Lone Survivor_ The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 ( PDFDrive )

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And all the time, he was screaming, calling out my name, begging me to help

him live. And there was nothing I could do except die with him. Even then, with

only a couple of magazines left, I still believed I could nail these fuckers in the

turbans and somehow save him and Axe. I just wanted Mikey to stop screaming,

for his agony to end.

But every few seconds, he cried out for me again. And every time it

happened, I felt like I’d been stabbed. There were tears welling uncontrollably

out of my eyes, not for the first time on this day. I would have done anything for

Mikey, I’d have laid down my own life for him. But my death right here in this

outcrop of rocks was not going to save him. If I could save him, it would be by

staying alive.

And then, as suddenly as it began, the screaming stopped. There was silence

for a few seconds, as if even these Taliban warriors understood that Mikey had

died. I moved slightly forward and looked up there, in time to see four of them

come down and fire several rounds into his fallen body.

The screaming had stopped. For everyone except me. I still hear Mikey,

every night. I still hear that scream above all other things, even above the death

of Danny Dietz. For several weeks I thought I might be losing my mind, because

I could never push it aside. There were one or two frightening occasions when I

heard it in broad daylight and found myself pressed against a wall, my hands

covering my ears.

I always thought these kinds of psychiatric problems were suffered by other

people, ordinary people, not by Navy SEALs. I now know the reality of them. I

also doubt whether I will ever sleep through the night again.

Danny was dead. Mikey was now dead. And Axe was dying. Right now

there were two of us, but only just. I resolved to walk down to where Axe was

hiding and to die there with him. There was, I knew, unlikely to be a way out.

There were still maybe fifty of the enemy, perhaps by now hunting only me.

It took me nearly ten minutes, firing back behind me sporadically to try to

pin them down...just in case. I was firing on the wild chance that there was a shot

at survival, that somehow Mikey’s phone call might yet have the guys up here in

time for a last-ditch rescue.

When I reached Axe, he was sitting in a hollow, and he’d fixed a temporary

bandage on the side of his head. I stared at him, wondering where those cool

blue eyes of his had gone. The eyes in which I could now see my own reflection

were blood black, the sockets filled from the terrible wound in his skull.

I smiled at him because I knew we would not walk this way again, at least

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