Lone Survivor_ The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 ( PDFDrive )

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while I was prostrate on the floor supporting myself with the palms of my hands,

I can’t say verbatim the exact words he said, but I bet I can come damn close.

“This is a school for warriors, understand? This is the most serious business

there is. And if you don’t want to do it, then get the hell out right now.”

Christ. He was not joking, and I just hoped to hell he knew who had pencil

and paper and who didn’t. Months later I reminded him of that day and asked

him. “Of course I knew,” he said, adjusting his sunglasses. “It was your first test.

I had the names of the guys who paid attention written down before you’d done

your first twenty. And I still remember you were on that list.”

Anyway, that first morning, we did another couple of sets of push-ups and

somehow gasped out a loud Hooyah, Instructor Reno! And then he let us sit

down again.

What followed was probably the most stern lecture in SEAL ethos and ethics

I’ve ever attended. I did take notes, and I recall everything he told us, and I’ll try

to relate it as I believe Reno would wish.

“This is high-risk training. And we define that as anywhere there is potential

for serious injury or loss of life. Any of you see anything unsafe, or any situation

where you may be in unnecessary danger, speak up immediately. We do not like

mistakes, understand me?”


“Always remember your own accountability, to yourselves, your superiors,

and your teammates. The chain of command is sacred. Use it. Keep your boatcrew

leaders and your class leaders informed of any digression from the normal.

And stay with your swim buddy. I don’t care if you’re going to the head, you

stay right with him. Understood?”


“Respect. I expect you to show complete respect for the instructor staff, the

class officers, and the senior petty officers. You are in the military. You will be

courteous at all times. Understood?”


“Integrity, gentlemen. You don’t lie, cheat, or steal. Ever. You lose an item of

gear, you put in a chit and report it. You do not take someone else’s gear. I won’t

pretend that has not happened here in the past. Because it has. But those guys

were instantly finished. Their feet never touched the ground. They were gone.

That day. You will respect your classmate. And his gear. You do not take what is

not yours. Understood?”


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