Beatty Secondary School Yearbook 2021

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Information and Communication

Technology Committee

As Andrew Barras aptly puts it, “Technology

in the classroom is not the end goal. Enabling

learning everywhere is the goal.”

In Beatty Secondary, we prescribe to the use of

technology in our classroom not because it is a

buzz word or trend. We use it because it helps

connect our students with the world which will

prepare them for the future.

This year saw an exciting roll out of ICT initiatives

– the expediting of the National Digital Literacy

Learning Programme (NDLP) brought forward

the implementation of the Personalised Digital

Learning Programme (PDLP) which allowed

Secondary One to Three students to receive their

Personal Learning Device (PLD). This has enabled

teachers to transform their mode of teaching for

better student engagement.

In preparation for the use of the PLDs for

learning, Secondary One to Three students went

through a series of workshops on how they can

use their devices and the adopted Microsoft (MS)

platform. Accessing, organising and sharing their

learning materials in virtual cloud drives, and

managing online calendars are just some skills

that students had to pick up.

The professional development of our staff

remains key to bringing about a shift to a

more participatory, connected and reflective

classroom. Staff training this year was focused

on helping teachers leverage the use of

students’ PLDs and the MS platform to better

communicate, connect and engage our students.

Teachers appreciated the ability to hear each

student’s voice unlike in a traditional classroom.

Students are also able to express their thoughts

and opinions via online platforms such as Padlet

and interactive thinking tools in Student Learning

Space (SLS).

I am now able to ‘see’ my friends’ ideas

and learn from them when my teacher

shares all our responses using Pear Deck.

This has helped me to sharpen my own

understanding of concepts.

Jayashree, 1E2

It is our hope that by using technology, teachers

can bring the textbook to life, connect our

students to their peers and be experts in their

respective disciplines, thus enabling them to be

independent; self-directed learners.


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