Lone Survivor_ The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 ( PDFDrive )

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frighten me. My village is well armed, and we have our own laws and rights. The

Taliban need our support a lot more than we need theirs.

He was a gallant and confident man, at least on the surface. But I noticed he

took no chances when there was any kind of suggestion the Taliban were coming

in. I guess that’s why we ended up sleeping on the roof.

Also, he had not the slightest interest in a reward. I offered to give him my

watch in return for his unending decency to me. I implored him to take my

watch, because it was all I had to offer. But he always refused to accept it. As for

money, what use could that have been to him? There was nothing to spend it on.

No shops, the nearest town miles and miles away, a journey that had to be made

on foot.

A couple of the sneering kids did ask for money, teenagers, maybe sixteen-or

seventeen-year-olds. But they were planning to join the Taliban and leave

Sabray, to fight for “freedom.” Gulab told me he had no intention of leaving

here. And I understood that. He was part of the fabric of the village. One day he

would be the village elder. His family would grow up here. It was all he had ever

known, all he had ever wanted. This very beautiful corner of the Hindu Kush

was where he belonged. What use was money to Mohammad Gulab of Sabray?

The last of the kids had left my room, and I was lying there contemplating

the world, when there was a kick on the door that nearly took it off its hinges. No

one kicks a door in quite like that except a Taliban raiding party. That was all I

could imagine. But around here, where doors don’t fit, a good bang with your

sandal is about the only way to get the sonofabitch open, short of a full-blooded

shoulder charge.

But the sudden shock of a door being kicked in about five feet from your

head is a nerve-racking experience. And I’m neurotic about it to this day.

Because the sound of the crash on the door is the sound I heard before I was

tortured. It sometimes dominates my dreams. I wake up sweating, a tremendous

crash echoing in my mind. And no matter where I am, I need to check the door

lock before I can sleep again. It’s pretty goddamned inconvenient at times.

Anyway, this was not the Taliban. It was just my own guys opening the door,

which must have been shut firmly by the kids. I restarted my heart, and my room

stayed kind of quiet until midmorning, when the door catapulted open with a

violent bang! that shook the goddamned mountain, never mind the room. And

once more I almost jumped out of my Afghan jumpsuit. And this time they were

shouting at me. I could not understand what, but something had broken out,

things were on the move. Jesus Christ! I had to steady this group down. There

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