Lone Survivor_ The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 ( PDFDrive )

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Somehow you find yourself able to breathe in pure oxygen, but the only way

you can breathe out is through your nose. A lot of guys find the cascade of

bubbles across their faces extremely disconcerting. Then the instructors

disconnect your airline completely and put a knot in it. And you must try to get

your inhalation and exhalation lines reconnected. If you don’t or can’t even try,

you’re gone. You need a good lungful of air before this starts, then you need to

feel your way blind to the knot in the line behind your back and start unraveling

it. You can more or less tell by the feel if it’s going to be impossible, what the

instructors call a whammy. Then you run the flat edge of your hand across your

throat and give the instructor the thumbs-up. That means “I’m never going to get

that knot undone, permission to go to the surface.” At that point, they cease

holding you down and let you go up. But you better be right in your assessment

of that knot.

In my case, I decided too hastily that the knot in my line was impossible,

gave them the signal, ditched my tanks over my shoulder, and floated up to the

surface. But the instructors decided the knot was nothing like impossible and

that I had bailed out of a dangerous situation. Failed.

I had to go and sit in a line in front of the poolside wall. It would have been a

line of shame, except there were so many of us. I was instructed to take the test

again, and I did not make the mistake the second time. Undid the sonofabitch

knot and passed pool comp.

Several of my longtime comrades failed, and I felt quite sad. Except you

can’t be a SEAL if you can’t keep your nerve underwater. As one of the

instructors said to me that week, “See that guy in some kind of a panic over

there? There’s confusion written all over him. You might have your life in his

hands one day, Marcus, and we cannot, will not, allow that to happen.”

Pool comp is the hardest one of all to pass, just because we all spent so much

time in the water and right now had to prove we had the potential to be true

SEALs, guys to whom the water was always a sanctuary.

It must not be a threat or an obstacle but a place where we alone could

survive. Some of the instructors had known many of us for a long time and

desperately wanted us to pass. But the slightest sign of weakness in pool

competency, and they wouldn’t take the chance.

Those of us who did stay moved on to phase three. With a few rollbacks

coming in, we were twenty-one in number. It was winter now in the Northern

Hemisphere, early February, and we prepared for the hard slog of the land

warfare course. That’s where they turn us into navy commandos.

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