VL - Issue 42 - January 2022

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ONE SWIFT KICK. The frustration of the last ten months had<br />

come to a head, and with all the patience of a three-year-old, I<br />

took it out on the side of the tub. But tubs are unforgiving. Almost<br />

immediately, my ankle swelled in shades of blue and purple, and<br />

soon, I couldn’t bear any weight on that foot. For the next two<br />

days, I hobbled around, painfully aware that my heart needed<br />

fixing more than my ankle.<br />

I’d been wandering a wilderness of isolation and waiting after<br />

moving from a small town I loved to a large city. I knew God had<br />

led us to move, but the months spent looking for a new church,<br />

new house, new everything had taken their toll. I missed my<br />

friends and longed to be settled. The lease on our rental was<br />

expiring, our furniture was in storage, and I missed the permanence<br />

of a home of our own.<br />

Maybe you’ve experienced a wilderness of isolation without<br />

friends, family, or a church home. Maybe you’ve endured a wilderness<br />

of waiting long past your timeline despite your prayers.<br />

Or maybe you’re in a wilderness right now of deep pain or grief<br />

after your life shattered around you.<br />

When we’re in the wilderness, we want out quick. But focusing<br />

on getting out can make us miss the lessons God has for us there.<br />

Wilderness circumstances feel barren, but they can be spiritually<br />

rich. Here are some truths to remember when you find yourself<br />

in the wilderness.<br />

God provides in the wilderness. If God leads you to it, you can<br />

trust He will provide for you there. He led the Israelites into the<br />

wilderness. He led David, Elijah, and even Jesus there too. But<br />

God never left them to fend for themselves. He provided manna<br />

for Israel, safety for David, and meat and bread for Elijah. And<br />

after Jesus fasted 40 days in the wilderness, God sent angels to<br />

care for him. God will provide for you there, too.<br />

God reveals His character in the wilderness. When Hagar<br />

fled to the desert after being mistreated and rejected, God appeared<br />

to her. She called Him “the God who sees me” (Genesis<br />

16:13 NIV). When Moses was in the wilderness, God appeared<br />

to him, revealing Himself as the “I am; the Lord” (Exodus 6:2–3<br />

NIV). At various times, God revealed Himself to the Hebrews as<br />

the Bread of Heaven, the Living Water, the Holy One, the Law<br />

Giver, and the Rock.<br />

On Mt. Sinai, God revealed himself as, “The Lord, the Lord, the<br />

compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love<br />

and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving<br />

wickedness, rebellion and sin” (Exodus 34:6 NIV). Don’t miss the<br />

ways God reveals Himself to you in the wilderness.<br />

The wilderness is a place of preparation, not permanence.<br />

God doesn’t park us in the desert places of life forever. He uses<br />

them to prepare us for where He is leading us next. This pattern<br />

occurs repeatedly in the Bible. God led the Israelites into the wilderness<br />

to make them a nation, give them His law, and show them<br />

how to worship, in order to prepare them for the Promised Land.<br />

God led Jesus into the wilderness where Jesus fasted and<br />

prayed for 40 days and was tempted before beginning His public<br />

ministry. Paul spent three hidden years in the desert before<br />

launching into his evangelical missionary journeys. What is God<br />

preparing you for?<br />

The wilderness is never meant to harm you; it’s meant to<br />

form you. Deuteronomy 8:15–16 NIV says, “He led you through<br />

the vast and dreadful wilderness, that thirsty and waterless land,<br />

with its venomous snakes and scorpions…to humble and test you<br />

so that in the end it might go well with you” (emphasis added).<br />

God always intends it to go well with us. Don’t do as I did and<br />

kick against the wilderness places. God already has a good end<br />

in mind. As you wait, get to know Him in new ways, trust His<br />

provision, and get prepared for what He has in store. And when<br />

He reveals that next step, take it. You are not alone.<br />

LISA APPELO is a speaker, writer, and Bible teacher who inspires women<br />

to deepen their faith in grief and find hope in the hard. Formerly a litigating<br />

attorney, her days are now filled with parenting seven children, ministering,<br />

writing, speaking, and running enough to justify lots of dark chocolate. Find<br />

Lisa’s encouragement for faith, grief, and hope at LisaAppelo.com.<br />


<strong>Issue</strong> 01 / <strong>2022</strong><br />


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