Lone Survivor_ The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 ( PDFDrive )

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around us, just about as far as you can see in any direction, there’s pasture,

studded with huge oak trees and grazing animals. It’s a peaceful place for a Godfearing


Right from kids, Morgan and I were brought up to believe in the Lord. We

weren’t compelled to go to church or anything, and to this day the family are not

churchgoers. In fact, I’m the only one who does go to church on a somewhat

regular basis. On Sunday mornings when I’m home, I drive over to the Catholic

church, where people know me. I was not baptized a Catholic, but it suits me, its

beliefs and doctrines sit easily with me. Since I was young, I have always been

able to recite the Twenty-third Psalm and several others from beginning to end.

Also, I thought the late Pope John Paul was the holiest man in the world, an

uncompromising Vicar of Christ, a man whose guidelines were unshakable.

Tough old guy, John Paul. A lot too tough for the Russians. I’ve always thought

if he hadn’t been a vicar, he’d have made a good Navy SEAL.

Down home, in our quiet backwoods area, it looks like an untroubled life.

There are a few minor irritants, most of those being snakes. However, Dad

taught us how to deal with them long ago, especially the coral snakes and those

copperhead vipers. There’s also rattlesnakes, eastern diamondbacks, and king

snakes, which eat the others. In the local lake you can find the occasional water

moccasin, and he is one mean little sonofabitch. He’ll chase you, and while I

don’t much like ’em, I’m not scared of them. Morgan goes after them as a sport,

likes to hustle ’em up, keep ’em alert.

A mile or so up the road from us, there’s a mighty herd of Texas longhorns.

Beyond the house there’s a half dozen paddocks for my mom’s horses, some of

them belonging to her, others boarders from other people.

People send horses to her for her near-mystical power to bring sick or weak

animals back to full fighting form. No one knows how she does it. She’s plainly

a horse whisperer. But she has some special ways of feeding them, including, for

a certain type of ailing racehorse, some kind of a seaweed concoction she swears

to God can turn a cow pony into Secretariat. Sorry, Mom. Didn’t mean that. Just


Seriously, Holly Luttrell is a brilliant horsewoman. And she does turn horses

that seem very poorly into gleaming, healthy runners again. I guess that’s why

those horses keep on coming. She can only cope with about ten at a time, and

she’s out there in the barn at five every morning looking after them. If you take

the time, you can see the effect she has on them, the very obvious results of her

very obvious skills.

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