African news, analysis and comment

African news, analysis and comment

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as its candidate, Professor Chukwuma

Charles Soludo, a first-class brain and

former Governor of the Central Bank of

Nigeria. The People’s Democratic Party

(PDP) presented Mr. Valentine Ozigbo,

the immediate past President and CEO

of Transnational Corporation of Nigeria

(Transcorp), who took a First Class

Accounting/Business Administration

degree from the University of Nigeria

in 2000, and an MSc in Finance with

distinction from the Lancaster University,

United Kingdom in 2004.

There were 16 other candidates, a

good number of whom had benefitted

from substantial education. Spectacularly,

President Muhammadu Buhari’s All

Progressive Congress (APC) presented Mr.

Emmanuel Nnamdi Uba (mostly known as

Andy Uba) to govern Anambra State!

Anambra people were scandalised.

How could anyone deploy the blind to

lead the fully sighted? Andy Uba had

lived in the United States for over two

decades before a chance meeting with

Chief Olusegun Obasanjo impelled him

to wing his way back to Nigeria. But he

hit town without as much as an Ordinary

National Diploma (OND) which is, in

a manner of speaking, only a halfway

house to a first degree. In Anambra and

the Igbo country in general, only those

not completely together upstairs would

abandon the panoply and sumptuous

dishes of an Ozo title-taking ceremony

for a ritual in propitiation of Agwu – the

god of recklessness – that is performed

with the sacrificial blind or lame chick.

People wondered whether Anambra’s

Federally imposed orphanage had hit such

a dismal nadir for alien interests to be

trumpeting from the rooftops that its next

Governor must be a bloke whose School

Certificate the West African Examinations

Council (WAEC) had pronounced forged,

a fella who in the not too distant past flew

into America to the charge of currency

offences, and a chap whose sole distinction

as an upstart federal lawmaker was recordshattering

victories in sleeping matches

inside the chambers?

Well, as they say, the taste of the

pudding is in the eating! President Buhari

had, weeks earlier, announced in the

presence of his party’s grinning candidate

that he couldn’t wait to see him elected

as Anambra’s Governor! Anambra people

knew differently. They remembered

that in 2004, a rogue band had abducted

Anambra’s Governor Chris Ngige, razed

Government House in Awka, the state

capital, to the ground and proceeded

to incinerate the offices of the electoral

commission, the Anambra Broadcasting

Service, the state-owned Ikenga Hotel and

many other key buildings. They recalled

that the perpetrators of those treasonous

acts went scandalously unpunished. It was

not lost on them that, on account of that

atrocious development, Chinua Achebe

had rejected the national honour offered

him by President Obasanjo, declaiming

thus in an October 15, 2004 letter:

I write this letter with a very heavy

heart. For some time now I have watched

events in Nigeria with alarm and dismay.

I have watched particularly the chaos in

my own state of Anambra where a small

clique of renegades, openly boasting

its connections in high places, seems

determined to turn my homeland into

a bankrupt and lawless fiefdom. I am

appalled by the brazenness of this clique

and the silence, if not connivance, of the


The people knew that the name of

the candidate Abuja was impatient to see

inside Government House, Awka, was

linked to those described by Achebe as

“a small clique of renegades.” Election

morning dawned. And polling station after

polling station the people resolutely stood

their ground. They refused to forfeit their

franchise for a mess of porridge. Each

Anambra 2021 is a

rejected every entreaty to sell their vote for

filthy lucre worth no more than a carton of

noodles. They obstructed those minded to

“abduct” ballot boxes and falsify election

results. They said an overwhelming

NO Abuja’s candidate. They voted

overwhelmingly for Professor Soludo.

In retrospect, Anambra people could

not have acted otherwise. Days before

the ballot, there had been an election

debate by candidates of the APC, the

APGA and the PDP, the three leading

political parties. Through the hours of

that debate, the APC candidate played the

conspicuous spectator; he could barely

place what all the statistics being churned

out was about. The welter of allusions and

citations to international examples on good

governance, and the dire consequences

inherent on clueless political leadership

eluded him. He was a mere passenger,

riding wearily in a speeding vehicle

headed he knew not where.

The people were not impressed by

the man’s promise to connect them to

the politics of the Centre, as they found

repugnant any alignment to a Centre

quaking violently in the cesspit of the

corruption of nepotism, state application

of brute force and bankrupt and rudderless

leadership. They had for far too long been

subjected to the spite of the Centre, its

endless deceit, its treachery and double

standards, to now allow themselves to

be bamboozled by the voice of political

debauchery and its promises of the

meretricious. The so-called Centre

and its tentacles harboured the most

violent examples of terrorist activities,

kidnappings, decaying infrastructure,

unpaid salaries and pensions, festering

social dislocations and the interminable

shedding of innocent blood.

pointer to the presidential

ballot of 2023

’ Anambra 2021 is a pointer to the

presidential ballot of 2023. If this worthy

example of repudiating nonsense is

replicated, the much-vaunted Federal

Might will prove wholly incapable of

keeping in place a nightmare that, to begin

with, should have been obviated. AB


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