Lone Survivor_ The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 ( PDFDrive )

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were adults and kids, all mixed up, and they were all yelling the same thing —

“Parachute! Parachute! Parachute! Dr. Marcus, come quick!”

I made my way outside, aching to high heaven all the way. I resolved to have

another shot of that opium soon as I returned, but for now it was all eyes upward,

straight at the clear blue, cloudless skies. What could we see? Nothing.

Whatever had landed was down, and I stood there trying to make them

understand I needed to know if there had been a man on the end of that

parachute, and if so, how many parachutes there had been. Was this a drop zone

for my buddies to come right in and get me?

The upshot of this was also nothing. The tribesmen simply could not

understand me. The kids, who I detected were the ones who had actually spotted

the parachute, or parachutes, were just as mystified. All the hours of study we

had done together had come to nothing.

There was a sudden conference, and most of the adults upped and left. I went

back in. They returned maybe fifteen minutes later and brought with them all my

gear, which they had hidden away from the eyes of the Taliban. They gave me

back my rifle and ammunition, my H-gear (that’s my harness), and in its pocket,

my PRC-148 intersquad radio, the one for which I’d lost the little microphone

earpiece. It still had its weakish battery and its still-operational emergency


I was aware that if I grabbed the bull by the horns and went right outside and

let rip with this communications gear, I would once more be a living, breathing

distress signal, which the Americans might catch from a cruising helo. On the

other hand, the Taliban, hidden all around in the hills, could scarcely miss me. I

found this a bit of a dilemma.

But the rearmament guys of Sabray also brought me my laser and the

disposable camera. I grabbed my rifle and held it like you might caress a

returning lover. This was the weapon God had granted me. And, so far as I could

tell, still wanted me to have. We’d traveled a long way together, and I probably

deserved some kind of an award for mountain climbing, maybe the Grand Prix

Hindu Kush presented to Sherpa Marcus. Sorry, forget all that, I meant mountain

falling, the Grand Prix Hindu Crash, awarded unanimously to Sherpa Marcus the


Outside, I put on my harnesss, locked and loaded the rifle, and prepared for

whatever the hell might await us. But with my harness back, I was not yet done

with the kids. That harness contained my notebook, and we had access to the

village ballpoint pen.

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