TK-0006 - Beachbum Berry Remixed, Jeff Berry

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The Beachcomber’s Gold is a shining example of how difficult it can be to arrive

at the definitive version of a Donn Beach recipe. For years we couldn’t find any of

his recipes at all, but now we have the opposite problem: different Beachcomber’s

recipes for the same drink, gathered from different sources, all of which are certifiably

authentic. Authentic, yes. But definitive? Turns out that when it comes to

Don The Beachcomber’s, there often is no definitive recipe: Donn kept changing

his recipes over the years, and the ones he didn’t change, subsequent owners of the

Beachcomber’s franchise changed for him. Case in point: the Beachcomber’s Gold,

a little cocktail that gives us a big headache.

The Beachcomber’s Gold recipe we printed in the original Grog Log was given

to us by rum collector Stephen Remsberg, who got it from a bartender at the Chicago

Don The Beachcomber’s back in the early 1970s. The Grog Log went to press

in 1998; three years later, Donn Beach’s widow, Phoebe

Beach, and her co-author Arnold Bitner published Hawaii

Tropical Drinks & Cuisine By Don The Beachcomber, which

had a Beachcomber’s Gold recipe markedly different from

ours. Complicating matters further, in 2005 we got our

hands on two Don The Beachcomber’s recipe notebooks

that belonged to guys who’d actually worked there:

Dick Santiago, whose notebook dated from 1937, and

Hank Riddle, whose notebook included drink prices

that placed his recipes in the late 1950s. Although

20 years apart, both notebooks listed the exact same


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