African news, analysis and comment

African news, analysis and comment

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Removing Hamdok from power

in Sudan is a serious mistake

Desmond Davies

THE soldiers in Sudan are up

to their old tricks again. In

October, the army men who

were actually part of a power-sharing

civilian/military administration headed by

Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok decided

to grab power for themselves.

They did not even give Hamdok a

chance to show the Sudanese people what

he could do after 30 years of military

dictator Omar al Bashir who was ousted

in 2019. Hamdok was a Deputy Executive

Secretary and Chief Economist at the

Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)

in Addis Ababa when he was whisked

to Khartoum to head the post-al Bashir


This was a strategically sound move.

Having met him and interviewed him, I

know that he was a good choice as leader

of a rather jaded Sudan. A country that

had been battered from pillar to post by

the international community because of

human rights and war crimes issues.

Apart from that, after the independence

of South Sudan the country lost a huge

chunk of its territory and a massive

amount of oil reserves that went to the

South. But Hamdok was ready to take

up the challenge of reviving a moribund


As I write this, the negotiations are

continuing to resolve this rather unseemly

behaviour by the Sudanese soldiers. An act

that is so odious, even by their own base


Hamdok was the best thing to

happen to Sudan when he was asked

to become Prime Minister two years

ago. In 2016, I attended a conference

in Addis Ababa organised by Wilton

Park, a UK government-funded strategic

forum focusing on international security,

prosperity and justice. The meeting was

the second organised by Wilton Park on

peacebuilding in Africa.

Hamdok was there. He grabbed my

attention whenever he intervened during

the discussions. While the academics

present were skirting around the issues,

Hamdok was straight to the point. He

didn’t mince his words as he presented his

vision for a conflict-free and prosperous


I liked his ideas. So, when we had

a break, I asked him whether I could

interview him for my podcast, Talking

Africa, for the African Leadership Centre’s

Pan-African Radio, of which I am one of

the editors.

The 30-minute interview gave

Hamdok the chance to expand on the ideas

he had contributed during the conference.

It was a rich discussion.

Today, election is the name

of the game, and no coup can


Naturally, the issue of lifting Africans

out of poverty was my first question, given

his senior role at the ECA. I mentioned the

fact that at the turn of the century Africa

was recording five per cent economic

growth, which should at least help to lift

people out of poverty.

Hamdok agreed that it was a

“remarkable success”. But he was not sure

that this was making a difference to the

lives of ordinary Africans.

He told me that this growth “has

an extremely important challenge

to its quality. It has not addressed

issues of reducing poverty, addressing

unemployment. And in fact, in many

places it might have contributed to


Hamdok went on: “So what is

important for us moving forward is to

address the quality of this growth, in the

sense that we would like to see growth

that contributes jobs, particularly decent

jobs. And this can only happen if you

address this through industrialisation,

through value addition that would create

those decent jobs and embrace the broader

agenda of Africa’s transformation.”

On the issue of leadership in Africa,

Hamdok acknowledged it was “a key

factor in the development process…”,

adding: “We need, in Africa, leadership

that is committed, visionary; leadership

that has a project for society, where it takes

development as a key leading parameter,

and development becomes hegemonic in

the sense that society at large takes it and

runs with it.

“And in that sense, it transcends an

individual. So, once you lay the foundation

for this, and the nation takes off, then

it becomes a society project,” Hamdok


Yes, indeed, Hamdok is not one of the

many individualistic leaders in Africa who

do not know whether they are coming or

going. He recognised that development

in Africa would only be achieved when

members of society as a whole – especially

young people – are fully involved.

Hamdok wants youngsters in Africa

to be given space to prosper. “This is the

future of the continent. If you look around.

the average age of the leadership on this

continent is over 65, probably 70.

“This cannot take us anywhere. The

future of this continent is going to be led

by these young people So we have to

nurture them. We have to give them the

opportunity to develop,” Hamdok said,

adding that the youth had “very bright


It’s not surprising that it’s young

Sudanese who are leading the protests

against the rebellious soldiers. They would

do well to reinstate the ousted Prime


As Hamdok told me five years ago,

in the previous 30 years there was a

proliferation of military dictatorships in

Africa. This was no longer the case, he

added. “Today, election is the name of the

game, and no coup can survive.”

Let’s see what the soldiers do. AB


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