Lone Survivor_ The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 ( PDFDrive )

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men quit.

Then the instructors came up with something new and improved. They made

us carry the boats over the O-course and manhandle them over the goddamned

obstacles. Another man quit. We were down to forty-six.

Right then we switched to rock portage and charged back down the beach to

get the IBS into the water. We crashed through the light incoming waves like

professionals and paddled like hell, using the remnants of our strength, to the

rocks opposite the Hotel del Coronado. My swim buddy, Matt McGraw, was

calling the shots in our boat by now, and we drove forward, crashed straight into

the rocks, and the bowline man leaped for his life and grabbed on to the painter.

We steadied the boat with the oars, and I thought we were doing real good.

Suddenly the instructor, standing up on the top of the rocks right there at

damned near two o’clock in the morning, bellowed at our crew officer, “You!

You, sir. You just killed your entire squad! Stop getting between the boat and the


We hauled the boat out of the water, over the rocks, and onto the sand. The

instructor gave us two sets of push-ups and sent us back the way we came. Twice

more we assaulted the rocks, slowly and clumsily, I suppose, and the instructor

never stopped yelling his freakin’ head off at us. In the end we had to run the

boat back along the beach, drop it, and get right back into the surf for flutter

kicks with heads and shoulders in the water, then push-ups in the surf. Then situps.

Two more men quit.

These DORs happened right next to me. And I distinctly heard the instructor

give them another chance, asking them if they wanted to reconsider. If so, they

were welcome to press on and get back in the water.

One of them wavered. Said he might, if the other guy would join him. But

the other guy wasn’t having it. “I’m done with this shit,” he said, “and I’m outta


They both quit together. And the instructor looked like he could not give a

flying fuck. I later learned that when a man quits and is given another chance

and takes it, he never makes it through. All the instructors know that. If the

thought of DOR enters a man’s head, he is not a Navy SEAL.

I guess that element of doubt forever pollutes his mind. And puffing,

sweating, and steaming down there on that beach on the first night of Hell Week,

I understood it.

I understood it, because that thought could never have occurred to me. Not

while the sun still rises in the east. All the pain in Coronado could not have

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