sat 11am - 3pm<br />
Merry Christmas<br />
Jewelry Repairs<br />
Custom Designs<br />
Bridal and Wedding<br />
Watch Batteries<br />
There’s still time to create that one of a kind<br />
gift for this year’s holiday season, stop in<br />
anytime and design the perfect piece.<br />
Free drawings and estimates.<br />
Darden Jewelers<br />
Serving the Grand Strand since 1940<br />
843.651.5067<br />
12078-C Hwy 17 Bypass • Murrells Inlet<br />
Between West Marine & T-Mobile<br />
www.dardenjewelers.com<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021 :: 39
Evan’s Elf<br />
by Melissa Face<br />
“I’m never allowing an elf on my shelf - or anywhere<br />
else in my house for that matter,” I proclaimed at my<br />
firstborn’s baby shower. I was a new mom and full<br />
of ideals, philosophies, and many other “I’ll never”<br />
statements. I hadn’t read the popular book, and I really<br />
didn’t want to read it. I didn’t like the idea of having<br />
something else to monitor during a season that is<br />
already so hectic.<br />
For about eight years, things went as I planned. We<br />
enjoyed Christmas with our son, Evan, and eventually<br />
with our daughter, Delaney. We wrote letters to Santa,<br />
visited him at the mall, and enjoyed Santa-themed<br />
pancake breakfasts. None of us mentioned the elf, and<br />
we still didn’t have one in the house. I laughed at images<br />
my friends posted on social media of their elves getting<br />
into mischief and making whipped cream and sprinkle<br />
messes on kitchen countertops. It still wasn’t enough to<br />
make me want one.<br />
Kids have a way of learning about things, though. Elf<br />
stories circulated around my kids’ elementary school<br />
and at dance class.<br />
“Why don’t we have an elf?” my children asked.<br />
“We don’t need one,” I said. “We know that Santa is<br />
watching your behavior.”<br />
“Well, my friends have an elf,” Evan said. “He does fun<br />
things around the house and leaves notes for them.”<br />
“Yeah! And he moves to a different spot every day!”<br />
Delaney echoed.<br />
I didn’t budge, and we enjoyed another “elfless”<br />
Christmas season.<br />
Two years ago, we went shopping a couple of days<br />
after Christmas. I wanted to buy some discounted<br />
wrapping paper, bows, and decorations. My children<br />
were enjoying rummaging through a holiday toy bin.<br />
They resurfaced with several small, plushy creatures<br />
including a fox, a reindeer, and an elf. I didn’t think<br />
much about it at the time. My arms were full of gift<br />
wrap; I was distracted, and I had no rebuttal for my kids’<br />
best argument: “Everything is seventy-five percent off!”<br />
They got me.<br />
On the way home, they chatted incessantly about their<br />
new friends and how excited they were to finally have an<br />
elf. I cut my eyes at Evan in the rearview mirror. He saw<br />
me and quickly said, “Don’t worry, Mom. I’ve got this.”<br />
For almost a year, the elf and his cohorts hid out in<br />
Evan’s room. When the following Christmas season<br />
came around, Evan stayed up a little later than his sister<br />
each night to help the elves find a new spot around the<br />
house. He helped them hide behind canned food in the<br />
pantry, set up a carnival on the living room floor, and<br />
write notes about being good and eating vegetables.<br />
Delaney was in love with the elf. She couldn’t wait to<br />
get up each morning to find out where he was and what<br />
kind of message he had left for her. In fact, she got up<br />
so early some mornings that I had to tell her to go back<br />
to bed - even the elves were still asleep.<br />
One morning I was exceptionally grumpy when Delaney<br />
came into my room at five a.m. and stood by my bed,<br />
waiting for me to notice her arrival.<br />
“Mom, can I go check on my elf?”<br />
“No!” I shouted. “Go back to bed. And if you wake me up<br />
again, the elf is leaving for good!”<br />
Delaney returned to her room without much<br />
complaining, but a few minutes later I heard Evan<br />
quietly crying in his room. I got up to check on him and<br />
asked him what was wrong.<br />
40 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021
Furniture, Bedding, Custom Window Treatments, Wallpaper,<br />
Throw Pillows, Area Rugs, Full Interior Design Services<br />
“I’m just sad about the elf,” he said.<br />
“I’m really having fun surprising<br />
Delaney each day. I don’t want him<br />
to go away.”<br />
I told him I understood, and I<br />
promised not to ban the elf. While<br />
I didn’t exactly appreciate being<br />
woken up at five in the morning, it<br />
was a small price to pay for the joy<br />
that my children were experiencing.<br />
Delaney loved the excitement of<br />
finding her elf each morning, and<br />
Evan loved creating that magic for<br />
his sister.<br />
I still haven’t read the popular book,<br />
but I have accepted the elf as part<br />
of our Christmas tradition. I’ve also<br />
allowed a few other items into our<br />
home that I said I never would, years<br />
ago, before I was a mom, and before<br />
I really understood the wonder of<br />
creating magic for little ones.<br />
Come see our new model located at the Waterside Edge Community in the<br />
Grande Dunes Area, off of 71st Ave. North and Bypass 17 on the Intracoastal Waterway.<br />
In-Home or In-Store Interior Design Consultation by Appointment<br />
New Construction & Remodel Material Selections<br />
(Cabinets, Lighting & Flooring)<br />
Coastal Luxe Interiors<br />
Better Living by Design<br />
843.946.6644<br />
6613 N. Kings Highway • Myrtle Beach, SC 29572<br />
www.coastal-luxe.com<br />
Tues - Fri 11am - 4pm<br />
Merry Christmas<br />
from our family to yours!<br />
...I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for<br />
all the people: today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord,<br />
was born for you in the city of David.<br />
- LUKE 2:10-11 HCSB<br />
Melissa Face<br />
is the author of I Love You More Than<br />
Coffee, an essay collection for parents<br />
who love coffee a lot and their kids...a<br />
little more. Her essays and articles<br />
have appeared in Richmond Family<br />
Magazine, ScaryMommy, and twentyone<br />
volumes of Chicken Soup for the<br />
Soul. Read more at melissaface.com.<br />
843-395-4402 bethearetirement.com<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021 :: 41
December 2021<br />
Events<br />
Light Shows<br />
Winter Wonderland at the Beach<br />
Burroughs & Chapin Pavilion Place<br />
Myrtle Beach<br />
Dec 1 - Jan 2, 2022 (closed Christmas Day)<br />
Check website for hours<br />
www.winterwonderlandatthebeach.com<br />
Nights of a Thousand Candles<br />
Brookgreen Gardens<br />
Murrells Inlet<br />
Dec 2 - Jan 2, 2022 • 4:00-9:00pm<br />
Check website for specific dates<br />
www.brookgreen.org<br />
The Great Christmas Light Show<br />
N. Myrtle Beach Parks & Sports Complex<br />
Dec 1 - 31<br />
(closed Christmas Day)<br />
5:30-9:30 PM<br />
www.nmb.us<br />
Charlestones Christmas Show<br />
Winyah Auditorium<br />
Georgetown<br />
Dec 3, 2021 • 7pm<br />
www.winyahauditorium.org<br />
The South’s Grandest Christmas Show<br />
Alabama Theatre<br />
North Myrtle Beach<br />
Dec 1 - Jan 1, 2022<br />
Check website for show times<br />
www.alabama-theatre.com<br />
Christmas at Pirates Voyage<br />
Myrtle Beach<br />
Dec 1 - Jan 1, 2022<br />
Check website for show times<br />
www.piratesvoyage.com/myrtle-beach<br />
Holiday Entertainment<br />
Carolina Opry’s<br />
The Christmas Show of the South<br />
Myrtle Beach<br />
Dec 1 - Jan 5, 2022<br />
Check website for show times<br />
www.thecarolinaopry.com<br />
A Magical Christmas and Comedy Show<br />
GTS Theatre, Myrtle Beach<br />
Dec 3 - 28 • 7pm<br />
Check website for show times<br />
www.gtstheatre.com<br />
Original Motown Christmas Tribute Show<br />
GTS Theatre, Myrtle Beach<br />
Dec 1 - 29<br />
Check website for show times<br />
www.gtstheatre.com<br />
Christmas with Elvis<br />
Starring Alex Mitchell<br />
GTS Theatre, Myrtle Beach<br />
Dec 7, 14, 28 • 2pm<br />
www.gtstheatre.com<br />
Step into Christmas<br />
with Elton John Tribute Show<br />
GTS Theatre, Myrtle Beach<br />
Dec 2, 9, 16, 23, 26 • 7pm<br />
www.gtstheatre.com<br />
Joy To The World:<br />
A Celebration of Christmas<br />
Theatre of the Republic, Conway<br />
December 9 - 12 & 16 - 19<br />
Check website for show times<br />
Christmas Parades<br />
Georgetown<br />
Candyland Christmas Parade<br />
Front Street<br />
Dec 4 • 11am<br />
www.historicgeorgetownsc.com<br />
North Myrtle Beach Christmas Parade<br />
Main Street (from Bilo to Ocean Blvd.)<br />
Dec 4 • 5:30pm<br />
www.nmbpark.com<br />
Murrells Inlet Christmas Parade<br />
Highway 17 Business<br />
(from Wilcox Avenue to Wachesaw Road)<br />
Dec 5 • 3pm<br />
www.murrellsinletsc.com/events<br />
Surfside Beach Christmas Parade<br />
Ocean Boulevard/Surfside Drive<br />
Dec 11 • 2:00pm<br />
www.visitmyrtlebeach.com<br />
Barefoot Landing<br />
Holiday Golf Cart Parade<br />
Dec 12 • 3:00pm<br />
www.bflanding.com<br />
Franklin & Boone Charcuterie Christmas<br />
Hand-Poured, Citrus Preserved Resin Charcuterie Board<br />
Gorgeously gilded along the edges.<br />
Luxury gifting from Franklin & Boone at Good Deed Goods.<br />
...More to see in store!<br />
Located inside Lee’s Inlet Apothecary<br />
843.651.7979<br />
3579 U.S. 17 Business<br />
Murrells Inlet, SC 29576<br />
gooddeedgoods@gmail.com<br />
www.GoodDeedGoods.com<br />
Surfside Beach Resident<br />
Golf Cart Christmas Parade<br />
Dec 18 • 1:00pm<br />
www.surfsidebeach.org<br />
41<br />
YEAR<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021 :: 43
Our Chinese Food Christmas<br />
by Linda Baten Johnson<br />
In 2021, the polar vortex left millions of Texans with no<br />
electricity or water available. My niece’s family, warned<br />
about the stoppage of water, filled bathtubs and containers<br />
with the precious liquid. Other friends with no electricity left<br />
their homes to go to warming shelters or to live with those<br />
who were experiencing only temporary electrical shutdowns.<br />
We connected with our three daughters during that<br />
challenging week through a joint text fest. My husband and I<br />
experienced rolling blackouts but had water. We camped out<br />
in our smallest room, the office, a sanctuary in the middle<br />
of the house with only one window. We ran a small electric<br />
heater when the power was on and hung blankets in front<br />
of the lone window. We even wore our long underwear,<br />
coats, and hats while working puzzles and reading during<br />
the daylight hours.<br />
In one text, our youngest daughter said, “When it’s this<br />
cold, I get a taste for Chinese food.” Her comment drew<br />
immediate responses of LOL, happy faces, and Yum-Yum.<br />
We all regard our Chinese-food Christmas as one of our best<br />
holidays.<br />
The year before our girls left home, we planned a family<br />
vacation to Europe. We dreamed of a delightful Christmas<br />
as we boarded the airplane to take us from sunny Texas to<br />
the “blessed plot” of England, the place we’d seen in films,<br />
on television, and imagined when reading books.<br />
My husband mastered driving on the left side of the road<br />
and roundabouts. Our youngest daughter organized<br />
our underground excursions, and our older daughters<br />
organized our must-see stops. Emerging from the tube<br />
station and seeing Big Ben brought gasps from all of us. We<br />
walked cobblestone paths with a nippy chill in the air and<br />
marveled at the shop decorations celebrating the season. As<br />
in America, people rushed through the English streets, many<br />
armed with packages, and most wearing smiles as the bells<br />
and recorded carols competed with the busy traffic sounds.<br />
For our English Christmas, we’d booked a charming bed and<br />
breakfast in Bath, which promised a separate apartment<br />
for our family. With Jane Austen’s memorable characters<br />
in our heads, we rang our host for final directions and<br />
confirmation.<br />
“We’re expecting you, but the weather is going to be<br />
unusually cold. Bring your jumpers and plenty of 20p and<br />
50p coins.”<br />
After she terminated the call, we surmised that a jumper was<br />
a sweater, but we were puzzled about the need for coins.<br />
Advertising pictures can be deceiving.<br />
When we arrived, our daughters dubbed the abode as the<br />
Munsters’ Homestead as the exterior reminded them of the<br />
black-and-white television show. Optimistic that the inside<br />
would be better, we knocked on the door. We saw no spiders<br />
weaving webs, bats flying through the rooms, or a dragon<br />
peering out.<br />
We issued a collective sigh of relief until our hostess led us<br />
to our private apartment–a cramped and unheated space<br />
unless you put 20 pence or 50 pence in the heating meter.<br />
Our abode did have four beds as promised but distinctly<br />
lacked charm and ambiance. We unpacked and went to the<br />
local market for breakfast and lunch supplies as we planned<br />
to celebrate Christmas in an elegant restaurant.<br />
The predicted unusual cold arrived, and we abbreviated our<br />
scheduled Christmas Eve exploration of Bath. We hurried<br />
back to the apartment, snuggled up under blankets we<br />
pulled from all the beds, and sat on the sofa wearing hats<br />
and gloves. The heating meter had a voracious appetite, and<br />
our stack of pence coins dwindled. We decided to feed the<br />
machine only when absolutely necessary. It became a game<br />
as to who would be the first to request heat. Despite the<br />
cold, we were warm and happy, all bundled up and spending<br />
Christmas Eve together.<br />
Christmas Day dawned, and we dressed warmly as we<br />
searched for a nearby restaurant with notions of a blazing<br />
fireplace, gleaming china on white tablecloths, and perhaps<br />
some figgy pudding.<br />
Nothing. We agreed to postpone our special English dinner<br />
until the next day and compromised on Chinese food for<br />
Christmas. Stomping our feet to keep warm, we begged for<br />
as many 20 and 50 pence coins as the proprietor of the takeout<br />
shop could spare and gratefully ordered our favorite<br />
44 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021
dishes and extra egg rolls. Of course, we<br />
received fortune cookies.<br />
Our fortunes didn’t tell us that<br />
restaurants would not be open the<br />
next day either. England celebrates<br />
Boxing Day on the day after Christmas,<br />
a holiday designated for the workers<br />
to spend with their families. So, we<br />
ate leftover Chinese food on Boxing<br />
Day. Fortunately, we didn’t worry<br />
about spoilage as our tiny apartment<br />
was colder than the inside of any<br />
refrigerator.<br />
The morning of the 27th, we boarded a<br />
plane back to the United States. When<br />
family and friends trot out stories of<br />
Christmas memories at holiday times,<br />
I often notice smiles or winks between<br />
our daughters. We all remember our<br />
perfect English Christmas when we<br />
learned that shared times with family<br />
members create a warmth greater than<br />
any 20 or 50 pence coin can purchase.<br />
So, when our daughter texted that the<br />
polar vortex conditions made her want<br />
Chinese food, she reminded us all that<br />
bad times pass, but the joy and love of<br />
family and friendship are forever.<br />
916 N. Ocean Blvd., ld Myrtle Beach, SC<br />
On the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk one block south of the SkyWheel®<br />
Available a t<br />
Celebra ting 75 years!<br />
Linda Baten Johnson<br />
loves traveling, meeting people,<br />
and collecting stories. Her favorite<br />
memories include parasailing, white<br />
water rafting, and being mistaken for<br />
a tour guide in Mexico and Russia.<br />
Named Best Consignment Shop 13 years in a row<br />
Visit us at our NEW LOCATION<br />
843-780-1136<br />
1468 Hwy 17 • Little River<br />
Mon-Sat 10am-5pm<br />
<strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021 :: 45
RED DOT<br />
70% OFF<br />
60% OFF<br />
John S. Gore,<br />
Owner, Designer, Allied ASID<br />
843-692-7844 • bgrahamint@aol.com<br />
MON - FRI 9am - 5pm • SAT BY APPOINTMENT<br />
HANDEL’S<br />
Messiah<br />
FREE<br />
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2021 | 2:30 PM<br />
In lieu of tickets, nonperishable food items or monetary donations<br />
for Sea Haven are appreciated and will be collected at the door.<br />
46 :: <strong>Sasee</strong>.com :: December 2021<br />
South Myrtle Beach<br />
843-626-7272<br />
North Myrtle Beach<br />
843-280-3222<br />
Garden City<br />
843-357-6400<br />
Socastee<br />
843-293-7272<br />
Conway<br />
843-347-7272<br />
papajohns.com<br />
Ring in the New Year with Long Bay Symphony<br />
Strauss on the Strand<br />
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2021 | 2:30 PM<br />
“Provide a Safe<br />
Place for Youth in<br />
Crisis” with respect<br />
and dignity.<br />
$25<br />
Both holiday concerts will take place at First Presbyterian Church<br />
FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 843.448.8379<br />
OR VISIT US ONLINE AT www.LongBaySymphony.com<br />
Advertiser Index<br />
AIM | Acupuncture &<br />
Integrative Medicine............................47<br />
Angel Oak Nursing<br />
& Rehab Center..................................30<br />
Angelo’s Steak & Pasta.........................43<br />
B. Graham Interiors Collection...........46<br />
Bethea Retirement Community...........41<br />
Bleu.....................................................20<br />
BloominGail’s......................................45<br />
Brightwater ...........................................7<br />
Brookgreen Gardens .............................5<br />
Carolina Car Care...............................19<br />
Cheryl Newby Gallery.........................27<br />
Class, LLC...........................................39<br />
The Clean Up Club.............................38<br />
Coastal Luxe Interiors..........................41<br />
Darden Jewelers...................................39<br />
Design on a Dime...............................39<br />
Doodlebugs.........................................19<br />
Dr. Grabeman.....................................39<br />
Dr. Jen Orthodontics...........................38<br />
Dr. Sattele’s Rapid Weight Loss<br />
& Esthetics Centers.............................11<br />
Eleanor Pitts Gifts & Jewelry...............33<br />
Flooring Plus.......................................19<br />
Frame Factory......................................37<br />
Gay Dolphin.......................................45<br />
Good Deed Goods..............................43<br />
Grady’s Jewelers...................................31<br />
The Hammock Shops Village...............10<br />
Hot Fish Club ....................................21<br />
Inspire Coastal Grand..........................18<br />
The Kaminski House...........................37<br />
Laid Back Charters..............................32<br />
The Lakes at Litchfield ........................48<br />
LampLighter........................................18<br />
Long Bay Symphony...........................46<br />
Moore, Johnson & Saraniti..................35<br />
Papa John’s Pizza .................................46<br />
Pawleys Island Bakery..........................30<br />
Prodigy Kitchens & Baths....................32<br />
PruittHealth........................................13<br />
Renewal by Andersen ............................2<br />
Rescued Treasures................................21<br />
Rose Arbor Fabrics...............................37<br />
Rover Boat Tours.................................20<br />
Salt Water Storks & More....................31<br />
Sara & Beth Gifts & Home.................27<br />
Shades & Draperies.............................17<br />
Speech Solutions .................................33<br />
St. Gabriel Assisted Living<br />
& Memory Care..................................17<br />
Surf Unlimited Mercantile.....................9<br />
Tidelands Community Hospice...........21<br />
Winter Wonderland at the Beach...........3<br />
Wilson Senior Care..............................35
comes in many shapes and sizes.<br />
Pain<br />
of the most debilitating being the<br />
One<br />
and tingling that comes with<br />
burning<br />
neuropathy. A disease that<br />
peripheral<br />
with years of shooting,<br />
comes<br />
pain that gradually ends in<br />
stabbing<br />
balance problems and on<br />
numbness,<br />
amputations. A disease that<br />
occasion,<br />
R. of Murrells Inlet was facing<br />
David<br />
a fate.<br />
such<br />
neuropathy is a result of<br />
Peripheral<br />
to the nerves, commonly<br />
damage<br />
by a lack of blood flow to the<br />
caused<br />
in the hands and feet. This<br />
nerves<br />
the nerves to begin to<br />
causes<br />
due to lack of nutrient<br />
degenerate<br />
Most peripheral neuropathy<br />
flow.<br />
experience a heightened<br />
sufferers<br />
to touch making it almost<br />
sensitivity<br />
for those diagnosed to<br />
impossible<br />
wear shoes, much less enjoy life.<br />
even<br />
was like walking on sharp river<br />
"It<br />
I<br />
ON<br />
David, whose experience is<br />
shares<br />
uncommon for those diagnosed<br />
not<br />
is until he found Dr. Tonya<br />
That<br />
of AIM|Acupuncture &<br />
Weber<br />
Medicine of North Myrtle<br />
Integrative<br />
Dr. Weber and her staff have<br />
Beach.<br />
a cutting edge, medical<br />
pioneered<br />
to treat neuropathy,<br />
solution<br />
or greatly reduce its<br />
eliminate<br />
and give people their lives<br />
symptoms<br />
And they’re doing it without<br />
back.<br />
use of prescription medications<br />
the<br />
is incredible at<br />
“Acupuncture<br />
blood flow and stimulating<br />
restoring<br />
nerves preventing them<br />
damaged<br />
dying off,” tells Dr. Weber. “We<br />
from<br />
our treatments a step further by<br />
take<br />
ATP Resonance<br />
integrating<br />
which targets specific<br />
BioTherapy<br />
in the body using micro-<br />
nerves<br />
ATP therapy is like watering<br />
current.<br />
plant. This treatment will stimulate<br />
a<br />
blood vessels to grow back<br />
the<br />
the peripheral nerves and<br />
around<br />
them with the proper<br />
provide<br />
to heal and repair.”<br />
nutrients<br />
for the staff at AIM. "We have<br />
atypical<br />
90% success rate in treating<br />
a<br />
neuropathy," shares Dr. Weber.<br />
number of treatments needed to<br />
The<br />
the nerves to fully recover will<br />
allow<br />
from person to person and can<br />
vary<br />
be determined after a detailed<br />
only<br />
and vascular evaluation.<br />
neurological<br />
long as you have not sustained<br />
So<br />
than 85% nerve damage AIM<br />
more<br />
hope where there once was<br />
offers<br />
David’s peripheral neuropathy<br />
While<br />
idiopathic meaning the cause is<br />
was<br />
Dr. Weber’s treatments<br />
unknown,<br />
also help people whose<br />
can<br />
is caused by diabetes or<br />
neuropathy<br />
chemotherapy.<br />
schedule a consultation and<br />
To<br />
evaluation call (843)273-<br />
complete<br />
but do so quickly because AIM<br />
4467<br />
taking a limited number of new<br />
is<br />
patients. For more<br />
neuropathy<br />
and to take advantage of<br />
information<br />
new patient offer visit<br />
their<br />
AIMLiveLife.com.<br />
www.AIMLiveLife.com to learn more<br />
Visit<br />
to take advantage of their NEW PATIENT OFFER!<br />
and<br />
Local acupuncture clinic is treating the untreatable,<br />
peripheral neuropathy with incredible results!<br />
with peripheral neuropathy.<br />
was once classified as irreparable.<br />
“I stopped golfing. I wasn’t taking<br />
walks on the beach with my wife.<br />
I was living on gabapentin and<br />
antidepressants and everywhere<br />
I went; my doctor, the specialists,<br />
the pain institute, told me there<br />
was no cure. How are you<br />
supposed to live your life knowing<br />
that everyday brings pain<br />
and suffering?”<br />
and invasive surgeries.<br />
none.<br />
“We have seen tremendous<br />
success in treating neuropathy<br />
of all types through very<br />
personalized treatments,<br />
specifically tailored to treat<br />
each individual case.”<br />
Three months later David is<br />
thrilled with his progress,<br />
“I can walk barefoot on<br />
the beach again!”<br />
rocks. I barely left my recliner.”<br />
Success stories like David's are not
As a fresh holiday season settles<br />
over Pawleys Island, revelry and song fill<br />
the halls and fends off the chill as The<br />
Lakes at Litchfield collective gather and<br />
visit with family and friends, all in the safety<br />
of their perfectly wonderful community.<br />
Call Us Today • (843) 353-6040<br />
Independent Living • Assisted Living • Memory Care • Skilled Nursing • Rehab<br />
120 Lakes at Litchfield Dr. • Pawleys Island, SC 29585 • Lakes-Litchfield.com • (843) 353-6040