Lone Survivor_ The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 ( PDFDrive )

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the SEAL skipper, Commander Kent Pero, who was accompanied by my doctor,

Colonel Carl Dickens.

He came with me in the van, Commander Pero, a very high-ranking SEAL

officer who had always remembered my first name, ever since the day we first

met. He sat beside me, gripping my arm, asking me how I was. I recall telling

him, “Yes, sir, I’m fine.”

But then I heard him say, “Marcus.” And he shook his head. And I noticed

this immensely tough character, my boss’s boss, had tears streaming down his

face, tears of relief, I think, that I was alive. It’s funny, but it was the first time in

so long that I was with someone who really cared about me, the first time since

Mikey and Axe and Danny had died.

And I found it overwhelming, and I broke down right there in the van, and

when I pulled myself together, Commander Pero was asking me if there was

anything I needed, because no matter what it was, he would get it.

“Yes, sir,” I replied, drying my eyes on the sheet. “Do you think I could get a


The moment I was secured in Bagram, they made news of my rescue

available. I had been in the hands of the U.S. military for some hours, but I know

the navy did not want anyone to start celebrating until I was well and truly safe.

The call went around the world like a guided missile: Bagram — Bahrain —

SATCOM to SPECWARCOM, Coronado — direct phone link to the ranch.

The regular call had come in on time at around one that afternoon, and they

were expecting another “no news” update at four. But now the phone rang at

three. Early. And according to my dad, when Chief Gothro came outside and

walked through the crowd to collect my mom, telling her there was a call from

Coronado, she almost fainted. In her mind, there could be only one possible

reason for the call, and that was the death of her little angel (that’s me).

Chief Gothro half carried her into the house, and when they arrived at the

bedroom where the phone was installed, the first thing she saw was Morgan and

my other brother, Scottie, with their arms around each other, sobbing

uncontrollably. Everyone thought they knew the military. There could be only

one reason for the early call. They’d found my body on the mountain.

Chief Gothro walked my mom to the phone and informed her that whatever

it was, she had to face it. A voice came down the line and demanded, “Chief, is

the family assembled?”


“Mr. and Mrs. Luttrell?”

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